Medura grins.
Banthis removes a massive enruned breadlauncher from inside his burlap sack.
Banthis exclaims, "Yer all mine!"
Banthis cackles!
Lyredaen suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Banthis waves a massive enruned breadlauncher around.
Draug pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis leans on Medura.
Medura cackles!
Lyredaen flicks a breadcrumb in Banthis's general direction.
Medura exclaims, "But... I am!"
Medura exclaims, "tee hee!"
Banthis snorts at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen winks at Banthis.
Medura cowers.
Banthis exclaims, "wassail!"
Medura says, "I'm not a god... I just portray one in a game."
Medura grins.
Draug says, "we'll be beginning the Forum shortly, so please bear with us."
Lyredaen leans on Banthis.
Banthis loads a loaf of rye into his breadlauncher.
Banthis just hugged Arwen.
Lyredaen just hugged Arwen.
Medura holds up a big sign reading 'I'M RAIN' and quickly cowers
Medura asks, "is it safe to come out?"
Lyredaen starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Medura winks.
Medura exclaims, "eep!"
Banthis holds up a big sign that says, "Rain" behind Medura.
Medura exclaims, "Hugs and Tickles, and smooches oh my!"
Medura says, "erm"
Banthis says, "last "bunny" I saw around here killed 20 fighters..."
Medura says, "He's in trouble right now..."
Medura says, "The bunny has been bad"
Medura snickers.
Medura says, "I'll let him out for simucon though"
Medura winks.
Medura exclaims, "This be the meeting room for SimuCon 98!"
Lyredaen leans on Banthis.
Draug calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Draug says, "Ok, we would like to welcome you all to the Global Forum on the topic of SimuCon98: World Tours."
Draug says, "First for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Forum Mechanics, let me explain them slightly."
Draug says, "Ok, just a reminder on the mechanics of the Global Forum. To add a question to the Question Queue, you use the command ASK <question>. There are only 10 questions allowed in the queue at any time."
Draug says, "If you have a question in and wish to remove the question from the Queue, then please use the command WITHDRAW CONFIRM to remove it from the list."
Draug says, "To cut down on the scroll, so we don't miss your important questions, actions will be suppressed for the duration of the Forum."
Draug says, "We will try to get to as many questions as we possibly can in the next two hours, so please bear with us, and we'll try to answer your questions as completely as we can, and keep everything flowing."
Draug says, "Now, with no further ado, I give you Medura, our lovely Hostess for the evening."
Draug smiles at Medura.
Medura exclaims, "Howdy!"
Medura beams!
Medura says, "I'm happy to see you all here and hope that I can answer what you throw at me... um.. maybe throw isn't what I mean"
Medura grins.
Medura exclaims, "I'll start with some basics and then get to questions!"
Medura exclaims, "SimuCon, for those that don't know, is a convention held by Simutronics in ST. Louis, Missouri for all of our players!"
Medura exclaims, "We had a wonderful time last year at SimuCon ][ and have decided to have an even better convention this year known as SimuCon 98: Worlds Tour!"
Medura says, "It will be held in St. Louis, Missouri on Friday July 17 - Sunday July 19."
Medura says, "um.. of 1998"
Medura winks.
Medura says, "The website with information about SimuCon 98 is"
Medura says, "We have a review site set up for SimuCon ][ which you can find at"
Medura beams!
Medura says, "If you still have questions after this forum please feel free to write to me at [email protected]"
Medura says, "I'll be happy to answer anything you ask."
Medura says, "Okay..."
Medura says, "I think I'm ready now..."
Medura exclaims, "lay on the questions!"
Medura pokes Draug in the ribs.
Medura winks.
A grumpy dwarf holds up a sign and says, "that's [email protected]!"
Draug takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Medura says, "gotta love grumpy dwarves"
Medura snickers.
Draug says, "I'd like to remind you that we are only covering questions on the Convention, SimuCon98: World Tours."
Draug says, "If you have other questions, we will not be able to field them here tonight."
Medura says, "I only brought my SimuCon 98 brain with me."
Draug says, "If your question does not pertain to tonights Topic, we will be skipping over it."
Medura grins.
Draug says, "I just wanted to remind you of this."
Draug says, "Dilagh says, 'This is more of a comment than a question....If this year is 1/2 as much fun as last will be a total blast!!! I can't wait.....and are we going to have the option of going to the dumpe?? '"
Medura exclaims, "Thank you Dilagh! I completely agree with you about last year!"
Medura beams!
Medura says, "There is someone posting on the boards that I have read that will be renting out the Royale Dumpe for everyone. They ask that you write to them and let him know your interested."
Draug says, "they will probably not foot the entire bill, though"
Draug mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Medura says, "They expect everyone to pay for themselves, but are willing to put up the deposit..."
Medura says, "Hmm... I don't have that name handy on me... but if you can't access the boards to see the message, please write to me and I'll forward you the email of this person"
Medura smiles.
Draug says, "For those who have not been to the Royale Dumpe, it is setup as a Medivial Tavern, such as you would have found in England, way back when."
Medura exclaims, "The dumpe is walking distance to our hotel this year!"
Draug says, "the foods good, the drink is plentiful, and Helga is there."
Draug asks, "what more could you want?"
Draug winks at you.
Medura exclaims, "It is a risque comedy act held with great medieval flavor!"
Medura beams!
Medura exclaims, "I've been there myself about 5 times since I was 15 and loved the same show every single time!"
Medura exclaims, "Lots of audience participation!"
Banthis mumbles something about bread crumbs.
Medura just tickled Banthis.
Lyredaen whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Draug says, "Kitkin says, 'Will there be a forum topic on "guilds" during the seminars ? '"
Lyredaen is admiring Banthis.
Draug glances at Banthis.
Banthis waves his breadlauncher at Aeryk menacingly.
Draug asks, "Banthis, can you field that one?"
Banthis says, "Guilds? Hard to say at this point, since the seminar topics are still being agreed upon. I don't have that answer really."
Medura says, "We have not finalized our seminar schedule yet. It is possible that we will have a seminar on guilds. We are making a list of all of the seminars people are interested in at this time."
Medura smiles at Kitkin.
Draug says, "Suggestions can be posted in the SimuCon98 Message Board Topic"
Medura says, "Or sent to me via [email protected]"
A grumpy dwarf holds up a sign and says, "that's [email protected]!"
Medura says, "The SimuCon 98 topic is located under Socializing and Roleplaying in the message boards."
Lyredaen grins.
Medura says, "You can also find a broken out SimuCon 98 category on the simutronics message boards which you can post in."
Draug says, "Lochraven says, 'what time is the tour friday morning? I don't know whether to arrive thursday night or friday morning. Also, is Medura always this perky?'"
Medura blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Medura exclaims, "I'm not perky! Its just a rumor!"
Medura grumbles.
Draug says, "The answer to the second question is Yes."
Medura says, "The tours are going to be held from around 10 A.M Central to 4 P.M. Central. We haven't finalized that yet, but that should be very close to what happens."
Medura pokes Draug in the ribs.
Medura sticks out her tongue.
Draug gulps.
Draug asks, "Guess we shouldn't tell them about the "Win a date with Medura or Banthis" Contests?"
Medura glares at Draug.
Banthis glances at Draug.
Lyredaen raises an eyebrow in Draug's direction.
Medura grins.
Draug asks, "or did that get removed due to more demand for Issigri's Sheep?"
Medura exclaims, "I got to glare!"
Draug gulps.
