Radio Free Simu from Simucon 2003

Warning: all files are VERY large.

Wednesdayn/aAnything Goes Video (56 meg) n/a
ThursdayGemStoneGeneral GemStone Video (22 meg) Audio (10 meg)
ThursdayGemStoneStory Lines Part 1 (24 meg)
Part 2 (20 meg)
Audio (19 meg)
ThursdayGemStoneGemStone IV (Mechanics) Video (39 meg) Audio (17 meg)
ThursdayGemStoneGemStone IV (Roleplaying) Video (43 meg) n/a
Thursdayn/aAnything Goes Video (52 meg) n/a
FridayDragonRealmsDragonRealms Creation Systems Video (12 meg) Audio (5 meg)
FridayHero's JourneyHero's Journey Video (28 meg) Audio (11 meg)
Fridayn/aAnything Goes Video (90 meg) Audio (30 meg)

This is the audio portion of the three songs Lórien perfomed on tonight's "Anything Goes" segment. The audio feed is better quality than the audio in the video feed. Click here: for more information about Lórien, her music, and her CD's.
Lórien's music and lyrics are rehosted with permission and copyrighted © 1998 and all rights are retained by the artist. No reproduction or distribution in any form is permitted without prior written permission. Songs are used here with artist's permission.
n/a For Love and Beauty (200K)
Grounded (500K)
Lullabye (500K)
SaturdayDragonRealmsGeneral DragonRealms Video (29 meg) n/a
Saturdayn/aHistory of Simu Games Video (24 meg) Audio (7 meg)
SaturdayDragonRealmsGeneral DragonRealms 2 Video (15 meg) n/a
Saturdayn/aAnything Goes Video (71 meg) Audio (27 meg)

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.