Rogue Forum 4/21/2001
Special thanks to GM Smite and Rogue Liason Tolli.
Note: Transcript was edited to improve clarity.
Smite says, "Heh"
Smite says, "Ok folks, we'll wait just a couple more minutes."
Smite waves.
Gten says, "It's all Smite's fault"
Finixx says, "i think since Smite messed with things, he should fix our broken picks while we wait"
Smite begins chuckling at Finixx.
Merxas asks in guild speak, "Do we get to complain about sweepin Da courtyard too, Smite?"
Smite begins chuckling at Merxas.
Smite calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Smite says, "Ok folks, let's get this started."
Smite grins.
Smite says, "Welcome to the Rogue's forum."
Smite says, "Today we are going to cover picking and locks for the most part."
Smite says, "and then if we have time later we will touch on other subjects too."
Smite says, "For those of you who don't know, I'm GM Smite."
Smite says, "I'm the friendly rogue guru."
Smite says, "Tolli is the Rogue liason, but she seems to be absent."
Smite says, "Thus I will be blaming her for any problems."
Smite says, "Ok, to start, I want to explain the basic changes to locks and picking in the last few months..."
Smite says, "Then I'll open it up to questions."
Smite says, "For those of you who haven't noticed, we made quite a few changes to the picking system and lockpicks in the last two months."
Smite says, "Namely, we changed all of the lockpicks in the game onto a new system."
Smite says, "this was done for serveral reasons..."
Smite says, "First, it was a long overdue project that was started some time ago by GM Sayzor."
Smite says, "The goal was to provide more depth into our current lockpicks from the point of breakage and repair, as well as bonuses."
Smite says, "Prior to these changes, pretty much all lockpicks were created equal."
Smite says, "at least, most all lockpicks that were used."
Smite says, "What I mean by that, is everyone walked around with Alum, which was the best quality pick in the game."
Smite says, "All those fancy lockpicks that you bought from merchants, or from games and such..."
Smite says, "We no better than those you would buy from the town locksmiths."
Smite says, "The system did not allow for additional bonuses to be applied to the picks."
Smite says, "What we did, was change the basic systems to a wider range of picks and materials."
Smite says, "This creates more variety, and also allows things like alterations, show descriptions, etc to be placed on the new picks."
Smite says, "So we will see quite a few new merchants in the future dealing with picks."
Smite says, "It was also necessary to make these changes before implementing the lock mastery skill, and additional lock related skills."
Smite says, "We introduced 15 new base lockpick types into the game."
Smite says, "all of these have default settings for strength, durability, brittleness, bonus, and price."
Smite says, "Each of these picks now have the ability to be enhanced in a varity of ways which we will cover later."
Smite says, "Let me pull up a fancy little chart of the new picks... if you bear with me a moment."
Smite says, "ok, there we go..."
Smite recites:
"| Name | Rank | Cost | Quality
| Copper | (0) | 100 | Poor
| Brass | (0) | 250 | V-Weak
| Steel | (1) | 500 | Avr
| Ivory | (1) | 750 | Abv
| Gold | (3) | 2000 | Weak
| Silver | (3) | 2500 | Avr
| Ora | (5) | 5000 | Str
| Mithril | (5) | 6000 | V-Str
| Glaes | (8) | 9500 | Incrd
| Laje | (12) | 17000 | Avr
| Alum | (15) | 23000 | V-Weak
| Vultite | (20) | 30000 | Avr
| Rolaren | (20) | 36000 | V-Str
| Veniom | (25) | 50000 | Exlnt
| Kelyn | (25) | 62000 | Exlnt
| Invar | (30) | 75000 | Incrd
| Golvern | (40) | 95000 | Best
| Vaalin | (50) | 125000 | Incrd "
Smite says, "You will notice we have different ranks assigned to the lockpicks"
Smite says, "This means you will now need a certain amount of ranks in the lockpicking skill before you can fully use the lockpick bonus of that pick"
Smite says, "When I say "fully" I mean that you will still be able to use "some" of the picks qualities at lesser ranks."
Smite says, "But it will vary depending on how much you have trained in the skill."
Smite says, "we will also be releasing new merchants in the very near future which will allow you to add enhancements to thse base profiles"
Smite says, "Namely you will be able to add special Tip, Edged, Plating, Handles, etc."
Smite says, "Each of these enhancements will effect a different quality of the lockpick."
Smite says, "The Bonus, damage points, overall strength, brittleness, etc."
Smite says, "All in all, I think the lockpick changes will give us a much broader range of pick quality in the game."
Smite says, "Ok, previous to changing the picks, we also made some changes to the way picking itself works..."
Smite says, "First, I fixed the XP formula, which was broken for a long time."
Smite says, "For the most part, this helped a lot of you pickers..."
Smite says, "But picking XP is awarded on the lock difficulty, compared to your picking skill."
