Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Icemule Trace - Town of Icemule Trace

Area: Icemule Trace  
Map: Town of Icemule Trace
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Portrait
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Map of the Town of Icemule Trace. The Dabbings Mews, Magical Burrow, Spitfire Alley, and Windmill Burrow neighborhoods are located here.

8/9/2006 - Added the Adventurer's Guild.
3/5/2005 - Added the forge.
8/27/2004 - Added the Travel Office.
8/4/2004 - Player shop area is now in color.
7/26/2004 - Thick lines and reformatting for better printing. Added Barter Alley, Trade Alley, Brewer's Alley, and Bootlegger's Alley (for player shops). Added Eleani's Wagon (might be temporary). Removed the hovel (Elanthian Journal) that used to be by the South Gate, and put it in its new location on Banshee Lane. Added the barbican at the South Gate. Added the New Look Pavillion. Added the PRO Meeting Hall. Added the citizenship clerk, surname registry, deed sales and furniture movers inside the town hall. Added the Rat Race Tent. Added the Icemule Historical Society. Removed the abandoned workshop that used to be where the Wizard's Guild now is.
11/13/2003 - Reformatted for GS4.
9/5/2002 - Street names were added, and the map is now in color. The hovel, bard guild, and locker locations were added.
7/28/2002 - Added the Cleric Guild and Oleani's shrine.
5/3/2002 - Added the Wizard Guild.
8/5/2001 - Added the chair store and the Empath Guild.
5/29/2001 - Added the Sorcerer Guild.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
9/1/99 - Added House White Haven, and the Music Shop. Also made the map 1/4 inch shorter to print better on inkjet printers.
11/9/98 - Added the Voln masters' hall near the Temple.
9/18/98 - Added Silverwood Manor.
9/5/98 - Added the warehouse, building, cartographer, and used stuff furniture stores. Added the firewood tent. Added the Dabbings Mews, Magical Burrow, Spitfire Alley, and Windmill Burrow neighborhoods.
6/24/98 - Xanthrochh found a typo that's been on the map since I first released it, over a year ago. Thanks! Nobody else noticed the "Honeybrew" inn.
3/20/98 - Changed the map to show the path leading to the jail.
2/9/98 - Added the Fletcher.
1/28/98 - Corrected the spelling of Armory. (thanks, Zellgas)
9/9/97 - Corrected exit from cleric's shop.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.