You see Lord Banthis Verist the Half-Elf Ranger.
He appears to be in his 360's, has short, wavy sandy blond hair, hazel eyes, and tanned skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a burlap sack, and a white pin that reads, "Save The Sea Thrak".
Banthis waves frantically.
Banthis exclaims, "here!"
Banthis exclaims, "ooh pick me!"
Banthis says, "oh wait.. I'm running this thing."
Banthis says, "Okay on three hold yer breath... getting ready to quiet the room."
Banthis grins.
Banthis calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Banthis says, "Okay I have a few things to say first before opening the question box..."
Banthis exclaims, "First off, welcome to the missile weapons forum. Here we'll delve into some of the questions people have been asking such as, "Why the heck would you give up yer shield just to throw darts at someone with a bowed piece of wood?!"
Banthis says, "Also I'll be covering some important information on aiming, some adjustments to the current system, and the introduction of thrown weapons."
Banthis says, "First off, I'd like to announce that I'll soon have a website available that is intended to provide a single point of distribution of information such as key articles regarding implementation, design issues, and overall oddities involving GemStone."
Banthis says, "That url will be announced tomorrow during Lyredaen's Bard Forum, along with the URL to her site, and some interesting information with regard to future GameMaster web projects."
Banthis says, "Ok..."
Banthis says, "I'm sure everyone's interesting in hearing about missile weapon aiming. I do have a bit of information for you..."
Banthis says, "In summary, the ability to aim a missile weapon, be it bow, crossbow, or thrown, will entail using the AIM utility verb."
Banthis says, "That verb will allow you to set your aiming "preference" for all future shots. For instance.."
Banthis says, ""AIM right leg" will send all future shots to the right leg if that body part is available and provided you pass a skill check. More on skill requirements in a bit."
Banthis says, "There may be instances where the body part is unavailable however. If that is the case, the aimed shot currently maps to a random target on the body."
Banthis says, "To help aid in the process, I will also modify the FIRE and THROW verbs to allow you to temporarily remove your aiming preference so the shot will map randomly. If you want to aim your shots to a new target location however, you must use the AIM verb."
Banthis says, "Skill requirements for aiming:"
Banthis says, "Currently I am using a model that requires ambush and perception as the base to determine raw skill. When the target is hidden, he will be using both ambush and perception to determine that value."
Banthis says, "When he or she is in the open, perception will be used only."
Banthis says, "This will be a calculation of RANKS, not skill value."
Banthis says, "Once skill ranks are determined, we then check several factors, such as spell effects existing on the target and shooter both. Some examples..."
Banthis says, "Negative effects on the shooter: Sounds, Forget, Airwall, Bladeturn, Holding Song."
Banthis says, "Positives: Self Control, Disarm, Nature's Touch"
Banthis says, "For the target, we also have modifiers... I won't go into too much detail here, but some include: Blur, Elemental Deflection, Airwall, and others."
Banthis says, "A side note: where I am skipping some things tonight due to time constraints, there will be a much larger amount of information available on the web site."
Banthis says, "After spell effects we have room conditions. Terrain will be a big factor here.. a wide open terrain will aid the aiming attempt. A wooded, rocky, or otherwise mountainous terrain will hinder the attempt. More chances of things to get in the way and whatnot."
Banthis says, "Target size is another factor. Bigger the target, the easier it gets. Smaller the target the harder it becomes. Note that this has nothing to do with shooter size."
Banthis says, "A barn is a barn nor matter how tall YOU are."
Banthis says, "We also have some stats coming into play. Disclipline and Reflexes currently. Some calculation of the stat bonus will be added to the equation."
Banthis says, "That's the basics of aiming. The answer to the obvious, "So when do we get it?" is a bit difficult. The system is pretty much code complete. It's in and working in our development system, however I am re-thinking some key components, namely the curve of the base skill requirements. Basically I want to get the system tuned in such a way that we do not have a clear winner classwise in the aim race."
