Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Teras Isle - Eye of V'Tull

Area: Teras Isle  
Map: Eye of V'Tull
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 6/29/2004
Orientation: Landscape
To download the map, RIGHT click here and select Save Target As... (MSIE) or Save Link As... (Netscape).

On a Mac, click and hold here, and when the pop up menu appears, select Download Link to Disk (MSIE) or Save this Link as... (Netscape).
For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

The Lava Flows, and the Eye of V'Tull are on this map. At one time, before the Rift was opened, the eye of V'Tull was the home of the oldest known critters in Elanthia. Critters here include Fire Elementals, Lava Golems, Soul Golems, Fire Mages, Massive Pyrothags, Skayls, Fire Sprites, Red-Scaled Thraks, Red Tsarks, and Cinder Wasps.

6/29/2004 - Corrected some formatting errors.
2/14/2004 - Fixed formating errors. Changed to thick lines.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
9/16/99 - Corrected the spelling of 'boulders'.
9/8/99 - Initial version of this map after splitting off the volcano areas from the Fhorian Village map. This map has the wider right-side border to make it easier to print on an inkjet printer.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.