Wizard Forum 8/14/2000

Special thanks to GM Altiron and Sage Mahegh.

Note: Transcript was edited to improve clarity.

You hear the voice of Altiron say, "lets get started"
Altiron calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Thank you all for attending."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I'm going to leave the forum mechanics in place while we cover some news and announcements."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Now is a good time to start your LOGS if you want a record."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We have a few announcements to make, then we will cover Simucon briefly."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "After that we will have some questions and answers."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "If you want to stick around long enough we will open the floor later, provided it doesn't get to noisy."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I've been the wizard liaison for over a year now, which is a little unusual."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Not only to hold the position for so long, but to do so as a GM."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I count myself fortunate to have such a position."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I remember the days when there was no GMs reading our posts as a player."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Things have changed dramatically since then."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I know you all may not be extremely happy we haven't done more, but we are listening."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We are working on making things better."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Unforunately, we simply don't have the resources to make those changes as fast as you would like them."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "As a Liaison, my ability to assist in improving that is rather limited."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "So despite how much I have enjoyed being your Liaison, the time has come for me to move on."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I will be handing this position over to a Sage Mahegh."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "He is here to day to help handle this forum."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I am going to give him the floor to introduce himself and say a few words and then get us started."
Altiron nods to Mahegh, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mahegh says, "Good evening everyone.."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Congratulations Mahegh."

You see Sage Mahegh Chau'senlar the Dark Elf Wizard.
He appears to be in his 50's, has long, braided white hair, multihued eyes, and pale skin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a dark oaken staff with a sharp pointed edge in his left hand.
He is wearing a braided silver necklace with a miniature guillotine hanging from it, a thinly veiled hooded robe, a pair of brown leather sandals, and a fresh rose.

Mahegh says, "My name, is Mahegh.. and as Altiron just led up to it, I am going to be taking over his duties as Liaison for our profession."
Mahegh says, "Along with my being accessable on the boards.."
Mahegh says, "I will also be holding more of these forums.."
Mahegh says, "as well as starting some new player-sage interactions that we all, as players have always wanted."
Mahegh says, "First off.. I would like to make a couple of announcements..."
Mahegh says, "The very first one is our Lady Varevice, is also going to be moving on into another DEV position.."
Mahegh says, "We all have known her quite a long time and wish her well in her new duties."
Mahegh says, "GM Altiron has been moved into her old position and will now be our Design Gamemaster. He and I will be in close and active contact."
Mahegh says, "In addition.."
Mahegh says, "We will be announcing a brand new program which I am very excited about.."
Mahegh says, "We're going to be having Player-Sage focus groups for our profession."
Mahegh says, "The details are very simple.. starting this evening.."
Mahegh says, "if you would be so kind as to send me an email.."
Mahegh says, "asking to be put on the list for the focus group..."
Mahegh says, "the first month, we'll select 20 people that have asked to be part of this program.."
Mahegh says, "then rotate in 10 people per month after that.."
Mahegh says, "keeping the group level at 20 wizards per focus group."
Mahegh says, "With the concentrating our efforts in how we can improve our profession."
Mahegh says, "My email address is.. as you can probably guess.. [email protected]"
Mahegh says, "I look forward to hearing from you all.."
Mahegh says, "This past year.."
Mahegh says, "we have had alot of changes to our profession."
Mahegh says, "I would like to take a moment to go over them.."
Mahegh says, "We have had our 425 and 430 refreshable.. This was a direct result of the wizard's asking for that."
Mahegh says, "We have fixed the bug in SLOW so that it is at least a useable spell in hunting.."
Mahegh says, "We have also re-implemented 915, Weaponflare, as a spell that, while still is being tweaked here and there, is a decent one to have in our repitoire."
Mahegh says, "Not to mention the changes to Call Wind that have helped eliminate the lack of roundtimes and stuns that those nasty undead creatures had over on us."
Mahegh says, "Alot of you were not at Simucon and had to rely on the reports of others to find out what occured, what was being planned.."
Mahegh says, "what good/bad news was in store for our profession."
Mahegh exclaims, "I would like to set the record straight!!"
Mahegh exclaims, "Altiron is a decent public speaker!"
Mahegh says, "You supposed to all be chuckling about now."
Mahegh says, "GM Altiron will take a few moments to go over his ideas for our profession."
Mahegh asks, "GM Altiron?"
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "As you all should know, we still have Enchant as the major project for wizards."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "This has been temporarily put on hold till GM Banthis can allocate the resources to complete it."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "That is the most pressing project at the moment."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "There are a few other things we are looking at, but none are slated for work at the moment."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Many are in various stages fo research."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Mahegh will be helping us out with that through the message boards and the focus groups."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I encourage you to take part in those if you have a desire to help influence how we continue with development."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Another item we are looking at is Haste."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "This does not currently work for the critters."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "So you can understand how upset they must be."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "As you must realize, we will be fixing it eventually."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "When we do that, we may consolidate the spells if possible."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Haste and Slow are both in c-code however, so it is difficult to say how long this may take."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Eventually the cloud spells will be replaced with new spells."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Metoer Swarm is considered a cloud spell, but I'd like to try and spare it from the axe if possible."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We would also like to improve on the major bolt spells."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We are well aware of how ineffective some of those can be."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I also know many of you would like us to add more fluff to the profession."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Usually this is in combination with a bolt spell, disk or familiar."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Speaking of Familiars, in the long term I would like to expand on Familiars."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "That is a very long term project."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I feel wizards should be getting more out of their familiar."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Currently any character, wizard or not, with an imbeddable can call up a familiar as well as any wizard."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Those are just a few of the different projects, both short term and long term we are looking at."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I have proposed a few others that I can't go into at the moment."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Those are still in the planning stages, but I think you will be pleasantly surprised."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "If you have any other questions about specific spells, or what we covered at Simucon that we may have missed, feel free to ask."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I'm going to open up the box for questions here in a moment."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Don't fret if you don't get your question in right away, or if we don't get to them all tonight."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We will do our best."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "If we run out of time you can always post on the message boards."
Mahegh says, "By hook or by crook."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I have worked hard to resopnd to all posts, and I'm sure Mahegh will continue where I left off."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Alright, lets try opening up with 12 questions and see how this goes."
Altiron takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.

