Lockpicking Forum 3/28/98

Special thanks to GM Sayzor. His patience, hard work, and endurance are greatly appreciated! (This forum lasted until the sun was beginning to come up!)

I'd also like to thank Aurec and Barachado for providing logs of the Forum.

Sayzor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.

A red mist suddenly begins to seep out of the ground. Before you have time to react, the mist has covered everything around you. You rub your eyes and begin to cough as the mist begins clear. Suddenly, you realize that Lord Sayzor is standing right next to you!

A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Kuromaku is standing in its place.

Sayzor waits for everyone to stop looking at him.

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Dara rubs Sayzor gently.

Kuromaku put a bright yellow KICK ME sign inside his dark silk backpack.

Sayzor says, "Ok, I have brought you all here to eliminate all the Rogue's from the face of Elanthia. Once they all arrive...wait, wrong speech."

Teegan rubs Sayzor gently.

Icesneaker rubs Worthyone gently.

Arator rubs Sayzor gently.

Kuromaku leans on Sayzor.

Kahtya rubs Nitefallz gently.

Sayzor says, "Toight we will be discussing some of the changes that have happened to Locks and Traps, as well as some of the proposed changes that I have coming up."

Serpentyna rubs Nytesnake gently.

Sayzor says, "After I give you all some information on the subject about what I have in the works, I'll open the list up for questions...and answer as many as I can before I pass out."

Nytesnake rubs Serpentyna gently.

Sayzor says, "First, I'd like to say that it has not been by choice that I haven't been as available to discussion on the boards. It is very difficult for me to get into them at this time, for otherworldy reasons...primarily technical. In the future that will change, if I can steal the right equiptment."

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Sayzor says, "I've talked to a number of Rogue's in the game about the things that I have been working on, and I believe that some of that has been discussed with others, as well. I try and pop into the various "High Traffic" picking areas occasionally to talk about some of the things that are going on with not only the class, but specifically with Locks and Traps."

Sayzor says, "If you haven't run into me there, keep looking. I can't get to everyone all the time."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "This Forum will give you a chance to let me know what is on your mind, and the mind of your fellow Rogue as well as give me your thoughts and give me the chance to give you as much information as I can in our limited time here."

Sayzor says, "My first request is of a technical nature."

Sayzor says, "Some of the information that I have prepared for you tonight will be best viewed if you set your "Screens" up to "Full Screen" for your "Game Window". Whatever all that means."

Sayzor gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "You will still get it, it just may not be formatted right...especially the tables."

Kuromaku glances at a dark silk backpack.

Kuromaku glances at something inside a dark silk backpack.

Sayzor is giving everyone a moment to fix that, if they need it.

Sayzor says, "When I open the table up for questions, and start answering them...I will allow the person asking the question to talk at that time. Due to the large number of people here, and the amount of scroll it would cause, I must keep the tent silent to everyone else."

Sayzor says, "Ok...let's get down to the good stuff."

Sayzor says, "I've talked in the pas on the boards with you all about some of the ideas that I have had...and some of the changes I'd like to see. Anyone who has been a part of those discussion knows that I am fairly open-minded, and do listen to your opinions. If you have a concern, bring it to me. I know that not everyone reads the Boards, but you can send your concerns to Feedback, and they will get forwarded to me. Several people have done this, and even asked that I post the ideas for all to discuss. I'm very open to them, even if I may not always respond to them."

Sayzor says, "Some of those ideas are going to be brought out tonight. First, I'd like to talk about Traps."

Kuromaku fiddles with something in his backpack.

Kuromaku glances at Sayzor.

Kuromaku fiddles with something in his backpack.

Sayzor glances at Kuromaku.

Sayzor asks, "Did you want to add something?"

Sayzor smirks.

Kuromaku asks, "Can I set it off now, boss?"

Sayzor says, "No, not enough of them are here yet."

Kuromaku nods.

Shorak rubs Kuromaku gently.

Kuromaku shrugs.

Sayzor says, "We only have one, and we want to take out as many as we can with one shot."

Kuromaku says, "Okies, boss."

Kuromaku fiddles with something in his backpack.

Icesneaker rubs Kuromaku gently.

Sayzor says, "As I've mentioned on the boards, I feel that alot of the older traps are fairly boring. They are more of a hassle, than a threat...and they aren't very much fun at all. For anyone."

Sayzor says, "I have brief descriptions of a few of the faces you will see the old traps wearing for you tonight."

Sayzor says, "These traps should be released really soon. Most of them are in the final stages of testing."

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "I, personally, think they are going to be alot of fun."

Kuromaku grins evilly and thinks empaths and clerics are going to be busy.

Sayzor says, "Now, let me give you my Philosphy On Traps. This is about a page worth of information, and I'm going to give everyone a chance to read it before moving on."

    My Goals For Traps

    My goals with these changes is not to make any one of you useless
    nor even decrease your ability to handle chests out there.  I am
    attempting to bring some flavor into a very bland system that has
    been ignored for quite some time.  There was once a day when the very
    mention of someone attempting to disarm a Firestorm made everyone
    in the room either walk away or get ready to run if it was set off.
    The days of that happening are long gone because the systems have
    all changed and grown.  The Locks and Traps system has had very
    little growth in that time, and we have all become accustomed to the
    way that it worked and the way to take care of things that happened,
    like a Firestorm that was set off.

    I want to bring life to a system that has died long ago.  It is time
    that the dead horse was laid to rest, and we all stopped kicking it.
    The system as it stands didn't work.  It worked great, in that there
    were no problems with it.  However, there was no fun involved either.
    Traps are supposed to make your palms sweat.  Make your heart pound.
    Make you nervous, and most of all...be deadly if handled poorly.  The
    current system, prior to my newer traps, did not have any of those
    things.  It may have, for a 5th level person, but how long did that
    last?  Not very long.  I want this system to be fun and lethal for
    everyone, not just a newbie.

    When I discuss the specifics of some traps, I will go into more detail
    about how I plan to accomplish this.  Every trap that I design and
    implement I want to have many different levels.  I want there to be
    numerous different angles for you to approach the trap, both prior to
    your attempt to disarm it and even after it has been disarmed/set off.
    This is most notably visible in my Scarab Traps.  That was the first
    step to the system that I am conceiving now.  I want every trap that
    get put on a box to be an adventure, and I want there to be rewards
    for that adventure...not always monetarily, though. <Grin>

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Belgelane rubs Sayzor gently.

Kuromaku asks, "Now, boss?"

Kuromaku fiddles with something in his backpack.

Sayzor grins.

Kuromaku removes a corroded mithril chest from inside the Zargand disk.

Kuromaku shakes his head.

Kuromaku put a corroded mithril chest inside the Zargand disk that is on the floor.

Kuromaku removes a rotting thanot chest from inside his dark silk backpack.

Sassee rubs Zargand gently.

Kuromaku nods.

Kuromaku grins.

Sayzor chuckles.

Kuromaku glances at Sayzor.

Kuromaku listens to his rotting thanot chest!

Sayzor says, "I'm sure that all of you have experienced the traps that are in now of my design...either by witnessing them or becoming victim to them."

Sayzor says, "The older traps that I am revamping are going to have flavor of the same style. They're going to have alot of different facets to them to be figured out."

Sayzor says, "I have a few of those traps briefly detailed for you."

Kuromaku fiddles with the chest a little bit.

Sayzor asks, "First...the Glyph Trap. One that I am sure is hated by many of the spellcasters here. This trap isn't really much of a challenge. How hard is it to get out of, really?"

Sayzor says, "A brief description of my proposed change to this trap..."

    The Glyph or The Time Rift

    There will be a few changes to this trap.  First, after the
    trap has been manually disarmed, if the chest itself is not
    made of a magical metal, it will destroy the glyph that that
    stops spells from opening the lock.  This can only be done
    manually.  If set off, you will be transported to a rift
    in time, just like the old trap, but it is going to be
    trickier getting out than just pounding on one of the
    directional keys.  There are ways out, and even ways to
    die in there.  Any body found in the Rift will be thrown
    back out to where they came from.  There will also be a few
    twists to this trap, as any of you that know me should have
    anticipated.  These twists are going to be for you to discover
    when the trap is released and you begin to play with it.

Sayzor says, "The highlight of this to the spellcasters is that they will now be able to handle a Glyphed trap. For the Manual Picker, don't worry...all those nasty traps like the Incinerator are still there. Also, there's still the enruned boxes, which have a rune pattern far too complex to disrupt and the mithril box. There is still a plenty of things to oppose the boxes with no locks, that I know you all dislike."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Next, I'd like to talk about the Dark Crystal trap. You know the one. It opens up a rift and sucks your box away. Not much happening there, in the old one."

Sayzor says, "Not so much the case in the new one..."

    The Dark Crystal

    The new version of this trap will open up a rift below the box,
    sucking in anything or anyone unfortunate enough to be close to
    it.  The person disarming and anyone joined to them will be too
    close to avoid the rift.  There will be varying degrees of
    success and failure with this trap.  Many different factors will
    determine your success or failure, and what the result of the
    trap will be for each person affected.  These factors will range
    from statistics, trainable skills and magical effects.  There is
    also a certain degree of luck involved, and if you are unlucky
    then no degree of training will matter.

    The effects of falling victim to this trap are fairly well spread
    out, ranging from simple scrapes and bruises all the way to death.
    There will also be the possibility of losing the items that are
    held in your hands in your scramble to avoid falling into the rift.
    Items that are lost to the rift in this fashion are not lost
    forever, but they will not be laying at your feet either.  That is
    a part of the trap that you must figure out on your own.

Sayzor says, "The old Dark Crystal trap caused you to shrug and move on to the next box. The new one will entertain you for hours, I assure you."

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "The last trap that I will give you a little taste of tonight...is one that I've already mentioned."

Sayzor says, "The Firestorm."

Sayzor grins.

Kuromaku grins.

Sayzor says, "I really like this new trap. It's one of my favorites."

Kuromaku just gave a rotting thanot chest a smooch.

Sayzor says, "The old Firestorm was a challenge many years ago. In today's Elanthia, it's a minor invonvience at best."

Sayzor says, "The new one, will be alot more fun..."


