Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Elven Nations - Victory Road

Area: Elven Nations  
Map: Victory Road
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/20/2006
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Victory Road, and the surrounding hunting areas: Yander's Farm (including the wheat, barley, and corn fields, as well as the turnip patch), and the Rambling Meadows (upper and lower fields, orchard, and hilltop). Critters here include the Crested Basilisk, Great Boar, Brown Gak, Spotted Gnarp, Spotted Leaper, Spotted Lynx, Giant Marmot, Dark Orc, Grey Orc, Lesser Red Orc, Raider Orc, Striped Relnak, Black Rolton, Young Grass Snake, Great Stag, and Thyril.

8/20/2007 - Changed the exit from the Barley Fields to 'go road'.
8/17/2006 - Lots of critters changed or moved around. Crested Basilisks replaced the Mottled Thraks, Giant Marmots, Lesser Red Orcs, and Raider Orcs on the Rambling Meadows Hilltop. Yander's Farm now also has Spotted Gnarps and Brown Gaks. The Wheat Field now has Giant Marmots and Raider Orcs, replacing the Gaks and Gnarps. The Barley Field now has Dark Orcs and Great Boars instead of Gaks and Velnalins. The Corn Field now has Grey Orcs and Great Stags instead of Urghs and Velnalins. Finally, the Turnip Patch now has Spotted Lynxes and Lesser Red Orcs instead of Gnarps and Roltons.
8/23/2005 - Added the altar in the Rambling Meadows. (Thanks, Arinnaer)
7/30/2004 - Changed formatting and put in thick lines for improved printing. Added Giant Marmots, Lesser Red Orcs, and Raider Orcs to the Rambling Meadows Hilltop area. (Thanks to Psiodon, Torese, and others)
2/13/2004 - Fixed formatting and spelling errors (thanks, Euronymous).
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
1/26/2002 - The room error exit in the upper fields has been fixed, and so has the map.
12/24/2001 - The direction between the Rambling Meadows Orchard/Upper Fields and the Hilltop has changed to "go arch". Thanks go to Eldritch and Argaine for this information. The Victory Road bridge directions were reversed, and thanks go to Torese for pointing out that error.
10/6/2001 - Initial version of the map.

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