*Present: [#de7ed713]


*Business: [#de7ed713]

**Standardized Meeting Schedule [#ma67205b]
- Odd months, meeting to be held on the third Restday of the month 12:30 pm elven time
- Even months, meeting to be held on the third Volnes of the month 10:00 pm elven time
- Vote: Four in favour (Kaldonis proposed, but did not vote).
- Schedule to be confirmed at next Volnes meeting for those who could not make the Restday meeting.

**Inter-House Siegery competition [#o2b66beb]
- Each house enters a champion for a battle of the miniatures.
- Two weeks to train.
- Competition in Eorgaen or Lormesta. (check!)
- Have to select champion by some means.
- Monetary donation from the house (100k approved, but will consider a larger amount closer to the event)
- Formalize at next meeting.
-- Decide participation, monetary donation amount and who our champion will be.
-- Time for a competition within Beacon Hall to select champion?

**Winterfest 5014 [#pff44578]
- Indication to participate due Jastatos 31st
- Does Winterfest event count as Eorgaen event?
- Soup or cookie contest.
-- Winning entries going into the pantry.
- Try for event on the 12th at 10 elven (Kayse to run, Teasurii to judge contestants by eating all the food).

**Reminder on house bylaws [#e518d47d]
- There was an incident at a Goatfest event where one spectator wounded another (by removing a limb). 
- Suggest that attacker to use less violent means to communicate at future events.
-- OOC: The player of Kaldonis offers the suggestion to DEM COLD for events if one does not enjoy being touched.
- IC: Violence at events can result in expulsion from house grounds (if excessive... which is apparently very debatable).

**Discussion on growing house membership [#z0a66499]
- Add some bi-monthly tours?
-- OOC: Script on the website with suggested additions?
-- IC: House project for the next few months
-- Tours as easy monthly events?
--- Coupled with other events so we're super active!
--Add games! Or services.

**Elections [#o2518c59]
- House has to vote.
-- Officers present did not know how to set up vote.
- Khiya's job.

**Jastatos Event [#s4ec64eb]
- Storytelling on the 31st.

**Eoantos Event [#t77335c1]
-Workshop Event. Coordinator: Cabolt
-On the 15th at 8 or 9 pm elven.
--OOC: The player of Kaldonis volunteers to start email thread hashing out details.

*Items for next meeting (on the 16th of Eoantos at 12:30 elven) [#ce4e860d]
- Double check meeting schedule (or meeting after next).
- Siegery competition.
- Winterfest?

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