Banthis says, "I am also thinking of rolling in some changes to the hiding requirements for remaining hidden while firing. Currently the model requires a large amount of skill value to succeed 100% of the time [minimum failures apply]..."
Banthis says, "That model may change to a sliding scale based on who else is in the room with you. In other words, SKILL will still be required, however the number, level, and perception of the targets you're firing at may come into play more rather than just raw skill value."
Banthis says, "As well as room conditions."
Banthis checks his notes.
Banthis says, "Okay I think I can open the box at this point and take your questions..."
Banthis takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Banthis says, "Saltstone says, 'I have a question about the lack of ability of aiming to affect crit is rather involved and if I could have the floor for a second I could explain more clearly. Thanks.'"
Banthis says, "k but be brief if you can..."
Banthis nods to Saltstone, who stands up to address the assembly.
Saltstone says, "Thanks"
Banthis smiles.
Saltstone says, "My question involves the lack of any increase in crits from aiming a missle weapon and how this will lead to huge problems for an archer at later ages. "
Saltstone says, "Essentially, at young ages the AS bonus from easily enchanted bow/arrow combinations and the AS bonus from kneeling will help to counter the lack of any ability to increase crit ranks. but not later"
Saltstone says, "Contrast a 50 year old ambushing rogue vs an archer rogue as an example."
Saltstone says, "At age 50 the ambusher will have a bonus to his AS up to +50 from CM, and will likely be using simularly enchanted weapons, countering all AS advantage of the archer."
Saltstone says, "In addition the ambusher will be using a crit weighted blade with a higher DF then an arrow, and further be able to increase his crit rank dramaticly via ambush skill."
Saltstone asks, "As creatures get tweaked to provide an challenge to the ambusher (more crit ranks, heavier armor, etc...), how do you plan to keep the archer viable without giving him simular abilities?"
Saltstone says, "That's it, thanks"
Having finished addressing the assembly Saltstone sits back down.
Banthis says, "We're addressing several things with regard to combat that will help..."
Banthis says, "First, as you may know we're examining the benefits of ambush and how it relates to our current creature defense matrix."
Banthis says, "The problems inherent in our combat system that have CAUSED the proliferation of creature tweaks will slowly be phased into a system that is more well rounded. This will take a very large amount of time however, but several things can be done rather quickly to help ensure viability among all combat types..."
Banthis says, "One would be the modification of creatures at higher levels to have reduced RT's versus missile weapons. This does exist today in at least one creature, and will soon exist in more."
Banthis says, "Secondly, the reduction of creature Hit Point maximums needs a very serious examination. Designers have steadily increased the HPMax of a creature wrongly thinking that it's helping and it has not been."
Banthis says, "hmm"
Banthis glances up...
Banthis says, "One would be the modification of creatures at higher levels to have reduced Defensive Strength's [was RT's for some reason] versus missile weapons. This does exist today in at least one creature, and will soon exist in more."
Banthis coughs.
Banthis says, "Meant DS up there"
Banthis says, "Since ambush currently raises crit rank so high, there's no reason to also increase HP if we're adjusting crit protection of the creature at the same time. Too many variables dealt with."
Banthis says, "Anyways I'll move on so we can get to more questions.."
Banthis says, "Aurec says, 'You mentioned that the stat bonus of Discipline and Reflexes will factor into the equation. Elves are historically incredibly good archers, but they have practically no discipline. Wouldn't that be an odd disadvantage to the elf?'"
Banthis says, "Elves are stereotypically incredibly good archers.. I wouldn't call that an historical fact. However..."
Banthis says, "While I don't want to see one single class or race dominate the skill of ranged or thrown weapons, I also see the problem regarding stat bonuses. Honestly I haven't seen it as a major factor given all the other positive bonuses available. The pluses definitely outweigh the negatives in this system. Since I am not increasing crit rank, I am less concerned with a large amount of passed skill checks."
