Radio Free Simu from Simucon 2004

Which GM escaped from Sesame Street? Which GM fell asleep and left his character script hunting all night? Find out the answers to these and other questions in the Gemstone "A Day in the Life of a GM" broadcast below!

Warning: all files are VERY large. Much larger than last year's files, due to the higher bit rate video.

All video files are now online.

Wednesdayn/aAnything Goes Video (88 meg) n/a
ThursdayGemStoneDay in the life of a GM Video (150 meg) Audio (16 meg)
ThursdayDragonRealmsReal Soon Now Video (85 meg)
Video (60 meg)
Audio (15 meg)
ThursdayModusCoffee & Boost with the Modus Team Video (122 meg) Audio (8 meg)
ThursdayHero's JourneyFrom Zero to Hero Video (177 meg) Audio (19 meg)
Thursdayn/aAnything Goes Video (259 meg) Audio (28 meg)
FridayDragonRealmsGeneral Q&A Vol. 1 Video (71 meg) Audio (8 meg)
FridayGemStoneTowns and Worlds Video (84 meg) Audio (9 meg)
Fridayn/aAnything Goes Video (362 meg) Audio (14 meg)
(1st half only)
SaturdayDragonRealmsGeneral Q&A Vol. 2 Video (97 meg) Audio (10 meg)
SaturdayAOHInside the GM Studio Video (117 meg) Audio (12 meg)
SaturdayGemStoneSystems Video (131 meg) Audio (14 meg)
Saturdayn/aAnything Goes Video (185 meg) Audio (20 meg)

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