Altiron says, "Barvel says, 'When we will we be told what things are factored into the new Enchanting System so that we kin start training toward that way, or any info you can give us on de new enchanting system?'"
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I've posted all the details we can release at this time."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We wont be giving out the mechanics, so you wont know exactly how to train to 'optimize' your character."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "This shouldn't hurt you however."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "If you train in a reasonable fashion you should be fine."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "The system will be different, but if you know how to enchant now, you should do fine under the new system."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "It will be different."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "The days of hours of infusing should be a part of history."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "However, anyone who likes to enchant massive numbers of items may not to be happy with the new system."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We will be posting more information as it becomes available."

Altiron says, "Rathon says, 'Is there any news on the development of a Wizard's Guild? Or information reguarding its progress?'"
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Why don't you take that one Mahegh."
Altiron whistles a merry tune.
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Seems the weather bites again. Just a moment."
Mahegh says, "Currently.. the Wizard's guild is still under development.."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I heard they tracked down that router problem to Newark NY."
Mahegh says, "The Guildhouse is being built.."
Mahegh says, "and as soon as I get more word on how the dwarves are building it.."
Mahegh says, "I'll let you guys know asap."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Let me add some detail."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "The guild halls have been built and are sitting in DEVelopment awaiting QC."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "This is just the physical structure however, and doesn't include any extra scripts that may be needed."
Mahegh says, "That's even better news."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We are still waiting on QC for the structures at this point."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "As soon as the guilds start finishing this process of QC, they will be released."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "The wizard guild wont be the first from what I can tell."
Mahegh says, "QC is Quality Control.. Proofreading."

Altiron says, "Jakkarra says, 'Is there plans to combine certain spells like sleep and haste and slow so it frees more slots for more useful spells?'"
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "This is something we are looking at. In the case of Slow and Haste it will depend on what the C-Code is like."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "If those were GSL code we would be more likely to combine them. We would still like to, but currently I can't say if that will happen or not."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Either way, Haste does need some fixing, so it will get looked at soon."

Altiron says, "Sparkel says, 'Are the any plans for wizards that came out of the growing pains seminar we've heard talk of?'"
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "Yes, some of the plans they discussed will effect wizards."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "They will effect everyone."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "I've already had a few discussions with Banthis and Warden about their plans."
You hear the voice of Altiron say, "We are taking steps to insure this doesn't cause any extra problems for wizards."
Altiron says, "Any time you make sweeping changes there are sure to be some who are unhappy or inconvenienced."
Altiron says, "We are taking steps to keep this at a minimum."
Altiron says, "Those changes will be rather far reaching though, so I suspect there will need to be some time to adjust."
Altiron says, "For both players and GMs."

Altiron says, "Earthdiver says, 'do wizard ranks affect the power of weapon flare..?'"
Altiron says, "Yes."

Altiron says, "Intuist says, 'what was coverd at simucon?'"
Altiron asks, "Care to answer that one Mahegh?"
Altiron says, "Mahegh took notes at Simucon."
Altiron says, "Hopefully he kept them handy."
Mahegh says, "Yes.. I took notes."
Mahegh says, "What we are going to see more of, as our new offensive spells are released..."
Altiron blinks.
Mahegh asks, "Gotcha.. didn't I?"
Altiron says, "um...yeah"
Altiron says, "They'll be posting their complaints shortly."
Altiron chuckles.
Mahegh says, "I would chuckle.. but you really have a hold of me."
Mahegh says, "The long and the short of that question is.."
Mahegh says, "experimentation will be the answer to all your questions."
Altiron says, "The question was..."

Altiron says, "Intuist says, 'what was coverd at simucon?'"
Mahegh says, "Ahh.. I really need to read the questions better."
Mahegh says, "Altiron covered most of what will be affecting us in the near and long term future."
Mahegh says, "Intuist, if you would clarify your question for me in a whisper.. I would appreciate it."
Altiron says, "Yep, that was a rather broad question."
Altiron says, "You can also read more off the message boards too."
Altiron says, "If you have a specific question, maybe we can answer that later."

Altiron says, "Fizben says, 'can't you just make 914 player friendly?? and i wont even go near focus 525 right now :) '"
Altiron says, "We'll be replacing it, so I guess that sort of addresses that problem."
Altiron says, "I suppose you could lobby to have it made player safe till then, but I really couldn't say what would happen at this point."

Altiron says, "Belgerann says, 'Will Meteor Swarm ever be replaced by a decent spell? Having a spell that can be cast at almost no circumstances is a waste of spell research.'"
Altiron snaps his fingers.
Altiron says, "Thought I avoided that one."
Altiron says, "I agree, the spell needs fixing."
Altiron says, "We will, or we'll get rid of it."

Altiron says, "Zerpant says, 'seem to experience catastrophic failures when attempting to gate, with alarming frequency. Other professions "rapid transit" methods have drawbacks too, but does a failed gate really have to be fatal?'"
Altiron says, "I don't see the chance of failure and injury changing on this one again."
Altiron says, "It was already seriously reduced once."
Altiron says, "If you really want to avoid the danger, perhaps a gold ring is a better choice."
Altiron says, "Take heart though, in time you will notice it isn't really all that bad."
Altiron says, "Just takes some experience and training."
Altiron says, "I think most players report they do fine with the spell by the time they are 50th or so."

Altiron says, "Kranar says, 'What is going to be done about the ROI between wizards and warriors?'"
Altiron says, "For the most part this hasn't been a problem, and as long as we don't start adding a lot of new higher level areas it probably wont be."
Altiron says, "I realize the Rift may not apply in this case depending on your training."
Altiron says, "However, we wont make any major changes to fix this based on one hunting area."
Altiron says, "That being said, this is something we are aware of."
Altiron says, "We are not ignorant of the problem or the impact this can and will have on the profession."
Altiron says, "I can't discuss what plans we have at this point because it is far to early to say."
Mahegh says, "Ahh.. for those of you not knowing what ROI means.. it stands for Rate of Increase."
Altiron asks, "Actually, please explain that whole problem for us will you please?"
Altiron says, "it is an important issue"
Altiron says, "Wizards should know and understand it."
Altiron says, "It comes up all the time after all."
Mahegh says, "Let me take a moment to discuss the meaning of ROI."
Mahegh says, "Currently.."
Mahegh says, "each profession is adept at one form of attack or another.."
Mahegh says, "for the wizard.."
Mahegh says, "our main attack, so to speak is our Magical AS.."
Mahegh says, "in that, we can train twice per year in our older trainings.."
Mahegh says, "and merely get 2 additional AS to our magical cast."
Mahegh says, "By contrast.."
Mahegh says, "a warrior.. for example.."
Mahegh says, "can train three times in arms.."
Mahegh says, "and gain a +3 to his physical AS."
Mahegh says, "In addition.."
Mahegh says, "You guys.."
Mahegh says, "I know about CM.."
Mahegh says, "and was about to cover that."
Mahegh says, "As I was saying.."
Mahegh says, "in addition to that.."
Mahegh says, "a warrior can gain through the use of CM."
Mahegh says, "where as we, as a wizard.."
Mahegh says, "we can only train and gain a +2."
Mahegh says, "As we get older.."
Mahegh says, "we'll find that we fall behind in that 'number' that everyone holds so high a regard for."
Mahegh says, "A like aged warrior may.."
Mahegh says, "have as much as +50 or +60 added to their 'swing'."
Mahegh says, "I, on the other hand.."
Mahegh says, "as a player of a wizard.."
Mahegh says, "would rather have a nice lighting bolt.."
Mahegh says, "then a heavy sword."
Mahegh says, "<grin>"

