A huge hand appears from above and flings a dwarf hard to the ground causing a cloud of dust. After the dust settles you notice Dimigor is standing there, brushing himself off and muttering about elves.
Dimaire says in guild speak, "hi Dimigor"
Dimigor says, "bah"
Sleken asks, "Dwarves?"
Sleken stares off into space.
Dimigor scoffs.
Sleken says, "We werent lost by the way."
Dimigor says, "okay first I like to say good evening"
Dimigor says, "I wanted to say thanks to Sleken who basically held me a dagger point for this meeting."
Dimigor says, "so he organized it."
Revalos applauds Sleken.
Sleken points at a long-handled iron poker.
Gwalmachei turns to Sleken and cheers!
Sleken says, "Hey...common for the non-ranger here...."
Sleken grins.
Dimaire asks, "we have non rangers Sleken?"
Dimigor says, "no"
Sleken says, "Just me..."
Dimigor says, "if they are, they can't talk."
Dimaire squints at Sleken.
Dimigor says, "okay, like I said welcome..."
Dimigor says, "now if you can settle down on the commands and stop looking at me for a minute."
Dimigor says, "I haven't changed."
Dimigor says, "I am still that same dwurf."
Dimigor says, "if the commands don't slow down then I will call the meeting to order."
Dimigor says, "and insert a gag effect."
Dimigor says, "I know that works."
Dimigor says, "Okay this meeting is to address the Call Swarm spell that we have."
Dimigor says, "I will take some questions on the companion."
Dimigor says, "but release is not known or telling you how far we have gotten."
Dimigor says, "no age."
Dimigor says, "I made this an all ranger forum"
Dimigor points at Sleken.
Dimigor says, "his idea."
Dimigor snickers.
Tarhen turns to Dimigor and cheers!
Sleken chuckles.
Mekyl turns to Sleken and cheers!
Dimigor says, "Okay so get them call swarm question ready."
Dimigor says, "If we get done early Sleken said he would buy all the drinks at Helgas."
Dimigor peers quizzically at Sleken.
Sleken rummages around in his pockets.
Sleken says, "Uhhh....ok."
Ciannia asks in guild speak, "Is there a map on how ta get ta Helgas?"
Dimigor says, "For the young rangers."
Dimigor says, "this is a forum where all rangers get together and talk about things releated to our profession."
Sleken says, "Folks, slow the movement down or we'll silence. I dont want to silence."
Dimigor says, "tonight is about call swarm spell."
Dimigor asks, "ready with the questions?"
Dimigor peers quizzically at Sleken.
Dimigor leans back.
Sleken nods to Dimigor.
Sleken takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Sleken says, "We are using the box."
Dimigor says, "151 rangers in the lands at this time"
Dimigor says, "1200 lost souls wandering"
Sleken says, "The forum is just starting."
Tarhen asks, "real quike...is this for suggestions for changes..or questions on current properties of the spell?"
Sleken says, "Anything and everything Tarhen."
Dimigor says, "so as you can see rangers only make up about 10% of the population."
Sleken says, "Folks, use ASK to ask your questions."
Dimigor says, "at any given time"
Mnar says, "We can't, Sleken."
Sleken stares off into space.
Ciannia says in guild speak, "Says ta go ahead en ask out loud"
Sleken says, "Oopsie."
Sleken calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Dimigor chuckles.
Sleken says, "Ok, try using ASK now."
Sleken takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Sleken says, "Box doesnt like me."
Dimigor says, "me either"
Sleken opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Sleken says, "Ok, lets try this the old fashioned way."
Dimigor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Dimigor says, "hold up a second."
Sleken closes the question box.
Sleken takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Dimigor says, "can't see nothin with yur pointed ears in tha ways."
Sleken says, "Working now..."
Dimigor says, "Arrogorn says, 'works well, how about different bugs for different regions, grasslands get flies, swamps get mosquitoes, bats for the mountains?'"
Dimigor asks, "so you say the spell works well?"
Arrogorn stands up.
Dimigor nods to Arrogorn, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor asks, "just would like to see diffrent bugs for regions?"
Arrogorn says, "I like the premise of it, but like certain scripted items, or the frostbite you can get on the glacier..."
Arrogorn says, "not only that..."
Arrogorn asks, "swarms get stronger as you get older, is that correct?"
Arrogorn asks, "or does the duration become longer?"
Dimigor says, "suppose to be that."
Dimigor says, "but I am here to get an overhaul of the spel."
Arrogorn says, "so does age have any factor in the strength of the spell? because i havent seen any real changes in my swarm strength in the past few years"
Dimigor says, "okay, the swarm is suppose to be its own power"
Dimigor says, "you just summon them."
Dimigor says, "and they do their work."
Dimigor says, "so you can do yours."
Arrogorn says, "okie dokie"
Dimigor says, "that's an essence of it."
Arrogorn asks, "but as i train in our circle, and get older... should i not be able to call forthe a larger and stronger swarm?"
Dimigor says, "more ranger spells makes it better."