Lyredaen leans on Draug.
Draug says, "Sassee says, 'if I can't get there until Saturday, is there possibly a reduction in price?'"
Medura says, "I'm afraid we cannot split up the cost of the SimuCon events. In later years we may find an easy method to do this, but at this time we can't. I would suggest registering early and maybe staying a day late. Their should be others staying late and then you at least get to see the people you know for the same amount of time."
Medura smiles at Sassee.
Medura says, "We are looking into that option though for future SimuCons."
Banthis says, "There are a bunch of people coming early, that I know."
Draug says, "I've also heard of player's organizing some "get togethers" before the Convention, which they have been posting about in the Message Boards."
Draug says, "Kayrac says, 'How can SimuCon work for teenagers wishing to attend with their families?'"
Banthis smiles.
Medura says, "Anybody under the age of 18 will need to have a parent at the convention or a parent show up the first day at the registration table and sign a release form. It sounds like you want to bring your family to the convention so you should be fine as far as this rule."
Medura says, "Anyone who attends SimuCon will need to register, which includes family members. The registration page has 4 slots which you can register guests so they can all be charged to the same account."
Medura says, "4 extra slots that is"
Medura says, "If your parents will just be dropping you off at the convention the first day, then they will not need to register just to sign the release form."
Draug says, "if they do not wish to attend the actual events, then they would not have to register of course, just be there for when you register."
Medura pokes Draug in the ribs.
Medura exclaims, "hey!"
Medura exclaims, "no taking my words!"
Draug smiles at Medura.
Draug says, "Kythyn says, 'which of the gods expect to be in attendance?'"
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "A bunch :)"
Lyredaen nods.
Draug says, "Good question, I heard a definite rumor that Hercules was going to show up in the form of Cyper."
Banthis says, "Last year I counted 75 staff members."
Medura chuckles.
Medura exclaims, "We plan on having a lot of the GameMasters here!"
Medura says, "How else will I be able to bring you neato forums! I sure can't run anything of interest."
Forum: How bunnies get in trouble.
Draug says, "we have way to many GM's to name them all, but GameMasters from GemStone III, Modus Operendi, and DragonRealms will be in attendance. As well as in force, to help save each other from the tide of players."
Medura grins.
Draug glances at Banthis.
Draug says, "There's a strong possibility that the Bread throwing contest from last year will not be repeated."
Draug coughs.
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis glances at Draug.
Medura giggles.
Lyredaen says, "Only if Banthis gets to choose the next victim."
Banthis says, "I'll be doing the throwing this year."
Banthis nods.
Medura says, "Or maybe on someone else..."
Banthis taps a massive enruned breadlauncher.
Aeryk says, "And from Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heros."
Aeryk pokes Draug in the ribs.
Draug says, "oh, yeah...."
Draug says, "Almost forgot htem"
Draug says, "them, evne"
Draug coughs.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Miphnik says, 'Any chance of a list of spokespersons for the lectures planned so far and a possible list of the menu for the meal?'"
Draug says, "part of this question we've already answered, but as to the meal...."
Medura says, "When we choose the lectures we will release exactly what they will be and most likely who will be running them..."
Medura says, "I am still in the process of working out details like meals with the hotel staff... but if you ask anyone that was here last year... I'm usually a pretty good judge of food and I always do a buffet so everyone can have something they want"
Medura smiles at Miphnik.
Draug says, "other then the bread, which was a little tossed, the meals were very good last year."
Banthis says, "Food last year from the hotel was great. The Dumpe food isn't the best, but we don't go to that for the food. :)"
Draug says, "so I don't think anyone will be disappointed."
Draug says, "Baldzak says, 'does the 200 dollar fee cover the lunches and seminars stated on the site and the games and so on?'"
Medura says, "The Adams Mark Hotel in St. Louis is considered one of the best for service, style, and food"
Draug says, "in a related question...."
Draug says, "Tilarium says, 'host How much will it cost?'"
Medura exclaims, "The Registration Fees will include everything listed on the website, yes!"
Medura beams!
Medura exclaims, "We are making this a very packed weekend!"
Medura says, "We have three Registration Times"
Medura says, "Early Registration Costs $200.00"
Draug says, "the Gladitorial Games of last year were simply enough to leave me speechless, course I lost my voice, too."
Medura says, "Regular Registration Costs $250.00"
Draug coughs.
Medura says, "Late Registration (Or as I lovingly call it Lazy Bum Registration ;op) Costs $300.00"
Medura says, "If you have Premium Service, remember you get 10% off"
Medura smiles.
Banthis asks, "lazy bunny registration?"
Banthis ducks his head.
Medura glances at Banthis.
Medura says, "It looks like I'm going to be given many glaring opotunities tonight"
Medura grins.
Medura winks.
Draug says, "Picklok says, 'what is simucom'"
Banthis grins.
Draug says, "A very good question"
Draug grins.
Medura exclaims, "SimuCon is somewhere you really want to be!"
Medura coughs.
Banthis asks, "Can I answer, can I huh?"
Medura grins.
Medura says, "sure Banthis"
Draug says, "besides an opportunity to throw bread at a GM...."
Draug ducks his head.
Aeryk says, "Or to knock a GM's head off..."
Draug's face turns slightly pale.
Medura taps her foot impatiently.
Draug says, "they only killed me five times."
Medura smiles at Banthis.
Medura raises an eyebrow in Banthis's direction.
You hear jeapordy music playing in the background.
Banthis says, "Simucon is a gathering of sorts. There you will find the faces behind the words that cause you to grin, giggle, cry and laugh. There you might find someone to share stories with, a drink with, or a whole new group of lifelong friends. The idea behind Simucon is a celebration for _people_ that make our game products great. You folks."
Medura says, "wow"
Medura says, "I could never have said it so well"
Medura applauds.
Medura says, "Sorry for heckling"
Draug says, "during the course of the weekend, you'll have the opportunity to mingle with your friends, enemies, and the people behind the game, the GameMasters."
Banthis says, "And who knows.. somewhere in that mass of hundreds of people you'll see there, you might find one that brings "magic" to you. If that happens, don't let go. :)"
Medura snickers.
Lyredaen just kissed Banthis on the cheek.
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis just hugged Lyredaen.
Medura says, "I was just gonna say it was a really fun convention."
Medura blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Banthis just tickled Medura.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Antilon says, 'is it somthing you can only go to in person or will things be happining in the game like a merchy or somthing cool like that'"
Banthis holds up his T-Shirt from Simucon which says, "I went to Simucon and got this lousy T-Shirt and engaged."
Medura exclaims, "Did I mention, we are in early registration and already have as many people registered as we had at the whole of last convention!"
Medura just tickled Banthis.
Lyredaen just nudged Banthis.
Draug says, "the real "action" and cool stuff will be going on in St. Louis at SimuCon."
Medura says, "SimuCon is purely a real life event. The idea is to meet everyone you love, like, and grumble at in person."
Draug says, "there maybe somethings that will occur in game while SimuCon98 is going on, but the real focus here is getting people together outside of the games."
Medura says, "There may be things going on in the game at that time (with all the gamemasters here, that may be hard but who knows) but it most likely will not be related"
Medura glares at Draug.
Medura exclaims, "I said stop taking my words!"
Medura smiles innocently
Draug says, "Letting people get to interact with everyone they see on a day to day basis, but now you get to put a face to that guy who plays "Bob"
Medura asks, "We have a bob?"
Medura searches around for a moment.