Altiron says, "Toeberry says, 'what kinda fluff additions have been proposed so far, if'n any?'"
Mahegh asks, "What kind of fluff additions?"
Mahegh says, "Well.. so far, we've heard from many wizards.."
Mahegh says, "about changing the disk spell in such a way that we have unique disks cast.."
Mahegh says, "which, by the way, I am in total favor of."
Mahegh says, "Unique as in, one suggestion had, to make it like an eblade.. It's unique to you."
Altiron says, "I have a few others tucked in my mail box somewhere. There were a few suggestions on other spells."
Mahegh says, "You will all find a huge amount of data on the message boards.."
Altiron says, "Disks did get the majority of the attention."
Mahegh says, "I really suggest, that if you have never been there, to go and visit it."
Altiron says, "I doubt we'll stick anyone with a modification or fluff option that is stuck to their element."
Altiron says, "If we do something like that, eventually I'd like to see an option to have it modified."
Altiron says, "Just as many players would like to modify their element with elbade."
Altiron says, "We can't change it, but I'm not opposed to other options that would allow some control with certain spells."
Altiron says, "We can't change the element your attuned to."
Altiron says, "That is a very low level element of the game."
Altiron says, "Honest, that one can not be changed."
Altiron says, "That would be like pulling out the corner stone on a building."

Altiron says, "Trubled says, 'Who is Mahegh? How long as he been a Sage..I have never seen him before..what experience does he have to qualify him as a liason for us?'"
Altiron says, "Here is the question for you Mahegh."
Mahegh says, "Well, Trubled.."
Mahegh says, "I have been a player of this game since 1992.. I have also been a wizard since 1994. I've been an enchanting wizard since 1995. As far as you not seeing me before.. It wasn't until my arm got twisted after all these years, that I finally accepted a position here."
Altiron says, "weather I guess"
Mahegh says, "Oof.."
Mahegh says, "You aint kidding."
Altiron says, "we lost a few too"

Altiron says, "Dallinoth says, '"Please explain to me why everything you have planned is all stuff that Lady Veravice had in the works as of the wizard forum in 98? Why is it that evryhthing you have planned is over two years old? where is the progress?'"
Altiron says, "Fair enough."
Altiron says, "To my knowledge a lot of what the players thought was in the works"
Altiron says, "simply wasn't."
Altiron says, "Many of the plans the players probably thought GMs were busy slaving on"
Altiron says, "were probably nothing more than ideas they'd like to get to someday."
Altiron says, "if that"
Altiron says, "Not much I can say about that either, we only have so many resources/GMs to work on projects."
Altiron says, "We have far more projects than GMs."
Altiron says, "Currently the only project in the works is Enchant."
Altiron says, "Everything else is under discussion."
Altiron says, "Enchant was assigned last August."
Altiron says, "The GM in charge of that went on an extended Leave of Abscence."
Altiron says, "He still hasn't returned. Banthis will put someone on the project as soon as
they are available."

Altiron says, "Eregion says, 'Can any new ideas for Wizard spells be discussed at this time?'"
Altiron says, "I don't mind, but hold off till we open the forum to discussion, with the forum closed it wouldn't work well."
Altiron says, "You can always post your ideas in the spell topic on the message boards too."
Altiron says, "Post any spell discussion in the New Spell Proposal topic"
Altiron says, "We need to get that renamed."
Altiron says, "Its for any spell discussion, not just new proposals."

Altiron says, "Tombolin says, ''do you think the new changes to spell hindrance by armor are here to stay? They seem particularly hard on wizards, if you consider the fact that sorcerers can fight from defence and they also have lower spell hindrance'"
Altiron says, "Yes they are."
Altiron says, "How hard this is really depends."
Altiron says, "Other professions were hit harder."
Altiron says, "Many wizards weren't effected at all."
Altiron says, "Some who wanted that armor training may have been."
Altiron says, "Especially if they used armor they had little or no training in."
Altiron says, "I also know there are those who were fully trained before this change."
Altiron says, "Fortunately, the last set of changes made it easier for you to get the extra training you now need."
Altiron says, "Unless your trying to wear that really heavy stuff."
Altiron says, "That will be a problem."
Altiron says, "As well it should be."
Altiron says, "This issue has probably been hashed out in much greater detail on the boards under the armor topics."
Altiron says, "I encourage anyone interested to read and participate in the discussion there."
Altiron says, "We seem to be losing a lot of people still."
Altiron closes the question box.
Altiron says, "Let me finish these questions up, and then I'll open the floor for a little while."

Altiron says, "Berillia says, 'Could you please explain refreshing on 425 and 430?'"
Altiron asks, "Mahegh, mind taking that one please?"
Mahegh says, "Not at all."
Mahegh says, "The way 425 and 430 worked in the past.."
Mahegh says, "was you cast them on yourself.."
Mahegh says, "and then had to wait till they wore off before re-casting them.."
Mahegh says, "now you can just recast them.."
Mahegh says, "and the spell renews back to it's orginal legnth of time."
Altiron says, "Thanks."

Altiron says, "Zanagan says, 'i was wondering if any plans for some sort of new TD spells are to be implemented for wizards...i mean warriors and rogues with a higher TD in rift due to the minor elemental/spirtual spells they can have cast upon them seems unfair'"
Altiron says, "No, not at the moment. We don't want to go playing around with the TD numbers at the moment."
Altiron says, "Once again, the Rift is causing a unique problem for some professions."
Altiron says, "Which wouldn't happen in a normal hunting area."
Altiron says, "However, as GM Banthis and GM Warden take steps to impliment their changes this may not be as critical a need."
Altiron says, "So it would be a mistake to rush out and add a TD spell that would only be a balance problem later."
Altiron says, "We aren't closed minded to considering this however, its just to soon to be adding anything like that."
Altiron blinks.
Altiron whistles tunelessly to himself.

