Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Elven Nations - Old Ta'Faendryl

Area: Elven Nations  
Map: Old Ta'Faendryl
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/1/2004
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

The destroyed city of old Ta'Faendryl. This is, at the time of its discovery in GemStone, the oldest hunting area in the game. Critters here include the Ithzir Adept, assorted types of Beings (116), Greater Construct, Lesser Construct, Gremlock, War Griffin, Ithzir Herald, Ithzir Initiate, Ithzir Janissary, Lich Qyn'arj, Ithzir Scout, Ithzir Seer, and Festering Taint.

I would like to thank Vlatimire for the original maps upon which this map is based, and Angellisa for accompanying me and keeping me from becoming just so much critter chow.

8/1/204 - Changed formatting and switched to thick lines to improve printability. No longer marking one room in the North Aqueduct as safe. (Thanks, Askip and Jonty)
2/13/2004 - Corrected formatting errors.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
5/31/2002 - Some of the room exits errors were corrected, and have thussly been changed on the map. The Lich Qyn'arj has been added. I don't yet know the age of this undead critter, but it's one of the younger critters in Old Ta'Faendryl.
2/17/2002 - One of the erroneous room exits was corrected (that was the south direction on the pyramid that went down a few levels instead of going to the room to the south). There's still one to three more errors in the room exits that need to be corrected.
2/7/2002 - The approach is no longer marked as safe (Chuckaar gets credit for that one), and several rooms were added to the cottage.
1/21/2002 - Final version of the map. Many details and rooms were added and corrected. Special thanks to Angellisa for taking the better part of a three day weekend and keeping me alive while I explored.
1/2/2002 - Corrected a few errors and added the critters and names, thanks to Aravian.
12/31/2001 - Added the Aquaduct area. Thanks go to Aravian for providing the map.
12/28/2001 - Corrected a typo in the critter names.
12/27/2001 - Added a variety of details based on the input of Angellisa and Methais. Also added the critters and levels, courtesy of the data in the bestiary on the Simutronics GS3 website.
12/22/2001 - Initial (preliminary) version of the map.

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This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.