Banthis says, "Mannimark says, 'Three questions. Will berserking be fixed for the strength reduction? 2)Will you place the crossbow in the right hand for firing so that we don't have to take 4 steps to shoot?, 3)By having most of the older undead immune to puncture wounds, you take the voln aspect out of archery. Will that be changed?'"
Banthis says, "The berserking "bug" is still on my plate. I just haven't gotten around to fixing it. It's due to be looked at."
Banthis says, "The crossbow issue is something I really hadn't thought of. I don't remember it coming up on the boards either actually. I will ponder that some more."
Banthis says, "The puncture problem is something that is on both Aephir's plate and mine. We fully intend to reduce if not eliminate the inherent puncture immunity to all undead. We don't quite see the reasoning other than to reduce critical messaging that involves "blood and gore" that wouldn't necessarily be pouring out of an undead creature."
Banthis says, "To solve this problem, we will build critical messaging that is more generic to location and less specific with "blood" or other messaging that might make one think the target is alive."
Banthis says, "once that is complete, the puncture immunities will be dropped for most every creature that has them, except for those that puncture immunity was likely intended for other reasons."
Banthis says, "Although off the top of my head I can't think of any examples..."
Banthis says, "For some live ones, I can think of skayl, some of the elementals, steel golems, etc."
Banthis says, "but not on such a grand scale as they are with the undead."
Banthis says, "Trevic says, 'I've always wanted to be able to grab a dagger out of a hidden pocket and throw it at my opponent, quite deadly regardless of the fact that it's a dagger, would make them useful again. What will it be like? Maybe you have a preview?<g>'"
Banthis says, "I'm sorry I have no preview for thrown weapons, however they will be a reality in fairly short order. If you're a student of GMSpeak(tm) that means within a few months."
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis says, "Once Aiming is released, I'll be able to release thrown weapons under the same aiming rules, so I won't have to do that system twice."
Banthis says, "So Thrown weapons will include the ability to aim right out of the box, so to speak."
Banthis says, "Clunk says, 'can i 'toss' smooth stones? and make'm 'skip' o'er water, like useta in cavernhold?'"
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "That sounds like a fun thing to do with stones finally, instead of that incredbile experience modifier we coded into them a few years back."
Banthis stares off into space.
Banthis says, "Smooth stones would also make excellent sling ammo... or will I should say."
Banthis says, "Taz says, 'how will breakage affect ranged weapon users? should we realistically expect our weapons to be broken during a melee combat? is there anything we can do about it. And what about the severe hits we will always recieve when sniping fails. Will that destroy our precious armor?'"
Banthis says, "I've been pondering breakage lately. Initially I had not thought that bows would fall under breakage rules, due to the fact that there is no "weapon clash" so to speak. However.."
Banthis says, "I can see the use of a wear and tear system with regard to bow strings, or crossbow um.. mechanisms that may require upkeep. The "snap" of a string while pulling back on the bow might be an indicator of "breakage" with the bow, however the repair of that would be incredibly simple. Restring it. You WOULD however have the minor inconvenience of being out in front of a creature without a weapon other than the now straight bow. You could then swap hands and bludgeon the critter if you happened to know how to use a staff."
Banthis says, "That's just a thought off the top of my head tho. I really have no plans for ranged weapons and breakage."
Banthis says, "Songowl says, 'lets say you have an archer who trains in perception, but not in ambush. Would this archer's ability to aim be any less while hidden than in the open?'"
Banthis says, "Currently no. This presents a problem however mathematically. One that I have not had the time to solve. The benefit to you however is that you would not have to train ambush one bit if you were not going to ever use a melee weapon. However it doesn't seem to make "sense" that aiming from hidden without ambush skill should be an equal possibibility as being very perceptive."