    The new version of this trap will engulf the person disarming
    and anyone joined to them in a cloud of fire which covers them
    with globs of fiery liquid.  The fiery substance must be removed
    or the person inflicted will suffer damage from the flames every
    few seconds until they are dead or the substance burns out.  The
    intensity of the flame is determined by the difficulty of the lock.
    There are several ways to neutralize the substance once covered in it.
    I will not go into details about how to neutralize the substance here.
    That will be up to you to figure out, but even once they are discovered
    it will still be a race against time attempting to put them out.  It
    will not be as easy as casting Call Wind or Breeze.  Each attempt to
    put out the flames increases the next attempt to stop them, and the
    more people helping out the better.  Common sense will be your best
    weapon when combating this potentially lethal substance.

Sayzor says, "I've been playing with this one for awhile, myself. I assure you, this new version will indeed bring the sweat back to your palms when you see it on the lock."

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "Not to mention, the flames are going to make you sweat if you set it off."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Now, I know that all of you are saying that I haven't done anything GOOD for you yet."

Sayzor says, "I've just made your lives worse, and half of you are swearing never to touch another chest again."

Sayzor says, "Well, I don't want that to happen. I have to give you new ways of dealing with these traps, as well."

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Kuromaku removes a Rogue's Guild key from inside his dark silk backpack.

Sayzor grins.

Kuromaku put a Rogue's Guild key inside his dark silk backpack.

Kuromaku says, "Nah."

Sayzor says, "One of the ways that some of you have heard mentioned is Disarming Tools."

Sayzor says, "For those of you who don't know much about them, a brief recap. Disarming Tools are going to be tools similiar to lockpicks that help with Disarm instead of Lockpicking."

Sayzor says, "Each Trap out there will have many different Tools that can be used with it. Some very helpful, others that just blow up in your face."

Sayzor says, "To determine what tool is right for the job...well, I can't tell you that. It's too easy. You'll have to solve that on your own."

Sayzor says, "I am still working on Disarm Tools, however at this time they are not one of the the systems that I am concentrating on. I still intend to go forth with a proposal for this idea, but I will not be discussing them in any great detail at this Forum unless someone has specific questions about them. Even then, I can only give you an idea of the system I am currently working with. That does not mean that anything i have to say about them will even be in the final proposal for the system.

Sayzor says, "Ok, so you won't have Tools to help you right away with the nasty traps. Maybe a little help from spells, though."

Sayzor says, "Some of the old spells that you have lying around may just end up helping you out with those traps. Some you may not have thought of..."

    Spell Changes

    Presence       -  Will now add to your attempt for spotting a trap only.
                      this spell will not help with the removal of the trap.

    Piercing Gaze  -  Piercing Gaze will give you the chance of your level
                      plus the number of spells known in the Minor Elemental
                      Circle plus a d100, minus half the difficulty of the trap,
                      of spotting some of the trap components and alerting you
                      to the presence of a trap.

    Self Control   -  Will now add to your chance of removing a trap once seen.

    Calm           -  Will now add to your chances of spotting as well as removing
                      a trapped box.

    ESP            -  The effects of ESP will now be extremely distracting when

                      attempting to pick a lock or disarming a trap.  The effects
                      of this spell are far too distracting to enable you to
                      concentrate on the task at hand.  A safe, quiet location is
                      your best bet when tackling one of this activities.

Kuromaku says, "ESP is using your crystal amulets, folks."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor says, "These changes should hit right about the same time as the Updated Traps go in. I can't promise you that you will know for sure that it's helping you, because there will be no added benefit to it...but you may notice that it gets a little easier disarming or spotting when you are using them. Except for Piercing Gaze and ESP. Piercing Gaze, you'll know hwen you spotted something. ESP, you'll know when you get blown to bits by the Boomer that you were far too distracted to concentrate on it properly."

Sayzor says, "These are Rogue's, not Empath's. They knew that."

Sayzor says, "Alright...let's move on to Locks & Chests."

Sayzor says, "Let me give you the same information I gave you about Locks that I did for traps. This is a little shorter."

    My Goals For Locks

    Right now, I see no major areas that need to be dealt with when it
    to the chest mechanics as a whole in regards to locks.  The lock ranges
    that are currently in place should be fine for awhile, although I am
    tossing around ideas for Level 6 chests.  This is not even in the
    proposal stage yet, so I won't be discussing those with you until the
    other GameMasters who have an interest in this system have had time to
    discuss what we would like to do with them.

    One thing that I do see as needing to be addressed are Lockpicks.  Right
    now, what is considered the standard lockpick is the Alum...which is
    also the best quality lockpick available.  I would prefer to see a broader
    range of lockpicks in use.  I am currently working on a system to revamp
    the lockpicks that we have in the game.  This system will also be more
    friendly to the Guild Mechanics that are being worked, as well.  In a
    moment, I'll give you a table detailing some of the changes to that
    system.  One of the things that you will notice will be the addition
    of Quality and Damage fields to them.  The concept behind this will enable
    us to make a system of lockpick breakage and repair that is much more
    functional and makes alot more sense than the one that is in place today.
    I'll answer questions about this subject as best as I can, when they come

Sayzor says, "I know that all of you love your Alum. Everyone loves the Alum. Even the level 1 Cleric loves the Alum."

Sayzor says, "The Alum Lockpick is a wonder of the modern world. It does everything that you need it to do, and only costs 500 silvers to repair."

Sayzor says, "The system that I have proposed will not change the Alum too much. Hardly at all, actually. However, it will no longer be the top dog on the block."

Sayzor says, "There are going to be alot of options with Lockpicks, and there are going to be choices that have to be made in how you use them as well."

Sayzor says, "Lockpicks are going to be alot more than just how much of a bonus it can give you, but also how long it will last for the silver you paid for it."

Sayzor says, "Also, the amount of training that you have in Lockpicking is going to affect your ability to use certain picks."

Sayzor says, "This will mean that a person that Triples in locks will gain an advantage in that arena. Their expertise in that skill will be enhanced by the fact that they can use a better picker faster than anyone else."

Sayzor says, "The system itself is based on the Double Trainer. If you Double Train in locks, as any professional should, you will have the skills needed to take full advantage of the system."

Sayzor says, "If you Single Train the Lockpicking skill, you are not left out in the cold."

Sayzor says, "You will still be able to use the highest quality picks out there, but you will have to dedicate yourself to training in them."

Sayzor says, "A Double Trainer can use any pick at 20th level."

Sayzor says, "A Single Trainer, will be able to use any pick by the time they are 40th."

Sayzor says, "In the table I will be giving you shortly, there is a (Trains) field. This indicates the number of Ranks needed in the Lockpicking Skill to use that pick."

Sayzor says, "This system is in the Proposal stage."

Sayzor says, "It is not set in stone, and is subject to your input and change."

Sayzor says, "Hmmm...before I get to that..."

Sayzor furrows his brow.

Mikos bows to Mysche.

Sayzor says, "Maybe we should talk about the Guild."

Kuromaku glances at Sayzor.

Sayzor glances at Kuromaku.

Mikos gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Mikos is no longer there.

Kuromaku says, "OK."

Kuromaku says, "First..."

Kuromaku says, "What we're NOT going to talk about."

Kuromaku says, "We're NOT going to talk about when it's going to open. It won't be today, and won't be this week."

Kuromaku says, "We ARE approaching completion. Do NOT..."

Kuromaku says, "Repeat..."

Kuromaku says, "Do NOT assume or guess on opening dates or times."

Kuromaku says, "There WILL be an announcement when it opens."

Kuromaku says, "We also aren't talking about all the skills and things."

Sayzor says, "The more he dies, the closer it gets. No, wait..that's the way to gauge how frustrated I am."

Sayzor snaps his fingers.

Kuromaku says, "What we WILL discuss is ONE of the skills."

Kuromaku removes a Rogue's Guild key from inside his dark silk backpack.

Sayzor asks, "One that pertains to the topic of this Forum?"

You hear a click as Kuromaku unlocks a rotting thanot chest.

Sayzor glances at Kuromaku.

Kuromaku put a Rogue's Guild key inside his dark silk backpack.

Kuromaku just opened a rotting thanot chest.

Kuromaku says, "This key was made by me, in a test workshop, just before the forum."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "He's getting better. I might not be able to beat him up much anymore."

Kuromaku shrugs.

Sayzor grins.

Icesneaker rubs Sayzor gently.

Kuromaku asks, "Prefer I was a rogue, folks?"

Kuromaku says, "Fine. I'm a rogue."

Sayzor grins.

Kuromaku asks, "Satisfied?"

Kuromaku says, "Catch the point, not the body."

Kuromaku says, "The issue is that locks are supposed to be the domain of the rogue."

Sayzor says, "There, I'm not a Pickpocket either."

Sayzor smirks.

Kuromaku says, "We believe that."

Kuromaku says, "We think that rogues should be able to determine how tough a lock is..."

Kuromaku says, "Before breaking a pick on it."

Kuromaku says, "And it seems that it would make sense that if you studied locks well enough..."

Kuromaku says, "You probably could cut your own keys."

Serpentyna rubs Nytesnake gently.

Kuromaku says, "Of course, that would take some skill and practice..."

Tsalin rubs Sayzor gently.

Kuromaku says, "But a really good locksmith might be able to make a key..."

Kuromaku says, "AROUND a trap."

Kuromaku says, "Further..."

Kuromaku says, "If you could make keys..."

Kuromaku asks, "Why wouldn't a clever locksmith be able to make locks?"

Kuromaku says, "Now, there's still more to this skill..."

Kuromaku says, "That I'm not going to go into...mainly because we'd like it to be a surprise and have SOME discovery for the first members who advance through this skill."

Mistytwilight rubs Kahtya gently.

Kuromaku says, "But to recap briefly..."

Kuromaku says, "One of the skills in the Guild..."

Kuromaku says, "WILL be the ability to measure a lock, perhaps around a trap..."

Kuromaku says, "And if you're skilled enough..."

Kuromaku says, "Cut a key that will open that lock."

Kuromaku says, "I'm sure there'll be questions about this later."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor grins.

Kuromaku put a rotting thanot chest inside his dark silk backpack.

Sayzor says, "And I'm sure there will be surprised along the way to the discovery of that skill."

Sayzor smirks.

Kuromaku says, "Lots of 'em."

Kuromaku nods.

Sayzor says, "Ok, now for the table about Lockpicks."

Sayzor says, "I'm going to give you the table to look at, so you know what I am referring to when I give you the information. Then, I'll open up for questions."

Sayzor says, "As a reminder..."

Sayzor says, "This table is best viewed with your Wizard set to Full Screen for the Game Window. Maximize your Game Window to view this table properly."

Sayzor gives everyone a chance to do that, if they hadn't already.