Dimigor nods.
Dimigor says, "done/"
Arrogorn says, "i would like to see bigger bugs, maybe a swarm of mantis, or even ants... fire ants would be fun"
Dimigor peers quizzically at Arrogorn.
Arrogorn says, "all done"
Dimigor chuckles.
Arrogorn says, "thank you"
Sleken grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Arrogorn sits back down.
Sleken says, "Ok, lets see what we have next in the box..."
Dimigor says, "Dimaire says, 'the problem i see with swarm is 2 things. one, too much chance of failure with the spell, the original and then the fails to attack. the other thing i see is if you get a knockdown, the critter pops right back up. can these be looked at?'"
Dimigor nods to Dimaire, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor says, "ahh, I knew this one was going to first"
Dimigor says, "okay the failures."
Dimaire says, "well least we get it outta the way"
Dimigor chuckles.
Dimigor says, "the spell failures, I first did not have any."
Dimigor grins.
Dimigor says, "but to make the spell realistic and give some critters a chance we had to have a failure."
Dimigor says, "but I did not know it was all them failures."
Dimigor frowns.
Dimaire says, "i dont really mind the first failure"
Dimigor says, "so maybe a tone down of failure."
Dimigor asks, "and the knockdown?"
Dimaire says, "its all the "fails to attack" that seems shall we say overblown"
Dimigor asks, "do all critters pop back up?"
Dimaire says, "well, like when i toss it at a mage"
Dimigor asks, "or just the swifty ones?"
Dimigor peers quizzically at Dimaire.
Dimaire says, "it jumps right back up"
Dimaire says, "i only use it on tsarks and mages"
Dimaire says, "but then thats all i hunt"
Dimigor says, "well all fire, acid, cold critters swarm will have no effect."
Dimigor says, "sorry that's life on them."
Dimaire says, "but it does"
Dimigor says, "shhh"
Dimaire says, "it makes tsarks puke"
Dimigor says, "someone might be looking"
Dimigor ducks his head.
Dimigor exclaims, "gosh lass!"
Dimaire says, "and it does the same to mages"
Dimaire says, "but if it knocks em down"
Dimaire says, "they get right back up"
Dimigor slaps himself on the forehead.
Dimigor says, "if you want to leave Type OUT"
Dimigor grumbles.
Dimaire says, "and i'd really like one spell besides sounds that works on these guys"
Dimigor says, "well I am not sure about that."
Dimaire says, "actually i have found a use for the spell"
Dimigor says, "I did not design the critter"
Dimaire says, "i toss it on the second tsark"
Dimigor says, "and I am not sure if Warden (critter guy) will allow that."
Dimaire says, "then i kill the first one"
Dimigor says, "he has them balanced (critters) as far as they can be."
Dimaire asks, "well, those mages are shall we say, challenging?"
Dimaire says, "but i've finally found a system"
Dimaire says, "swarm is part of it"
Dimigor says, "maybe I need to add a pin effect for a few seconds on the knockdown."
Dimaire says, "that sounds good"
Dimaire says, "i think we'd all like that"
Dimigor says, "okay noted, I will investigate"
Dimaire says, "thanks Dimigor"
Dimaire says, "and im glad to see ya about"
Sleken smiles.
Dimigor says, "but mind you I have to get things approved as well"
Dimigor says, "but if a lot of rangers have the same problem, then it's a problem"
Sleken nods.
Dimigor asks, "that's it?"
Dimaire says, "im sure they feel the same"
Dimaire says, "aye"
Having finished addressing the assembly Dimaire sits back down.
Sleken says, "Lets see...."
Sleken says, "Revalos says, 'Will call swarm be changed to be in line with Growing Pains changes to critter blood normalization? Or does it already fit those specifications?'"
Revalos stands up.
Sleken nods to Revalos, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor says, "That has been brough up."
Dimigor says, "I am sure it will be have to be in line with Growing Pains."
Revalos says, "I haven't used the spell much, since I've had problems with it failing on kobolds, I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be further reduced in effectiveness"
Dimigor says, "nothing special to failures."
Dimigor says, "no certain critters have a higher chance of failure."
Revalos asks, "so it isn't age based?"
Dimigor says, "it's random, I can't predict the attack."
Dimigor shakes his head.
Revalos says, "most interesting"
Dimigor says, "I made it random."
Dimigor says, "so some of you could not predict an attack and call spirit strike and pulp the critter."
Dimigor chuckles.
Dimigor says, "I know, I use to count and do some good math to predict things happening."
Revalos asks, "so it is purely based on ranger spell ranks for increased effectiveness?"
Revalos says, "and the random effect you mentioned"
Dimigor says, "call it luck, for attack"
Revalos says, "ah...thanks for that information"
Revalos says, "I'm done"
Sleken nods to Revalos.
Dimigor says, "I am not going to reveal all the spell."
Having finished addressing the assembly Revalos sits back down.
Sleken says, "Ironblue says, 'basically the poison and disease effects of swarm are useless with the amount of blood critters have over the age of 10.. will this change with phase II of growing pains'"
Sleken nods to Ironblue, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor says, "yeah, I first had a 30-100 point lost."
