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This is the authoritative Beacon Hall calendar of upcoming events and meetings. It is kept up-to-date as much as possible. Most of the events are also syndicated to the official calendar as well, among other locations. Dates in bold have events. NB: Calendar's date runs on Eastern European time, but displayed times are US Eastern.
- Beacon Hall meetings are open to all, including prospective members. Meetings are held the third Sunday of the month at 5:00 PM EST/EDT. See the Meetings and Minutes pages for details.
Upcoming Events†
- Brunches are EVERY Restday (Sunday) at NOON EASTERN! We usually play Games after, but we can also do Bounties, OSA, provide various tours, or whatever you can think of!
Restday Fast Breaking†
- Start time: Noon (EST)
- Location: River's Rest, Willow Tree Platform (Lich #10865)
- Coordinator: TBD
- Post-Brunch Event: TBD
Restday Fast Breaking†
- Start time: Noon (EST)
- Location: River's Rest, Willow Tree Platform (Lich #10865)
- Coordinator: TBD
- Post-Brunch Event: TBD
An Evening of Winterberries (at Winterfest)†
- Start time: 4pm (EST)
- Location: Icemule Trace, Beacon Hall Annex, Winterberry Park (Lich #28735)
- Coordinator: Kayse
- Details: Join Beach Hall Archive for a tale and game featuring a River Rat's favorite ingredient: WINTERBERRIES! If you've ever been curious how winterberry ale came to be, you won't want to miss this story. Then stay afterward for a Game of Dodge the Winterberry! The winner will receive a fully unlocked snowball satchel.
2021 Full Calendar†
More about Events†
Other Calendars†
GemStone IV Calendar on play.net
GemStone Master Calendar on gstowncrier.com