Sayzor says, "Okay, now for the table."

    Metal(Train)   Price Range             Quality         Bonus        Damage
    Copper(0)   -  Cheapest(100)           Poor Str        Worst        .     
    Brass(0)    -  Cheap(250)              Very Weak       Poor         .     
    Steel(1)    -  Cheap(500)              Average St      Average      .     
    Ivory(1)    -  Cheap(750)              Abv Avr Str     Average      .     
    Gold(1)     -  Avr Price(2000)         Weak            Average      .     
    Silver(1)   -  Avr Price(2500)         Average St      Average      .     
    Ora(5)      -  Abv Avr(5000)           Strong          Average      .     
    Mithril(5)  -  Abv Avr(6000)           Very Strong     Average      .     
    Glaes(8)    -  Abv Avr(9500)           Incrdible Str   Abv Average  .     
    Laje(12)    -  Abv Avr(17000)          Average Str     Very Good    .     
    Alum(15)    -  Expensive(23000)        Very Weak       Excellent    .     
    Vultite(15) -  Expensive(30000)        Average Str     Abv Average  .     
    Rolaren(15) -  Expensive(36000)        Very Strong     Excellent    .     
    Veniom(20)  -  Very Expensive(50000)   Excellent Str   Excellent    .     
    Kelyn(25)   -  Very Expensive(62000)   Excellent Str   Incredible   .     
    Invar(30)   -  Very Expensive(75000)   Incredible Str  Excellent    .     
    Golvern(35) -  Extrmly Expensv(95000)  Highest Str     Excellent    .     
    Vaalin(40)  -  Most Expensive(125000)  Incredible Str  Highest      .     

Sayzor says, "The number in the (Trains) field is how many Ranks you will need in the Lockpicking Skill to use that pick."

Sayzor says, "The Metal, is self explanatory."

Sayzor says, "The Price, is the Base Price. This will be affected by your skill in Trading when you purchase it, if the Merchant doesn't flat out hate you."

Sayzor says, "So, as you can see, Alum has been reduced in price."

Sayzor says, "The Quality of the Metal is a combination of how strong that metal is and how brittle it is. These two things are combined to determine the lockpick's quality. This Quality is reduced when the lockpick is damaged."

Sayzor says, "The Bonus that it gives, is the modifier to the Lockpicking attempt."

Sayzor says, "The Damage field is, in essence, how many HP's the lockpick has."

Sayzor says, "If you abuse the hell out of the pick, it's going to break beyond repair."

Sayzor says, "The picks will degrade as time, and stress on the metal, goes on."

Sayzor says, "Another twist..."

Sayzor says, "A lockpick that is "edged" with another metal, if you can find someone to do it that is, will enhance the lockpick."

Sayzor says, "If you edge a Brass lockpick with Golvern...you have one helluva a strong brass lockpick. Not as good as full Golvern, but still good."

Sayzor says, "But, if you edge a Alum lockpick with Golvern..."

Sayzor says, "You've got a very nice pick."

Sayzor says, "In essence..."

Sayzor says, "The "Edged" metal will impart it's best quality to the pick it is applied to."

Sayzor says, "If that quality is not as good as the pick it is applied to, it will only enhance it slightly."

Sayzor says, "If that quality is better than the pick it is applied to, it will give it a very nice boost to it. It will not give the full benefits of that quality, but it will increase it a good amount."

Sayzor says, "This varies depending on the pick and the metal you are using to edge it with."

Sayzor says, "Again, depending on if you can find a person to do that or not."

Sayzor says, "Now, before I open up for questions..."

Sayzor says, "I'd just like to state once again that these are Proposed Changes and are subject to change. None of them are set into stone, and none but the traps I mentioned are near full implementation."

Sayzor says, "As I did with the Lore changes, I will be taking your input for the final implementation."

Sayzor says, "Part of that input will be given tonight."

Sayzor says, "So, without making you listen to me ramble any further..."

You jot down your question on a card and stick it in the question box. Yours is #5 and reads: "will the ESP penalty include involuntary thoughts, like the voln net? can't turn that off easily.."

Sayzor says, "You can ASK your questions now."

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "Okay..."

Sayzor nods to Garthlik, who stands up to address the assembly.

Garthlik asks, " What will be the age requirement for the Rogue's Guild?"

Sayzor says, "Tsalin, I'll get to you in a moment. Sorry about that."

Tsalin rubs Sayzor gently.

Kuromaku says, "Most likely the same as the Warrior Guild. That hasn't been decided yet."

Kuromaku says, "That's 15..."

Sayzor says, "We will decide on the age for the Guild as time gets closer. I'd say it's a good bet that it'll remain at 15."

Sayzor smiles at Garthlik.

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "Okay, Tsalin was next."

Having finished addressing the assembly Garthlik sits back down.

Sayzor says, "Tsalin says, 'Obviously, you would only have to be 19 and double training to be able to use Vaalin, correct? Because 0 does count as a train- Also, what about prices for repair? Do those directly reflect the beginning prices of the lockpicks? (Ex- If Alum is 23k, and costs 500 to repair...Vaalin, being a bit over 5x more expensive, would cost about 2.5k, or 5x the price?) Also, going to edging, would a golven-edged vaalin pick be the best possible under normal circumstances?'"

Sayzor nods to Tsalin, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "That is correct. You would have to 19th to use Vaalin for a double trainer."

Tsalin asks, "Ok, do you need me to clearify any of that?"

Tsalin says, "ok"

Tsalin says, "I was just thinking 142 was an odd number"

Sayzor says, "As far as repair goes..."

Sayzor nods to Tsalin.

Sayzor says, "The Repair system is not something I can go into detail about right now. The current system for Repair.."

Sayzor says, "Is not so much based on the quality of the pick, as it is the value of the pick. A very expensive, cheaply made, pick...would be expensive to repair."

Tsalin says, "Yeah, I figure it should cost a hefty ammount to repair a vaalin lockpick, if you are bad enough to break one<g>"

Sayzor says, "The new system, it will be based on the Quality of the pick."

Sayzor says, "So, a Vaalin pick that has been used and broken many times over will be cheap to repair..but it won't be that good."

Tsalin says, "Makes sense"

Sayzor says, "The reason that Alum is 500 to repair is, in my opinion, a bug. It was something that was not thought about prior to the implementation of the current repair system."

Sayzor says, "As I said, the current Lockpick system is actually several systems all put together."

Sayzor says, "They don't mesh well, in some cases."

Tsalin says, "Yes, I get more treasure from a single box prior to breaking the pick to repair it 10x"

Sayzor says, "The system I am proposing will be one system."

Sayzor says, "Any changes to it, will take that system into consideration. That means, we won't run into the problem that we have now again."

Theth returns to normal color.

Sayzor says, "Tsalin says, 'Obviously, you would only have to be 19 and double training to be able to use Vaalin, correct? Because 0 does count as a train- Also, what about prices for repair? Do those directly reflect the beginning prices of the lockpicks? (Ex- If Alum is 23k, and costs 500 to repair...Vaalin, being a bit over 5x more expensive, would cost about 2.5k, or 5x the price?) Also, going to edging, would a golven-edged vaalin pick be the best possible under normal circumstances?'"

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Yes, a Golvern-Edged Vaalin Lockpick would be the best possible pick you can have."

Sayzor says, "However..."

Tsalin asks, "I figure vaalin-edged vaalin lockpicks would be quite the same to a vaalin lockpick?"

Sayzor says, "That's going to be one helluva expensive lockpick...and extremely difficult to accomplish. Any merchant doing it, would likely charge a very hefty fee for something like that."

Sayzor nods to Tsalin.

Sayzor says, "Yep."

Tsalin says, "And then it would break the next day, with my luck"

Tsalin says, "hehe"

Sayzor says, "The advantage to a Vaalin-Edged Vaalin Lockpick is only cosmetic."

Sayzor says, "You can have a Silver Vaalin-Edged Black Vaalin Lockpick."

Sayzor grins.

Lord Ooctavio just arrived.

Tsalin says, "hehe"

Tsalin says, "Pointless...might as well dye it with some berries rather than waste a merchants time, if you ask me"

Tsalin says, "Ok, everyone is wondering why the cleric is taking so long, that is all, thanks<g>"

Sayzor nods to Tsalin.

Sayzor says, "Yep."

Kuromaku says, "That would be enamelling...not dyeing."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor nods to Tsalin.

Tsalin says, "Good point"

Having finished addressing the assembly Tsalin sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Matubaa, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Matubaa says, 'Incase no one has checked the prices on the locksmith, it's almost like he takes how much the contents is worth, then charges you 150% of what it's worth (sarcasm). I mean his prices are rather rediculous. Before it wouldn't have mattered, but I have OFTEN spent more then an hour looking for someone would could open my harb or TK boxs, maybe you should look into fixing his prices? Also, there's not enough room on this paper, but I'd like to ask a question about keys and old lockpicks'"

Sayzor says, "Okay, the Locksmith first."

Snowivern rubs Arallax gently.

Sayzor says, "He's old, too. He's trying to build his retirement fund up. Granted, you shouldn't have to pay for 3 years of it for 1 box..."

Vlaise rubs Arallax gently.

Sayzor says, "But, that's how he is. Maybe he'll retire soon, and we'll have a more realistic one. Who knows, maybe when Edwina takes over the new Repair business, she'll start pickin em too."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "okies, me second question"

Sayzor nods to Matubaa.

Matubaa asks, "Ok, I recently purchased a weapon case that was an auction item, and was only special becouse I could lock and unlock it, what will be the differens between this item i paid 3 million silvers for, and what the rogues will be makeing? Maybe there could be a chance the one's they make will have a 1/20 chance they will snap in the lock, and they will need to use a broken pick extractor to remove the peices?"

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "There will be alot of things that need to be discovered with that skill."

Sayzor says, "It won't be as simple as walking in and making it. It will require an extensive amount of training to learn how to do it."

Matubaa asks, "But will they in the end make something that equals an auction item?"

Matubaa says, "This was an auction item... te he"

Matubaa says, "And I'll say my final question when ya done with this one, i think me last question is the most importent, buildin' suspense"

Sayzor says, "It's possible. Things that were incredibly valuable in the past are not always so in the future. That has been witnessed many times over the years. Just prior to the Auction prior to this, I know someone who purchased a 5x Day ESP item."

Matubaa says, "Hmmm... i still like the chance of the keys they make breakin :)"

Kuromaku says, "And quite a few people actually own refillable flasks that were sold by merchants."

