Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Icemule Trace - Pinefar

Area: Icemule Trace  
Map: Pinefar
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 7/12/2004
Orientation: Portrait
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

This map includes the path to the Pinefar Trading Post, Nightmare Gorge, the Top of the World, Dark Caves, Quiet Forest, Northern Slopes, Northern Mountains, Aenatumgana, and the Drake's (Koar's) Shrine. Be warned - even though the critters here are roughly as hard as those on Teras Isle, the terrain seems to be killing more people than the critters. You need a lot of climbing skill to get there. Critters here include Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears, Caribou, Frozen Corpses, Coyotes, Snow Crones, Ice Elementals, Lesser Ice Elementals, Major Glaceis, Minor Glaceis, Ice Golems, Seekers, Snow Leopards, Wooly Mammoths, Saber-Tooth Tigers, Arctic Wolverines, and Ice Wraiths. The Pinefar Preserve neighborhood is located here.

7/12/2004 - Changed to thick lines for improved printability. Changed Caribou to level 32 and Arctic Wolverines to level 24. The slope between the Northern Slopes and the Northern Mountains is now an incline going north, but a slope going south.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes. Corrected spelling of "Furrier". (Thanks, Augie)
5/29/2001 - Added listing of all the shops inside the Pinefar Trading Post.
4/16/2000 - Added the fire pits in the cave, and under the hatch. Thanks, Poloneus.
1/16/2000 - Corrected the ages of Grizzly Bears (38), Caribou (24), Arctic Wolverines (33), Minor Glacei (42), Major Glacei (47), Sabre-Tooth Tigers (57), Ice Golems (63), Seekers (61), Lesser Ice Elementals (65), and Ice Elementals (90). Also changed the margins to print better on inkjet printers.
10/30/99 - Added ages for Ice Golems (64-67), thanks to Ravenklaw.
11/10/98 - Added the new Voln Monestary.
10/11/98 - Changed the map of Aenatumgana to more accurately reflect walking in a spiral path around and up the mountain. Also, removed the Cave Bears, which have vanished as mysteriously as they arrived.
9/12/98 - Added the firewood tent.
9/5/98 - Added the Pinefar Preserve neighborhood, and the hothouse. Added Cave Bears in the Dark Caves.
5/22/98 - Added known level ranges to some of the critters. See the note below for details. Seekers' level range includes 55-64, Lesser Ice Elementals 65-68, and Sabre-Tooth Tigers 57-61.
5/17/98 - Verified the rest of the critter ages (except for Ice Elementals and Ice golems, which don't have a regular area yet). Minor Glacei are 44, Major Glacei are 51, Polar Bears are 44, Frozen Corpses are 45 (undead), Ice Wraiths are 49 (undead), Wooly Mammoths are 51, and the Sabre-Tooth Tigers are 57. Once again, thanks, Roslyne!
5/12/98 - One of the flights of stairs at the arch leading to Aenatumgana was changed from "West Frozen Stairs" to "Frozen West Stairs", so the map has been changed accordingly.
5/11/98 - Established the correct levels for the critters south of Nightmare Gorge. Caribou are 23, Snow Leopards are 27, Arctic Wolverines are 29, Coyotes are 31, and Grizzly Bears are 41. Special thanks to Lady Roslyne for her dedicated work!
5/3/98 - Corrected the left/right reversal just past the water tunnels. Thanks, Jadrek.
5/1/98 - Corrected the up/down reversal in the water tunnels.
4/30/98 - Added Aenatumgana and the Drake's Shrine, which were discovered in the battles to defeat the Vvrael. Seekers are level 61 undead. Lesser Ice Elementals are 65, and Ice Elementals are 95.
4/8/98 - Marked the cave (up the slope, northeast of the bridge) as a node. Not sure if it's been noded all along, but it is now. Thanks, Poloneus.
2/13/98 - Added the level of Arctic Wolverines (33) and Snow Leopards (27), thanks to Zanamon, and also the approximate level of Caribou (24), Coyotes (31), Minor Glacei (42), Major Glacei (47), and Ice Wraiths (49). Also, I know Lesser Ice Elementals are in their 60's, and Ice Elementals are at least 87, so I put that on the map, too.
2/3/98 - Added a room and an incline I had missed in the Quiet Forest. Also added the age of the Polar Bears (44). Thanks go to Lord Barachado.
2/2/98 - Small corrections: one trail is 'go trail' in one direction and 'climb trail' in the other, and the cave is entered by 'go entrance'.
2/1/98 - Added Ice Golems at the Top of the World. Got the ages for Sabre-Tooth Tigers (57), and Wooly Mammoths (50), thanks to Lord Rova. Also corrected the connection to the Northern Slopes on the East Gate map, thanks to Lord Crythek.
1/31/98 - Yes, two updates today. I suspect there will be a lot more as new areas are discovered around Pinefar. Added the Quiet Forest and Dark Caves, and also the Snow Leopards in that area. Thanks to Lord Chemial for pointing out that area to me.
1/31/98 - Found a few more rooms, thanks to Lord Threnin. Also got the ages of the Frozen Corpses (45), and Grizzly Bears (40), thanks to Lord Barachado. Finally, I ran into a Snow Crone down by the bridge, so I added that to the map. Given the recent propensity for critters to wander out of their normal stomping grounds, it's possible it just meandered over from the summit area, but who knows.

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