Altiron says, "Fitzand says, 'There going to be any new spells released that will address the fact that Wizards have just about the lowest self-cast TD in the rift?'"
Altiron says, "Think the last question covered that."
Altiron says, "Not at the moment."

Altiron says, "Rathamon says, 'What sort of spells do you have planned to fill in for the cloud spells you will be pulling?'"
Mahegh says, "big mean nasty ones."
Altiron says, "We are hoping to impliment a spell called immolation for Firestorm (914)."
Altiron says, "No plans for stun cloud at the moment."
Altiron says, "No plans for Death Cloud to my knowledge."
Altiron says, "I'd like to fix Meteor Swarm, but no plans for that yet either."
Altiron says, "So it may be a while."
Altiron says, "Sorry, wish I had more to give you on that right now."
Altiron says, "We have been saying the cloud spells are on the way out for years."
Altiron asks, "You think we'd have something planned by now wouldn't you?"
Altiron says, "Hopefully between the players, Mahegh and I we can address that."
Altiron says, "Yes, your posts no the boards and any ideas that come out of the focus groups will be helpful."
Altiron says, "Those all will be used to determine which course we take."
Mahegh says, "One thing on the focus group emails.."
Mahegh says, "please put focus group in the subject line."

Altiron says, "Xivus says, 'When is the earliest you think we'll see the end result of what has been discussed so far?'"
Altiron furrows his brow.
Mahegh asks, "Next week too soon?"
Mahegh says, "chuckle."
Altiron says, "Sorry, even if I could figure out what the subject would be here, I couldn't release a date."

Altiron says, "Lucifuge says, 'When the guild is finished, or implemented.. will we have any parlor tricks to learn? or will it be mostly be for gathering?'"
Altiron asks, "Care to try this one Mahegh?"
Mahegh says, "For right now.."
Mahegh says, "it will be for gathering .. I'm sure that there will be a script or two to play
with while there. Correct me if I'm wrong, Altiron.. since you've seen it and I havn't."
Altiron says, "No guarentees on scripts."
Altiron says, "No plans that I've heard of at the moment."
Mahegh says, "As I said.."
Mahegh says, "There will be nothing but a gathering place."
Altiron says, "That is what we can count on."
Altiron says, "As for guild skills, we wont have them like the Rogues and Warriors."
Altiron says, "There is a new system under development."
Altiron says, "The Artisan's Guild"
Altiron says, "It has its own topic on the boards where you can read all about it."
Altiron says, "That is still in the early development stages."
Altiron says, "For those who are really in a hurry to put their creative talents to work, I'd recommend looking into the ALAE project."
Altiron says, "They also have their own topic."
Altiron says, "That is beyond the scope of this meeting however."

Altiron says, "Alfador says, 'if haste is changed, can it be made so that it is more effective being selfcast than cast on another?'"
Altiron says, "You can count on that."
Altiron whistles tunelessly to himself.
Altiron says, "If we update it, that is certainly something we will look at."

Altiron says, "Belgerann says, 'Will there be any wizard specific "verbs" coming anytime soon? somethin' like playin' with magical balls or somethin' of that sort.'"
Altiron says, "No, although I wrote one over in DEV last year."
Altiron says, "The Guild GM seemed to like it."
Altiron says, "I'm sort of hoping to eventually get it over here into Prime."
Altiron says, "its a really cool spell for GMs too."
Altiron says, "err...verb"
Altiron coughs.
Altiron says, "I set it up so it works differently for wizards and guild training helps."
Altiron says, "Although the hooks for guild training don't do anything yet."
Altiron says, "I use it often in DEV."
Altiron says, "so its useful too"
Altiron says, "I can't really give out details on that until I know they'll approve it."
Altiron says, "If you have any verb ideas, post em."
Altiron says, "Verbs can be hard to get approval on, but I like to have some ideas lying around for those moments when we start doing verb development."

Altiron says, "Raszagar says, 'Interesting thought indeed: What of our profession being able to focus our bolts..as Sorcs can with limb disruption and ambushers with their blade?'"
Altiron says, "Yes, rather interesting. This is often discussed on the message boards."
Altiron says, "I can't think of to many topics where I'd come out and say it wont happen ever."
Altiron says, "But this one sure comes close."
Altiron says, "As things stand right now, it wont happen."
Altiron says, "I can't think of any changes that would result in this option being added to bolt spells."
Altiron says, "But who knows."

Altiron says, "Carren says, 'Do you forsee a move to make some of our spells self cast?'"
Altiron says, "Yes, some will probably be changed in the coming years."
Altiron says, "That wouldn't surprise me at all."
Altiron says, "Spells such as Wizard Shield are very likely."
Altiron says, "Alright, that was the last one in the box."
Altiron says, "I'm going to try and open up the floor for discussion."
Altiron says, "Usually it gets far to noisy to properly hear and respond."
Altiron says, "So please forgive us if we miss your question or simply can't respond."
Altiron says, "We will do our best, if it gets to bad I may close us down for more box questions"
Altiron says, "Never fear, even if we don't reopen for more discussion, you can always post on the boards or join in on the focus groups."
Altiron opens the floor back up for general discussion.

Tierus says, "Hrm... Wizard's Shield- any chance of it getting lengthened? It's too short nowadays."
Altiron asks, "lengthened?"

Intuist says, "I'm sorry about earlier Mahegh, there must have been a misunderstanding. Noone can train more than twice a level in weapons and CM. So a warrior would be getting 3 a level max from training. 2 from weapons and 1 from two ranks of cm. What you said sounded like getting 3 from weapons AND cm ontop of that."
Mahegh says, "No.. 3 total."
Mahegh nods to Intuist.
Mahegh says, "I apologize if I said 3 weapon."

Kranar asks, "What is immolation? What will it do?"
Altiron says, "immolation isn't all that different from one of those fire trap spells on boxes"
Altiron says, "Most elemental spells can be shared anyway."

Pristina asks, "Mahegh, what is your email again?"
Mahegh says, "[email protected]"

Doltan says, "And the merchants selling major elemental spells...never see em selling major spirit anymore"
Doltan asks, "Why not make major circles self cast?"
Doltan says, "Or open up major spirit to cast on others"
Altiron says, "That is more a design issue."
Altiron says, "That is certainly one way of doing it Doltan."