Dimigor says, "but that got shot down."
Dimigor says, "and I think it was due to GP (Growing Pains) topic."
Dimigor says, "basically we had to make critters that had super blood."
Dimigor says, "for you old times."
Dimigor says, "timers"
Dimigor says, "you know who you are."
Dimigor rolls his eyes.
Ironblue asks, "we have weed as a knockdown spell .. any chance getting a stance altering attack?"
Dimigor says, "well super blood amounts does not make a good critter."
Dimigor says, "ohh..."
Dimigor says, "I thought that was taken care of."
Ironblue says, "super blood amounts make the two attack dern useless"
Dimigor says, "I asked Banthis about that, I thought that he approved it and I brought it in."
Dimigor says, "Let me add that to the list of double check."
Dimigor says, "He may have said no too."
Dimigor says, "but I thought that he approved it."
Dimigor says, "I will look into it,"
Dimigor nods to Sleken.
Ironblue says, "the durations seem to be the biggest problem.. we really need ah change"
Having finished addressing the assembly Ironblue sits back down.
Dimigor asks, "is the spell working on anything?"
Sleken says, "They say troll kinds are the only good creature for swarm."
Sleken says, "kings too"
Dimigor's jaw drops.
Dimigor says, "never tried them."
Dimigor says, "maybe give them some defense to it."
Sleken asks, "Give them defense to it?"
Dimigor chuckles.
Dimigor says, "listen, I am fun nature dwarf."
Sleken blinks.
Sleken says, "Coulda fooled me."
Sleken grins.
Dimigor says, "I poke fun at you elves and humans."
Sleken ducks his head.
Dimigor says, "I lean on you hobbits and I am ducking from you giantmen(women)"
Dimigor says, "I (we) are going to get this swarm fixed."
Dimigor says, "I assure you that."
Sleken says, "Ok, lets see who is next..."
Sleken says, "Darkfleet says, 'Will we ever be able to focuse call swarm?'"
Dimigor says, "no need to rally up a mob and stomp in her like I stabbed you in your eye."
Dimigor winks.
Sleken nods to Darkfleet, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor says, "nope, not that I can see."
Dimigor says, "no focus on it."
Dimigor says, "Swarm is an utility spell by design."
Dimigor says, "it works for you and you can do something else."
Dimigor says, "I feel that focus effect you have to concentrate and then you can't attack and you might end up with your head where your feet was."
Dimigor says, "if you were to meet the right critter."
Darkfleet asks, "Any chance we could target it at one critter type atleast? If more than one is in the room?"
Dimigor says, "it should work like this..."
Dimigor says, "cast at kobold, cast at second kobold and so on."
Dimigor asks, "does it do that?"
Darkfleet says, "Hmm alright, then just add me to the list of folks who see the critters pop up right after knockdown.."
Dimigor asks, "or is that a GM only special today?"
Darkfleet says, "and yup.. all done"
Darkfleet says, "Hehe"
Darkfleet says, "Oh, thanks for comin out.."
Dimigor shrugs.
Having finished addressing the assembly Darkfleet sits back down.
Dimigor says, "some, by the sounds in the winds thinks I should be tar and feathered."
Dimigor nods to Dimaire.
Dimigor winks.
Sleken says, "Galadriell says, 'I don't find Call swarm to be all that usefull...with my own experience it hasn't done much that I can see. Can we not do anything to give it more of a "bite" no pun intended'"
Sleken nods to Galadriell, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor coughs.
Galadriell says, "i'm being honest"
Galadriell says, "not to be mean"
Galadriell says, "this is my experience"
Dimigor says, "almost in your 70s."
Dimigor peers quizzically at Galadriell.
Galadriell says, "aye"
Galadriell asks, "you find this hard to believe?"
Dimigor says, "I remember ye as a lad looking for that silly elven girl."
Dimigor smirks.
Galadriell asks, "lad?"
Galadriell says, "ummm"
Dimigor coughs.
Dimigor says, "lass"
Dimigor rolls his eyes.
Galadriell says, "that's better"
Dimigor asks, "okay, you want the truth or some hobbit fur of an answer?"
Galadriell says, "my experience is that it blinds their vision but they can still attack"
Galadriell says, "aye I would"
Dimigor nods to Galadriell.
Galadriell says, "it knocks them down only for them to get right back up , and of course I would like the truth"
Dimigor says, "okay, the truth is there is a power struggle at the top of the food chains."
Galadriell asks, "power struggle?"
Dimigor says, "the critters for you and on were built to be so tought that dwarves can't beat em."
Galadriell says, "uh huh"
Dimigor says, "so with that coming up with swarm or other spells have to fixed and tweaked and so on."
Galadriell says, "aye"
Dimigor says, "but then that leaves them to powerful for the younger age."
Dimigor says, "so I have to find a happy medium."
Galadriell says, "not if they were age based"
Dimigor says, "swarm has not been tweaked since its release."