Draug says, "I was supposed to find out Bob was really a woman"
Draug blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Karrse says, 'will there be prizes for the costume dinner on friday '"
Medura exclaims, "We will have many prizes throughout the convention!"
Draug says, "in a related question, as well..."
Draug says, "Nenwavriana says, 'at the costume ball do they have a bunch of bards or a guy spinning silly little round disks for the music? And how much does the royal Dumpe usually cost?'"
Medura's face turns slightly pale.
Medura exclaims, "What are silly little disks? sounds horrific!"
Froyle just arrived.
Medura exclaims, "I would never hire someone like that!"
Draug says, "Last year we had strolling musicians"
Medura says, "We always try to have live music"
Medura says, "It makes for a much better atmosphere"
Banthis says, "There was some very nice music at the costume ball last time."
Banthis says, "They were in period costumetoo."
Medura nods to Banthis.
Medura says, "I only like to hire the best bards..."
Medura says, "my audition goes something like this..."
Medura says, "Sing... if your bad your a goner... okay... lets hear it"
Medura smiles sweetly
Medura says, "The royal dumpe costs about $22.00 base and then drinks are aditional"
Medura says, "This includes the food and performance"
Banthis says, "Good drinks too"
Medura says, "its a pretty good deal"
Draug says, "and for those who drink, they had a very nice endless mug deal"
Draug coughs.
Medura smiles at Smorgal.
Medura begins chuckling at Draug.
Draug says, "not that I would have partaken of that."
Draug hides his two gallon mug.
Medura begins chuckling at Draug.
Draug says, "Kitkin says, 'How many hospitality rooms are there gonna be and how many puters to access, asking cause one room of the two was sort of taken over by a smaller group from another game and claimed as there own.'"
Banthis grins.
Draug says, "that small group was DragonRealms, and they had bigger swords then the people from GemStone were carrying."
Draug sighs.
Medura says, "Well... for now what it looks like is we are going to have one massive room... we will probably try to partition it off but I'm not sure..."
Draug says, "we still snuck in and used the PC's there, too"
Draug grins.
Medura says, "We plan on getting a lot more computeres this year but I'm not sure how many.."
Medura says, "depends on how many people show up"
Medura winks.
Medura says, "Probably somewhere around 10 - 20 PCs though"
Medura says, "Many more than last year"
Medura smiles warmly
Aeryk just left.
Draug says, "just remember your account and password"
Draug grins.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "and never show them to anyone, since we won't ask for them."
Draug whispers to Medura, "I got the disclaimer in, right?"
Medura says, "um... we may ask your account but never your password"
Draug says, "Dilagh says, 'will there be a bulletin board or something where we can find other people? who we only know a character name for?'"
Medura pokes Draug in the ribs.
Banthis says, "Good idea."
Medura says, "I toke notes from last year of good ideas that people sent me and that is one of them... I will try to put together an easy to use system."
Medura says, "If anyone has any good ideas, feel free to send them to me at [email protected]"
Medura searches for the dwarf.
Draug says, "there is also the Bulletin Boards accessible through the Website which I believe already has a Topic you can start looking in."
A grumpy dwarf holds up a sign and says, "That's [email protected]"
Medura grins.
Medura says, "ahh there he is"
The grumpy dwarf seems to have drinking too much.
Medura smiles at Dilagh.
Draug says, "Shadowkatt says, 'Is there a list of the current people who are registered listed somewhere so we can keep track of who is going? I second that perky comment on Medura too. :P'"
Draug says, "I'll third, and pass the Perky comment on Medura."
Draug says, "She's now to be known as the Empress of Perk."
Draug says, "don't forget that title during the Convention."
Draug coughs.
Medura says, "I have posted a list about a week and a half ago to the GemStone Message boards in the SimuCon topic of people going. I will probably post again in the next few weeks."
Aeryk just left.
Medura exclaims, "No passing the perky!"
Medura grumbles.
Medura just tickled Shadowkatt.
Draug whispers to Banthis, "You see, this way, we know who attended the Forum. And it means she can only kill me once."
Banthis nods to Draug.
Medura glances at Draug.
Draug says, "Warped says, 'There is normally a sales agent with the hotel who acts as a liason for in-house services. My cousin wants to do something special...could I have the name of that person?'"
Medura says, "If you can't access the message boards write to me and I will send you a copy. :o)"
Medura says, "Um... I'm not going to be able to give out my sales agent or convention coordinators names out."
Medura says, "I'm sure if you called the hotel they could connect you with someone that can help you with whatever you would like to plan."
Medura says, "That number is 314-241-7400."
Draug says, "the number for the Hotel should be on the information attached to the Website, also."
Banthis asks, "1-800-Bug-Rain?"
Banthis smirks.
Medura snickers.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Blaqtar says, 'Will the weather gods be there? will they be wearing neck protection? <G>'"
Lyredaen picks up a handful of bread crumbs.
Lyredaen offers Medura a handful of bread crumbs.
Banthis glances at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Medura gulps.
Lyredaen smiles.
Medura says, "The weather gods should be there and um.. we plan on incasing them in lead for their protection"
Medura smiles.
Draug says, "well, part of the weather gods will be in attendance."
Medura accepts Lyredaen's bread crumbs.
Medura smiles at Lyredaen.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "those responsible for the maintaining of our servers will be there."
Lyredaen winks at Medura.
Draug says, "those responsible for the rest of the Internet will be mysteriously absent."
Draug ponders.
Banthis removes a loaf of bread from inside his burlap sack.
Banthis loads his breadlauncher.
Draug says, "Bestatte says, 'Would the Adam's Mark get upset if we had an implosion contest on their roof?'"
Lyredaen hides behind Draug.
Draug says, "Yes."
Medura shows Banthis her bread crumbs.
Medura cackles!
Medura says, "Um..."
Draug says, "although, the Royal Dumpe might think you were trying to clean up for them."
Medura says, "Their roof has a very nice swimming pool with a view of the arch... they may get a little um.. tiffed"
Draug says, "Ewww, that could be a mess, water everywhere."
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Let's caution against the use of any Implosions around populated hunting area's."
Medura says, "and excercing equipment flying around... sounds like a nightmare to me"
Draug says, "Karrse says, 'I am bringing my nephew and we both play do I need anything special to regester him ?'"
Draug says, "With the people who have playing this game, next of kin is always nice."
Draug nods to Karrse.
Draug nods to Karrse.
Draug says, "Er, no...."
Banthis grins.
Draug says, "that's not it."
Draug asks, "Let's see, what was the youngest attendant from last year, Four?"
Banthis says, "Last year there was a father-daughter combination who registered."
Medura says, "Well, depends on his age and your age. If he is underage then you will need to be over 18 and a qualified guardian."
Medura says, "Other than that you can list him as a guest on your account for registration if you like."
Banthis says, "Four? I think so. She had a nifty fool costume too :)"
Draug says, "and don't forget to get the permission slip signed from his parents for the trip"
Draug winks at Karrse.
Medura says, "All of our events are basically kid safe this year, so you don't have to worry about that."
Draug says, "For those of you who were not able to attend last year...."
Draug says, "This is a very nice, safe time\place to bring in your family, friends or loved ones to see what you have been so addicted too."
Draug says, "actually, come to think of it, we had a number of kids in attendance last year, ranging from 4-70+"
Medura says, "I can't think of any family members that came that didn't seem to be having a good time"
Banthis grins.
Medura begins chuckling at Draug.