Banthis says, "Krazy says, 'I was wondering if maybe, special arrows would be sold. Not just the crit ones, but also stuff such as... hmm.. net-tipped ones (that say, maybe bind the target), or flares that shoot a flare such as 111. Perhaps sold in god auctions or such.'"
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "We're always looking at interesting things to do with the missiles. If you have suggestions feel free to send them to me at [email protected] and I'll look at them next time I am thinking about an archerly merchant."
Banthis says, "Oxley says, 'Thanks for these forums, Banthis. A great way to spread upcoming projects. :) My question is: Exactly (if you would) how much will weapon size and balancing play in thrown weapons? Secondly, will we see merchants or perhaps guild skills (ranger?) become sources of 'balanced' weapons? Thanks for your time =)'"
Banthis says, "Many weapons will not be hurlable at all. In fact most are not. Size will play a part in the roundtime of a thrown weapon but at this time that system is so new I couldn't give you too many details without totally reversing myself about 5 times in the future."
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis says, "The concept of adding "balance" to a weapon to make it hurlable sounds like an excellent idea however. We're working on implementing the forging skill, and to that I'd eventually like to add all sorts of weapon making. One step at a time I guess."
Banthis says, "Vykain says, 'Hey, why not make a use for them small stones and create slings? That'd be kinda fun, don't'cha think?'"
Banthis points up.
Banthis says, "Yep."
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "Aquafire says, 'my question would be shouldnt warriors get a bonus for throwing basically because of there raw power and rough build?'"
Banthis says, "I don't like to do straight class bonuses other than the inherent "bonus" we've placed into the skill training costs. The use of skill value [usually in the form of ranks] and other conditions such as those I named for aiming, will be the primary factor."
Banthis says, "Shaalnor says, 'Will bows be made available that impart different effects on the arrows fired? (i.e., analogous to crit or damage weighting)'"
Banthis says, "Ah..."
Banthis says, "yes something I forgot."
Banthis says, "I am thinking of some other benefits to bows in terms of magical ability. Imagine a bow that might guide you into finding the target's eye more often? Or a crossbow that requires a bit more strength to crank but imparts extra damage? "
Banthis says, "The possibilities are all there. We just need more interested GM's than just me I guess. I have less and less time for my own development lately."
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis says, "Origyn says, ''this is a missile forum. Please let us know the different types of missiles.'"
Banthis says, "Arrows, bolts, slings, certain small bladed weapons [daggers, and the like], certain axes [hatchets, etc.], loaves of bread."
Banthis nods.
Banthis says, "er.. spears."
Banthis says, "stuff like spears."
Banthis nods.
Banthis says, "Marinse says, 'Will we see anything in the bowyers backroom anytime soon?'"
Banthis says, "Yes. The bowyer's backrooms in all the towns were forgotten it seems. Out of sight.... I'll be examining their inventories, or lack thereof, in short order."
Banthis says, "Brixe says, 'Banthis will bows be changed so they can be worn rather than stuffed into a backpack or cloak, I mean we are sporting some pretty big backpacks these days if they can take a longbow.. not to mention will enhance the persons look if worn over their shoulder'"
Banthis says, "That's something that is on my plate, so yes. It will happen. We'll be able to attach crossbows to the belt or slung over the shoulder as well."
Banthis says, "Deot says, 'One more question, will I be able to chuck those useless bricks, doorknobs, and tablelegs that we find occasionally?'"
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "Forgot about those.. they might be excellent for knocking a troll on the noggin, yes."
Banthis nods.
Banthis says, "Urg says, 'This question is from m'lord Trachten. Does skill in S&H and perception/ambush ever reach a point where further training will not improve sniping and aiming ability no matter the target's age?'"
Banthis says, "Currently for hiding it does, yes. This is why I want to install a sliding scale. At a bit past 60th level, a tripler will max out his hiding ability with regard to "sniping". The aiming system will be similar in that it will include a sliding scale based on target age vs. creature age."