Galadriell says, "yes I know"
Galadriell says, "and I have aged since it was first released"
Galadriell says, "by many years"
Dimigor says, "if you remember when I released it, "The spell may need modifications as we go.""
Dimigor nods.
Dimigor says, "Hence this meeting."
Galadriell says, "aye"
Galadriell says, "so explain something to me, so that I understand"
Galadriell asks, "what is the purpose of the swarm?"
Dimigor says, "to tweak, fix, get approved, release and then re assess."
Dimigor says, "the swarm is an utility spell that attacks."
Galadriell asks, "attacks but doesn't do damage?"
Dimigor says, "you can use it to defend, use as an offensive weapon or as a I am a lazy hunter and I 'll let it do the work for mw."
Dimigor says, "I know it does not do that now."
Galadriell says, "aye it doesn't, and as a defensive spell , I can't see it doing that either as the critters still attack"
Dimigor says, "we talked about that."
Galadriell says, "aye"
Dimigor points at Dimaire.
Dimigor says, "I think she brought that up."
Galadriell says, "right, just wanted to get my opinion in there too I guess"
Dimigor grins.
Galadriell says, "I think it's a wonderful concept"
Galadriell says, "but needs some work"
Dimigor nods to Galadriell.
Gaerith stands up.
Dimigor says, "I agree"
Galadriell says, "thank you for your time Dimigor"
Sleken smiles at Galadriell.
Dimigor says, "sure"
Having finished addressing the assembly Galadriell sits back down.
Dimigor dances a bit.
Sleken chuckles.
Sleken says, "Ok...."
Dimigor nods to Dimaire.
Sleken says, "Aurach says, 'Why are we having a meeting about this now? we all spoke to Sleken before at last ranger meeting about this, and nothign has been done, so, why are we asking you questions, You need to ask us whats wrong with it, or read Slekens notes. '"
Sleken nods to Aurach, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor grins.
Aurach says, "And thats a hard question and meant to be Dimigor, I know ya workign on companion, but swarm been out along time"
Dimigor says, "true."
Aurach says, "Swarm Effects, lowers target AS, lowers Target DS, Lowers Targets Blood, knocks down target, (calms target.. loose this mass calm works fine) ,( poison-disease do a % of critter blood)."
Dimigor says, "if GP goes in effect then I will have to change it back."
Aurach says, "I think we would be better served by fewer effects that work well."
Sleken says, "Folks, if I dont respond to your whispers, it means I've missed them. I'm getting swarmed with whispers. (Pun intended)"
Aurach says, "To be honest, trying to watch to see what the swarm is doing, so I can plan strategy around it, is extremely difficult as it is now."
Dimigor says, "the change to swarm, I agree is well past due."
Sleken says, "GP = Growing Pains for those that dont know."
Dimigor says, "I suppose I don't have a sutible answer for you about why so long."
Dimigor says, "other than I am not just a Ranger GM"
Aurach says, "Ok, then Ill ask that we start from now and look forward since whats done is done"
Dimigor says, "critters have to be built the world expands and so on."
Dimigor nods to Aurach.
Aurach says, "Swarm is a good idea-spell,"
Dimigor says, "my goal now is to address the swarm stuff at this point."
Aurach says, "But, it has so many things going on, it is difficult to use as intedned"
Dimigor says, "not to blow smoke in your ears that yous sit on."
Dimigor winks.
Aurach says, "Also"
Aurach says, "I want age to have a factor with swarm, nothing is more silly than me at level 108 and swarm doesnt effect a rolton"
Sleken says, "Please go OUT to exit the assembly."
Dimigor says, "That I will have to really look into."
Aurach says, "swarm should be awesome against critters lower level than us, I like to underhunt so my spells and blades work well and I have less risk."
Dimigor asks, "what makes the insects that a 15 level ranger summons better than a 300 level?"
Aurach says, "If swarm is ..random...I dont know what it going to do, well, to be honest I am not wasting 15 mana, I am using what works."
Dimigor asks, "does a bee sting better for the big bad ranger?"
Aurach asks, "Then why does my spiek work better?"
Dimigor says, "well I felt that random was a way to go."
Aurach says, "yes, Older ranger summoon more bees, larger bess,"
Aurach says, "and madder, angrier pissed off bee's"
Dimigor nods.
Aurach says, "for example,"
Aurach asks, "lava flows on teras, how about some of the big bad wasps coming to help out?"
Aurach says, "etc."
Aurach says, "Also, I have a suggestion for your random effect, working"
Dimigor says, "I am looking at the code and it should find a hidden."
Aurach says, "If it is going to be random...have the swarm when it arrives roll for what it plans on doing...then thats what it does"
Aurach says, "It does find hidden, not invisible"
Dimigor chuckles.
Dimigor says, "you know, you pointed out an error to me."
Dimigor laughs!
Dimigor says, "change is noted."
Dimigor nods to Aurach.
Dimigor says, "on the hidden part"
Dimigor says, "level I am going to take a look at."