Smite says, "It will also factor in lore, the type of pick used, and other factors."
Smite says, "This means, that if you are picking a box that is very easy for you, you will not get much XP for it."
Smite says, "It also means that if you pick a box that is just attainable by your skill level and with the type of pick you have, you will get MUICH more xp for it."
Smite says, "Disarming was handled in a similar manner."
Smite says, "Future changes in picking..."
Smite says, "I meantioned the pick enhancements."
Smite says, "Enhancements may also allow us to have picks above the current bonuses."
Smite says, "This will allow you to have picks that can push your abilities further than before."
Smite says, "Also, we will have ways to measure the lock difficulties before actually trying to pick them"
Smite says, "This will be done with the famed "rogues toolkit" that you might have heard mentioned at some point."
Smite says, "The basic idea is that you can measure a lock before breaking your pick on it, thus giving you an idea of the type of pick you should use."
Smite says, "another thing I should point out is that picks are degrading through use now."
Smite says, "This means that the more you bend them or snap them, the lesser they will stand in quality."
Smite says, "This is not a guarenteed effect, and there are ways to make sure your pick does not lose any bonuses, but I am not going to tell you directly what those are."
Smite says, "I think that covers a basic overview, so let's see if I can manage to open the box up for questions..."
Smite takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Smite says, "Ok, once again our question box is on the fritz, let me see if I can fix it quickly."
Smite says, "Smite says, 'Why doesn't the question box work?'"
Smite says, "Ok, I think I know the answer to that first one"
Smite says, "Yzarian says, 'how do you assess what qualities your own lockpick has?'"
Smite says, "Currently, you need a bard to get a general idea of what qualities your wlockpick has"
Smite says, "I will be rolling in some changes to ASSESS to allow you to assess your own lockpicks, in much the same way warriors can assess weapons."
Smite says, "Unfortunately I've been a little busy with the Dirigible and Elven Nations to get that out today."
Smite says, "Xanitar says, 'Any hints as to when Player lockpick repair will be implimented?'"
Smite says, "Player repair will not be out before the end of this summer, this is due to the variety of other systems which need to be in place first, as well as our general lack of coding resources."
Smite says, "This is probably a good time to throw in my pitch for AGM applications."
Smite stares off into space.
Tolli snickers.
Smite exclaims, "Become a GM, and you too can carry the blame of all evils!"
Smite says, "Yay, and don't forget to email your apps to [email protected]"
Smite says, "Ok, pitch over, please if you are interested in helping code for the game, send me an application."
Smite says, "Sayrena says, 'Please address the issue of 'pick stepping'. Is it mechanics abuse to use the least required lockpick to open a lock rather then the best? Are those who attempt to gain maximum experience from their locksmithing, doing something that breaks the rules as some believe?'"
Smite nods to Sayrena, who stands up to address the assembly.
Smite asks, "You mean is it ok to use a lockpick of lesser quality to get the most xp ?"
Smite peers quizzically at Sayrena.
Sayrena says, "aye"
Smite says, "Absolutely, and that is intended too."
Sayrena says, "using a crude pick rather then an alum"
Smite nods to Sayrena.
Smite says, "You should not be penalized for attaining higher skill levels."
Sayrena says, "there is a constant battle on the boards about the ethics of doing so. I'd like to hear you address it"
Smite says, "So you can always use a lesser lockpick type to gain the most XP."
Smite says, "In order to gain the most XP from picking."
Smite says, "You will have to stand a good chance of breaking your pick."
Smite says, "so that is a issue of personal balance and preference."
Sayrena says, "thank you"
Smite says, "Depending on what level is risk is acceptable, you can use a specific pick to get the job done."
Smite says, "It adds some complexity, and makes things a little more interesting."
Having finished addressing the assembly Sayrena sits back down.
Smite says, "Lombrosis says, 'When will we be able to order customized lockpicks from the locksmith, and when will he be fixed to where he can open boxes again?'"
Smite says, "You will be able to buy customized lockpicks as soon as I get it done."
Smite says, "This means in the next month, as we will be rolling out a new shop system and slowly replacing those existing in all towns."
Smite says, "One of the specific features of this new system is for variable inventory."
Smite says, "This means that shops will "run out" of particiular items."
Smite says, "they will replenish in time, of course."
Smite says, "But not all items will be available at all times."
Smite says, "I'll fix Larton's opening service when I roll in the new shops."
Smite says, "Unfortunately we had some issues with the new lockpick converion, one of them being some players abusing a bug or two."
Smite says, "This required us to put in temporary shops in all the towns until it can be addressed in a more suitable fashion."
Smite says, "It was unfortuante and unexpected. But as they say, "if it can break, they players will find out how.""
Smite says, "Xener says, 'When will we notice the effects of these changes?'"
Smite says, "If you have not noticed yet, well, you probably won't"
Smite says, "The new lockpicks have been live for about a month or so"
Smite says, "the XP changes I spoke of went in last fall."
