Tsoran's Map Shoppe
River's Rest - River's Rest

Area: River's Rest  
Map: River's Rest
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Complete map of the town of River's Rest and the nearby hunting areas. Besides the town itself, you have the River Tunnels, Sea Caves, Krolvin Ship, and Karazja Jungle. Critters here include the Jungle Troll Chieftain, Pale Crab, Blood Eagle, Krolvin Mercenary, Dark Panther, Giant Rat, Rolton, Jungle Troll, Tree Viper, Krolvin Warfarer, and Krolvin Warrior. You can also find the shrine of the Huntress here. The Carousel Court, Khan'Kel Bazaar, and Port Valley neighborhoods are located here.

8/9/2006 - Added the Adventurer's Guild.
3/5/2005 - Added the forge.
8/16/2004 - Map is now in Color, and street names have been added. Added the Player Shop area, the Olive Grove.
7/27/2004 - Map redrawn and reformatted with thick lines for easier printing. Added surname registry. Added the Hornswoggler (banknote exchange). Added the realtor, deed sales, and furniture movers. Added the purser. Added the linden tree. Added the New Look Pavilion. Added the PRO meeting hall. Added the River's Rest Museum. Added the citizenship clerk and the hoosegow. Added the crab races.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
2/27/2003 - Replaced most of the Karazja Jungle with a generic cloud due to the jungle's propensity to change layout whenever the wind blows.
2/22/2003 - Added the new link to Solhaven and removed the log. Added the link to the new Maelstrom Bay map. Added the cleric shop, magic shop, locksmith, and the pavillion of the bells.
8/30/2002 - Added the Bard Guild, Jastev's Ampitheater, the Hovel, and the new shops SE of the Armory.
7/28/2002 - Added the Cleric Guild and Aeia's shrine.
7/26/2002 - Corrected an error introduced a few maps ago with the placement of the label for the Stone Eye. It was one room away from where it should have been. Thanks go to Strathe for pointing it out.
7/25/2002 - Added the new Karazja Jungle hunting area. Thanks go to the many people who wrote to me with information about this new area. With this addition, I split the River's Rest map into two parts. This map now contains only the town and the nearby hunting areas; including everything before the blue barrier that leads to the Citadel. The new Citadel map contains the other hunting areas.
5/3/2002 - Added the Warrior Guild (thanks, Renian). Added the Wizard Guild. Added Beacon Hall Archive in the place of the old House Jacarta.
8/5/2001 - Added the chair store and the Empath Guild.
5/28/00 - Added the Sorcerer and Ranger Guilds. Added the Tree in the Commons. Blood Eagles are now found over the drawbridge, near the log.
11/24/2000 - Removed House Jakarta from the map. This house has been closed for a while, and is no longer reachable. (thanks, Wesclemord)
10/29/2000 - Added the Infirmary.
9/2/2000 - Changed a direction in the Citadel from 'go stairs' to 'climb stairs'. Thanks go to Tanzra for pointing out the change.
5/6/2000 - Removed Mbatta's wagon. Guess Mbatta found where he had left it. (Thanks, Jaxia)
4/23/2000 - Added Mbatta's Wagon, out by the Armory, which seems to be a permanent addition. Thanks go to Mallagra for bringing this to my attention.
4/16/2000 - Added the weeds under the drawbridge, and the hill near the creek. Thanks, Jaxia.
1/11/2000 - Added House Jakarta.
10/29/99 - Revenants are gone from the Garrison, the Greater Orcs and Large Ogres have moved from the Garrison to the previously unoccupied Armory, and a new 34th level (give or take) undead called Spectral Warriors now inhabit the Garrison. Thanks go to Kalvair for being the first to let me know about these changes.
9/16/99 - Added the moving company, which also means there are now lockers in River's Rest.
9/8/99 - Added Hortinger's Armory. Also made the map 1/4 inch shorter to print better on inkjet printers.
11/11/98 - Added the new Voln Monestary.
10/12/98 - Corrected the spelling of 'portcullis', and thanks go to Shamden for pointing out the error to me.
9/20/98 - Moved Khan'Kel Bazaar one room to the east. (Yes, the moved the whole neighborhood.) Thanks go to Lady Shanleigh for pointing out this change.
9/5/98 - Added the firewood tent, and the Consortium furniture merchants. Added the Carousel Court, Khan'Kel Bazaar, and Port Valley neighborhoods.
8/20/98 - Corrected the same typo again, correctly setting the age of the Cave Trolls to 12, not the Hill Trolls' 11. Thanks, Arallax.
8/19/98 - Corrected a typo pointed out by Jerrec. Now there really are Cave Trolls here.
8/17/98 - Cave Trolls can now be found near the Troll Lair. Thanks go to Tanzra for first letting me know about the newest critters here.
7/26/98 - Added the new Hidden Vale and Troll Lair areas along with the new criters there (Cave Bears, Mountain Trolls, and Troll Chieftains). Thanks go to the many people who sent me information about this area.
6/20/98 - The node outside the sanctuary has been moved to the commons. Thanks to Tanzra for pointing that out.
5/31/98 - Added a room in the Krolvin Ship. Thanks to Lady Coricopat for pointing it out to me.
4/15/98 - Corrected the command used to climb out of the ravine. Thanks go to Sharqua for this one.
12/30/97 - Added the Stone Eye (thanks to Tanzra, and others, for letting me know about this addition).
10/12/97 - Added the fletcher
7/8/97 - Added Mistral Hall
6/30/97 - Added River's Rest Inn

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