Banthis says, "Nevrek says, 'Unpunctureable Creatures: I am a firm believer that a puncture would cause minor damage to, say, a golem, though this damage I don't believe should be a critical wound (though this is a Ranged Forum, I must note that this would cut down on people wanting Non-Puncturing weapons). Also, I am wondering if there are any plans in the future to release ranged weapons along the lines of wrist-worn crossbows that shoot darts ...or other varieties of ranged weapons. What kind of thrown weapons will be available?'"
Banthis says, "The reduction of puncture wounds rather than pure immunity is a possibility in our system. Luckily Cyper had a vision and created a great number of hooks into that system which allowed for a tremendous amount of flexibility. So yes it's a possibility, however for the most part, the creatures that are undead who are puncture immune will likely become puncture um.. critable. That immunity will simply be removed."
Banthis says, "For the living creatures who are puncture immune, I can see some form of puncture "resistance" instead."
Banthis nods.
Banthis says, "Sleepyhead says, 'since ranged weapons that I have ever seen where 2 physical skills (strength and dexterity) are vitally important is there any chance of it being added as a redux skill? Also are there any plans on making it possible for the weaker races to train away the RT on ranged weapons down to weapon minimum RT? Also a suggestion that could work for worn bows or slings when it unsling verb that removes it from your shoulder and places in your left hand automatically (would be nice for shields too)'"
Banthis says, "Ophion and I fought a bit about redux and ranged weapons, but in the end I agreed that it was something that shouldn't be included in the implementation. Bow RT will likely not change much, however I am looking at variable RT "bases" that are tied to the weapon type. So short bows would be inherently quicker to shoot than longbows."
Banthis says, "that would likely roll in with the aiming system."
Banthis says, "Tilarium says, 'How can we get the web site URL if we ain't going to the bard forum? Also if you increase the crit protection of creatures to make it harder for archers then what about those that will still use a trusty blade, or is the crit protection only against missle weapons?'"
Banthis says, "We'll post the web URL either on our web page, or here in the game as a news item. And as to crit protection.. I believe I was talking about reducing DS for older creatures, not necessarily messing with crit resistance."
Banthis says, "Artimis says, 'Just wondering, dont mind my ignorance havent been to the boards as of late, but with thrown weapons a.k.a daggers and such , will we have to buy many like arrows and bolts to use or is there gonna be some kind of retrieval from bodies when they are searches?'"
Banthis says, "I want to work a retrieval system into it. Especially if we're going to have magical weapons hurling about through the air. The retrieval may be as simple as allowing only the thrower to pick the weapon up after their round time has expired. I'm also pondering things such as having weapons stick in their targets based on crit, but don't get too worked up about that yet. It's just a thought."
Banthis says, "Ranthur says, 'Few questions. In the future will we be seeing any new ranged weapons? Will we be seeing a change in the composite and short bows made them diffrent from longbows besides damage factor and avd. Is it possable that a verb can be created to allow us to kneel while hidden? Any thought to reduceing the rt for sneaking for those that have trained very heavily in hideing? I was curious if sunburst would also be a positive modifier in aiming,because I remember you mentioning that on the message brd'"
Banthis says, "Our weapon choices on missile weapons probably won't change much. If you have suggestions on different weapons you can send them to me at [email protected]. The short/composite bows will likely change based on what I detailed above [RT]. I will more than likely not allow kneeling while hidden, which includes the removal of a certain "feature" verb that is currently allowing that..."
Banthis says, "Sneaking probably won't change. And sunburst may not aid aiming since it's an instant effect. While a sunburst might suprise a target due to the quick flash of light, it also reveals the shooter [and also could cause a blinding effect that would hinder aiming]/"
Banthis says, "Taz says, 'Can we expect more ranged gear weaponry at various merchants (excluding Jugg and Spitfire), I was quite shocked to find that Selandrial's big Ranger tent in Icemule had no quivers!'"
