Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Teras Isle - Town of Kharam-Dzu

Area: Teras Isle  
Map: Town of Kharam-Dzu
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Landscape
To download the map, RIGHT click here and select Save Target As... (MSIE) or Save Link As... (Netscape).

On a Mac, click and hold here, and when the pop up menu appears, select Download Link to Disk (MSIE) or Save this Link as... (Netscape).
For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Main town on Teras Isle, this is the place where new arrivals find themselves. The Hedgerow Gardens, Mud Baths, Pebble Court, Pig Puddle Lane, and Rock Garden neighborhoods are located here. Also on this map are the Kiramon Mines. Critters here include Kiramon Defenders and Kiramon Workers.

8/9/2006 - Added the Adventurer's Guild.
8/4/2004 - Player shop area is now in color.
8/2/2004 - Added the player shop area, Canyon Alley.
7/17/2004 - Added the Meeting Hall, Surname Registry, Swimming Hole, Citizenship Clerk, CHE Clerk, Deed Sales, Linden Tree, House of Ales (which may be transient), and Marienna's Millinery is now Marienna's Market and Suniel's Pantry.
6/29/2004 - Corrected some formatting errors.
3/15/2004 - The Kiramon Mines were moved to this map.
2/14/2004 - Added the New Look Pavilion, Molgar's Miracle Mud Baths, Resort, Wedding Tent, several Warehouses, and the Glaes Smeltery. Changed to thick lines.
11/13/2003 - Formatting updated for GS4.
9/2/2002 - Added the Forge.
8/31/2002 - First color version of the map. Added Street names. Added Cleric and Bard Guilds. Added Marienna's Millinery.
7/18/2002 - Added the Meeting Hall, Cleric's Shop, and Hovel.
5/3/2002 - Added the Wizard Guild (thanks, Fleurs).
8/5/2001 - Added the chair store and the Empath Guild.
5/30/2001 - Sorcerer Guild added (thanks, Kirsy).
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain. The map was made 1/4 inch narrower to print better on inkjet printers.
11/23/98 - Corrected the spelling of the Mother Lode Inn.
11/9/98 - Added the Voln masters' hall in the Temple.
9/7/98 - Fixed the name of Hedgerow Gardens.
9/5/98 - Added the firewood tent and the furniture merchants in the SW corner of the Bazaar. Added the Hedgerow Gardens, Mud Baths, Pebble Court, Pig Puddle Lane, and Rock Garden neighborhoods.
6/28/98 - Map changed to reflect the moving of one of the private houses a little further from the main road.
6/1/98 - Changed the command to cross the fence to 'climb fence'. Thanks go to Askip for pointing out that error.
5/6/98 - Added two of the 8 new private residences.
3/6/98 - Corrected the path leading to Welkin Hall. (Thanks, Relkur)
2/14/98 - Corrected the path north of the library.
1/6/98 - Added the path north of the Library.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.