Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Icemule Trace - South Gate

Area: Icemule Trace  
Map: South Gate
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 7/22/2004
Orientation: Portrait
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

The southern wilds include the brand new Icemule Pioneer Cemetery, the Abandoned Farm, and Snowflake Vale. Critters here include Dark Apparitions, Snowy Cockatrices, Rotting Farmhands, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Phantoms, Roltons, Zombie Roltons, Skeletons, Mountain Snowcats, Greater Ice Spiders, Tree Spirits, Elder Tree Spirits, Rabid Squirrels, Thyrils, White Vysans, Spectral Woodsmen, Wraiths, and Zombies. The Behlayr, Ice Forest, and Snowfields neighborhoods are located here.

7/22/2004 - Added the Ranger Herbalist outside the South Gate. (Thanks, Amanissa)
7/21/2004 - Changed formating for thick lines and better printing. Added the path around the town Exterior connecting to the East and West Gates.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes. Added the tomb in the mausoleum. (Thanks, Gerfunzel)
5/29/2001 - Removed the tomb in the Mausoleum, which was drawn into the ground as part of the Thurfel plotline.
7/27/2000 - Removed the Hooded figures, which have been gone for about 18 months. Brandain reported that GM Kuromako had confirmed that they were actually gone as opposed to just rare.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain. The map was made 1/4 inch narrower to print better on inkjet printers.
11/14/98 - Added the new undead hunting area in the abandoned farm.
10/11/98 - Corrected the spelling of 'Mausoleum'. Thanks, Drevis.
9/5/98 - Added the Behlayr, Ice Forest, and Snowfields neighborhoods.
5/7/98 - Added the window the takes you from the Zombie area to the Tree Spirit and Hooded Figure area. Thanks go to Lord Jerrec for this one.
3/20/98 - Cleaned up the mapping of the Abandoned Farm, including correcting the entrance to the ravine. Thanks go to Renstar for pointing out the error in the ravine.
9/9/97 - Corrected a spelling error and the exit from the wraith's barn (thanks, Ladrigo)
7/21/97 - Added Williwaw Hall (Special thanks to Tanzra and Grondos for pointing me in the right direction here!)
6/30/97 - Added Hooded Figures

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