Draug says, "one, managed to kill me in the Glad Games."
Draug gulps.
Medura snickers.
Lyredaen chuckles.
Draug says, "Niobiumii says, 'Is it an all-u-can-eat buffet? :=)'"
Medura asks, "Did you win any glad games last year Draug?"
Medura just tickled Draug.
Draug says, "oh, and if you see Giantsheild...."
Draug says, "I'm gunning for his son this year."
Draug says, "I've been drinking Milk, and I think I might be able to take him now."
Banthis says, "More than you can eat, yah."
Medura says, "Well... yes... (hopes she isn't going to regret that ;op)"
Medura just tickled Niobiumii.
Draug says, "Lochraven says, 'is there somewhere nearby to get a costume or do we need to pack one up and bring it'"
Medura says, "Well, many people brought their costumes, but we will have some information about local costume shops at the registration table like last year if you would prefer to rent for the weekend."
Medura says, "I want to add an aside..."
Draug says, "also, there's enough time right now, that you might want to look into some of the RenFaire style web sites, that sell the type of clothes and armor, you might be interested in."
Medura says, "This year the costume party will probably have many medieval costumes, but it is a general costume party so if anyone wants to try to find a cyberpod costume be my guest..."
Medura says, "I'm going to try to get a Xena costume maybe"
Medura cackles!
Medura exclaims, "Battle on Xena!"
Medura giggles.
Banthis chuckles.
Lyredaen grins.
Draug says, "I want to be Joxer."
Medura just tickled Draug.
Lyredaen hands Medura a teensy scrap of leather.
Draug says, "then I can get groupies to sing my song"
Medura giggles.
Lyredaen giggles.
You hear drunken women singing, "Joxer the Mighty....
Medura begins chuckling at Lyredaen.
Draug says, "Ebenn says, 'how many people are to be exspected? I love your robe Draug.'"
Medura glances at Draug.
Lyredaen squints at Draug.
Medura giggles.
Banthis rolls his eyes.
Draug says, "Thanks, my robe won't be able to attend the Convention, though, due to prior engagements."
Medura exclaims, "We expect over 400 people in attendance all together!"
Medura exclaims, "and GemStone always seems to have the most attendance!"
Banthis says, "well we're a party crowd."
Banthis nods.
Lyredaen bounces.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "and last year, there were a few dozen people who showed up during the course of the weekend, who had not planned on attending."
Draug says, "I heard mainly because they kept hearing what a blast their buddies were having."
Banthis says, "Some people heard how fun it was the first day and got on a plane for the rest of it."
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen nods to Draug.
Medura says, "Those people we plan on making work during the convention this year by doing acts like fire eating... it won't hurt a bit"
Medura grins.
Medura says, "trust me"
Draug says, "then there was the dwarf who rolled his car trying to get there."
Draug gulps.
Medura cringes.
Draug says, "fortunately, due to his sturdy stock...or was that shock?....he was unharmed and enjoyed the rest of the convention in style"
Medura beams!
Draug says, "Dilagh says, 'will the hospitality suite be non-smoking?? PLEASE????'"
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "That'd be nice."
Lyredaen nods.
Medura says, "We are working on some method to provide a smoking place for the smokers and a smoke free environment for the non-smokers at popular request. I'm not sure what we are going to do yet... I have to visit with the hotel a few times to work it our"
Draug says, "I promise, the GM's will not leave any smoking corpses around this year."
Medura says, "err our = out"
Medura smiles at Dilagh.
Draug says, "Torrigan says, 'Can I still attend any of the events if I don't register for the full Simucon package? Since I live in St. Louis I especially don't need lodging.'"
Medura says, "To attend any of the functions, you will need to register."
Medura says, "You don't need to call the hotel and get a room if you live here, but we can't split out the cost of the various events at this time."
Draug says, "big burly dwarven guards will be present at all Tents to strictly enforce maintain order."
Medura says, "We are considering such things for the future, though I'm not sure what we will do yet, but at this time we don't have any way of splitting those costs out."
Draug says, "Rossa says, 'Draug I like my conventions rather refined and tasteful... um... can we have those giant warrior costumes to fight in again this year?'"
Draug grins.
Banthis chuckles.
Lyredaen giggles.
Medura begins chuckling at Rossa.
Medura asks, "At this time we plan on having those costumes to fight in and more! Jousting sound fun?"
Medura grins.
Medura beams!
Medura exclaims, "I got to actually beat someone up last year in those costumes! Loved em!"
Draug says, "for those of you who were unable to attend last year...."
Medura whistles tunelessly to herself.
Medura smiles innocently
Draug says, "we had a set of "padded suits" which allowed us to hold our own Glad Games."
Draug says, "I think just about everyone enjoyed it immensely."
Draug says, "and they got to beat up on some GM's....."
Draug says, "....repeatedly....."
Medura giggles.
Banthis says, "Celtic knocked me hed off a few times and I wanted a rematch with ranged weapons but they didn't have any."
Banthis begins pouting.
Draug says, "Ranged weapons weren't implemented at that time."
Lyredaen asks, "Knocked off by a mage with a sword?"
Draug says, "Tilarium says, 'host What does the $200 cover?'"
Lyredaen just nudged Banthis.
You hear chearing. "PvP, We need a Rez!, Help! Someone grab an empath!"
Banthis says, "Well he had that danged haste spell up."
Medura says, "You got ranged weapons later Banthis"
Medura shows Banthis her bread crumbs.
Banthis exclaims, "But I was the target!"
Medura cackles!
Lyredaen giggles.
Banthis glares at Medura.
Medura ducks her head.
Lyredaen leans on Medura.
Medura asks, "The $200.00 covers Food, Fun, Games, Entertainment, Seminars, Food, T-Shirts, Prizes, Food... did I forget anything?"
Medura smiles at Lyredaen.
Banthis says, "Foodl."
Banthis says, "er food"
Draug says, "you may want to check the Website for more information there."
Banthis says, "Lots of info on the website ayep."
A grumpy dwarf holds up a sign and says, "That's WWW.SIMUCON.COM"
Medura exclaims, "hey!"
Medura exclaims, "the Dwarf is wrong!"
Medura giggles.
Lyredaen just tickled Medura.
Draug says, "Ok, fire the dwarf."
Medura exclaims, "That's WWW.SIMUCON98.COM!"
Medura sticks out her tongue.
The grumpy dwarf wanders off dejectedly.
Medura giggles.
A grumpy dwarf holds up a sign and says, "That's WWW.SIMUCON98.COM" and sticks his tongue out at Medura.
Medura says, "Thats better"
Draug says, "Blaqtar says, 'Where'd ya find that grumpy dwarf??? thought my dad had died long ago and i was orphaned to me present family?'"
Banthis leans on Celtic.
Medura smiles at Draug.
Draug says, "he was found in a tavern, where all good dwarves are found."
Banthis shows Celtic his breadlauncher.
Lyredaen furrows her brow.
Draug says, "Lekkle says, 'What about those under 18 years old and their parents won't be able to get there to sign the release form, Will you be able to send on over email or fax and bring that along or send it back before the convention?'"
Medura says, "At this time, we can't do that. We have no way of verifying that your parents actually signed the form. I am looking into it to see what all the icky legality stuff about that is, and I will post if there is any change, but at this time we can't do that."
Draug says, "Baldzak says, 'if Adam's hotel packed by the time we register what are our other options for hotel accomidatons if simu sugges any ?'"