Sayzor says, "As I said, there will be alot of things to be discovered."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "Okies, my next question, and final, is about old lockpicks"

Sayzor nods to Kuromaku.

Matubaa says, "My example is an alum tipped precise keyln lockpick"

Sayzor says, "Old lockpicks will not change...but they will be subject to the new Repair system."

Matubaa says, "they sold for around 250k on the spitfire"

Sayzor says, "Talk to Joranis. I hear he's fixing those."

Matubaa says, "Which is about 2x as much as your best pick"

Matubaa says, "Ahhhh...."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "Oh, someone asked me a good one"

Matubaa asks, "might we see automatic merchants who will edge lockpicks?"

Matubaa says, "like the tattooers"

Sayzor says, "It's possible."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "maybe not the higher metals"

Matubaa says, "Okies, thankies, tha's all my questions"

Sayzor says, "I wouldn't put a system in that I didn't have all plans accounted for...unless I wasn't thinking straight. Then, that's Kuromaku's fault."

Sayzor nods.

Having finished addressing the assembly Matubaa sits back down.

Remraldor rubs Kahtya gently.

Kuromaku says, "It's all my fault."

Farliann just went out.

Kuromaku nods.

Sayzor nods to Ziolent, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Ziolent says, 'Will the lockpick metal system apply to lockpicks we already got? ie: Veniom lockpicks'"

Sayzor says, "No, all old lockpicks will remaind the same but will be subject to the new breakage and repair system."

Ziolent says, "Yeah, i gots a few old veniom lockpicks..."

Ziolent says, "also"

Ziolent says, "Several times.."

Sayzor says, "Thus, Alum lockpicks will still be the same...but they will still degrade."

Sayzor nods to Ziolent.

Ziolent says, "you have mentioned alum repair at 500 coins"

Sayzor nods to Ziolent.

Ziolent asks, "But in the past i have been charged 12.5k to repair one...What was the deal with that?"

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "A "True" Alum lockpick costs 12.5k to repair."

Sayzor says, "Unfortunatly, 98% of all Alum Lockpicks cost 500 silver to repair."

Sayzor says, "Probably more."

Ziolent asks, "So basically i got a defect?"

Sayzor says, "That is the only difference between the two."

Sayzor says, "No, you got the right one. Everyone else has a defect."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Basically..."

Sayzor says, "You got one that was made by a GameMaster, or a merchant."

Sayzor says, "Or one of the newer merchant systems in one of the other towns."

Ziolent says, "yup.."

Ziolent says, "That is all ,thanks"

Sayzor says, "That is how they should all be, but the old Merchants in the Landing are very hard to work with, and they do not make them properly. It is not something that is easily fixed."

Sayzor nods to Ziolent.

Having finished addressing the assembly Ziolent sits back down.

Sayzor says, "Phobo says, 'will the ESP penalty include involuntary thoughts, like the voln net? can't turn that off easily..'"

Arator just went out.

Sayzor calls on you to stand up and address the assembly, so you rise to speak.

Sayzor says, "No, the ESP penalty will not apply to Voln thoughts. That is more of an ability, than a power, that one gains when they enter Voln."

You say, "okay thanks. that's all."

Sayzor says, "The AmuNet, as it is called now, is actually like the Elanthian Shopping Network in most places."

Sayzor nods to you.

Having finished addressing the assembly you sit back down.

Sayzor nods to Rephan, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Rephan says, 'With the amount of boxies the average person finds per hunting trip (4,5 or more boxies) is it really a good idea to have so many parts to disarming and picking them now?'"

Sayzor says, "There really isn't that much of a change to the skill itself."

Sayzor says, "In fact, the only changes to the Disarm and Lockpicking tasks that will change will not even be noticeable on your end."

Sayzor says, "A Disarmed trap, will still be as simple to pick. To Disarm the trap, will still be as simple."

Rephan says, "just seems like with my other characters that get sent an harb boxies....its hard enough to find a picker..but now with the presence, piercing gaze, an all that it seems it'll be more of a group effort....alot of work "

Sayzor says, "Those are all bonuses."

Sayzor says, "None of them will be required."

Sayzor says, "Someone who can pick or disarm that box now, will still be able to do it in the future."

Sayzor says, "However, if they get those spells...they will have an easier time of it."

Sayzor says, "Meaning, more people can pick them."

Sayzor says, "A Rogue that gets Calmed will be able to get a slightly harder trap."

Sayzor says, "So if it was just out of his range last time, if you bring him Calm...he may be able to get it."

Sayzor asks, "And how hard is it to find someone to cast Calm?"

Sayzor grins.

Rephan says, "its hard to calm those that are OLD"

Rephan says, "TD way too high"

Sayzor says, "Well, true."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "But I'd venture to say for every 90th level Rogue there are 12 people who can Calm him."

Sayzor says, "Typically..."

Rephan asks, "okay, so with the new traps an tools to use them we will still be able to find a one stop shop rogue to disarm and pick?"

Sayzor says, "A Caster can affect someone twice their age that is a pure arms user."

Sayzor nods to Rephan.

Sayzor says, "All the rest is icing on the cake."

Sayzor says, "None of it is required...but it all helps."

Rephan says, "okay"

Sayzor smiles at Rephan.

Rephan says, "thanks"

Sayzor nods.

Having finished addressing the assembly Rephan sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Joyeux, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Joyeux says, 'With the recent merchants, many lockpicks of these metals are in circulation, but with the standard system of 'quality'; would these picks now fall under the new table based on their metals, and so have a new 'quality'?'"

Joyeux says, "Sacre bleu! My question, she was answered..."

Sayzor says, "So ask another."

Sayzor smirks.

Joyeux says, "So I will demand the details of the rogue guild..."

Joyeux says, "These boxes wis no lock..."

Joyeux asks, "They only be opened by ze WoO?"

Sayzor says, "If I told you, I'd have to take you off and hide you in my workshop until it was released."

Sayzor says, "It might be cramped in there with the dark assassins though."

Sayzor asks, "Did I mention I was also Co-Guru of Societies?"

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor says, "The new No Lock Box...I was wondering when this would come up."

Sayzor says, "There are several ways to open them currently."

Sayzor says, "In the future, a No Lock Box will be able to be opened by a Rogue, just like a Glyph Trap can be opened by a mage under the new system. It'll be trickier. Basically..."

Sayzor says, "Every box has a lock."

Sayzor says, "The new No Lock Box has a lock...you just can't get to it."

Sayzor says, "With a Disarming Tool..."

Sayzor coughs "acid".

Sayzor says, "You will be able to get to it."

Sayzor smirks.

Joyeux says, "Merci... J'ai fini."

Sayzor nods to Joyeux.

Having finished addressing the assembly Joyeux sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Shorak, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Shorak says, 'Ok so why do I get the feeling that things are being weighted heavily in favor of spell casting Rogues? Especially some of the changes that have come down lately and the ones involving traps that ye have set to go. Is it a set goal to make it so we have to cast? If not thats the impression Ive been getting. Whats the benefit to being what I view(no offense to anyone) as a pure Rogue since I prefer to play more close to the ideal type Rogue who survives on Physical skills and wits over spells.'"

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "Good question."

Shorak says, "Thats it basically"

Kuromaku says, "Good question."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor says, "I am not weighting things towards a Magical Rogue. I prefer to play a Traditional Rogue myself, although my primary Rogue is magical."

Sayzor says, "The other additions are benefits."

Kuromaku says, "My primary rogue is a warrior."

Kuromaku nods.

Sayzor says, "A Triple Trainer in either Disarm or Lockpicking will surpass someone who has all those benefits."

Sayzor says, "Now, a Triple Trainer who also gets those benefits will be unbeatable."

Sayzor says, "Just like a Fighter who gets spells cast on him."

Shorak says, "I havent yet under the current system"

Sayzor says, "He has full benefits of DFRedux."

Sayzor says, "The Current System is what I am proposing to change, basically."

Sayzor smiles at Shorak.

Sayzor says, "You are not a Triple Trainer."

Shorak says, "True but I bounce close to it"

Shorak says, "thing is though since the spell change Ive been breakin"

Shorak says, "Picks on stuff that I used to do in my sleep"

Sayzor asks, "Prior to the Lore changes, you were getting the same benefit from an imbedded Lore as a Rogue that knew it, true?"

Shorak says, "Granted I used imbeds like crazy but it was worth it"

Sayzor asks, "So what would be the point in training to learn the spell?"

Shorak says, "Easy ye dont have to pay fer the imbeds etc.."

Sayzor chuckles.

Shorak says, "Same as gettin bennies from 401"

Sayzor nods to Shorak.

Shorak says, "I can buy a 401 imbed and get full effects from it"

Sayzor says, "I'm not the Spell Guru, luckily for most."

Sayzor grins.

Shorak says, ":)"

Shorak says, "Okies that was just a concern I and a few here had but tis good to hear that ye are concious of it"

Sayzor says, "A Rogue that trains in Spells and also Triple Trains both Lockpicking and Disarming can't do much else."

Sayzor says, "If he dedicates himself to spells."

Sayzor says, "If he just gets those 4, than he doesn't lose much."

Sayzor says, "I am, and always have been, a Rogue."

Sayzor says, "I will always do what I think is in the best interest of the Rogues."

Sayzor smiles at Shorak.

Shorak says, "Long as I nay forced to learn no spells I happy"

Sayzor says, "When the Proposed System is in place, I think that everything will work out fairly well."

Sayzor says, "You will never be forced to learn a spell...nor to get any of the benefits I am proposing."

Sayzor says, "If you want to be the best of the best...you might."

Sayzor says, "But not for everyday picking."

Sayzor grins.

Having finished addressing the assembly Shorak sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Ishiyama, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Ishiyama says, 'will there be any way for a didicated picker, who has trained all their lives in the art of lockpicking instead of casting spells, be able to open a lockless box? or will the one who has trained to master the art of opening boxes be forced to go look for someone to open his box?'"

Ishiyama says, "uhh, question's been answered, thanks, but if i could ask you to clear something up concerning the esp thing"

Sayzor nods to Ishiyama.

Sayzor smiles.

Ishiyama asks, "will it be based on just having the net on? or on activity on the net? like if you pull your amulet and hear practically nothing, would this be considered as distracting as going on the normal net and having to listen to everyone's thoughts?"

