Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Teras Isle - Fhorian Village

Area: Teras Isle  
Map: Fhorian Village
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 10/23/2007
Orientation: Portrait
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Road outside town, Greymist, Fhorian Village, Mausoleum, Wind Tunnel, and the Temple of Luukos are on this map. The Fhorian Village is the next easiest area, but, beware, the critters there have ways of killing you that are extremely interesting, and extremely effective. Critters here include the Banshee, Giant Fog Beetle, Scaly Burgee, Jungle Troll Chieftain, Sand Devil, Fire Giant, Ash Hag, Siren Lizard, Wasp Nest, Fire Ogre, Firethorn Shoot, Jungle Troll, Lava Troll, Mud Wasp, and Wind Wraith. The Canyon Ridge neighborhood is located here.

10/23/2007 - Added the path to Temple Nelemar.
6/29/2004 - Corrected some formatting errors.
3/24/2003 - Cleaned up some awkward formatting.
3/15/2004 - Added the new Greymist area. The Kiramon Mines were removed from this map and relocated to the town map.
2/14/2004 - Changed the ages of Soul Golems (63) and Wind Wraiths (61). Changed to thick lines.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
7/4/2002 - Added an second cell within the Constabulary, thanks to Drizzsdt.
5/30/2001 - Added the Ranger Guild. (Thanks, Gokkem!) The alternate entrance to Wind Wraiths was removed.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
9/8/99 - Split the map in two, moving all the volcano areas to another map. This was done in order to make room for the three new areas that opened up on the volcano. Lady Dimaire also showed me a new entrance into the Wind Wraith area, which seems to have appeared sometime today. Also made the map 1/4 inch shorter to print better on inkjet printers.
9/7/98 - Fixed the location of Canyon Ridge.
9/5/98 - Added the Canyon Ridge neighborhood.
8/23/98 - Added a room that was missing from Pyros. Thanks go to Korlos for pointing out the error.
8/1/98 - Correct a small error near Pyros; 'go hole' should have been 'climb hole'. Thanks go to a sharp eyed Cimmorina for catching that one. Also, in a totally inexplicable move, Flaming Tsarks have turned into Red Tsarks, so the map has been changed accordingly. Keric gets the nod for that one.
7/28/98 - The map now has the correct base ages (see note below regarding critter ages) for the new critters: Skayls are 76, Sprites 88, Tsarks 93, and Mages 95. Thanks, Keric, for the information.
7/27/98 - Added the Lower Eye of V'Tull, the new critters in that area (Fire Mages, Fire Sprites, and Flaming Tsarks). Also added the Skayls in the Pyro area. Thanks go to Keric for sending me a map of the area, and countless folks who sent me information on the critters.
3/6/98 - Corrected the path leading south from the road outside town. (Thanks, Saltstone)
1/12/98 - Corrected the ages of the Kiramon - Workers are 40 and Defenders are 46. Special thanks to Lord Rova and Lord Amery for helping with these!
12/14/97 - Combined what would have been the areas in the Eye of V'Tull map onto this map, adding the Wind Tunnel, Temple of Luukos, Lava Flows, and Eye of V'Tull areas. This marks the availability of a complete set of maps for the entire land.
12/10/97 - Included the Wasp Nests as critters.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.