Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Wehnimer's Landing - Darkstone Castle

Area: Wehnimer's Landing  
Map: Darkstone Castle
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/6/2004
Orientation: Portrait
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Darkstone Castle is one of the most dangerous area on the mainland. Not only is the castle home to some of the hardest critters in Elanthia, it's also filled with some of the hardest puzzles. Even getting in is a puzzle. Critters here include Banshees, Centaurs, Kiramon Defenders, Stone Gargoyles, Lesser Stone Gargoyles, Huge Mein Golems, Sheruvian Harbingers, Massive Troll Kings, Roa'ters, Stone Sentinels, Nightmare Steeds, and Kiramon Workers.

8/6/2004 - Used thick lines and changed formatting for better printing.
11/12/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
4/22/2000 - Corrected some text formatting.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain. The map was made 1/4 inch narrower to print better on inkjet printers.
9/25/98 - On the second dungeon level, changed where the chute from the first dungeon level leaves you. Thanks go to Barbaruru for this change.
5/22/98 - Found one more door on the Sentinel level. Thanks to Lord Crythek for showing me this one.
2/5/98 - Found another door in the Kiramon level.
1/12/98 - Corrected the ages of the Kiramon - Workers are 40 and Defenders are 46. Special thanks to Lord Rova and Lord Amery for helping with these!

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