Sayzor says, "There is really no way for us to determine how much ESP is being used when applying the penalty. It will be determined by the presence of the ESP effect on you. Crystal Amulets are so cheap, I don't think removing the amulet to dispel the ESP and then rubbing it again when you are finished picking is that much of a hassle."

Sayzor asks, "Does that answer your question?"

Ishiyama asks, "okay then, umm, just for piece of mind, you talk about triple trainers like they'll be incredible, not like they're not now, but 2 trainings missed in lockpicking won't make too much of a difference will it?"

Sayzor says, "No, it won't make that much of a difference."

Sayzor grins.

Ishiyama exclaims, "whoo hoo!"

Ishiyama says, "okay I'm done, i sit now"

Sayzor smiles at Ishiyama.

Having finished addressing the assembly Ishiyama sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Kiriane, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Kiriane says, 'Will the affects of these spells be rank based? Or level based? Or is it a single non-changing bonus? I also wish to make a comment..'"

Sayzor says, "As far as the spells go....let me restate those changes for anyone who missed them."

(The spells table was repeated here)

Sayzor says, "It will be a set bonus. I will not state the exact bonus they impart."

Sayzor says, "I will say..."

Sayzor says, "It will not be overbalancing. They will give an extra boost, but not a big one."

Sayzor says, "If that lock or trap is just out of your reach, then it will give you the edge that you need."

Kiriane asks, "Ready for the comment?"

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor grins.

Kiriane says, "Empaths can heal the wounded. Cleics can raise the dead. It just seems to me that these spells are causing the ability of rogues to become "less" unique. When you need a box opened, you find a rogue, not say, a cleric or a sorcerer.."

Sayzor nods to Kiriane.

Kiriane says, "As a cleric, with an alum lockpick, no training..I was able to open boxes..limitedly"

Kiriane says, "With the changes to lockpicks, that goes away"

Sayzor nods to Kiriane.

Kiriane says, "But with training, I could in fact, do BETTER than what I did."

Sayzor nods to Kiriane.

Kiriane says, "It just seems that rogues should be the "box openers" and not every Jack and Jill Elanthia"

Sayzor says, "Lockpicking and Disarming are trainable skills by any profession. When I make changes to them, I have to keep in mind that my changes not only affect Rogues, but the entire game."

Sayzor says, "If Lockpick and Disarm were strictly a Rogue Skill, as Healing is for Empaths, I could limit what I do to just them."

Sayzor says, "In fact, that would be easier on me."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "If a Cleric wishes to dedicate himself to the time necessary to learn how to Pick a lock up to 40 ranks, then he can pick as good as a 20th Level Double Training Rogue."

Sayzor says, "he'll be back."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor nods to Amerlise, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Amerlise: "You mentioned items lost to a crystal trap's void would turn up 'somewhere'. Without asking for specifics on that, of course, can I hope that this won't be subject to abuse, i.e., someone intentionally setting off these traps to cause others to lose items, possibly with intent to take the item(s) for themselves?""

(The Dark Crystal trap description was repeated here)

Sayzor says, "There will be a check in there that the player will be able to control. I didn't get specific in regards to that..."

Sayzor says, "But they will, literally, have to be close to the person setting it off."

Sayzor grins.

Amerlise says, "Okay...I think I'm more worried about it randomly turning up in a rift somewhere, I think."

Sayzor says, "As far as the items go, there will not be "Gone Forever" and there will be varying degrees of "Gone"."

Amerlise says, "Okay..I have a couple other questions, while I'm up here.."

Sayzor says, "No, it will have safeguards in place. However, the worst possible result may have you searching for it for a very long time..and maybe not ever recovering it."

Amerlise asks, "About lockpick deterioration, it was stated that they would 'degrade as time goes on'. Does that imply that even if a picker never has trouble opening a lock, never stresses the pick, that it will still deteriorate slightly on a successful picking?"

Sayzor says, "No, if the picker never "Stresses" the lockpick it will never degrade."

Amerlise says, "Mmph...no offense, people, but I can barely see Sayzor's responses through the whispers. :)"

Amerlise says, "Ah, good, that's what I wanted to hear. ;>"

Amerlise says, "Two quick ones left.."

Sayzor says, "Quick ones."

Sayzor grins.

Amerlise asks, "Piercing gaze helps spot traps, but will it still set certain kinds off?"

Sayzor says, "Yes, it will have the chance of setting them off."

Sayzor says, "Very small."

Sayzor says, "And depending on the trap."

Amerlise says, "Seems self-defeating to incinerate yourself to find a trap...guess you'd know beyond shadow of a doubt it was there, anyway."

Sayzor grins.

Amerlise says, "And, being the Co-Guru of Societies, I'm sure you're aware that many of us don't carry amulets. :)"

Sayzor nods to Amerlise.

Sayzor grins.

The subtle fragrance which was wreathed around Synnera seems to have dissipated.

Sayzor says, "There are still ways to turn off ESP."

Amerlise asks, "Will the 'dull tingle' that lets you receive private thoughts count as ESP? For those of us whose seashells create that effect?"

Sayzor says, "Interesting point."

Sayzor says, "No, I do not intend to have the penalty apply to that. I'll look into ways of checking for that."

Amerlise says, "Dandy. :)"

Sayzor smiles.

Amerlise says, "That's it for me..thanks for holding this. :)"

Having finished addressing the assembly Amerlise sits back down.

Sayzor says, "Renarin says, 'two questions Sayzor, does edging raise the trainings required to use the pick and could ye recap the traps for the late comers like me?'"

Sayzor nods to Renarin, who stands up to address the assembly.

Renarin says, "gots a couple a quickies too"

Sayzor says, "No, edging does not increase the training required."

Sayzor says, "Trap recap..."

(The dark crystal, glyph, and firestorm trap descriptions were repeated here)

Sayzor says, "Ask away, when you're done reading."

Renarin asks, "so the pooba err um peanut butter guy that hides in the bathouse gonna let his friends out and assasinate someones?"

Sayzor says, "That's the topic of another Forum."

Sayzor grins.

Renarin says, "I see"

Renarin says, "well thats it for me"

Renarin says, "sits me down"

Sayzor nods to Renarin.

Having finished addressing the assembly Renarin sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Takeri, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Takeri says, 'Will current picks that we already own be trickle down affected by these changes? Or do these changes only affect new picks?'"

Takeri says, "Answered"

Sayzor says, "So ask another."

Takeri says, "But.. I have a few others"

Sayzor grins.

Takeri asks, "Is there a tentative guild release date at this time?"

Sayzor holds Kuromaku back.

Sayzor exclaims, "he wasn't here man!"

Kuromaku says, "Yes, there is."

Kuromaku says, "We're not mentioning it, though."

Sayzor says, "As far as the Guild goes..."

Takeri says, "Okies.. next question..."

Sayzor says, "We are not at liberty to discuss release dates, as they are subject to change."

Takeri asks, "Could the Voln "Calm' be used, and if so, could it be modified to be self cast?"

Sayzor says, "We have our own schedule...but that could change at any times for matters in, as well as outside of, the game"

Takeri says, "I believe currenly it cannot be"

Lord Thalindar just arrived.

Sayzor says, "Voln Calming is different that the Calm spell."

Sayzor says, "The Power that Voln imparts is the forcing of your will upon another. The Calm spell instills a sense of calm from within the person."

Takeri says, "So say a Ranger Calm..."

Takeri asks, "This to is a differnet calm?"

Sayzor says, "Would qualify."

Sayzor grins.

Takeri says, "But it is not self cast"

Sayzor says, "Although, I wasn't going to mention it."

Takeri says, "Can only be cast on critters at this time"

Sayzor nods to Takeri.

Sayzor says, "I am aware of that."

Takeri says, "One last one then"

Sayzor says, "I cannot say more about it than that."

Sayzor grins.

Takeri says, "When a Lock Lore or Trap Lore is cast from an Item.."

Takeri says, "You get less benefit than say someone who cast's it from the List.."

Sayzor nods to Takeri.

Takeri asks, "Are there any merchant plans to say create items that provide the same benefit even though you don't have th elist?"

Takeri says, "And I mean Auction items.. not over the counter stuff. For those folks (Rangers) who can't stealk the spell.. and cant' self cast it"

Sayzor says, "It is possible that there could be an item out there that gave the ability to have a Self Cast Lore from an item, however it would be more than likely that it would be in extremely limited quanities, such as Auction items."

Takeri says, "Praise be"

Sayzor says, "I am also aware that Rangers are the only ones who cannot gain the Self Cast of the spell."

Sayzor says, "That is also something I cannot say more about."

Asander becomes solid again.

Sayzor grins.

Takeri says, "Again.. I thankee. Mayhaps some prayers have been answered."

Sayzor smiles at Takeri.

Having finished addressing the assembly Takeri sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Magretta, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Magretta says, 'Many of us have lots of lockpicks purchased from the last to profession specific merchants, what will become of them? Will the learning from lockpicking be reduced in proportion to the higher the bonus on the lockpick?'"

Kahtya rubs Synnera gently.

Magretta says, "part of it was answered...and I sort of understood the previous answer..."

Sayzor says, "Currently..."

Magretta asks, "but will there be a way to convert the "old" picks to something in the new list?"

Sayzor says, "The basis for XP takes the Bonus of the pick into account."

Sayzor says, "At this time I have no plans of converting old picks to the new system. It would mean that I would have to force people to not only upgrade their picks, but degrade them as well."

Sayzor says, "In some cases, we have picks that had an alteration to a different material that aren't actually that material."

Sayzor says, "This didn't matter in the past, but it would matter under the proposed system."

Magretta says, "understood."

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Magretta sits back down.

Sayzor says, "Hmmm"

Sayzor nods to Impudent, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Impudent says, 'Are we going to see higher modifiers that will in effect replace the need for intense skill training in order to get the highest locks?'"

Impudent says, "like to expand the scope of that question a bit, and include disarming as well"

Kuromaku says, "Nothing takes the place of training."

Kuromaku shrugs.

Sayzor says, "No, none of the proposed lockpicks will be higher in Bonus than the current system. The current system uses bonuses that I wouldn't go as high as if I were to be building the system from the ground up."

Sayzor says, "I will not reduce those, but I won't increase them though."

Impudent says, "can I ask for a quick clarification then? "

Sayzor says, "of course"

Impudent says, "It seems that what you are in effect doing, by offering more bonuses, is narrowing the "elite" if you would"

Impudent asks, "is that the intent?"

Sayzor asks, "I don't understand the question. Offering more bonuses of which type?"

