Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Elven Nations - Sylvarraend Road

Area: Elven Nations  
Map: Sylvarraend Road
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 2/1/2006
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

The road from Whistler's Pass, near Ta'Illistim, to Lake Fear, where one can catch the ferry to Fearling Pass and Ta'Vaalor. Included here is the Yegharren Valley hunting area, and two areas of mostly undead creatures, Wraithenmist and the Ravine. Included on this map it the village of Sylvarraend. Critters here include the Baesrukha, Barghest, Crested Basilisk, Ridgeback Boar, Tawny Brindlecat, Plains Orc Chieftain, Greater Fetid Corpse, Darken, Shimmering Fungus, Spectral Lord, Ghostly Mara, Plains Orc Scout, Plains Orc Shaman, Luminous Spectre, Maw Spore, Great Stag, Vourkha, Colossus Vulture, Plains Orc Warrior, Giant Weasel, Greater Moor Wight, and Mongrel Wolfhound.

2/1/2006 - The tavern in Sylvarraend is now marked as having tables.
8/23/2005 - Added the altar in Sylvarraend. (Thanks, Strathome)
4/2/2005 - Added the new Furrier in Sylvarraend.
7/29/2004 - Added the services at the Feystone Inn.
7/28/2004 - Added the small estate near Sylvarraend.
6/29/2004 - Corrected some formatting errors.
3/24/2004 - Added the Ranger Guild. Changed map to thick lines.
2/13/2004 - Removed Wild Dogs and Wild Hounds, and corrected the age of Ridgeback Boars (15).
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes. Added a second nest in the Ravine. (Thanks, Vrannar)
6/10/2002 - Added the Plains Orc Shaman and Luminous Spectre.
5/5/2002 - Added the correct age of Darkens (33), Giant Weasels (27), Maw Spores (35), Plains Orc Scouts (33), Ridgeback Boars (28), Shimmering Fungus (35), and Spectral Lords (36).
1/30/2002 - Now connects to the newly released Sapphire Gate map.
1/5/2002 - Final version of the map released, adding the hunting areas: Wraithenmist, Yegharren Valley, and the Ravine. Fixed an error at the barn pointed out by Argaine.
10/8/2001 - Initial version of the map.

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