Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Vornavis - Town of Solhaven

Area: Vornavis  
Map: Town of Solhaven
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Portrait
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Town of Solhaven, including South Solhaven and the Bay of Solhaven. The Market Bend, Ebondrift, and Royal Court Neighborhoods are also here.

8/9/2006 - Added the Adventurer's Guild.
2/1/2006 - The steps leading into town now require 'Climb Steps' rather than 'Go Steps'. Thanks go to Askip for first bring this change to my attention.
8/27/2004 - Added the Travel Office.
8/4/2004 - Used thick lines and changed formatting to improve printability. Added the player shop area. Added the Krawling Kracken. Added the Triton Day School. Added the Surname Registry. Added the New Look Pavilion. Added the Pet Shop. Added the Cafe Dumont. Added Methais' Home. Added the furniture movers. Added the Registrar, Clerk, and the Citzenship Clerk. Added the linden tree (Banaltra quest), the 'light' linden tree, and the 'dark' willow tree. Removed Ocotillo Park and Ocotillo Zoo. Added Solindago Anox, replacing Ocotillo Zoo. The interior of Solindago Anox is not mapped. Added Tonis's Temple. Added Sheru's Temple. Added Pasha's Pavilion. Added the PRO Meeting Hall. Added the Bronze Boar. Added the Butcher. Added the Lobstereum. Added the Ensignery. Added Fyne Fouds. Added Aulidie's Pottery. Added the Candle Shop. Added the Celebration Barge. Added the Bakery.
11/14/2003 - Added the Workyard that is NW of South Market. (Thanks, Sot.) Added the missing street sign for Tumbledown Lane. (Thanks, Torese.)
11/13/2002 - Reinstated the Sweete Shop after inadvertently removing it from the 11/5 version of the map. Thanks, Jaared.
11/5/2002 - Added the new expansions to South Solhaven, including South Market and the Royal Court neighborhood. Thanks go to Argaine for letting me know about this large expansion.
9/5/2002 - Added Mularos's garden, Luukos's temple, and Kraken Manor.
8/14/2002 - Added Ebondrift and the alley near the Garden of Forbidden Knowlege. Thanks go to Argaine and Maleah.
8/12/2002 - Added South Solhaven and the Bay of Solhaven.
7/28/2002 - Added the Cleric Guild and Niima's shrine.
7/4/2002 - Added the Cleric's Shop, the Sea Troll, and the Public Bath House. (Thanks, Kindral)
6/22/2002 - Added the warehouse which has the public lockers as well as the house annex lockers.
9/1/2001 - Added the Banaltra cage and the petting zoo inside Ocotillo Zoo. Also added the Empath guild. The Warrior guild was already on the map, but it's open now. The Rogue Guild is open there too, but for some reason that guild was missing from the maps when they were printed. Thanks go to Sidraa, Alerr, and Ellasia for pointing out these new additions.
5/11/2000 - Added the two missing temple names, Lumnis and Phoen. (Thanks, Natasya)
4/23/2000 - Added Ocotillo Park, and Ocotillo Zoo, which were opened as part of the Butterfly Festival. Thanks go to Iwa for bringing this to my attention.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
8/31/99 - Changed the location of Imaera's Temple. It seems it opened in a different location than I had originally thought it would. Also made the map 1/4 inch narrower to print better on inkjet printers.
1/5/99 - Corrected directions on the Market Bridge. Added the Slipper shop (thanks, Strathe.) Removed the SW direction from the bank (yes, you used to be able to go SW from there. Thanks, Latronicus.)
1/2/99 - Added a new room off of the North 'Haven Quay. Thanks, Xathar.
1/1/99 - First update, correcting a few mistakes on the map, and also adding the Chandler. Thanks, Dash and Xathar.
1/1/99 - Initial release of this map.

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