Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Elven Nations - Ta'Illistim

Area: Elven Nations  
Map: Ta'Illistim
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Landscape
To download the map, RIGHT click here and select Save Target As... (MSIE) or Save Link As... (Netscape).

On a Mac, click and hold here, and when the pop up menu appears, select Download Link to Disk (MSIE) or Save this Link as... (Netscape).
For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

The city of Ta'Illistim. The Highpark Estates neighborhood is located here.

8/9/2006 - Added the Adventurer's Guild.
2/1/2006 - The tables and walls shop opened. The flooring shop opened. The window shop opened. The doors shop opened. The Bridal shop opened. The floor coverings shop opened. The wall coverings shop opened.
2/6/2004 - Added the Caeruil Arch and the Amaseloth Viaduct.
8/4/2004 - Player shop area is now in color.
7/30/2004 - Removed the old sorcerers guild.
7/29/2004 - Added Deed Sales. Renamed the belltowers as 'Tower of xxxxx'. Removed the wedding tent. Added the Surname Registry. Added Veythorne Manor. Added the Citizenship Clerk. Added the player shops.
6/29/2004 - Map is now drawn with thick lines that won't vanish when printed.
2/13/2004 - Added the Meeting Hall, New Look Pavilion, and Wedding Tent.
10/13/2002 - Added the registrar.
8/30/2002 - Added the Royal Arboretum and the Hovel.
7/4/2002 - HSN improvements: The Pig and Whistle, and Amphitheatre were added. The Pig and Whistle is in a new location, over near the Locksmith. The Haberdashery has opened. The Bridal Shop is listed as being open, but is not yet.
2/2/2002 - The Postern Gate now connects to the Seethe Naedal and Maernstrike Caverns area on the Sapphire Gate map.
1/30/2002 - Now connects to the newly released Sapphire Gate map.
12/25/2001 - The Pig and Whistle, which was never open, had been replaced with the Old News Pawnshop. Thanks go to Gokkem for this information. The Forge has also been added. The entire map has been redrawn approximately 20% larger than before, which should make everything a little less cluttered. This map is now exclusively in color; there is no longer a black and white version.
8/5/2001 - Added the chair shop.
7/2/2001 - Initial version of the map.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.