Medura says, "We plan on making a list of hotels very soon which will be posted on the website that are located within walking distance to our hotel or by short ride."
Banthis says, "I think there's a Ramada inside of a few blocks distance, but I don't know how good it is."
Draug says, "but you'll only be keeping your clothes there, since I don't remember too many people sleeping last year."
Medura says, "Off the top of my head I would say the Marriott DownTown is pretty close"
Lyredaen leans on Celtic.
Medura says, "If you don't mind walking a bit the Hyatt Regancy at Union Station has a metro link stop and there is one about a block and a half from the Adams Mark"
Medura exclaims, "I would also make the suggestion to call the hotel as soon as you know you are going because rooms are selling quick!"
Draug says, "Bestatte says, 'If Draug's robe is not attending, does this mean Draug is going naked? And...since I wasn't there last year - would a naked Draug be a good thing or a bad thing?'"
Banthis chuckles.
Draug says, "I'm sorry."
Medura begins chuckling at Draug.
Draug says, "But due to the family oriented nature of this game...."
Draug says, "we can'"
Draug says, "we can't answer that question."
Banthis just tickled Draug.
Draug says, "Sassee says, 'Banthis I'd like to congratulate you on your engagement to someone you met at Simcon :>. I had a blast last year, and was very sorry we didn't get our memory books. I noticed some pictures on the webpage from Simucon but many people who had there pix taken by photographer were not on it (like mine). Were they lost or just not put up?'"
Will Draug become the Banthis of 98?
Banthis smiles.
Lyredaen hands Draug a sackful of Fan Club stickers.
Attend SimuCon98 and learn the answer to these questions and more!
Medura says, "We haven't put up all of the pictures yet... the web person who put the site together worked very hard to grab as many pictures as possible and scan them in in mass hysteria to get the website up..."
Medura grins.
Banthis says, "Medura can field the memory book question, but thank you for your comments. :) I suppose I could point out the individual..."
Draug points at Bill Clinton.
Banthis points over at Lyredaen and says, "...right here."
Medura says, "I kinda came to her and said 'Can you please make this by... next week... you know.. .the whole sight, names and all"
Lyredaen waves.
Sassee rubs Lyredaen gently.
Lyredaen gives Draug a good pinch!
Medura grins.
Lyredaen chuckles.
Medura says, "we plan on adding more, we just haven't had a chance of yet"
The crowd starts cheering "Draugie, Draugie, Draugie!"
Banthis says, "We met at Simucon but hadn't talked in the game before actually. The courtship started then. :)"
Draug says, "right now, they've been concentrating more on the actual content of the Convention, then adding to the information on the Website."
Draug says, "Banthis used a love charm given to him by Reline."
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis nods.
Lyredaen exclaims, "Is that what happened?!"
Draug says, "suprisingly, it worked."
Medura asks, "Last year I said... can we start planning simucon a little earlier next year?"
Medura grumbles.
Banthis rubs Medura gently.
Draug says, "so, remember to ask Reline if she has any of her special love charms left."
Lyredaen furrows her brow.
Medura says, "So.. we have been a little pressed on our time..."
Kessyndyr just went out.
Medura says, "did I mention along with this I've been also a Design Assistant on our newly Alpha H&X: Alliance of Heroes"
Medura says, "Somebody find me a clone please..."
Medura grins.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "She's trying to see how the Sleep Deprivation Experiments work."
Banthis says, "Who put the glad in gladiator... oh wait, wrong production company."
Medura chuckles.
Draug says, "Zagreus says, 'earlier you mentioned that dragonrealms, gs3, and modus staff will be there, what about the people from cyberstrike? I like Medura's robe better'"
Medura beams happily at Zagreus!
Banthis squints at Medura.
Medura exclaims, "Thank you about the robe!"
Medura dances around the room to music only she can hear.
Draug says, "Cyberstrike...."
Draug says, "Cyberstrike...."
Medura exclaims, "CyberStrike is invited this year as well!"
Draug asks, "isn't that where Cyper gets mad at someone?"
Draug peers quizzically at Banthis.
Medura giggles.
Lyredaen giggles.
Banthis just hugged Dara.
Draug exclaims, "Oh! You mean our Graphical Pod Game!"
Draug says, "which is soon to see a very large overhaul and some great new features"
Draug mumbles about trying to get on the Beta Test for that.
Banthis says, "Cyberstrike2 looks really neat, tho.. I don't have any heckling comments about it. :)"
Medura says, "There might be people from CyberStrike though we are not sure at this time... regardless of that... we are hoping to demo CyberStrike 2 at the convention and maybe even give you'al a chance to check it out first hand"
Lyredaen winks at Sylpher.
Banthis leans on Lyredaen.
Medura exclaims, "It really is a cool game!"
Draug says, "I'm not sure about the number of Cyberstrike players who will be in attendance, but a good place to start checking on that would be the Cyberstrike Message Boards."
Draug says, "You'll be able to get first hand information then of who says they will be going."
Medura exclaims, "I was Design Assistant on that project too for a while and I gotta tell ya... its fun! Boom boom boom!"
Draug says, "but not as fun as slashing off the leg of a Troll King to get at it's neck...."
Draug says, "or falling in love with a lovely elven lass."
Draug says, "or gent, depending upon your choice."
Draug smiles at you.
Medura exclaims, "Boom Boom Boom!"
Banthis grins.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Niobiumii says, 'May I just let everyone know my birthday is close to that time; gifts and wands thanks... will be appreciated! (My you all look nice tonight!)'"
Draug says, "Sorry, no self-promoting, that's our job."
Banthis chuckles.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Eeanman says, 'What IS that breadlauncher all about? And i like Meduras' robe better also <snicker'"
Banthis grins.
Draug says, "The BreadLauncher<tm> is Banthis' new invention."
Banthis says, "Well I don't want to give too much away about the Royal Dumpe... but basically I was the target of a bread assault last year."
Draug says, "It is for him to take revenge on all those who pelted him with Bread last year at the Royal Dumpe."
Medura says, "Hey! My B-Day is July 16... imagine I'll be spending it taking deep breaths saying "There's no place like home""
Banthis says, "You can see a picture of the event at the Simucon II site."
Draug says, "I'd expect for the price of Bread to triple during the month of July in and around St. Louis."
Lyredaen says, "And endured with good humour."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Medura beams!
Medura says, "My robe 2 Draugs robe 1"
Medura dances around the room to music only she can hear.
Banthis just nudged Medura.
Banthis chuckles.
Draug says, "that's right, Draug's Robe won."
Lyredaen giggles.
Medura pokes Draug in the ribs.
Draug says, "Taloa says, 'What about those who play in more than one land, like DR and GS? We forced to chose just one for the nametags, etc. ?'"
Draug says, "depending on how long your name is, you might have to go with the generic "Addict" tag."
Draug says, "Damangherick is pusing it."
Draug says, "while Bob is always fairly safe."
Draug says, "just don't let him drink."
Medura says, "When you fill out the nametag there is space to put two names... for the nametag distinction <sp?> you will need to choose one game... but you can mingle with the other games people and let them know you play both games"
Lyredaen sits quietly in the corner, chanting "Ded Bob!"...
Medura smiles at Taloa.
Medura says, "I'm sure they will be nice when they realize you aren't trying to infiltrate just to join in for a bit"
Draug picks up his "Ded Bob replica doll."
Lyredaen gasps.
Lyredaen gazes fondly at Draug.
Banthis squints at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen just nudged Banthis.
Lyredaen exclaims, "Bob!"