Solaron says, "Bards actually have the potential for the highest ROI, at 3.5..."
Mahegh says, "Which is why my wizard loves his CS spells."
Mahegh winks at Solaron.

Kranar says, "Altiron, what will Immolation be like? An attack, let's say I'm clueless about the spell..."
Altiron says, "um...yes"
Altiron says, "immolation would be an attack spell"
Altiron says, "although most GMs wanted to see it self cast only"

Kismia asks, "Any chance of giving Voln wizards the benefit of additional mana with Symbol of Mana?"
Mahegh says, "Kismia, remember, you make trade offs for your commitments."
Mahegh says, "We, as wizards, can leach mana."
Altiron says, "I don't do Voln stuff"
Kismia asks, "Did sorcerers?"
Mahegh says, "Did sorcerers? Of course they did."
Mahegh says, "They all make tradeoffs."

Tierus says, "Erm, what I meant earlier, Altiron... perhaps a minute per self-cast Wizard's Shield? After all, it takes up a great deal of the mana that's so precious to us... we depend on it more than any other profession."
Altiron says, "its suppose to Tierus"

Tegaron says, "We have the Hand of tonis, any chance on us having the hand of Illoke as well? It works quite well on me."
Altiron says, "I wouldn't mind working on Stonegrasp"
Mahegh says, "You should post that."
Mahegh nods to Tegaron.
Mahegh says, "We can have a nice discussion about that."
Vorlash asks, "define stonegrasp?"
Altiron says, "I don't think the critter spell you are mentioning there is easily modified for player use anyway."
Altiron says, "Stonegrasp was a rough concept over a year ago when 509 was modified."

Demonskahr asks, "What about a spell that strengthens a Familiar, giving it a larger range?"
Altiron says, "It was never developed further as far as I can tell."
Mahegh says, "I personally like the levitation spell."
Mahegh whistles tunelessly to himself.
Altiron says, "Levitation isn't likely."
Mahegh says, "I know.."
Mahegh exclaims, "But the concept!"
Mahegh nods to Altiron.
Altiron says, "I'd rather just make familiars refresh."
Altiron says, "I wouldn't mind making it so you can't imbed Call Familiar."
Altiron says, "That isn't my call though."
Demonskahr says, "Or maybe a spell to make the familiar shapeshift to something else."
Altiron says, "If I ever get to redesign Call Familiar, at the top of my list is the ability to attempt calling the familiar you want."
Mahegh says, "Well.. you know.. you can choose the TYPE of familiar.. I'll let you experiment to find out ways, Aurla."
Zeenia says, "when ya do dat, can ya make da "items" which alow folks to have "unique" familiars only wizard useable? I get so sick of bards wif betta familiars den I can get"
Altiron says, "I can't do anything about the unique familiars out there"
Altiron says, "that does bother me as well, but most will tell you this is the power of having an artifcat."
Altiron says, "err...artifact"
Altiron says, "Which is why I wouldn't mind redesigning the spell. Leave the old one in place for nonwizards."
Aurla says, "i could go for the chosing of familiures.. i hate the airborn .. they are so useless for most things"
Eregion says, "just go indoors and cast"

Vyre asks, "Am I to gather the important announcements were Mahegh?"
Mahegh says, "and Altiron's movement to Design."
Mahegh nods to Vyre.
Mahegh says, "and the focus groups."
Mahegh nods to Vyre.
Altiron says, "Personel changes are solid, and done. I actually moved over to DEV in April."
Altiron says, "We didn't have a replacement ready till now."
Vorlash asks, "so Mahegh is you from now on?"
Mahegh exclaims, "Is me!"
Mahegh tries to pull Vorlash to his feet, but he is too heavy.
Mahegh grins.

Intuist asks, "Currently, is there a schedule of which guilds skills will be worked on in what order? Or are they all the responsibility of their own gurus?"
Altiron says, "No, there is no official order on guilds, it really just depends on how quickly each one is finished."

Doltan asks, "Any plans for 530?"
Altiron says, "530? We've discussed using it, but that really depends on our other plans that are still in development...research stages"

