Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Icemule Trace - East, West, and North Gates

Area: Icemule Trace  
Map: East, West, and North Gates
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 7/21/2004
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

The eastern wilds include the Snow Fort, the Abbey, and the Northward Trail. Critters in this section include Snow Crones, Silverback Orcs, Snow Spectres, Cold Guardians, Mountain Ogres, Arctic Pumas, Dark Shamblers, Frost Giants, Greater Ice Giants, Lesser Ice Giants, Storm Giants, Ice Hounds, Ice Trolls, Caribou, Grizzly Bears, Arctic Wolverines, Coyotes, Nedum Verari, and Arch Wights. The west gate area includes the Icy Plains and Frozen Battlefield, with Arctic Manticores, Tundra Giants, Ice Trolls, Skeletal Ice Trolls. Amsalen's Shrine is here. The Northern wilds have Lesser Snow Shades.

7/21/2004 - Updated the levels for Caribou, Arctic Wolverines, and Mountain Ogres. Changed formating for thick lines and better printing. Changed 'go landslide' to 'climb landslide'. Added the paths around the town's exterior, connecting the East Gate and West Gates to the South Gate. Added Frost Giants and Cold Guardians to the trench area outside the West Gate. Added the Icewall Penitentiary outside the North Gate.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
5/29/2001 - Added the Ranger Guild.
4/16/2000 - Added the two new rooms in Ardo's cave. (Thanks, Rianon.)
4/6/2000 - You now have to 'go slope' to get to the lake up at Olbin Pass. Thanks go to Jhordyne and Ruove for this information. And yes, I know the ice cave is closed. Some days it's open, sometimes it's closed.
1/16/2000 - Corrected the age of Ice Trolls (18) Lesser Ice Giants (22), Caribou (24), Grizzly Bears (38) and Arctic Wolverines (33). Also changed to margins to print better on inkjet printers.
11/23/98 - Added the new Ossuary in the Abbey.
11/16/98 - Added the Frozen Battlefield area.
6/14/98 - Added another room to the entrance of the private residence on the northern trail. It wasn't there two weeks ago. It is now.
5/28/98 - Added the private residence on the Northward Trail.
5/11/98 - Added the private residence just outside the East Gate. Established the correct levels for the new critters on the trail to Pinefar. Lesser Ice Giants are 19, Greater Ice Giants are 29, Caribou are 23, Arctic Wolverines are 29, Coyotes are 31, and Grizzly Bears are 41. Special thanks to Lady Roslyne for her dedicated work!
2/27/98 - Correct the approach to the Abbey (thanks, Rorschach), and marked the Ice Cave (where Ardo's frozen corpse is) as a node (thanks, Poloneus).
2/13/98 - Added the level of Arctic Wolverines (33), thanks to Zanamon, and also the approximate level of Caribou (24) and Coyotes (31).
2/1/98 - Connection to Pinefar corrected (thanks, Crythek), and added the age of the Grizzly Bears (40) (thanks, Barachado).
1/30/98 - Added the connection to the Pinefar map, and the new critters on the Northern Slopes (Caribou, Grizzly Bears, Arctic Wolverines, and Coyotes).
1/24/98 - There are now Ice Trolls on the Northward Trail. Thanks to Poloneus for this update.
12/25/97 - Added the Northward Trail. Special thanks to Hearthunter!
9/14/97 - Thanks to Elamder for pointer out an error in the West Gate area.

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