Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Vornavis - Vornavis Caravansary

Area: Vornavis  
Map: Vornavis Caravansary
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 2/1/2006
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Area immediately outside of Vornavis. The Vornavis Caravansay, Marshtown, part of the West Road, Peasant Holdings, Wooded Plains, Bog, and Noman's Land are on this map. Critters here include Shelfae Chieftans, Coyotees, Crocodiles, Cyclops, Black-winged Daggerbeaks, Kobolds, Mongrel Kobolds, Greater Orcs, Panthers, Shelfae Soldiers, Urghs, Shelfae Warlords, Wood Wights, and Rotting Woodsmen. The Cypress Walk and Kwagmire Kourt Neighborhoods are also here.

2/1/2006 - Corrected an error in the Wooded Plains area.
8/3/2004 - Marked the caravansary warehouse as containing public lockers. Added the services inside the Mercantylers Guild (registrar, bank, exchange, clerk). Added the Cypress Walk and Kwagmire Kourt premium neighborhoods in Marshtown.
4/5/2004 - Added the penitentiary in Marshtown. Changed to thick-line formating.
11/13/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
2/22/2003 - Added the new link to River's Rest.
11/9/2002 - Added the link to the Outlands map.
5/24/2002 - Added the Forge in Marshtown.
5/9/2000 - Just northwest of the Caravansary, there is a boulder with an excellent view. The command to go to that boulder has been corrected. (Thanks, Valentrus)
4/22/2000 - Corrected some text formatting.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
1/16/2000 - Corrected the age of Shelfae Warlords (18) and Cyclops (16).
1/11/2000 - Added the deed shrine in the Caravansary. (Thanks, Shirkon) Also, increased the right margin to better accommodate inkjet printers.
1/15/99 - Firm up the age of Black-Winged Daggerbeaks (1), thanks to Protivnic. Also corrected some cosmetic errors.
1/5/99 - Corrected some typos, and the critter levels were updated, thanks to Aelphaba.
1/2/99 - Initial version of this map.

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This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.