Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Elven Nations - Fearling Pass

Area: Elven Nations  
Map: Fearling Pass
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 12/27/2007
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Fearling Pass, which leads from Ta'Vaalor's Amaranth Gate to Sylvarraend, and surrounding hunting areas of Fethayl Bog, Briar Thicket, Foothills, Grassland, Apple Orchard, Barley Field, Vineyard, Wildflower Field, and Barefoot Hill. Critters here include Fire Ants, Agresh Bears, Kobolds. Black Leopards, Plains Lions, Agresh Troll Chieftains, Plains Ogres, Agresh Troll Scouts, Warrior Shades, Bog Spectres, Agresh Troll Warriors, and Bog Wights.

Also here is Ravelin and the Curlew Brook neighborhood.

12/27/2007 - Added Ravelin.
7/18/2004 - Added the Voln Monastery.
6/29/2004 - Map is now drawn with thick lines that won't vanish when printed.
2/13/2004 - Added Plains Ogres (thanks, Argaine).
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
1/21/2002 - Corrected some directions between the Grassland and Foothils. Thanks go to Fireaxis for bringing the error to my attention.
12/27/2001 - Corrected the ages of black leopards (15), bog spectres (55), and bog wights (51).
12/24/2001 - The room exit error in the Apple Orchard appears to have been corrected, and the map now reflects the corrected room topography.
10/6/2001 - Corrected typos and made a few minor corrections. (This is why you don't finish maps at 3AM)
10/5/2001 - Initial version of the map.

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