Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Wehnimer's Landing - Danjirland, Glacier, and Elven Village

Area: Wehnimer's Landing  
Map: Danjirland, Glacier, and Elven Village
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Portrait
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Everything from the Danjirland sign to the chasm on the glacier (Glatoph). Also includes the Gash, Elven Village, and Potter's field. Critters in this area include Great Brown Bears, Snow Crones, Firephantoms, Frost Giants, Bone Golems, Steel Golems, Cold Guardians, Fire Guardians, Large Ogres, Mountain Ogres, Grey Orcs, Ice Skeletons, Tree Spirits, Arctic Titans, Cave Trolls, Forest Trolls, Ice Trolls, War Trolls, Ghost Wolves, and Zombies.

8/9/2006 - Added a small area near tree spirits.
1/10/2006 - Moved Stone Valley, Thanatoph, and the Stronghold onto a separate map, along with the new Bowels area.
8/6/2004 - Used thick lines and changed formatting for better printing.
11/12/2003 - GS4 Critter changes.
6/19/2001 - Added the start of the trail to the Elven Nations.
6/22/2000 - Changed Illoke Mastiffs to Stone Mastiffs (thanks, Dolanus). Added four new rooms at the southern end of the Ledge (thanks, Aravian).
6/17/2000 - Added the Illoke Stronghold beyond the doors in Stone Valley. Thanks go to Virilneus for being the first to let me know about this new area.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
1/16/2000 - Corrected the age of Ice Trolls (18) and Stone Trolls (23). Also changed the margins so as to print better on inkjet printers.
1/5/99 - The down-tweaked Tree Spirits are 27, not 26.
5/9/98 - Seems the Tree Spirits in Danjirland were down-tweaked from 29 to 26. Thanks to Aelphie and several others for mentioning this.
2/28/98 - Added Forest Trolls and Large Ogres. They were always there I think, just were missing from the map. Thanks to Ngaa for the help.
2/27/98 - Marked the top of the arch in Fire Guardians ar a node. Corrected a small error at the moat (thanks, Tanzra, for pointing that one out to me.)
1/24/98 - Added the shack near the platform. Thanks to Artegal for pointing this one out to me.
1/18/98 - Added the platform near the cave trolls. Thanks for to Lord Crythek for pointing that out.
11/10/97 - Added the Snow Crones on the glacier.
10/16/97 - A few months ago, someone mentioned that he thought Stone Giants were 28, not the 26 I had listed. I finally got around to verifying their age. Both numbers were wrong; they're actually 27.
10/2/97 - Corrected an error in Steel Golems (thanks to Ladrigo)
9/21/97 - Added access to Dubh Brugh from the volcano
8/26/97 - Finally found the node in Stone Valley - thanks to Lady Featherhair for nudging me in the right direction
8/7/97 - Added the places you can fall into from the pile and the ledge in Stone Valley. Special thanks to Qeww for pointing these out!
7/22/97 - Corrected several errors (most significantly, the Cold Guardian maze was completely wrong) and upgraded map to Intermediate status.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.