Impudent says, "to disarm, calm, phoens, etc"

Sayzor says, "I don't know of any one person that can cast all of those spells alone."

Impudent says, "lemme run to my locker"

Impudent says, "the thing is, that now it takes a massively trained disarmer to get say _260"

Sayzor says, "Spells cast from items are not always as good as spells cast on yourself."

Impudent asks, "aren't you narrowing that field a bit?"

Sayzor says, "People are disarming -260's now without any of my changes. I see myself as expanding the field that can get them, instead of reducing it."

Impudent says, "I'd like to offer a suggestion for consideration"

Sayzor nods.

Impudent says, "if it isn't this already, that skill alone, shy of bonuses, be the only factor in determining RT"

Sayzor grins.

Impudent says, "to offer more incentive to the highly trained"

Sayzor says, "I have plans for RT, in both Picking and Disarming."

Impudent asks, "any elaboration?"

Sayzor says, "One of the factors of Disarm Tools will be the reduction of RT for having the proper tool."

Sayzor says, "One of the factors with Disarm Tools will be your skill in Disarming."

Sayzor says, "That is one aspect of what I am referring to."

Impudent says, "so in effect the system will already be based on skill"

Sayzor says, "The others I cannot discuss at this time."

Impudent says, "if I understand you"

Sayzor says, "That is what I am planning for Disarm Tools, yes."

Impudent says, "and lastly"

Sayzor says, "Disarm Tools are just that. Tools that enhance your ability to Disarm. They don't give skill in it."

Sayzor grins.

Loraek rubs Lariona gently.

Impudent asks, "how much higher are we likely to be seeing these traps get, or like locks are you fairly happy with em now?"

Sayzor says, "I have no plans of taking traps past -300 anytime soon."

Sayzor says, "The system in palce now goes that high."

Sayzor says, "Place even"

Impudent says, "Than that'll be it for now, oh, except a thank you for finally putting some risk back into bashing :) "

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Risk was always intended. Due to a bug, it was not there."

Sayzor says, "The traps were built with Bashing in mind...but didn't work right until something was fixed."

Having finished addressing the assembly Impudent sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Wendol, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Wendol says, 'I got booted while I was copying the chart - when the stats are finalized, will the chart be posted?'"

Sayzor says, "Wendol says, 'I got booted while I was copying the chart - when the stats are finalized, will the chart be posted?'"

(The lockpick table was repeated here)

Sayzor says, "And yes, they will be posted in an In Game NEWS item as well as on the Boards. More details, maybe not."

Sayzor grins.

Wendol says, "Im capturing that! one quick thing"

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor nods.

Wendol says, "if a locpick 'degrades' or deteriates....."

Sayzor says, "Also, a transcript of this Forum will be available."

Wendol asks, "shouldnt a picker be able to exam and tell?"

Kuromaku says, "A trained one might."

Kuromaku says, "But that'd be someone who knew something about them."

Sayzor says, "There will be ways to tell. Maybe not easily if you want accuracy, though."

Sayzor grins.

Wendol says, "seems I know when my tools at work are going bad"

Sayzor asks, "True, but do you know exactly how bad off they are?"

Wendol says, "well - not always"

Wendol says, "thats all for me"

Sayzor says, "There will be a way for an expert to know near exactly how bad off."

Sayzor says, "Someone who dables, they'll know it's bent."

Wendol says, "good - thanks"

Sayzor nods.

Having finished addressing the assembly Wendol sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Pichin, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Pichin says, ''About the recent bashing changes. I understand the incinerator changes, altho I think they are far too common on older critters, but the scarabs puzzle me. How is a bug in the lock able to bite someone standing over it, bashing it with a weapon?'"

Kuromaku grins.

Kuromaku says, "Welp..."

Sayzor chuckles.

Kuromaku says, "It's a magic bug what flies out at you."

Allavair just went out.

Sayzor says, "The bug in the lock is sensitive to the slightest touch...or motion. It flies out of the lock when it is activated and chases you down and bites you. When you smash it with a 90lb club, it gets upset."

Pichin says, "Ahhh, kin that be put in the description please? I thought i remembered it as biting when your hand is in the lock, altho I could be wrong"

Sayzor says, "It was always intended to be this way, however due to a factor in BASH itself, it didnt work."

Kuromaku nods to Pichin.

Pichin says, "I also have one more quick question"

Sayzor says, "I'll check the messaging."

Sayzor nods to Pichin.

Pichin says, "Sayzor, are any plans being considered to make scroll cast 404 and 403 count as self cast? You do have to use actual training points for these skills, and it is fairly expensive for alot of people"

Sayzor says, "As I said earlier, I'm a Rogue and always have been. I've never bashed a box in my lifetimes."

Kuromaku says, "I have, and do."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor says, "It's possible to have items that will emulate a Self Cast, however extremely rare and extremely hard to lay hands on."

Vystra rubs Kiriane gently.

Pichin asks, "But not scrolls?"

Sayzor says, "Scrolls are items."

Sayzor grins.

Pichin says, "Ok, I think that's it."

Sayzor nods.

Having finished addressing the assembly Pichin sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Sassee, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Sassee says, 'Please explain the glyph trap again. AT first you stated you had to manually disarm it and then you stated magic users could disarm glyphs'"

Sayzor asks, "Hmmm. When did I say Wizards could disarm glyphs?"

Sayzor says, "Ah, in my No Lock Box analogy."

Kuromaku says, "Sure they can, Sayzor. As long as they do it manually."

Kuromaku shrugs.

Sayzor says, "I didn't mean that exactly. What I was referring to was..."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor says, "That a Rogue can get to a lock on a No Lock Box with a Tool just like a Mage can get to the lock on a Glyph with magic if they use a tool."

Sayzor says, "The tool being Disarm for the Mage."

Tinshala just went out.

Sayzor says, "A properly trained mage can disarm a Glyph with little Disarm skill."

Iuvare just went out.

Sassee says, "oh, I thought you had said something about glyphs being able to be opened by magic in the future"

Sayzor nods to Sassee.

Sayzor says, "They will be, once the Glyph has been neutralized."

Sassee asks, "oh, so once they are disarmed then we can magically woo them open?"

Sayzor nods to Sassee.

Kuromaku says, "If they're not enruned."

Sassee says, "thanks, now I understand"

Sassee says, "aye, not enruned or mithril"

Blackstealth just went out.

Sayzor asks, "Anything else?"

Sassee says, "no, thank you"

Lord Vayu just arrived.

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Sassee sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Aurec, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Aurec says, 'Why is there such a preoccupation with deadly traps? They should be increasingly difficult to open, yes. But consistently lethal? It doesn't make much sense: the legitimate owner of a box wouldn't want to set himself up to die if he forgot the wrong opening sequence. Maybe at higher levels, but it's not something that should be expected from practically any trap. Death is so... cliche. What if there were traps that, for example, destroyed or even cursed the contents?'"

Aurec says, "Greetings."

Sayzor says, "One of the three traps that I listed here has a significant chance of killing you...and even then, only if ignored for too long once set off."

Aurec says, "I do have a couple of quick questions if you have the time."

Kuromaku says, "An envenom'd blade is e'er a danger to the hand."

Kuromaku smiles.

Sayzor says, "The Glyph has a very small chance of killing you once in the glyph, and that's only if you go sightseeing."

Kuromaku says, "Want good protection...ya risk some heat."

Kuromaku grins.

Aurec says, "The way I see it, you can affect the disarmer, the box itself, the contents or the opener when it's done."

Sayzor says, "The Dark Crystal has a small chance of doing it, if you are untrained and unlucky."

Sayzor says, "One of the traps that I have been working on the longest, and is the most complex trap I have done yet which is why it is taking me so long, has no chance at all to kill you."

Sayzor says, "It'll occupy alot of your time, if set off...but it won't kill you."

Sayzor grins.

Aurec says, "Interesting."

Sayzor says, "I love gore. As evidence by my traps. I also love a good puzzle."

Sayzor grins.

Aurec asks, "Are there any plans to incorporate E-Dispel into affecting magic traps and boxes?"

Lady Daeffodill just arrived.

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Yes, there are plans...some of them are in already."

Sayzor asks, "Is there anything else?"

Sayzor smiles.

Aurec says, "And once the new lockpicks are in place, will there still be the inverse EXP reward? It seems that it pushes the trend to use moderate picks when you can train for tougher ones."

Sayzor says, "The way I forsee Lockpicking working..."

Aurec says, "Mind you, I'm just a bard who dabbles regularly with such things, but the recent changes have become quite confusing."

Sayzor says, "A Thief will have a kit with five picks. One of each "Grade". There are five types of Lockpick, show by the divisors between the various ones."

(The lockpick table was repeated here)

Sayzor says, "If you use a cheap pick, you are relying more on skill...and learn more."

Sayzor says, "If you use a pick with all the whistles and bells, you are relying on the pick to do some or more of the work, and learn less."

Sayzor says, "This will be more evident with the new picks. The system wont change, but the picks will...so it will be more apparent."

Sayzor says, "Right now, the types of picks are limited. With the new system, you will truly have choices."

Aurec asks, "Wouldn't that still push the trend away from that Vaalin pick you've spent 40 trainings to use in favor of a lesser pick?"

Sayzor says, "You use the Vaalin pick to get the really difficult locks. You need to expand your skill and challenge it in that case."

Sayzor says, "When you use the Vaalin pick on the Kobold box, you aren't even coming close to challenging your skill."

Sayzor says, "If you used the Brass pick, chances are you are challenging your skill."

Sayzor says, "You pick a Kobold box for 10 years, using an Alum pick. It's commonplace."

Sayzor says, "Now pick it with a Brass pick. That's something new."

Sayzor says, "When you are challenging your skill, you are always rewarded. No matter what pick it is."

Aurec says, "I see, but something about it still feels odd. ;)"

Sayzor says, "That's because you are missing one piece of data that I can't fill in the blank for."

Sayzor grins.

Aurec asks, "Any changes for the amount of EXP possible to learn?"

Sayzor says, "I'm comfortable with the range of EXP given right now and don't have plans on changing it. If I did, it would be tweaks based on the new system and I wouldn't know where to make those tweaks until I saw them."

Aurec says, "So much to consider, so little time... Thank you."

