Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Wehnimer's Landing - Town of Wehnimer's Landing

Area: Wehnimer's Landing  
Map: Town of Wehnimer's Landing
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2006
Orientation: Landscape
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This is the map of the Town of Wehnimer's Landing. Shows all houses, shops, etc., including almost a dozen different entrances to the catacombs. The Bay's Watch, Cobblestone Court, Cothinar Gardens, Dragonsclaw Arms, Liabo Circle, Orc's Nest Road, Shantytown, Tiger Court, and West Bank neighborhoods are located here.

8/9/2006 - Added the Adventurer's Guild.
11/27/2004 - Added the Travel Office. Removed Dartoc's Wagon.
8/12/2004 - Used thick lines and improved formatting for better printing. Added East Row, the player shop area. Removed the party tent. Added the Linden Tree. Added the prison (thanks, Torese). Added the stable. Added the back entrance to Helga's. Added the PRO Meeting Hall. Added the Confectionary. Added the Blacksmith's Shop. Added the Wehnimer's Landing Historical Society. Added the New Look Pavilion. Added Ye Olde Candle Shoppe. Added Dartoc's Wagon (might be a leftover HSN merchant.) Added The Dark Wagon (might be a leftover HSN merchant.) Added the Observation/Guard Tower near the Magic Shoppe and the Observation Tower at the East River Tower.. Added the furniture movers, deed sales, surname registry, and the citizenship clerk.
11/12/2003 - Reformatted for GS4.
9/5/2002 - Added locker location, hovel, the bard guild, and the cobbler's supply warehouse.
2/7/2002 - Removed the portal to Moonstone Abbey, which is now located in Ta'Illistim. Added the Forge near the Blacksmith. Effective with this release of the map, only the full color version of the map is available. The black and white version is no longer available.
8/5/2001 - Added the Empath Guild and the temporary portal to Moonstone Abbey.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
9/18/99 - The Well in TSC was expanded so that it's now 4 rooms in a circle. There's also a new park south of TS-SW, comprising 3 rooms and connecting to South Ring Road. Most of the new rooms appear to be noded.
9/1/99 - Added Rone Academy and the Music Shoppe. Also made the map 1/4 inch narrower to print better on inkjet printers.
11/23/98 - Added the three urban private home doorway and exterior merchants.
9/18/98 - Added Silverwood Manor. Thanks for pointing it out to me, Fasco.
9/5/98 - Added the Reighnbeau Cavern, the furniture merchant in the Furrier, the Courtyard furniture merchant, and the Bay's Watch, Cobblestone Court, Cothinar Gardens, Dragonsclaw Arms, Liabo Circle, Orc's Nest Road, Shantytown, Tiger Court, and West Bank neighborhoods.
8/15/98 - Added the new Merchants' Emporium. Thanks go to Lemik for letting me know about the new shop being built there.
7/22/98 - Corrected the catacombs entrance in Moot Hall. Thanks go to Callysandra for pointing out this fix.
6/22/98 - Added what I believe to be the eighth of the Spitfire houses.
6/16/98 - Added the seventh of the eight private houses auctioned off at the Spitfire. Thanks go to Dilp for pointing this one out.
3/20/98 - Corrected the spelling of Beldrin's Game Hall (thanks to Lady Tonette for pointing it out.)
2/17/98 - Added the second room (chapel) past the pillars near the Temple. Thanks go to Tactica for showing it to me.
1/24/98 - Corrected the spelling of "Cul-de-sac". Thanks to Dajan for pointing it out.
1/18/98 - Added the pillars outside the temple (thanks, Xanthrochh), and the party tent near Aspis.
11/17/97 - Added Wrenrick's warehouse, just southeast of the Exchange Booth (thanks Jollien)
10/2/97 - Added the West River Tower (thanks Tynsil)
8/31/97 - Finally found out what that locked gate north of the pawn shop leads to - Thingul Manor. Special thanks to Ankhan for this piece of gemtrivia.

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