Aurach says, "if it is going to poison let it poison only, if it is going to knock down it keeps knocking down, if it is going to lower target attack it keeps doing that...so i can plan a strategy and actually use the swarm"
Aurach says, "as it is now....by the time I see what it did, its to late to take advantage of that aspect"
Dimigor says, "if it can be done without causing the world to be turned upside down then it will be adjusted."
Aurach asks, "Also, what did you just fix? will it now find invisible people?"
Dimigor says, "Well not all bugs are the same."
Dimigor says, "what you are doing is calling from the insect world."
Dimigor says, "I gave you a rounded effect."
Dimigor says, "I feel that if I can knock it down and then poison is and then knock it down again."
Dimigor says, "you get it all."
Aurach says, "Dimigor...look at my options."
Aurach says, "I cast sounds and tangle weed for 17 mana combined and get a -70 to target DS and the critter swing -50"
Aurach says, "swarm....."
Dimigor says, "Aurach, I can set aside some time for you after this meeting."
Dimigor says, "others want a chance to talk."
Dimigor smiles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Aurach sits back down.
Sleken says, "Need says, 'Why dont we start from the beginning and explain exactly why we're here, are we trying to figure out what to do with swarm or what?'"
Sleken nods to Need, who stands up to address the assembly.
Need says, "was answered already"
Sleken nods to Need.
Having finished addressing the assembly Need sits back down.
Sleken says, "Tomisee says, 'can you tell us younger rangers what it does?'"
Sleken nods to Tomisee, who stands up to address the assembly.
Tomisee asks, "i dont have the spell yet and wondered how to use it and what it does?"
Dimigor says, "ask the older rangers."
Sleken says, "Going to close the box for a bit."
Dimigor smiles.
Sleken closes the question box.
Dimigor says, "I've always been like that."
Dimigor says, "let the elders show the ways to the youngins."
Tomisee says, "ok"
Having finished addressing the assembly Tomisee sits back down.
Sleken says, "Dehryen says, 'What does the spell currently do, I have never been 15 or seen it in action.'"
Sleken says, "Might want to ask the older rangers."
Dimigor nods to Sleken.
Sleken says, "Breeze says, 'I think the spell was an interesting idea, but seems to be doing a few things with very little effect, personally I'd rather see it do one thing real good, like be an area effect sounds spell that drops all critters DS'"
Sleken nods to Breeze, who stands up to address the assembly.
Breeze says, "actually Aurach covered it all, though I would like to see it effect more than a targeted critter thats what spike thorn is for"
Sleken nods to Breeze.
Dimigor says, "I see your point."
Dimigor says, "I designed it to follow the critter."
Dimigor says, "it was created in idea of the "CHASING" crap that went on for years."
Dimigor says, "and far as I know, it still may."
Dimigor says, "swarm is set to lock on a chase until disperses or critter dies."
Breeze says, "aye, still see a folk or ten say chase in stronghold and bonespear"
Dimigor asks, "do you all want the swarm a set skill when created?"
Dimigor asks, "all it does is poision, knock down, etc?"
Dimigor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Dimigor says, "listen..."
Dimigor says, "swarm is going to change."
Dimigor says, "I think you sit on your heads to long."
Dimigor says, "it is going to change."
Dimigor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Dimigor says, "maybe this..."
Dimigor says, "cast at (critter) gives it a random and set attack. like all poison cast by itself will do the random attacks is does now."
Dimigor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Sepher says, "How about every time you cast it, it will have one of the random effects which it rolls for, and once cast it will have that one effect on the critter till the duration of the spell runs out"
Sepher says, "Right now it is almost useless"
Dimigor says, "I know that silly"
Dimigor peers quizzically at Sepher.
Aravian asks, "To keep it quite simple, can't we just start out by reducing the failure rate and adding a round time to the knock downs?"
Dimigor nods to Aravian.
Ruove says, "I think that Swarm is a good spell, it just needs to work better and more reliably"
Dimigor prepares the swarm of instant death!
Mnar asks, "You've been quiet, Dimi... what's your reaction to these opinions?"
Dimigor suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Dimigor yawns.
Dimigor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Dimigor says, "okay, I know some of you like chaos and turmoil."
Dimigor says, "The spell is going to change."
Dimigor says, "I know it bites (no pun) now."
Dimigor says, "we are here to see where we want to take it."
Dimigor says, "so lets focus on where we want to take it."
Dimigor nods to Sleken.
Sleken says, "Carolyn says, ''I have seen Swarm cast by some very old rangers. It is fun to watch, but does it ever do anything to the critters? I mean a legend ranger's swarm didn't even hurt a greater orc. Why is that?'"
Sleken nods to Carolyn, who stands up to address the assembly.
Carolyn says, "answered"
Sleken nods to Carolyn.
Having finished addressing the assembly Carolyn sits back down.
Sleken says, "Aravian says, 'it's not just mages that pop back up....its every critter I've ever cast it at...from level 20 to 95'"
Sleken nods to Aravian, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aravian says, "thought I'd asked a new since then, but anyhows...."
