Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Icemule Trace - The Rift

Area: Icemule Trace  
Map: The Rift
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 7/12/2004
Orientation: Portrait
To download the map, RIGHT click here and select Save Target As... (MSIE) or Save Link As... (Netscape).

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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Until the recent discovery of Old Ta'Faendryl in the Elven Nations, this was the highest level hunting area in Elanthia. You need to have trained 66 times just to get in there. It was quite a while before I was personally able to go in there to map the Rift. Fortunately, Thalior and Dryxler have risked life and limb to map the area. It's a complex, confusing, and truly dangerous area, and I can't begin to express just how grateful I am to them for mapping it for me. This area has several very interesting puzzles inside, not the least of which is how you get in and get out. Enjoy! Critters here include Aivren, Caederas, Csetairis, Raving Lunatics, Naisircs, N'ecares, Seraceris, Lost Souls, Vaespilons, Vvrael Warlocks, and Vvrael Witches.

7/12/2004 - Changed to thick lines for improved printability.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
1/17/2003 - Fixed an error on Plane 5, and changed the map status to "final".
2/17/2002 - Fixed some spelling errors.
5/10/2000 - Corrected some grammatical and typographical errors. (Thanks, Rontuu, for the proofreading)
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
2/6/2000 - Corrected an error in the southeast portion of plane 4. (Thanks to Keric for showing me the correct layout.)
1/16/2000 - Got the precise base ages for all rift critters, and made the following changes: Seraceris are 109, Vvrael Witches are 111, and Vvrael Warlocks are 116.
1/11/2000 - Firmed up the critter ages and locations a bit, thanks to Keric.
9/8/99 - Keric supplied me with some more accurate levels for some of the critters. The numbers I had for Naisircs and Csetairis were close to high end of the range for those critters. The base levels, a few levels lower, are 101 for the Naisircs and 103 for the Csetairis. I also corrected the spelling of the Aivren.
9/3/99 - I still can't get into the Rift to explore it personally, but my legion of helpers have given me new information about the denizens of the various planes. Naisircs, Csetairis, Aivren, and Seraceris have been added, and some adjustments were made regarding which critter was on each plane. Also made the map 1/4 inch shorter to print better on inkjet printers.
6/6/98 - Changed which critters are on each plane, added the Caederas, and changed one room in the fourth plane. Once again, thanks go to Dryxler for the updates.
5/31/98 - Corrected a typo on the map brought to my attention by Gryph.
5/26/98 - The day I posted the first version of this map, they went and changed how the different planes are connected together. Thanks go to Lord Dryxler again for giving me the details of how the threads work now.
5/8/98 - Initial version of the map. The levels for the Souls, N'ecares, and Vaespilons are correct. The others are guesses, but shouldn't be off by more than 5-10 levels.

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