Tegaron asks, "Ive been using the summon verb lately, to my delight. Can we incorporate this verb in familiars?"
Tegaron calls out into the air, then spends a moment listening.
Altiron asks, "summon verb?"
Tegaron says, "aye"
Altiron asks, "ooh, isn't that a Home feature for pets?"
Tegaron says, "but no real effect"
Altiron says, "ok, thats not a spell"
~~~ About a zillion people summon a pet at this point… ~~~
Altiron says, "let me squelch everyone playing around with summon now"
Altiron says, "much better"

Herachio says, "Altiron, At one time you said the effectiveness of weapon flare was still being looked at. Is it still being tweaked? Because it still doesn't seem to work well(meaning it does maybe 5-10 damage per flare, doesn't stun much, and rarely makes them drop their weapon) against like level critters. Maybe it's just me though."
Altiron says, "I'd like to move Weapon Flare down the list somewhere."
Altiron says, "maybe even over to the major list and replace slow with it"
Altiron says, "if we consolidate slow"

Tegaron says, "502 looks good"
Altiron asks, "502?"
Tegaron says, "for weapon flare"

Barvel says, "I was just wondering was there a time when you could walk with your group intact through a familiar gate? just wish it was changed that way"
Altiron says, "I don't know Barvel. I'd have to look at the code. I suppose we might be able to, but I can't say for certain."
Altiron says, "There may have been a good reason for why it wasn't that way from the start."
Altiron says, "probably because the wizard is initiating the GO"
Altiron says, "and if the wizard goest through, it kills the gate"
Altiron says, "which would have everyone else stuck"
Barvel says, "ok thanks, cause it's a pain when some of ye group is slow at going through the mist and ye hae to recast it a few times"
Mahegh says, "Just leach the mana from the people left behind."
Mahegh chuckles.

Sadgar asks, "Do you have comments on the spells that will replace our current cloud spells. Names, usage, ect.?"
Altiron says, "I covered that Sagar"
Sadgar says, "Sorry bout that, must have missed it somewhere"
Altiron says, "no problem, people are coming and going"
Altiron says, "but I may have covered it in more detail earlier."
Altiron says, "so you can look for that later."
Altiron says, "I'm sure someone will post transcripts."

Doltan asks, "Is immolation going to be a maneuver attack like boil earth?"
Altiron says, "Immolation is the only one we've discussed and developed at all"

Tontas says, "Altirion, with your move, will you still be working on development issues for wizards? "
Altiron says, "yes Tontas."
Tontas says, "Good."

Belgerann says, "whats going to happen to "warmages" who like to swing every once in awhile? focus destroyed the "classic warmage"."
Altiron asks, "Whats that Belgerann?"

Zeenia asks, "Altiron, could ya clairfy when ya's all are going to remove cloud spells? And mabye what ya have in the think tank for replacin them with?"
Altiron works his fingers under his feathered cap and scratches his head.
Altiron says, "We have 3 or 4 cloud spells."
Altiron says, "We have nothing to replace them with."
Altiron says, "Nothing is being worked on at this time."
Altiron says, "Your best guess on when."

Kranar says, "Boil is okay, but it caps out"
Earthdiver says, "boil costs too much mana for what it does"
Earthdiver says, "or doesn't do.. as is sometimes the case"
Aurla says, "boil is actually my main spell in the rift"
Mahegh exclaims, "I love boil earth!"

Kranar asks, "Altiron, will immolation be a bolt spell? Will it be CS/TD? Will it be a maneuver spell? Will it be a defense type spell?"
Altiron says, "I don't know Kranar."
Altiron says, "It doesn't exist, but I imagine it will be either spell training or cs based."
Altiron says, "But your guess is as good as mine."

Belgerann says, "now.. if you have focus on you can't hit squat with a blade. and if you don't can't hit squat with a cast."
Taze says, "it's a trade off"
Altiron says, "If your using a mundane weapon, don't use Elemental Focus."

Tegaron asks, "did I miss the answer to what the first focus group as to be about?"
Altiron says, "You will have to ask Mahegh that one Tegaron, or ask him when you send your email."
Mahegh says, "The focus groups are going to be designed on how to enhance our profession."
Mahegh exclaims, "I'm not!"
Mahegh says, "I'm free to answer all your questions."
Mahegh nods.

Herachio asks, "Altiron, if your doing DEV, why can't Banthis just assign enchant to you to finish? Are you not working on wizard problems at the moment?"
Altiron says, "I am busy working on other projects at the moment, but that decision is up to Banthis Herachio."
Zeenia asks, "so if we nagged Banthis, an he gave it to you.. you'd happily fix it?"
Altiron says, "Of course."

Fraction says, "If there was any concrete information about spells given out tonight, I missed it ... Altiron, did I miss something there ? "
Altiron says, "I dont' know Fraction, I think you were here for all of it."

Decimate asks, "why can't call wind cause rt AND a 1 rd stun?"
Altiron asks, "What would the stun accomplish that the RT doesn't?"
Decimate exclaims, "makes em explode!"
Altiron says, "ah, of course"
Altiron chuckles.
Kranar says, "Stun makes them vulnerable to boils"
Altiron exclaims, "good reason NOT to!"
Decimate says, "otherwise you have to implode twice.."
Altiron says, "forgot about that."
Altiron says, "I thought that was a good change when I saw it though."
Altiron says, "Was to easy to implode everything."
Altiron says, "I should know, I've done it myself often enough."

Intuist asks, "One thing I noticed with ewave, was that it didnt always change stance in a full level, or even a full 5%, for my warrior with sperf2, is this a bug?"
Altiron says, "Not sure I followed that Intuist."
Intuist says, "One of those spells"

Eregion says, "Is it possible for a pure spellcasting wizard to hunt past the rift?...considering certain creatures immune to mana..."
Earthdiver asks, "Eregion, what do you mean by pure spellcasting..?"
Altiron asks, "Where do you go past the Rift Eregion?"
Taze says, "there is nothing past the rift"
Mahegh says, "Eregion.. I hunt the rift.."
Zeenia says, "past the rift? gads, It'll be millenium afore I even see da rift"
Tierus asks, "Without a blade?"
Mahegh says, "As soon as I'm done with it.."
Mahegh says, "I'll give you a call."
Mahegh chuckles.
Eregion says, "I mean only casting..."
Aurla asks, "and what do you mean by past the rift?"
Earthdiver says, "if you don't train weapons and shield, your defense is going to be awfully low.."
Aurla says, "right now there is nothing past the rift"
Mahegh says, "Yes, I do not swing a weapon there."
Carren says, "you'll be picking boxes Mehegh"

Herachio asks, "Oh, Does invisiblity currently take into account hiding skill at all? Meaning will you remain invisable better if you have hiding skill?"
Altiron says, "Yes Herachio, it actually does."
Earthdiver asks, "Altiron, how much does it affect your ability to remain invisible..?"
Earthdiver says, "i have about 40 ranks in hiding and i never notice much difference"
Altiron says, "Depends on your training Earthdiver. You gain as much as you have."

Mahegh exclaims, "I've always questioned people that roll up a wizard.. put a two handed sword in their hands, and put on full plate and say.. I AM A WIZARD!"
Mahegh chuckles.
Mahegh says, "Then complain when they can't hit nothing..."
Mahegh says, "and hinderence is a problem."
Mahegh chuckles.

Vyre asks, "What's with a rolton being able to sniff out an invisible person?"
Altiron says, "That would be part of the search routine for a rolton Vyre."

Marralis says, "I always thought invisibility just kinda bent the light rays around you where you couldn't be seen"
Altiron says, "It does, but I can't guarentee it will stay that way."
Altiron says, "Actually it needs a lot of modifications. Hiding and invisibility are to much alike."

Earthdiver says, "invisiblity isn't very useful for hiding against creatures"
