Tsoran's Links

Player Web Sites

A number of folks have asked me if I had a banner image they could use to link to my site. Well, I finally came up with one. Clearly, I shouldn't give up my day job to become an artist! The image is 327x79 pixels; color depth is 24 bits (Truecolor). File size is about 14K. Feel free to shrink the dimensions and/or color depth as you wish.


Player Sites

All the sites listed here have something special about them that caught my attention. The final decision as to whether or not to list a site is mine. To be included here, a site must meet the following criteria:

Tsoran's Favorite Sites

Amerlise's Chambers
Excellent site with a lot of unique information. Best source for Darkstone Castle information.
(link may be dead)
The Elanthian ICQ Registry
A MUST stop for anyone using ICQ. And everyone should be using ICQ.
If the link on the image doesn't work, try clicking here.
Morandas' Mausoleum
Excellent all around site.
The Coven
The Coven:
Very interesting site. Looking for information on the various critters in GemStone? The Coven's new Beastiary is the best in the lands.
The Forge
Excellent source of information on what all those weapons and armor actually are.

Hall of Souls

(Noteworthy sites of adventurers gone from the land)
The Unofficial GemStone III Home Page
Zepath's Den (Link is dead)
Meta's Place
(Link is dead)
Lady Galadriel's GemStone III Warrior Pages
Excellent all around site. Check out her custom artwork!
Note: This site appears to no longer exist.
Sadly, Galadriel's player passed away early in 1999. She will be sorely missed.
Relkur's Gemstone III Infopedia
Excellent all around site. (Link is dead)
The definitive site for information on player homes.

Yet More Sites

Alixi's Unofficial GemStone III site
Nice, very well designed site by Alixi.
Barachado's GemStone III Page
Bel's BBB
(Link is dead)
Coriolanus' Creature Compendium
Elanthian Warehouse and Storage
A great source of information on almost everything you can buy anywhere in Elanthia!
(Link is dead)
Elfarran's Lair
Check out Elfarran's training spreadsheet. It's Fantastic!
(Link is dead)
Mid Atlantic GemStone III Player Events
Listing of player-organized events in the mid-atlantic region
(Link is dead)
Katrinia's Home Page
Laranna's Lair
Commandant's Sheath Emporium
(Link is dead)
Lord Frescalus's Gemstone III Website
(Link is dead)
Gleneth's GemStone III Page
(Link is dead)
Manny's Site
Phemos's Tower
A nice site with lots of guides, files, and interesting stuff
Shrine of Leya
Sido's Sanctuary
Real life descriptions of the weapons found in GemStone. A must see!
(Link is dead)
Springwine Inn
(Link is dead)
Lord Tenser
The Red Lair
Eratika's Very Lengthy Verb List
Eratika's VERY comprehensive verb list for GS III

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.