Dimigor nods.
Dimigor says, "the critter pop up will be addressed."
Aravian asks, "I think we've pretty much said what is wrong with it, any thoughts on which way you are going to change it?"
Dimigor says, "yeah."
Aravian says, "oh, and there are two types of failure...one where the swarm causes a buzzing sound in your ear and fails to form at all...and the other where it forms but fails to attack (repeatedly most times)"
Dimigor says, "I am going to take the ideas I have gathered here and modify it."
Dimigor nods to Aravian.
Dimigor nods to Aurach.
Having finished addressing the assembly Aravian sits back down.
Dimigor says, "I am going to fix the hidden critter part."
Dimigor says, "I am going to fix the knock down."
Dimigor says, "I am going to see what is possible for the lost of HPs with posion and disease."
Dimigor says, "maybe a % or a flat number."
Dimigor says, "GP will play a big part in this."
Dimigor says, "I am going to try and give you old timers something special."
Dimigor says, "but I really want to focus on the more ranger spells known."
Dimigor says, "and I have got to address the DS drop."
Dimigor looks over at Aurach and shakes his head.
Dimigor asks, "okay any more questions?"
Dimigor points at a small white painted tanik box.
Sleken nods.
Sleken says, "Stonenkin says, 'what about a fear type effect, say an older ranger casts the spell on sea nymphs (something that can be afraid) the nymph sees a giant swarm of hornets headed toward them and it makes them run screaming from the room?'"
Sleken nods to Stonenkin, who stands up to address the assembly.
Stonenkin says, "i think most of my questions were answered but i would like to make sure you look and the level of the caster cs the level of target along with spells known"
Dimigor says, "Hmm, never thought about fear."
Stonenkin says, "if i were a nymph and i saw a swarm of thunder bees coming after me i'd run like blazes"
Dimigor says, "if I make it a aim spell, then the rangers will have to have spell aim. I thought that you guys didn't have enough points to use for training now."
Dimigor shrugs.
Stonenkin says, "hrmm.."
Stonenkin says, "not aimable but more like if something that nasty is in the same room id be running"
Stonenkin says, "now some animals would of course not fear a swarm, but thinking beings..."
Dimigor says, "let me ponder on that,"
Stonenkin says, "thank ye"
Dimigor says, "I don't want to say no or yes."
Dimigor says, "but let me see if it's doable."
Stonenkin says, "ay i can see how that would go...."
Sleken nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Stonenkin sits back down.
Sleken says, "Mnar says, 'The main problem with Call Swarm is that for its cost, the utility it offers is severely underpowered. Is there any hope of actually making it something a non-rift ranger might use?'"
Sleken nods to Mnar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mnar says, "Bwa ha."
Dimigor nods.
Mnar says, "Well, many of the concerns I had earlier have already been addressed, but the one of cost still remains."
Dimigor says, "already talked about it."
Dimigor says, "sorry it's locked in for 15."
Mnar says, "Even if we make all the changes we've talked about, it's still 15 mana for only one creature."
Mnar says, "If I envision a swarm, it's a large mass capable of affecting Many creatures, not just a sole, targetted creature."
Mnar says, "Even if you left the effects in their poor state, if it affected multpile creatures I'd be happy."
Mnar says, "As it is, I can't imagine any utility spell someone with only 160 mana would use for only one creature, when I can guidance or use vines to far more effect."
Sleken nods to Mnar.
Having finished addressing the assembly Mnar sits back down.
Dimigor nods to Sleken.
Dimigor says, "I am holding on the thought that would stop swarms focus on one critter."
Dimigor says, "maybe make it go out and search for something to attack."
Dimigor says, "search til it disperses"
Sleken nods to Dimigor.
Dimigor says, "vines is only in the room."
Dimigor says, "spike is one shot."
Dimigor says, "swarm is a ongoing effect of diffrent attacks that move."
Dimigor says, "when its working right."
Dimigor says, "I know that."
Dimigor peers around the room.
Dimigor nods to Aurach.
Dimigor says, "some critters are going to be immune to swarm."
Dimigor asks, "lets say a fire golem?"
Dimigor asks, "or how effective is a swarm vs. fire?"
Dimigor says, "so them critters that are immune, you know who they are. tough."
Dimigor says, "what I have to say when I hunt too."
Sleken says, "Marconius says, 'i'd like to see the two dominant effects for the spell be: stance alter and casting hinderance to critter, any chance?'"
Sleken nods to Marconius, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marconius says, "ahh, finally"
Marconius says, "i'll be quick"
Dimigor asks, "casting hinder.?"
Marconius says, "aye, it's something we are lacking"
Marconius says, "we can reproduce many of the effects the swarm has already with other spells"
Marconius says, "i think stance alteration is key"
Marconius says, "by casting hinderance, i mean "
Marconius says, "bugs are in the critters face"
Marconius asks, "surely this hinders casting?"
Marconius says, "we have no spell which does this "
Dimigor says, "that's a good idea."