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Aurec sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Teegan, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Teegan says, 'What is yer take on the scarabs that come from the chests . . did you envision them as a nice gem fer the picker or as a bonus towards the box owner? I'm still confused on these old VS new picks . . .are you saying all our present alum quality picks, no matter what the metal/description are still gonna pick like what on yer new chart? Alum? And isn't that gonna be confusing if ya wanna sell a pick? '"

Sayzor says, "When I envisioned the Scarab, I envisioned them as the tip for the picker. That was my own, personal, take on them. Since then, they have grown...even long before you saw them, they grew."

Sayzor says, "Right now, it's a hot topic of debate...but I have no real side on the issue. So much has happened to them since I first concieved them that it would be difficult to put a finger on where they belong."

Sayzor says, "At this time, I have no plans to change any pick made prior to my system going into place."

Sayzor says, "Yes, it is going to be confusing."

Sayzor says, "The reason for that, is that it would be far too difficult to fix them."

Teegan says, "I really put forth that you reconsider the changing part just to keep things neat"

Sayzor says, "I would literally have to look at each pick as it was changed."

Sayzor says, "Lockpicks have never had a solid formula for how they work. It was never an issue. I want to make it an issue, and use one common system for them that everyone and everything follows."

The Kiriane disk goes off in search of its master.

Teegan says, "so are you recommending we trash our current picks? ;)"

Sayzor says, "The best way for me to make everything even would be to have any pick made prior to my changes break beyond repair if it was used in a picking attempt."

Sayzor says, "I am not going to do that."

Sayzor grins.

Teegan says, "sounds like alot of picks are gonna be takin up locker space ;)"

Sayzor says, "I have to find a solution somewhere in the middle of breaking them all and fixing them all."

Teegan says, "and that would be a shame"

Sayzor says, "I agree."

Sayzor says, "I personally own a very large collection of lockpicks on my character. I have no plans on fixing them beyond the system I implement."

Teegan says, "at the very least help us distinguish old vs new"

Sayzor says, "Trust me, I dont want to make my own picks useless."

Sayzor grins.

Teegan says, "please :)"

Sayzor says, "I'll come up with something."

Sayzor grins.

Teegan exclaims, "than you for your time!"

Sayzor asks, "Anything else?"

Nedus just went out.

Sayzor nods.

Teegan exclaims, "err thanks!"

Having finished addressing the assembly Teegan sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Delonkin, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Delonkin says, 'Are you aware that in your efforts to make things "Fun" for the jaded high Lords and Legends, you are making it hell for the new players? Did you talk to anyone that's been around for only a couple months? Ask me...'"

Sayzor chuckles.

Delonkin says, "I just got the hang of opening boxes when the last changes were made.; It was obvious that there had been an increase in the percentage chance of the box going off.; OK but, you dumped these boxes into experience areas where younger rogues had NO chance of disarming.; -130 traps on level 6 critters.; Scarabs where no one had the means to do anything but leave em laying around.; How about some common sense here, put your new traps in level 20 or higher monster areas and give the new player a break?"

Sayzor says, "This game is designed to go beyond 300 levels."

Sayzor says, "Any system I implement has to take that into consideration."

Sayzor says, "I did do that."

Sayzor says, "Unfortunatly, there are "Rich" critters out there that carry boxes that are far too rich for their level."

Sayzor says, "I define a trap by the type of box that it is on."

Sayzor says, "If a level 1 creature is carrying a level 3 box...it has a level 3 trap."

Sayzor says, "That is not creature levels."

Sayzor says, "We have fix box levels."

Sayzor says, "So, you can see, a Level 1 creature with a level 3 box is way out of kilter."

Delonkin says, "then you know how embarrasing it is ta get kilt by a box half yer level?"

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "Yes, I do."

Sayzor smiles.

Delonkin says, "I got a -130 bomb in fishes taday"

Sayzor says, "A Scarab has an extremely slim chance of showing up on a creature that carries anything below Level 3 boxes."

Sayzor says, "The difficulty of the trap is directly related to the difficulty of the lock...which is related to the level of the box."

Sayzor says, "The level of the box is set by the person who designed the creature."

Sayzor says, "There is a Level 1 creature out there that carries a Level 3 box."

Sayzor says, "I disagree with that, but it's a fact."

Sayzor says, "In order to have "Rich" creatures, then you have locks and traps in an area where people of that level cannot open them."

Delonkin says, "umm I got a =130 trap that cost me 2.5K ta get opened at the locksmith and it was empty"

Sayzor says, "That is also possible."

Sayzor says, "It is possible for a chest to be generated empty."

Delonkin says, "I think you forget that all these "old" boxes your talking about are only old to you where the newer harder ones are great for the jaded but a bit hard on the new players"

Sayzor says, "It is not the Chest generation system that needs to be looked at here, it is the Creature Treasure system...which I have already discussed with the Treasure Guru to have fixed. Low level creatures should not have higher level treasure. The Treasure Level should be directly related to the Creature Level."

Delonkin says, "I said me say thanks for the ear"

Sayzor nods to Delonkin.

Having finished addressing the assembly Delonkin sits back down.

Sayzor says, "Belgelane says, 'Can I suggest two types of trap?'"

Sayzor says, "Yes, you can. You'll need to send them to me at Feedback for the best response."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor asks, "Is there another question you had?"

Sayzor nods to Tealyona, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Tealyona says, 'can i have a raise and I love the triple train thing, but who do we get to edge something for us or is that going to be a guild training thing?..Who is Joranis?...so where do you get a true Alum lockpick?'"

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "Any Locksmith Merchant can edge a lockpick. There will also, most likely, be a travelling merchant that has assistaints that do it automatically occasionally."

Sayzor says, "Joranis is a locksmith...and a theif. Do not trust him. He's one shadey hobbit."

Sayzor says, "The only difference between an alum lockpick from the shop, and a "True" one is the value of it. It is not set properly in the shop."

Sayzor says, "As far as the raise goes...I need one first."

Sayzor smirks.

Tealyona says, "thank you, I think thats all I have to ask except I am very pleased about the triple train"

Sayzor asks, "Did I answer all of them?"

Sayzor grins.

Tealyona says, "one thing"

Sayzor nods to Tealyona.

Tealyona asks, "so I will be able to use the best pick on the list if I have tripled trained at what age?"

Sayzor mumbles something about having to do math after all this.

Sayzor grins.

Tealyona asks, "and if I want to rely on skill I should use what kind of table to figure for what kind of lock?"

Sayzor says, "14th, I believe."

Tealyona asks, "with what pick?"

Sayzor says, "Scuse me, 13th."

Sayzor says, "That's somethign you're going to have to figure out or ask other Rogues. I know the answer, but it's part of the skill to learn the numbers."

Sayzor grins.

Vystra rubs Kiriane gently.

Tealyona says, "...lick...."

Sayzor says, "That's why I am not releasing the Bonus beyond a vague quality."

Tealyona says, "thanks, I wiggle my toes at you...I am really going to enjoy the puzzles in the traps"

Sayzor grins.

Tealyona says, "thank you"

Having finished addressing the assembly Tealyona sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Stremm, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Stremm says, 'one real problem i see. Some of us help watch for deaths of and communication from friends. Taking our amulets seems unreasonable.'"

Sayzor grins.

Stremm says, "One particulart example of this comes up with the rolaren gate in Icemule"

Sayzor says, "I have never gotten one useful peice of information from the AmuNet in the Landing or Teras. I've never been on Ice Mule's or River's Rest as a player."

Stremm says, "Interesting. That's exactly what i suspected"

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "As I said...as a player."

Vennomspitter just went out.

Stremm says, "We are often called to open the gate. And often when people are innjured or dead, and needing rescue."

Sayzor says, "The concept behind the ESP change is that you cannot concentrate on the disarming or picking of a chest when you have voices filling your head."

Stremm says, "That seems a valid point on the surface."

Sayzor says, "If people think directly to you, they will get through without you being hindered if you use one of the methods of turning off all but private thoughts."

Stremm asks, "yet i hear you saying those who have chosen to join societies dn't have this problem?"

The silvery luminescence fades from around Zutzut.

Sayzor says, "Those in Voln do not. The Voln "Net" is not an AmuNet in the sense that the rest are."

Stremm says, "i'm told you might have not listened in on the voln net lately."

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "Being the Co-Soceity Guru, I've done alot with Voln lately. So yes, I have."

Sayzor says, "If the majority feels that the Voln Net should be included, then I will make plans to include it."

Stremm asks, "'and if i choose to join one of these societiies, i continue to communicate with friends?"

Sayzor says, "I do not understand the question."

Jerephaim just went out.

Stremm asks, "is it possib;e that one of the lesser used amunet channels could be preserved?"

Sayzor says, "It is possible, yes."

Stremm says, "for emergencies."

Stremm says, "that would satisfy the problem"

Sayzor nods.

Stremm asks, "another question if i may?"

Sayzor nods.

Stremm says, "It's not clear to me why i will want to stop using my old picks."

Sayzor says, "I'm not forcing anyone to stop using the old picks."

Sayzor says, "They will eventually break beyond repair, as they are still subject to the new breakage system."

Stremm asks, "what is the penalty for using old pickss, or advantage for changing?"

Sayzor says, "Stockpiling Alum Lockpicks is not something I am unaware of the possibility of."

The Vystra disk goes off in search of its master.

Sayzor says, "A solution that works is what is needed...and at this time, I do not have one for that particular stumbling block. Old Picks are not planned on being changed. That itself is subject to change."

Stremm says, "ok. thank you."

Sayzor says, "If a system arises where the old picks can be changed over to the new system...then that will be what I go with. It will be announced on the Boards prior to it going into place."

Sayzor says, "If I were to update a pick simply by the metal that it uses, then there would be alot of requests for alteration of Alum lockpicks to Vaalin Lockpicks."

Sayzor says, "Then, when I did the change...there would be alot of Vaalin Lockpicks out there that were purchased as Alum lockpicks."

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Stremm sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Rayzor, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Rayzor says, 'Do you really expect any of the area effect traps to effect anyone but the locksmith? No one will remain joined on a nasty box and usually no one is in my party when I pick. Are we expected to hold hands with folks giving us boxes to give them a rush too?'"

Rayzor asks, "any chance of adding some effects that would effect all in the room, but not deadly? Like a fog of slow 2 gas, or an ewave of 20 seconds to all, or a 30 second stun from a shockwave, or an antimagic sphere that could suck away some/all spells from folks in the area?"

Sayzor begins chuckling at Rayzor.

Sayzor says, "Yes, there are plans for those things."

Sayzor says, "However, there is still going to be plenty of people affected by being joined to a person who sets them off."

Sayzor asks, "Been to Ghoul Masters lately?"