Banthis asks, "No quivers?"
Banthis says, "Hmm.. yes we'll be seeing more merchants peddling ranged gear. I don't know at what frequency as it all depends on the merchant."
Banthis says, "Sido says, 'Well I have never used a missile weapon, can ye run thought the process of using one for me and others of my like...also is there any hope of getting wheellocks or the like? seeing that we have late renisance weapons alavable we should go all the way. Lastly seeing that you are doing missile weapons what the statues on a 'Bowcrafting' skill.. like forging'"
Banthis says, "I'll answer the last first..."
Banthis says, "I have no specific plans on bowcrafing, however I understand it may be considered as part of a guild. If not, I may also consider creating an "Archer's Guild" that will not be class specific once all the guilds are complete. It would make sense to do something like that for a combat aspect that's available to all classes."
Banthis says, "I have no plan on other weapon types, so I couldn't tell you with any certainty."
Banthis says, "The process of using a missile weapon involves training in the ranged weapon [or soon thrown weapon] skill... the weapon is held in the left hand, and..."
Banthis says, "the missile is held in the right. In the case of crossbows, that missile is first loaded into the weapon [which is first cocked to be made ready for loading]."
Banthis says, "For bows, no loading is required. Then the FIRE verb is used to fire the missile."
Banthis says, "Saltstone says, 'A few questions back you said that if you never plan to swing a melee weapon there is no reason to train in ambush. Do you see this remaining this way with enough certainty that one could base future trains on this (ie, skip ambush training altogether), or are your thoughts still in enough flux that such a decision might come back to haunt the archer later?'"
Banthis says, "I wouldn't skip ambush at this time, no. I am sending the model to Ophion so he can check the system for me and poke holes in it. After that's done I'll be able to tell you with more certainty whether or not I want to use another model."
Banthis says, "Oxley says, 'How about the use of poisons in regards to missile combat? Melee combat, for that matter?'"
Banthis says, "Welp..."
Banthis says, "Poisons are coming..."
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "However that is outside the scope of this discussion. Look for it at another forum soon."
Banthis says, "Marinse says, 'Will we see the affect of being farther back in the battle? I mean if ther is 1 monster already fighting a swordswinger? I mean it would keep fighting him not some how find a way to get to us. (who are much farther away) Also seperatly, why take away being able to be kneel and hidden? It has it's addvantages and disadvantages. (I am thinking of one particularly messy search where i ended up lossing my head quite litteraly.) '"
Banthis says, "The ranged part of ranged combat is something that we haven't implemented because the original model required the use of an engagement sytem."
Banthis spies a flying pig in the background.
Banthis says, "However..."
Banthis says, "We do want to look at an attempt to roll in the ranged portion of the ES, which will take a great deal of examination, and may never be released at all."
Banthis says, "Hmm... some important piece of news I forgot to mention."
Banthis says, "The ranged or thrown weapon skill itself will also be included in the aiming formula. So even if you had no perception or ambush, you'd eventually be able to aim at most anything, barring the sliding skill factor of target age vs. creature age."
Banthis says, "Now more on that sliding factor..."
Banthis says, "I don't like to do things like that, however in some cases it is necessary given the holes we have in the combat system at higher levels. Until we come up with a solution, we'll have to have level ratios in some form or the other."
Banthis says, "Manip says, 'i just got here but id like to complain about the fact that archers have poor defenses because we can wear no shields. I recommend we get special archers shields. wizard and phoen strength do nothing to effect an archers cock time or attacking strength. I also would like to see archers be able to ambush or aim their crossbow at their target'"
Banthis says, "Okay your complaints are noted."
Banthis says, "Jevoh says, 'will there be consideration of a defensive bonus to us since techincally we're not right in front of the critter when firing and so we're not in swinging range? Also how come holy water crits on blessed arrows don't work while e-blades do? Also the ability to stay in hiding while firing a bow is amazingly hard so would there be a consideration to make it easier to stay hidden?'"