Marconius says, "aye, they'd be too busy swatting flies to waggle at us"
Dimigor nods.
Marconius says, "i'd like to see critters stance up when swarmed"
Dimigor says, "I wrote in my notes."
Marconius asks, "it's irritating, isn't it?"
Dimigor says, "first I want to fix what is there."
Marconius says, "and somesort of increased failure"
Marconius says, "of casting"
Dimigor says, "I have made it so I can add diffrent effects later."
Dimigor says, "for ideas like this."
Marconius says, "okay"
Marconius says, "i guess i just feel we can already knock a critter down, calm, take 30 off its defense"
Marconius says, "i'd like it to focus on those two, that we can't do"
Marconius says, "that's all"
Dimigor nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Marconius sits back down.
Sleken says, "Ruove says, 'I'd suggest that you employ a mixture of reducing the mana cost, improving effectiveness, and increasing power, myself.'"
Sleken nods to Ruove, who stands up to address the assembly.
Dimigor says, "noted"
Dimigor leans back.
Ruove says, "Thanks. basically, I think there are alot of good ways you can improve the spell"
Dimigor says, "except the reduce in mana cost."
Ruove asks, "Are you certain?"
Dimigor says, "spell is locked in for 15."
Ruove says, "I can think of many spells that don't cost their spell level"
Ruove says, "If you say thats not workable, then I guess you know better, but I think its possible."
Dimigor says, "I think 120 is expensive."
Dimigor says, "613 is a gimmie."
Ruove says, "well, yes, but those are both basically worth their cost"
Ruove says, "as it is, swarm isn't"
Ruove says, "I think that a mixture of many ideas could work out best"
Dimigor says, "I am going to make it better than what it is now."
Dimigor says, "folks, you do not have to keep harping on that. I know this already."
Dimigor says, "and I am clear as the crystal ."
Ruove says, "I know that, and I think you will. I'd like you to consider using parts of each idea, though"
Dimigor says, "willow was 615 for you that remember."
Dimigor says, "tracking, was 605"
Dimigor says, "I got willow to 605, cause hardly anyone uses it."
Ruove says, "Yes, you did."
Dimigor says, "that left 615 open for a spell that Pentar had an idea on."
Dimigor says, "you the players picked swarm."
Dimigor says, "being a majoriyt."
Dimigor splutters.
Ruove says, "I think that its a good idea, and it just needs work."
Dimigor says, "so I went with it."
Dimigor says, "noted on the work part."
Dimigor says, "now it's time to change what is here and make it better."
Ruove says, "Exactly."
Dimigor nods.
Dimigor says, "but I can't move it from 615 slot."
Dimigor looks over at Mnar and shakes his head.
Ruove says, "I wish I could offer concrete suggestions, but I'm afraid I just look and listen to what most others say, and try to combind idea"
Sleken says, "We have one more question in the box..."
Having finished addressing the assembly Ruove sits back down.
Sleken says, "Darkfleet says, 'Couldn't you make it so that you summon the insects around the area? I'm sure insects from the area where 100 year old critters are have to be stronger then where kobolds are?'"
Sleken nods to Darkfleet, who stands up to address the assembly.
Darkfleet says, "just pretty much a sudgestion"
Dimigor says, "I think the elders want them bugs"
Darkfleet says, "for making it more age based"
Dimigor nods to Darkfleet.
Dimigor says, "basically a 15 level ranger is not going to kill a 60 level critter with swarm."
Dimigor says, "you are not going to have 10 swarms roaming around while you conduct a swap of goods."
Darkfleet says, "aye, But we hopeing that with the changes, the opposite is possible"
Dimigor says, "and swarm is going to be better than it is now."
Darkfleet says, "good to hear."
Dimigor says, "remember this..."
Dimigor says, "what you get, the critters get as well."
Dimigor smiles.
Dimigor nods to Galadriell.
Darkfleet says, "hmm I don't mind.. Thanks again"
Having finished addressing the assembly Darkfleet sits back down.
Dimigor asks, "anymore questions?"
Sleken says, "Wadsworth has something..."
Sleken nods to Wadsworth, who stands up to address the assembly.
Wadsworth says, "perhaps a better topic for the forum would be to figure out a more efficient way to get information to our guru. All of these ideas and complaints have been discussed on the boards for months."
Wadsworth says, "and yet seem new to you"
Dimigor says, "It's not new."
Dimigor points at Sleken.
Dimigor says, "he keeps me informed."
Dimigor says, "I travel a lot and teach tactics."
Dimigor says, "I try to read the boards."
Dimigor says, "once a week, but I scam."
Dimigor says, "we have to meet often"
Dimigor points at Sleken.
Dimigor points at himself.
Dimigor says, "I am not going to blow smoke at you."
Dimigor says, "I don't read them all."
Dimigor says, "also, I am not in this game."
Wadsworth says, "I'm an glad you took to address these concerns, but hate to think we need to have a forum to get feedback to you"
Dimigor says, "I work on the development of the game and expansion."
Dimigor says, "I write the code and these folks make it pretty."