Smite says, "Runoic says, 'what is an example of a quality of a pick?'"
Smite says, "Ok, let's discuss lockpick specifics..."
Smite says, "all lockpicks have a bonus..."
Smite says, "This is how much of a "plus" they apply to your picking attempt."
Smite says, "All lockpicks have a base strength..."
Smite says, "This is used to determine if a lockpick breaks outright."
Smite says, "All lockpicks has damage points..."
Smite says, "This is how much damage then can take before breaking (hit points if you will)."
Smite says, "All lockpicks have a brittleness factor..."
Smite says, "This is the changes of damaging a lockpick from getting it stuck."
Smite says, "Chances too."
Smite says, "I wanted to point out the lockpick breakage and damage are independant, as you can see."
Smite says, "While if you continue to damage a lockpick, it WILL eventually break..."
Smite says, "You could also have a fully repaired lockpick the breaks on the first try."
Smite says, "Ashaden says, 'Will it be a specific command to determine lock difficulty?'"
Smite says, "Yes, the command will be MEASURE. It will probably have more uses than just lock measuing though."
Smite says, "Sturgen says, 'sometimes when im pickin, my attempt fails n i got no roundtime. also ive broke picks a few times because of this..snap n no rt..then with another pick i find out the lock is really easy n i never should of broke the pick. is this a bug or somthing? dont like breakin a high bonus pick on a lock i could open with me copper pick'"
Smite says, "Lockpicking has always factored in a "fumble" roll."
Smite says, "In fact, every system in the game should have a fumble factor."
Smite says, "So if you will a 1, you will go straight to breakage or damage rolls, no matter what the box difficulty."
Smite says, "Same as if a lvl 100 warrior rolls a 1 attacking a kobold."
Smite says, "I'm not sure why you don't get a RP though, that's prolly a bug."
Smite says, "Ebonflame says, ''How will older picks that don't necessarily fit into the new schedule be handled? For example, a blue grandmaster's lockpick? Where would that fit into your new schedule?'"
Smite says, "all lockpicks have been/are being converted to the new system automagially."
Smite says, "There are some people that might believe they have some lockpicks that are "better" than the older top lockpicks out there (namely alum)."
Smite says, "This is a misconception, and one of the reasons a change needed to be made."
Smite says, "No one has a 'super-pick' in the game."
Smite says, "Except maybe me, but I'm keeping that under lock and key"
Smite stares off into space.
Smite says, "Jaxarran says, 'is it possible for a low train to be opening high level locks?'"
Smite says, "Well, it "is" possible, not unlikely."
Smite says, "As I mentioned fumbles earlier, we also use "open rolls" in lockpicking."
Smite says, "Thus, if you roll a 100, you roll again and add it to your first roll."
Smite says, "If you roll 100 again, you roll a third time and add it to the previous two rolls."
Smite says, "And so on, I forget what the limit is, maybe 5."
Smite says, "But it is possible to open a lock way out of your skill range."
Smite says, "But unlikely."
Smite says, "Khandgar says, 'How many of these new features will be available to those people (un)fortunate enough to have been kicked out of the rogue's guild?'"
Smite begins chuckling at Khandgar.
Smite says, "lock mastery is a rogue guild skill which will be the base for a lot of these skills."
Smite says, "Specifically repairs and the like."
Smite says, "It is possible to open up some of these repair and enhancement abilities as Artisan Guild skills as well, but that is yet undertermined."
Smite says, "Everyone will be able to MEASURE a lock."
Smite says, "Most people will be miserable at it."
Smite says, "But everyone will be able to do it."
Smite says, "You will also need the lock mastery skill to "tune" your rogues toolkit."
Smite says, "So you don't have to be a member, but it will help to know one."
Smite says, "Merxas says, 'could you elaborate on that chart, Smite? I'm thinking there are things missing from it, because according to the chart an Alum lockpick is no better quality than a brass lockpick except costs 22750 silver more and you have to have 14 ranks to use. Also will there be a corrolation to the lockpick making in the Rogue guild to the Artesians guild? good article, by the way, in fantasy game magazine'"
Smite says, "Thanks, I liked the article too, amazing what they can do with photoshop."
Smite says, "there will be some overlap yet ondertermine with repair and the AG and lockmastery."
Smite says, "yet undetermined too."
Smite says, "and yes, there was a LOT of info missing from that chart."
Smite says, "If you look at what people have posed on websites and boards aready, they are pretty accurate at filling in the holes."
Smite says, "But my personal beliefs is that it is more fun to let folks figure it out themselves..."
Smite says, "And if you don't want to figure it out, someone else already has, so they can tell you."
Smite says, "Also, if I tell you specifically what all the bonuses are, you will blame me fore something else, I know it"
Smite gazes heavenward.
Smite says, "Davie says, 'next meeting can you do away with spell loss and the annoying animals'"