Banthis pokes Nukulus in the ribs.
Draug says, "Tilarium says, 'If we want can we bring are own weapons? If we can can we use them at the glad. games?'"
Banthis chuckles.
Medura says, "hmm"
Medura says, "You can bring your own"
Draug says, "I believe that weapons are still allowed to be brought, but we will provide the one's for the Games."
Draug says, "Just remember, that brandishing a seven foot sword in downtown St. Louis might draw the attention of the local Constable."
Medura says, "You can't use them on anyone unless you love St. Louis tourism so much you just had to check out what the St. Louis justice system was like"
Draug says, "so Peace Knots would be a very good thing."
Draug says, "GameMaster Sayzor will probably be willing to compete with real one's, but your our own safety, we'll use those we provide."
Draug says, "Alarinn says, 'The schedule of events indicates that everything starts Friday this true or are there anything being scheduled for the morn?'"
Medura says, "Everything starts around 10ish (Gads that is soooo early, are people awake at that time?)."
Medura says, "We will start letting people register and having a shuttle to the Simutronics Offices for tours"
Medura says, "The shuttle will be looping so you don't neccessarily have to show up at 10"
Medura winks.
Draug says, "Shiarra says, 'It wasn't fair to tease Celtic, Banthis. He can't do anything back. And can we get larger name tags this year? They were too small last year. Oh, and do we have to let Aurec go?'"
Draug says, "Celtic will live and yes, Aurec can come."
Lyredaen clears her throat.
Banthis says, "The favorite hangout spot last year was the Hotel bar, which only stayed open til 1. This year I'm told the bar will be open til 3."
Draug says, "GM's don't discriminate, we hate everyone equally...."
Draug asks, "er we love everyone equally?"
Medura says, "There will be larger and printed nametags this year"
Medura grins.
Lyredaen exclaims, "The Fan Club is up for sale or trade... make me an offer!"
Lyredaen winks.
Banthis chuckles.
Medura says, "Aurec can come... but you take charge"
Medura smiles at Shiarra.
Medura says, "The bar at this hotel"
Draug says, "Celtic says, 'So tell me, Banthis, How do you plan to defend this years When Bread Attacks?? Also.. Did I read correctly, no picnic this year?'"
Banthis chuckles.
Medura exclaims, "stays open until 3 and has live music on the weekend... it is a really great place!"
Draug says, "he plans on defending against Bread Attacks by using small halflings as shields."
Banthis says, "I have a new shield. It's called the Lyredaen shield."
Draug nods to Banthis.
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis smiles sweetly.
Lyredaen gazes heavenward.
Banthis asks, "We have a "festival" which I think takes place of the picnic right Medura?"
Medura says, "There will be no outdoor picnic this year... considering the weather St. Louis has been having (unstable) the 3 Hr lunch on Saturday will be sort of similar to a picnic with lots of food, music, and lots of games"
Medura asks, "You'll just have to imagine sunlight... but didn't we last year?"
Draug says, "Zepata says, 'Do we get a discount if Draug is naked? <g>'"
Medura grins.
Banthis says, "although the inclement weather frisbee we had last year was fun."
Lyredaen giggles.
Banthis chuckles.
Medura says, "For anyone who wasn't here last year it rained on my picnic"
Suddenly, Medura bursts into tears!
Draug says, "If Draug is naked, then we're sending him Home."
Draug says, "and we won't be refunding his money."
Medura smiles at Dilagh.
Draug says, "he was warned last year when he tried to dance on the tables."
Medura exclaims, "I have to say that if I didn't think you all were great before the picnic... I thought you were the best afterwards!"
Medura exclaims, "I couldn't believe how much fun everyone was having!"
Draug whispers to Banthis, "Did he say Draug? or Jesh?
Medura exclaims, "Thank you Thank you Thank you!"
Medura beams!
Banthis looks over at Draug and says, "I thought he said Bleeds."
Draug says, "Sassee says, 'Oh these GMs make it sound like they work so hard. Wait till you get the tour of their offices: there are games all over the place, that's all they do all day, play games!'"
Draug asks, "Isn't that the business we are in?"
Medura hides her newly purchased Cosmopolitan Makeover.
Draug says, "We're here to make the best games we possibly can so that you can enjoy them all the more."
Medura exclaims, "We do not!"
Banthis chuckles.
Medura hides her newly purchased Cosmopolitan VIRTUAL Makeover.
Draug says, "we don't say it's a strenuous life"
Medura says, "Just a sleepless one"
Medura grins.
Draug says, "but the hours can be long, the thanks not-withstanding, and they took away our pizza priviledges."
Draug says, "the last one almost killed me"
Medura begins chuckling at Draug.
Medura nods to Draug.
Medura says, "Dominoes calls"
Draug says, "Dilagh says, 'actually I like Lyredaen's bliaut real well...but I would take any of the robes....Can we check out message boards for other games without actually having an account with it? Banthis, when's our next chance to launch some bread at you?'"
Medura says, "pizza... pizza... pizza"
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis says, "I'll be at the Royal Dumpe this year but I won't be in the stocks. :)"
Draug says, "I think you do have to have a subscription to the other games to access thier boards."
Lyredaen leans on Banthis.
Banthis asks, "hmm.. do we not have a topic in the Simutronics Message board tho?"
Draug says, "but you can check the Simutronics Message Board, which has some for all games."
Medura says, "Um, I think so, unless you can get a trial subscription... <G>"
Banthis says, "if not we might could put one up there so we can post in a general forum."
Medura nods to Banthis.
Medura just tickled Banthis.
Medura says, "We think of everything"
Medura cackles!
Medura says, "almost"
Banthis smirks.
Medura says, "We do have that"
Draug says, "Zagreus says, 'Where is the Simucon 2 site? and what are the stats on that Breadlauncher(tm)? is it a ranged weapon? where can i get one? is it under 10k?'"
Medura says, "In fact the topic there is split up into sections and may be worth checking out"
Draug says, "The BreadLauncer<tm> is a Unique item."
Draug says, "sorry."
Medura says, "WWW.SIMUCON.COM"
Medura says, "is the memory site for simucon 2"
Banthis says, "The Breadlauncher is a ranged weapon yes."
Draug says, "the SimuCon ][ site can be accessed from the WWW.SIMUCON98.COM site, as well."
Banthis says, "Fires loaves of bread inside of three seconds."
Banthis nods.
Banthis would demonstrate on his fiance but he'd be in the doghouse.
Medura giggles.
Lyredaen whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Draug says, "Nenwavriana says, 'are there any other good nightspots that are closeby for the late night partiers? and is Banthis just wearing a burlap sack to the convention too?'"
Medura offers Lyredaen a handful of bread crumbs.
Medura asks, "need these?"
Banthis says, "That landing place whose name I can't pronounce..."
Lyredaen declines Medura's offer.
Medura grins.
Lyredaen exclaims, "I have other ways!"
Lyredaen winks at Medura.
Lyredaen giggles.
Medura nods to Lyredaen.
Lyredaen leans on Medura.
Medura smiles at Nenwavriana.
Medura says, "Laclede's Landing which is about 2 blocks away from the hotel is considered one of the best nightlife places in all of St. Louis"
Banthis nods to Medura.
Banthis nods to Medura.
Draug says, "also near the Royal Dumpe, there are alot of Bars."
Draug says, "just not all of them will allow you to bring in swords."