Sleken says, "If you feel that way Wadsworth, it means I've failed in my job. Perhaps I have."
Sleken shrugs.
Dimigor says, "No..."
Sleken says, "I'm going to be taking a long look at my methods in the next week or so."
Dimigor says, "I take the blame for the delay and the lack of support."
Dimigor says, "When I picked this up, we had ideas."
Dimigor says, "I turned a lot of them ideas into reality."
Dimigor says, "swarm, I have faild."
Dimigor says, "failed, but I am fixing it."
Dimigor says, "I am going to work on these changes to swarm the next coming weeks."
Sleken nods to Wadsworth.
Having finished addressing the assembly Wadsworth sits back down.
Dimigor says, "Sleken is doing a great job."
Dimigor says, "when he gets in a bind he emails me."
Dimigor says, "He's great at this,"
Dimigor says, "Rangers for the last 7 years I have been in this game have been the pulse of the game."
Dimigor says, "the true colors of pride and togetherness."
Dimigor says, "always taking care of the thier young."
Dimigor says, "unlike some other profession whom let their lambs learn from the wolf the hard way."
Dimigor says, "The guild is here."
Dimigor says, "something we never had."
Dimigor says, "now if I can find the dern place I will be happy."
Dimigor taps an Elanthian map.
Sleken chuckles.
Dimigor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Dimigor says, "but don't lose your faith yet."
Dimigor says, "I haven't left yet."
Sleken says, "Those bugs are being worked on."
Dimigor says, "I have been paying guild fees for the last year and a half."
Dimigor says, "finally there is a guild to pay for."
Dimigor says, "cause I surly have paid for the dern thing."
Tarhen asks, "you or Sleken will post a message on the boards when the changes have been made?"
Dimigor shakes his head.
Dimigor says, "when changes are made."
Dimigor says, "they are best found when you find them."
Dimigor says, "but give it some days."
Dimigor chuckles.
Dimigor says, "well I don't post on things like."
Dimigor says, "should I carry a sword or a shield."
Dimigor says, "you elder rangers need to teach the young"
Aurach says, "Ok, so Swarm in a nutshell.....less BUz more Bite."
Dimigor nods to Aurach.
Dimigor says, "if I can't..."
Dimigor points up.
Dimigor says, "I will tell you why."
Dimigor says, "but I had this meeting and is my support for change."
Valdarrow says, "I'd like the swarm to behave just like the Teras Isle wasp nests. A critter hits me 3 times and the swarm wrecks vengance."
Revalos says, "that's what I like to hear"
Revalos grins at Dimigor.
Aurach asks, "twll ya what, ya need me come and back ya up Dimigor?"
Aurach strikes a heroic pose.
Arrogorn says, "how about ranger disks... like a moving tree that we can store our things in... "
Dimaire asks, "did you say you were gonna look at that "fails to attack part" Dimigor?"
Dimigor nods.
Dimigor says, "and the critter hidding."
Aurach says, "Dimigor.....612 breeze self cast, to drop 102 airwall. IDea."
Dimigor asks, "cast 612 and remove 102?"
Dimigor asks, "from yourself?"
Aurach nods to Dimigor.
Aurach says, "yes"
Aurach says, "breeze cast at your name. removes aiwall. "
Dimigor says, "I feel breeze makes the air pick up in the room, not just around you."
Aurach says, "breeze simple cast, it stays up"
Dimigor says, "get a wand with call wind."
Dimigor shrugs.
Aurach says, "thats not allways an effect ya want to use in battle"
Ruove asks, "well, the other option is to ask you to rewrite airwall to be like sneaking, but I don't think you can, can you?"
Ruove winks at Dimigor.
Aurach grins.
Dimigor says, "that takes the power of a Senior Ruove."
Ruove nods.
Aurach asks, "Companion, update?"
Dimigor says, "companion..."
Dimigor says, "working on it."
Dimigor says, "got it to store properly, I think."
Dimigor says, "gave it some basic commands"
Dimigor says, "but some distance away from being complete."
Dimaire says, "630 is where companion will be"
Dimigor looks over at Dimaire and shakes his head.
Ruove says, "For example, Dimaire is going to have a snow tiger named Rajah for her companino"
Ruove grins.
Dimigor says, "I managed to get some wonderful and outstanding help with companion."
Galadriell says, "I'd like a white Tiger"
Dimaire says, "white tigers are snow tigers"
Arrogorn asks, "would we be able to pick our companion, or is it random, like the familiar?"
(Aurach waitson a dusky panther.)
Arrogorn says, "or albino bengal tigers"
Dimigor says, "you will get a nasty alley dog"
Dimigor says, "with missing teeth,"
Arrogorn asks, "who, me?"
Dimigor says, "yes"
Sleken says, "Ok, folks...."
Sleken says, "I'm afraid your all going to have to scat."
Sleken says, "Your stinking the place up."
Dimigor says, "maybe the next meeting will be a feast."
Sleken exclaims, "Thanks for coming!"
(Sleken herds the mob towards the exit.)