Banthis says, "I understand that defense is a problem in most situations, which is one reason why I'm examining the hiding skill checks. This currently is the only way that an archer can feel reasonably safe; firing and remaining hidden. I don't plan to address DS concerns unless we were to implement a ranged system, in which case DS would be no factor at all."
Banthis closes the question box.
Banthis says, "The holy water crits should be working. I'll investigate that as a possible bug."
Banthis says, "Urg says, 'Have you considered making sniping and aiming easier with light crossbows and short bows to make them more attractive weapons to use, especially for young archers?'"
Banthis says, "Actually I have not considered this. Given the skills and other factors I'm trying to model with the aiming system however, I'm not sure it would fit in with that system."
Banthis says, "I'll examine your suggestion however and see what could be done."
Banthis says, "Sleepyhead says, 'are there any plans on a slight increase in defensive ability for archers? perhaps making it possible for crossbow users to be forced to upper stances as they become more skilled at reloading and shooting in combat enviroment? Like advanced or forward stances. Also have any of the undead been looked at which seem impossible to stay hidden from? Lastly you have said you wont implement kneeling in hiding what about implementing the ability to crawl similiar to what you do when fighting gremlins?'"
Banthis says, "I think I answered the DS issue, at least to the point of saying it was unlikely to be changed. The second question..."
Banthis says, "If you're referring to some of the old undead, such as "phantoms" and er.. wights, and ghouls. They likely still use the old model of finding hidden targets, which used an intricate mathematical formula involving a ten sided die and luck."
Banthis nods.
Banthis says, "Those creatures are being phased over to the new system [new as in er.. 5 years ago], so if you know of any that find hidden people too often, please send in a COMMENT or an email."
Banthis says, "there is a COMMENT verb in case you guys didn't know."
Banthis says, "Sabitor says, 'If you did shoot or throw something at a critter, shouldn't there be some kind of possibility that it... Bounces off their shield? An arrow may be able to pierce leather armor, but I don't think that it could penetrate a vultite or titantium or glaes shield.'"
Banthis says, "Well yes and no.. we account for shields in the combat system as it stands. The shield adds to DS. If we took shields out of the DS equation and added them to a "chance of the arrow hitting the shield" sort of system, I think it would be more problematic than it was worth.. but that's just me."
Banthis says, "Hmm, Sabitor left, or I'd ask him to elaborate on where he was going..."
Banthis says, "Trifle says, 'Would an Archer's Guild be something that one could belong to as well as one's own profession guild?'"
Banthis says, "I'm not sure to tell you the truth. I believe the current implementation of the guild system requires one to be a member of one guild only. I'd have to confirm that with Giacomo, but I think it's safe to assume that this is the case."
Banthis says, "Deot says, 'Are we going to start finding ranged weapons in boxes or see creatures using such weapons like they do with edged and blunt weapons?'"
Banthis says, "I believe some ranged weapons have been found in boxes, but I do agree that there should be more. As to creatures using ranged weapons; That is possible, however I don't think any creature designers have decided to implement them. I don't know why not actually. One thing I plan to do in the near future is to create creatures that use missile weapons as "natural" attacks, such as manticore barbs and the like."
Banthis says, "Mannimark says, 'At current knowledge, Crossbows are seen as blunt items in purpose of defending, but bows are not, unless this has been fixed. Can we syncrhonize these two so they reflect archery as a whole and place them (both) in the blunt category? And why not just allow ranged skill users the ability to defend in either hand, seeing as we have to cross our weapon hands , change stances, kneel and fire..etc.'"
Banthis says, "Cyper set up the ranged system to use bows as a 'staff' for purposes of right hand use. I haven't examined the need to change this, honestly, but I'm not necessarily against the idea. The offhand defense..."