Medura says, "It has bars, dance clubs, a Planet Hollywood, an Old Spaghetti Factory, and much more"
Banthis says, "The Dumpe is at Lacledes Landing."
Draug says, "Chrisalys says, 'So are all Gemstone folks alcoholics? And I thought it was just the Dallas people! <whistle>'"
Draug says, "Only the Bards."
Medura giggles.
Medura asks, "Does milk count?"
Lyredaen says, "And the occasional ranger.."
Medura glances at Chrisalys.
Medura winks.
Banthis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Banthis says, "There are all kinds I guess. :) The non-drinkers have as much fun as the drinkers I'd suspect."
Draug says, "Zagreus says, 'you people just play games all day? how do i join?'"
Draug says, "No, actually, alot of us have day jobs."
Banthis says, "some of us play games at our day jobs too."
Banthis nods.
Draug says, "but there are applications for GameHost and Assistant GameMaster Positions located in the website library."
Draug closes the question box.
Medura says, "To play all day at work you have to be willing to sign your life away... "
Medura grins.
Medura says, "we aren't evil.. "
Medura says, "really"
Medura cackles!
Draug says, "Dilagh says, 'will we have ranger drivers again this year?'"
Draug says, "Only if you hire them yourselves."
Banthis chuckles.
Draug says, "I fired my last Ranger-based Driver."
Medura says, "We only have one event to ride to and that is the office tours"
Medura applauds.
Medura applauds.
Medura applauds.
Medura applauds.
Medura applauds.
Medura grins.
Banthis says, "The tour buses last year were kinna fun, but you're right.. they didn't quite know where they were :)"
Medura says, "The shuttle should find it pretty easy to go from the hotel to the office to the hotel to the office and back again"
Medura grins.
Draug says, "at least after the first seven or ten times."
Draug says, "Niobiumii says, 'Why, after years of easy messages and bulletin boards, do the boards for GS3 have to be javascript? The rest of the game and areas run without it. I have to change my system, reboot, relog for it'"
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "There is a Windows 95 based Message Board program which you can download."
Draug says, "It will simplify the message boards for you."
Medura says, "Java is good... Java is warm... Java is yummy (I really couldn't answer any better than that. :o) )"
Draug says, "but this isn't the place to ask about that, if you need too, please feel free to put in an Assist."
Banthis just tickled Medura.
Medura giggles.
Banthis taps his foot impatiently.
Banthis peers quizzically at Draug.
Medura says, "Someone who has recently arrived has a question about minors being admitted."
Medura says, "We can only admit a minor if they come to the convention with a parent or if a parent brings them to the registration table on Friday and the parent signs a release form."
Banthis says, "Releasing them to be sacrificed..."
Banthis nods.
Banthis coughs.
Banthis says, "oh sorry.. kiddin."
Medura says, "Other than that I'll review real quick all important sites, dates, addresses, and numbers..."
Medura just tickled Banthis.
Medura says, "Website:"
Medura says, "WWW.SIMUCON98.COM"
Medura says, "WWW.SIMUCON.COM = simucon ][ review site"
Banthis exclaims, "with pictures!"
Banthis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Medura says, "Convention will be in St. Louis, Missouri from Friday July 17 to Sunday July 19"
Medura says, "If you need any questions answered, have an suggestions, or just wanna say hi... write to me at [email protected]"
A grumpy dwarf starts to write out complaint letters to send to "[email protected]"
Medura says, "If you need to book you hotel room with the hotel call 1-800-444-ADAM"
Draug says, "not to be confused with ADAM, that company that fights for Mens Rights."
Medura says, "The hotel is the Adams Mark Downtown and you will need to specify you are with Simutronics"
Medura pokes Draug in the ribs.
Medura says, "If you want to talk to the hotel directly because you need a special service etc. call 314-241-7400"
Medura pants.
Medura pants.
Medura pants.
Medura smiles happily
Medura says, "I think that should be all"
Medura smiles at Dilagh.
Medura just tickled Aurec.
Medura says, "Oh one more thing"
Medura says, "If you write to me in the next few days and I don't respond right away..."
Medura beams!
A grumpy dwarf starts to take a deep breath and then says, "That's 1-800-444-ADAM for Hotel Room Bookings and 314-241-7400 for any other questions for the Hotel."
Medura exclaims, "I'm goin on vacation (FINALLY) so nah!"
Medura sticks out her tongue.
Medura says, "I mean"
Medura coughs.
Medura says, "I'll get back to you as soon as I get back"
Medura smiles.
Draug says, "she's kidding, we're just moving her chains to another cube."
Lyredaen fidgets.
Medura giggles.
Draug says, "Ok, that's going to conclude the formal part of our Forum, I'm going to reopen the floor and there will be a couple of us still here to answer any general questions on this topic."
Draug opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Draug says, "Thanks for coming."
Draug smiles at you.
Medura smiles.
Medura leans on Draug.
Banthis stretches.
Aurec just hugged Medura.
Medura says, "whew"
Lyredaen yawns.
Medura just tickled Aurec.
Aurec says, "Have a great vacation."
Medura says, "Thank you Aurec! I hope Shiarra allows you to attend"
Banthis chuckles.
Medura just hugged Allequerie.
Allequerie asks, "Enjoy yerself, Medura. Bury Banthis in bread, hmm?"
Draug whispers to Aurec, "Just don't tell her you're going ;)"
Lionardo asks, "Is Simucon98 exclusively for those who register or will there be an open house night?"
Medura giggles.
Medura says, "Thank you Alle"
Banthis just hugged Allequerie.
Medura beams!
Banthis grins.
Medura says, "It is exclusively for those that register... the events are that is..."
Medura smiles at Lionardo.
Allequerie says, "Alle makes sure she have lots of string for Banthis. Na bread."
Lochraven says, "The Adam mark hotel is completely sold out"
Allequerie whistles tunelessly to herself.
Banthis chuckles.
Draug asks, "did you tell them you were with Simutornics?"
Draug says, "er tronics."
Draug coughs.
Lyredaen glances at Draug.
Lyredaen giggles.
Banthis says, "They're definitely sold out for the days that we've not booked."
Lionardo asks, "I live 20 minutes from downtown, I was thinking about meeting a few friends and see who wome others might be. Do I need to register to come inside and meet them?"
Medura says, "They aren't sold out yet.... you have to say you are with Simutronics"
Lochraven says, "yes they said that simutronics group rate is sold out and then she said the whole hotel is sold out for those dates. I just called right now"
Allequerie asks, "Banthis, ye actually gots buri, married?"
Allequerie peers quizzically at Banthis.
Banthis says, "strange."
Banthis says, "getting married yah"
Medura says, "You don't need to register to come into the hotel... you will have to arrange to meet your friends when they are not in a convention event"
Lyredaen says, "Well, maybe everyone who came tonight called them."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Draug says, "engaged, we're going to have his wedding here online."
Banthis just tickled Allequerie.
Medura smiles at Lionardo.
Allequerie beams happily at Banthis!
Draug ducks his head.
Banthis glances at Draug.
Banthis says, "No we're not :)"
Lyredaen asks, "we what?"
Lyredaen blinks at Draug.
Medura says, "Hmmm"
Allequerie says, "Banthis on laundry. That should be entertaining."
Lyredaen wrings her hands.
Banthis chuckles.
Allequerie grins.
Draug says, "of course, we're going to use his Banshee's to represent him, and for her, we're going to use one of those Vrrael"
Medura says, "I called them just yesterday to find out about the amount of rooms sold... "
Lyredaen just tickled Banthis.