Earthdiver says, "and.. how easily creatures find an invisible person doesn't seem to have anything to do with the creature type at all"
Earthdiver says, "everything has a nose like a bloodhound"
Tierus says, "Aye... roltons ALWAYS cin find me,."
Earthdiver says, "i like both hiding and invisilibty"
Earthdiver says, "they both have their uses"
Carren says, "invisibility is so useless you can buy it in a store."
Altiron says, "Really depends on the creature."
Altiron says, "I couldn't say without looking at the creatures."
Altiron says, "Some are suppose to sniff you out easily."

Vyre asks, "How are you going to get anything out of the focus groups with everyone having a different opinion? Not to mention that that's only twenty out of how many?"
Mahegh says, "It's not designed to change the way things are done, Vyre.."
Mahegh says, "it's just to bring ideas to the table.."
Mahegh says, "and help us figure out how to implement those ideas."

Vorlash asks, "Altiron can you show us what immolation would look like?"
Altiron says, "Go set off a fire trap on a box Vorlash."
Altiron says, "Thats about as close as you can get."
Altiron says, "I'd say its pretty good approximation."

Kranar asks, "Altiron, what are you going to do about sleep? Sleep II is useless, it just is, do you know of any advantage sleep II has over sleep I?"
Earthdiver says, "sleep two is about the same as sleep one.. on older creatures"
Altiron says, "Sleep II is going to be removed with Sleep True eventually."
Zeenia says, "Kranar, sleep 2 has a td affect too, as I understand it, lowering the targets td with a successful cast"
Kranar asks, "Sleep True?"
Kranar says, "Do explain"
Altiron says, "520"
Altiron says, "501 replaced it"
Herachio says, "sleep II is already removed"
Altiron says, "someone asked about Sleep II"
Carren says, "I thougth it was gone too"
Altiron says, "guess thats why it doesn't work so good any more"

Belgerann asks, "Altiron, iffen you're attuned to a specific "element" does that mean you can do better with that element?"
Altiron says, "Depends on the spell Belgerann, most don't take it into account though."

Vorlash asks, "any thoughts on splash damage from the "ball" spells?"
Altiron says, "I don't mind splash damage."
Altiron says, "I always thought it was a good idea."
Vorlash asks, "will you look into it?"
Altiron asks, "Look into what?"
Vorlash says, "splash damage being implemented"

Kranar says, "Make the major spells useful again"
Kranar says, "Oops"
Mahegh blinks at Kranar.
Mahegh asks, "Huh?"
Zeenia says, "make some of da spells usefull, I end up eblastin eberything most of da time"
Orthibliss says, "Yeah I's like to see the major spells actualy become BETTER than the minors"
Mahegh says, "I love the major spell list."
Herachio says, "they meain Major cold and Major Fire"
Mahegh says, "Oh."
Mahegh begins chuckling at Kranar.

Zonos says, "why can't eblade be a random element each time you cast it"
Altiron says, "No plans to mess with eblast at the moment."
Altiron says, "No, we'll keep the element based on what your attuned to."

Marralis says, "I would like to see critter loose the spells they have prepped after you stun them"
Marralis says, "you'd think after stunning a critter he'd forget his spell he was castin"
Marralis says, "and have ta start over"
Altiron says, "Seems like a reasonable request to me Marralis. I should think they would already. Might want to use BUG on that."
Vyre says, "Sorcerers lose control of tempests."
Mahegh says, "Just have a sorcerer imbed a wand with forget."
Altiron says, "That would be up to GM Warden."
Tierus asks, "Hrrm... ano'er thing... why's it seem tha' enemies alwiys cin hold their spells SO much longer than any'un else?"
Mahegh winks at Marralis.

Aurla says, "one thing i do have a question with.. after ive taken all the mana from a critter.. why and how can they keep casting spells?? "
Mahegh says, "They get nerve damage."
Mahegh nods to Aurla.
Altiron says, "they shouldn't be able to Aurla, but not all creatures are using the new BCS system"
Altiron says, "those that aren't BCS, will continue to cast."
Altiron says, "BCS critters stop when they run out of mana."
Tierus asks, "Any change o' tha non BCSers into BSers?"
Tierus asks, "Erm... BCSers?"
Altiron says, "Thats up to GM Warden and isn't a wizard issue."
Barvel asks, "whats the BCS system?"
Carren says, "Banthis Casting System"
Fegalund says, "Base creature scripts"

Vyre says, "So Banthis is the person we got to talk to about gettin someone on Enchant...what's his phone number? ::smirk::"
Mahegh says, "1-800-GETAGURU"
Mahegh nods to Vyre.

Raszagar asks, "Would it be possible to get Ele Dispel to work similiar to the Empathic Dispel..ie. dispels chunks of elemental spells?"
Barvel says, "any chance for a... for lake of a better term elemental shield, where it basically attacks out at anything that attacks us? I know this idea was mentioned about an year ago"
Taze asks, "empath dispell is warding based isnt it?"
Taze says, "empath dispell also cost 50 mana"
Altiron says, "if you have new spell ideas, please post them."
Altiron says, "Difficult to give them much consideration here."

Vyre asks, "Any chance Simu will start paying GMs by the hour...minute even?"
Altiron says, "No Vyre."

Tegaron asks, "any chance of having Ophion or Warden look into hit location mechanics? Ie fixing the old blow off the arm then the hand?"
Altiron says, "I've already discussed that with Ophion and Warden."
Altiron says, "That is an old table problem. They thought it was fixed, but he will look into it again."
Altiron says, "Obviously its still broke."

Carren says, "If we had adequate amounts of mana it wouldn't be a problem."
Mahegh says, "Carren, My character hardly ever runs out of mana in the rift or in the lower eye when I hunted there."
Mahegh just nudged Carren.

Zeenia asks, "Altiron, can i ask if there is anything other than The change of Guru's that has been firmly settled?"
Altiron says, "I got Banthis to commit to Enchant when he can find the resources, and say at Simucon it was a priority."
Altiron says, "Other than that, I can't say anything else is set in stone."
Altiron says, "Although we should see Haste fixed for the critters eventually."
Altiron says, "Which may mean other modifications when we do."
Kranar asks, "Haste on critters?"
Herachio says, "I'v tried to haste critters, they just don't seem to get it"
Altiron says, "nope, and its about time they got a better union too"

Carren says, "Glad you got that far Mahegh."
Mahegh says, "I just didn't take as many vacations as you did.. I bet your saner then me."
Mahegh winks at Carren.

Carren says, "I got a serious question."
Carren asks, "does call wind not work in the Village anymore?"
Mahegh scratches his head.
Mahegh asks, "I dunno.. Altiron.. does call wind not work in the village?"
Altiron asks, "Village? Teras?"
Mahegh nods to Altiron.

Fegalund says, "I'm sorry to the crowd if this has been asked, but is there any move afoot to make our wizard spell list self cast only? Seems it would be a smart move to me. Not the elementals perhaps, but the wizard list at least."
Altiron asks, "Can you be more specific?"
Altiron says, "You probably will see some modified in that direction over the next year or two Fegalund."

Mahegh asks, "Can you be more specific?"
Carren says, "I'm still trying to find out if call wind is ineffectual against the sandstorms."
Mahegh says, "You know.. I don't know. I never call winded there."
Altiron says, "ah, sandstorms"
Mahegh says, "I just stunned the devil and dispelled the storms."
Altiron says, "I have no idea, try it."
Altiron chuckles.

Carren says, "or maybe I'm forgetting and I used to dispel"
Altiron says, "I don't think so."
Altiron says, "I don't remember it working for me."
Altiron says, "Best defense against sandstorms..."
Altiron exclaims, "Flee!"
Altiron says, "unless your old enough to handle them."

Mahegh vanishes in a puff of smoke!
Kranar says, "Aww... he left."
Decimate exclaims, "well hmph!"
Earthdiver says, "hm"
Vorlash says, "now we can't place him on that pedistal..."