Banthis says, "question can be addressed with two handed weapon use, I believe, but beyond that I don't believe it'll be an inherent ability."
Banthis says, "Grmarnier says, 'i wonder directly whether eblading the bow or crossbow effects to any positives,if not dubbly'"
Banthis says, "Eblading the weapon itself imparts no bonus. In fact, in younger levels, a bug in the combat system actually may hinder your Attack Strength. The missiles receive the eblades, while the bow itself receives enchanting."
Banthis says, "I would suspect that you could actually enchant a single arrow. But I don't see why you'd want to."
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "bah.."
Banthis nods to Krazy, who stands up to address the assembly.
Banthis says, "Krazy I just deleted your question, sorry..."
Banthis asks, "what was it?"
Banthis grins.
Krazy asks, "I was wondering if two people were battling a monster. One sword-swinger engaged in kombat, and one archer waiting in the kut. Would the archer have any chance of "fumbling" and missing the creature, only to hit the fighter?"
Banthis says, "Currently fumbles ARE addressed in aiming, however there are no negative aspects attached. If you want some, I will gladly look into it."
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "It would make sense, but at this point I don't know if it's a necessary feature."
Krazy says, "I think that'd be a kool side-effect"
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis nods.
Banthis says, "Me too, but I don't know how well it would go over.. specially from the fighter's point of view."
Banthis grins.
Krazy asks, "seems realistic, no?"
Banthis nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Krazy sits back down.
Banthis says, "Thanks for the suggestion."
Banthis says, "Taz says, 'Some time ago on the boards you said that minor edge imparted the full bonus on ammo, yet to my knowledge it works the same as e-blade, with the maximum bonus being twice one's level. That's a difference between a 5th cleric with an edged white blade and a 5th year ranger with edged crossbow bolts'"
Banthis says, "hmm Taz left..."
Banthis says, "If minor edge is working incorrectly, someone please email me. Minor edge should add the full bonus of the spell regardless of the shooter's level. E-blade however does not work this way."
Banthis says, "Jheaves says, 'Perhaps, barring the engagement system, a first swing only modifier could be applied to an enemies swing, showing it hasn't yet closed fully or is in an awkward position from having had to close on the archer'"
Banthis says, "A good suggestion. There are a number of possible solutions we could employ."
Banthis says, "Okay I have no further questions in the box, however I know you likely have a lot more. Unfortunately my time is limited tonight and I cannot stay to discuss more. You can reach me at [email protected], or on the bulletin boards in the Ranged Weapon Suggestions topic, or the Archer's Arena [I think in strategies and tactics]."
Banthis opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Banthis says, "Sorry for a short forum."
Songowl says, "..minor edge IS broken, B"
Jheaves says, "The edge is not working properly, at least it doesn't seem to be working to me"
Banthis says, "Okay I will sit down and take a long look at minor edge."
Banthis grins.
Aurien exclaims, "bloody message box..when thrown is implemented thats the FIRST thing I is gonna chuck!!"
Banthis just tickled Aurien.
Renstar asks, "Banthis, in regards to the Kobolds and javelins, will the ragned weapon implementation affect them?"
Marinse says, "Banthis You never answered my question about why take away hiden kneeling."
Urg says, "I'm surprised that being able to kneel while hidden is a big deal."
Banthis says, "Renstar probably not right away.. they'd have to learn how to throw them. With regard to hiding and kneeling. It's likely not something I'll get into here. I realize that doesn't answer your question."
Banthis says, "anyways I hope I at least gave you some helpful information."
Banthis says, "Everyone take care. Keep yer eyes sharp for that ability to aim into your target's eye."
Banthis grins.
Sleepyhead asks, "say Banthis quick can an armless creature swing fist at you?"
Banthis says, "Well they're really swinging a stump, but we don't see to differentiate in the combat messaging."
Banthis grins.
Banthis waves.
Banthis says, "night folks."
Banthis suddenly fades out of sight.