Draug says, "the Priest will be from the Spider Temple"
Lochraven says, "this is not good. being sold out during early registration :)"
Lionardo asks, "Saying I do register then, are there any bonuses inside the elanthia I could earn while there?"
Lyredaen says, "Um"
Medura says, "I would try again"
Medura says, "Maybe they got confused somehow"
Medura says, "I know they should have more rooms"
Lyredaen exclaims, "No Bleeds weddin, I don't want to have my head chopped off at the reception!"
Lyredaen says, "of course by the time I plan this wedding I might not care..."
Allequerie says, "Bah. Hire the dwarf. He'll throw out the gatecrashers."
Lyredaen giggles.
Medura says, "Well.. knowledge... Coming to the events, mingling with everyone, attending the seminars enriches the whole gaming experience"
Lyredaen exclaims, "I've been trying to hire Tehara and she won't do it!"
Lyredaen babbles something unintelligible.
The grumpy dwarf mumbles.
Allequerie asks, "Alle doesna blame her. Where would ye gets flame rum, in any wise?"
Medura says, "And during the seminars you may say something really cool which you may see show up in the game"
Medura smiles at Lionardo.
Lionardo says, "I would love the knowledge too, just checking to see if there were any "special" possibilities"
Allequerie says, "Comes to that, a stunned (or breaded) Banthis is na a pretty sight."
Allequerie smiles.
Banthis chuckles.
Lyredaen just tried to pull Banthis towards her!
You see a large bread clod come out of nowhere and stun Banthis!
Lyredaen says, "No bread this year... I promised him no bread, or else he won't go to the Dumpe with me"
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis glances at Draug.
Allequerie says, "Breaded Banthis. Almost sounds like a sorcerer's recipe."
Allequerie snickers.
Lyredaen says, "And I want to go, I laughed til my sides hurt last year :)"
Lionardo asks, "speaking of bread, could ya launch some my way with that there breadlauncher ya got?"
Banthis says, "the launcher is somewhat buggy.. it tends to kill the target."
Allequerie peers quizzically at Banthis.
Banthis nods to Allequerie.
Lionardo shudders.
Allequerie says, "Stand further away, then. Takes some of the momentum out."
Lyredaen nods to Allequerie.
Medura says, "It took me about 2 years to get to level 14..."
Medura grins.
Lionardo says, "heh, try me anyway, I know you can "undo" the outcome."
Allequerie says, "Firing ats point blank range is na nice thing."
Medura glances at Draug.
Banthis says, "Well I'll use a GM target..."
Medura says, "Um... actually I have no clue what level my character is"
Medura grins.
Draug points at Lyredaen.
Banthis draws a bead on Draug...
Lionardo grins.
Banthis nocks a loaf of bread in his enruned breadlauncher.
Banthis fires a loaf of bread at Draug!
AS: +380 vs DS: +8 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +60 = +457
... and hits for 183 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! Draug blinks once and falls quite dead!
* Draug drops dead at your feet!
Lionardo nods to Banthis.
Aurec winks at Medura.
Bereave says, "put's a whole new meaning to the term 'power eating'"
Bereave ducks his head.
Banthis nods.
Banthis asks, "see?"
Medura chuckles.
Medura rubs Draug gently.
Draug stands up.
Draug dusts off his robe.
Draug flexs his finger.
Banthis put a massive enruned breadlauncher inside his burlap sack.
Lochraven says, "I just called again, they are saying the whole hotel is sold out for the entire weekend"
Medura blinks.
Medura blinks.
Medura asks, "is that the 1-800 number?"
Lochraven nods to Medura.
Lochraven says, "the regular hotel reservations is closed right now"
Medura says, "Let me call the hotel real quick ... stick with me for a sec"
Banthis asks, "1-800-bug-rain?"
Banthis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Lochraven says, "I'll try that tomorrow"
Allequerie says, "Bad Banthis."
Lionardo asks, "care to let me try yer breadlauncher Banthis?"
Lyredaen yawns.
Banthis says, "Sorry no can do."
Banthis says, "it's time for me to tuck the bard in."
Draug says, "sorry, he didn't get it approved for general release."
Banthis just tried to pull Lyredaen towards him!
Lyredaen flails her arms about.
Lyredaen exclaims, "I need sleep!"
Allequerie says, "Congratulations, Lyredaen. May ye and Banthis be greatly blessed."
Lyredaen smiles at Allequerie.
Lyredaen says, "Thank you.. I believe we are"
Allequerie smiles.
Banthis just tickled Lyredaen.
Lyredaen just tickled Banthis.
Medura says, "grrrr"
Allequerie says, "Marriage is a wonderful state. State of what, is another question."
Allequerie grins.
Medura mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Lyredaen chuckles.
Cayianne asks, "Pain? Agony?"
Lochraven asks, "bad news Medura?"
Banthis concentrates for a moment as he silently moves the tents out of sight in the three towns.
Allequerie says, "Alle was thinking more of confusion. Especially the first month or so."
Medura says, "Well... your right 1-800 claims its sold out, and reservation is closed at this time... I'll call tomorrow before leaving and make sure they don't have a mistake... I would call in the afternoon."
Banthis says, "We didn't have a tent in RR this time."
Lochraven says, "I really wanna stay in the hotel, I thought I had plenty of time"
Lochraven starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Medura nods to Lochraven.
Lyredaen chuckles.
Medura says, "I hope there are still rooms..."
Lyredaen asks, "How many signups do you have, Michelle?"
Aurec asks, "If not, can I call dibs on your couch?"
Lochraven says, "me too. thanks for a wonderful forum. I can't wait"
Medura glances at Aurec.
Medura asks, "What couch?"
Medura giggles.
Lyredaen giggles.
Aurec smiles hopefully.
Allequerie says, "Alle thinks ye didna wants to open the floor to that question, Medura ;)"
Medura says, "We have over 200 signups... "
Medura giggles.
Medura leans on Allequerie.
Lyredaen says, "well, I guess it's possible the rooms are gone... especially if people called for a room but have not yet registered, I heard one person say that they'd done that"
Medura says, "I doubt all the rooms are gone from yesterday"
Lyredaen asks, "were there lots left?"
Medura says, "that would be an amazing jump in calling the hotel"
Medura says, "We had about 100 left yesterday"
Banthis just tickled Lyredaen.
Lyredaen moans.
Lyredaen struggles to keep from waving her hand in Banthis's direction.
Banthis just kissed Lyredaen on the nose.
Medura exclaims, "I'll talk to ya'll after my vacation!"
Banthis waves.
Medura says, "I'm off to pack"
Banthis says, "Night folks."
Medura sticks out her tongue.
Lyredaen waves.
Medura winks.
Lyredaen says, "Night everyone"
Lyredaen gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Lyredaen is no longer there.
Draug says, "have a wonderful night, all."
Medura exclaims, "Nighter!"
Banthis gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Banthis is no longer there.
Medura just hugged Aurec.
Medura just hugged Allequerie.
Medura waves.
Medura giggles.
* Banthis has been incinerated!
Allequerie snickers.
Aurec snickers.
You chuckle.
Allequerie exclaims, "Toast!"
Medura chuckles.
Allequerie throws her head back and howls!
Aurec says, "Launcher backfired."
Medura waves.
Medura just went out.
Allequerie says, "With fire being the operative word."
Allequerie grins.
Aurec says, "Yep."
Draug exclaims, "run for your lives, I heard the BreadLauncher just exploded!"