~~~ Lots of deaths about now…. ~~~
Altiron says, "Melting Icemule."
Earthdiver exclaims, "take implosion away from Thurfel!"
Orthibliss says, "we could all unite our powers and slam Icemule with one huge fireball to warm it up"
Altiron says, "Thurfels ok"
Taze asks, "how the heck a mage implode?"
Altiron says, "Good question."
Altiron says, "He must be reather talented."

Lohengryn says, "I nae can make monkeys"
Tierus says, "Yes, Lohengryn... 'e cin make monkeys."
Vorlash says, "if we send enough manna....anyone can make a monkey..."
Altiron says, "no, no call monkeys, although you could ask for a monkey familiar perhaps"

Tierus says, "Yes, yes..."
Tierus says, "Though ah'd much more appreciate a jackal familiar."
Altiron says, "so ask for a jackel then"
Altiron chuckles.
Vyre asks, "Massive troll kings?"
Altiron says, "no troll kings"

Earthdiver says, "be nice if you could actually interact with your familiar other than petting it"
Altiron says, "I wouldn't mind either, although if you want more interaction"
Altiron says, "helps if we know what sort"

Taze asks, "any chance that we will be able to make familiars grow in size or become more agressive and attack?"
Altiron says, "perhaps"
Altiron says, "no idea at this point"
Altiron says, "so anything is worth considering"

Decimate asks, "ooh, Altiron, can you make 505 and 906 castable at tables when you want to make your hair fly around or light a cigar?"
Altiron asks, "at tables?"
Altiron asks, "whats with 505 and 906 at tables?"
Decimate says, "well if you use 906 to light a cigar...you cant' a table cause there's no need for a spell of war"
Altiron says, "oh, sorry. Can't change that."

Kranar asks, "Altiron, will the demonic summoning system ever be used for wizards for say, elemental summoning?"
Kranar asks, "In anycase, will wizards ever get elemental summon?"
Altiron says, "not even sure if we will have an Elemental Summon Kranar."

Vyre says, "I've seen GM's do all kinds of nasty things to familiars."
Altiron nods.
Altiron says, "GMs are mean."
Altiron says, "Just ask any player."
Carren says, "Giant Masochists"
Altiron says, "Must be, if we weren't we would have quit a long time ago."

Earthdiver says, "be nice if 519 had more use, but i can't think of anything"
Altiron says, "519 is pretty handy, but that is a pretty steep mana cost"
Earthdiver says, "and it doesn't work on people.. for obvious reasons"
Tegaron says, "519 is an unbelievable assett to hunting pyrothags"
Earthdiver says, "i never used 519 in pyros"
Altiron says, "that mana cost isn't so bad when you get to a higher level though"
Altiron says, "Maybe the mana cost should be based on the level of the critter."

Vurkanaan says, "519 would be nice if it would allow you to grab something from the ground...or perhaps...expensively right oneself from a prone to a standing position."
Altiron says, "hmm..."
Altiron says, "yep, I think I posted a few ideas to expand on that one, but thats more utility and fluff at this point"
Altiron says, "so not pressing"
Altiron says, "still, some cool ideas"

Vyre asks, "All the new undead creatures that are being added seem to all carry cursed weapons, hence no weapon firing...anyone else noticed that?"
Altiron says, "thats not new Vyre."
Altiron says, "undead and cursed weapons sort of go hand in hand"
Altiron says, "if you know what I mean"

Tierus asks, "Any chance o' gettin' that suggested 'Magic Mirror' spell mentioned on tha boards?"
Altiron says, "That was another interesting spell."
Altiron says, "I'm not sure.'"
Altiron says, "Its one of those spells that isn't bad, but not sure it fits real well as given."
Altiron says, "I wouldn't mind putting scry to use."
Altiron says, "magic mirror is a good spell name if nothing else"

Aurla says, "Altiron since i cant whisper to you.. have you a E scroll address that i might send my question and complaint to"
Altiron says, "You can email me at [email protected] "
Altiron says, "or post your question"
Altiron says, "or use Feedback"

Kranar asks, "Any chance of adding maneuver ability to some spells like 905 and 507?"
Altiron says, "Hard to say Kranar. If Banthis thought the profession needed more protection from maneuver based attacks those would certainly be considered."
Kranar says, "It's just that instadeaths are so annoying..."
Altiron says, "I think they want to get away from those instantdeaths"
Altiron says, "so if all goes well we wont have to stoop to using 905 or 507 like that."

Zonos asks, "are they going to change it so if you have one or both hands free make it so your spell as higher?"
Altiron says, "I don't know if Open Handed Casting was ever seriously considered."
Altiron says, "I can't say I was wild about what I heard of it as a player."
Altiron says, "The current combat system isn't well suited to running around hunting areas with empty hands at the moment."

Mahegh arrives in a puff of smoke!

Altiron says, "Some do."
Altiron says, "Some have little or no training with shields."
Altiron says, "I would like to see wizards able to go around empty handed."
Altiron says, "But I don't want to force them down that path."

Tierus asks, "So, wha' about that? Firestorm stays, but blasts of heat occur in surrounding rooms?"
Tierus says, "Non-damaging heat blasts..."
Altiron says, "Not any time soon."

Taze asks, "Altiron? is there a reason why i can't cone tsarks?"
Altiron says, "That would be up to whomever owns the Tsarks Taze."

Mahegh winks at Altiron.
Altiron says, "Alright, looks like its time to close up shop."
Altiron says, "Thank you again for coming and sharing your opinions with us."
Altiron says, "Remember to email Mahegh with your focus group applications."
Dionket says, "May Fortune favor us all, each and every one."
Mahegh bows to Dionket.
Altiron says, "Put Focus Group in the Subject line"
Altiron says, "Have a good night."
Altiron bows.
Altiron suddenly fades out of sight.
Mahegh says, "Good evening folks.."
Mahegh says, "and I hope you enjoyed this Forum."
Mahegh vanishes in a puff of smoke!

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