Sayzor grins.

Rayzor says, "nope."

The Vystra disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.

Sayzor says, "15 people, all in a group, when a trap goes off....most of the time, they dont even notice."

Sayzor smirks.

Kuromaku glances up at Rayzor and wonders if he's been reading Sayzor's notes.

Rayzor asks, "sounds great...any chance for more variety in the difficulties seen in popping a lock?"

Rayzor says, "such as half the critters boxes seem absurdly difficult now."

Sayzor says, "Ah, you mean on the messaging."

Rayzor says, "aye."

Sayzor says, "Yes, I'll be updating that as well."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Again, that is an ancient system."

Sayzor grins.

Rayzor says, "ok...lastly..."

Rayzor asks, "will boxes traps and locks always get more difficult as the critters go up in age in the future?"

Sayzor says, "Probably not."

Rayzor asks, "wouldn't that hurt tripplers in the long run?"

Sayzor says, "If what I an envisioning goes in, no."

Sayzor says, "Not really."

Sayzor says, "There will always be harder boxes."

Sayzor says, "Whether or not that is related to the creature level, is another issue."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "I mentioned that I thought the problem with low level creatures and high level boxes is something I thought of as a problem before."

The Tealyona disk goes off in search of its master.

Rayzor asks, "so as time passes their will always be a challange even to a trippler in picking past their 100's in age?"

Sayzor says, "I think the problem lies with the Treausure System, not the Chest Generation System. Creature Treasure, specifically."

Sayzor says, "Issigri and Myself both have ideas on how to fix that problem. Since he's the Treasure Guru...I think we'll be working something out."

Sayzor says, "There will always be a challenge to a picker's skills."

Rayzor says, "ok, thats all my questions."

Sayzor says, "Soul Golems' chests were the test run for a proposed system of that nature. Personally, I didnt like it."

Sayzor grins.

Rayzor says, "hehe."

Rayzor asks, "due to lack of traps?"

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "No. I can't say the reason in public, though."

Sayzor grins.

Having finished addressing the assembly Rayzor sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Kayress, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Kayress says, 'Sayzor im all ready pretty weighed down with junk i like to adorn my self with, as a guess how much will these new disarm tools weigh?'"

Kuromaku says, "Prolly the same as a set of lockpicks."

Sayzor says, "Disarm Tools' weight will vary depending on the tool. Some will be multi-use...some one shot only. Some will be able to be carried in bundles, others not."

Sayzor says, "It all depends on the disarm kit that you choose to carry for yourself. Much like an Herb Kit."

Kayress asks, "will any of the new disarm tools be reuseable, or will they need to be purchased again?"

Sayzor says, "Disarm Tools' weight will vary depending on the tool. Some will be multi-use...some one shot only. Some will be able to be carried in bundles, others not."

Kayress says, "ahhh, very good."

Kayress exclaims, "thanks!"

Sayzor says, "My first suggestion would be to not carry around so much junk."

Sayzor smirks.

The Tealyona disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.

Kayress says, "i cant help it."

Sayzor chuckles.

Kayress says, "das it."

Sayzor starts to comment about a woman's purse but thinks better of it.

Having finished addressing the assembly Kayress sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Gullem, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Gullem says, 'Hab ye worked out how ye goin ta equal out da trainin in da guild. ie a15 trainin rogue vs a 40 trainin rogue when dey boat enter guild when it open?'"

Sayzor says, "Yes, they will."

Kuromaku says, "The Guild system is self-equalizing."

Sayzor says, "Much like the Warrior's Guild, your Level has little relation to your status within the Guild."

Gullem asks, "So it posible for a 15 trainin ta be more skilled dan 40 trainin?"

Sayzor nods to Gullem.

Sayzor says, "If the 15th year one is more dedicated to his Guild Skills."

Gullem asks, "ye tink dat right?"

Llyyle just left.

Kuromaku says, "You can only train for 4 ranks per level...so a 40 level rogue will be able to train much more than a 15th level rogue."

Kuromaku says, "Further, the first 5 years don't count."

Sayzor says, "Yes, I do. If I spend all of my time concentrating on learning how to do one specific task...and you spend your time doing multiple different kinds of tasks."

Gullem says, "me already upset dat new exsp gained for pickin been changed."

Sayzor says, "I'm going to get better at it than you are."

Sayzor asks, "You mean when I changed it months ago?"

Gullem says, "me pure picker an me spend many year pickin in tower."

Sayzor nods to Gullem.

Gullem says, "gets no exsperiance."

Gullem says, "now me pick an can get brain fry."

Nitewisper just left.

Sayzor asks, "And that's bad?"

Gullem says, "ib dat were true long time ago me be furder long."

Sayzor says, "If I had been the Rogue Guru long ago, it would have been true long ago."

Gullem says, "Da udder ting is fame."

Gullem says, "pickin gets ye no fame."

Sayzor nods to Gullem.

Sayzor says, "I know that."

Gullem asks, "why dat?"

Gullem says, "rezer gets fane rezzin."

Sayzor says, "Nobody remembers a Rogue's face. They remember what was in the box."

Sayzor says, "Rezzer gets very little fame rezzing...and people remember a person who saved their life."

Gullem says, "healer gets fame healin."

Sayzor says, "Healers get no fame healing."

Gullem says, "Yea me always looks at bloke who heal me in tsc"

Sayzor asks, "Do you remember who healed you last?"

Gullem says, "Like ye goin ta see im good in dat croud."

Gullem says, "Madder fact me don't."

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "That's why they get no fame."

Sayzor smirks.

Gullem says, "Dat all me noise."

Orinelly just went out.

Sayzor says, "I was in the hospital last year for 2 weeks. I couldn't tell you what any of the doctors or nurses who worked on me looked like. Yet I can still describe to you every detail of many different sporting events I've been to."

Sayzor says, "The Doctor is not famous. Cal Ripken is."

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Gullem asks, "who cal ripkin?"

Sayzor smirks.

Having finished addressing the assembly Gullem sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Krogh, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Krogh says, 'Dese changes is nice an' all, but dey miss out on one o' da major issues we gots wid pickin' an' disarmin'. Dese is Rogue skills, but dey don' let our nimbleness o' fingers pay offs. Dey's based on Wisdoms o' all tings! Ya made a good steps wid da Lores, but it's onny a baby steps. When kin we see da rest o' da picture makin' sense? Meanin', when is we gonna see Dexterities, Reflexes an' Dissypline haves an' effects fer reg'lar pickers? I's a rogue, not a bleedin' priest!'"

Kuromaku says, "I don't recall saying they were based on wisdom."

Kuromaku shrugs.

Sayzor glances at Kuromaku.

Sayzor says, "Picking and Disarming use Wisdom as a stat."

Kuromaku asks, "Based?"

Kuromaku grins.

Sayzor nods to Kuromaku.

Sayzor says, "Unfortunatly."

Sayzor says, "The reason that Wisdom is used...and I am not agreeing with it, I am stating a fact."

Krogh says, "An' from wot's we knowin's, Dexterities an' Reflexes don' helps none a'talls."

Dalizio just went out.

Sayzor says, "Wisdom used to be called "Intuition". Intuition was the perfect match for Lockpicking and Disarming."

Krogh says, "Dexterities is listed as bein' use o' tools, an' manual dexterities."

Sayzor says, "So many people have based their training around Wisdom, that it would be too hard of a change to make at this point."

Krogh says, "I ain' seein' da prollem, dere. Iff'n a warrior whines dat 'e cain' swing a blade cos 'e's smart, not strongs, does we care? Rogues is rogues."

Sayzor says, "Krogh, I agree with you."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "However, it is a change that would be far too impacting on people to make."

Krogh asks, "Ayes?"

Sayzor nods to Krogh.

Sayzor says, "I would never get it approved."

Sayzor grins.

Krogh asks, "Den who does I smack upsida da noggin ta git it approved?"

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "That would be Fawn."

Krogh says, "A'ighties."

Krogh says, "We kin chat."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "I wish you luck and lots of deeds."

Sayzor grins.

Krogh says, "Dat's alla me yappin'"

Dantrotic rubs Krogh gently.

Sayzor nods to Krogh.

Having finished addressing the assembly Krogh sits back down.

Sharkis rubs Leanness gently.

Sayzor nods to Nitewisper, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Nitewisper says, 'will there be changes to poping boxes after they are disarmed, and will there be any skilles in the guild that are no picking?'"

Sayzor says, "The Guild is for Rogues...not Locksmiths."

Sayzor says, "That's all I can say on that."

Sayzor grins.

Kuromaku nods to Sayzor.

Nitewisper says, "Also I would like to ask about Preicing gaze"

Sayzor asks, "As far to changes to poping after disarming, what do you mean?"

Nitewisper says, "Will you still be able to see what is in the box"

Sayzor says, "That depends on the trap."

Sayzor says, "Each trap will react differently to it."

Sharkis rubs Leanness gently.

Nitewisper asks, "And will you be able to buy the new pick in the backroom?"

Sayzor says, "The new Lockpick System will involve a completely new merchant. There may not be a backroom."

Sayzor grins.

Meandar just went out.

Kuromaku waves.

Nitewisper says, "Ok, can I make a suggestion on the picks"

Sayzor waves to Kuromaku.

Kuromaku says, "Bye folks."

Kuromaku gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Kuromaku is no longer there.

Silkie just went out.

Sayzor says, "Sure. I'd ask that you sent the suggestion to Feedback asking them to direct it to me, because right now...I wouldn't remember it even with the logging."

Sayzor grins.

Nitewisper says, "Ok"

Nitewisper says, "Thank You "

Galadril just went out.

Sayzor nods to Nitewisper.

Sayzor smiles at Nitewisper.

Having finished addressing the assembly Nitewisper sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Ghedrix, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor nods to Mustafo, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Say SOMETHING Musty."

Having finished addressing the assembly Mustafo sits back down.

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor says, "Ghedrix says, 'Can a locksmith determine the HP of a lockpick by peering at it? And can a locksmith that can lock boxes put coins in the box?'"

Sayzor says, "There will be ways for you to figure out everything there is to know about the lockpicks."

Sayzor says, "As far as putting coins in a box..."

Lord Camulos just arrived.

Nitewisper just went out.

Sayzor says, "I forsee that as one of the advantages."

Sayzor grins.

Ghedrix asks, "And as of now, are all traps no longer safe bashables?"

Sayzor says, "Nope, just the ones that were intended to be set off. All trap now work properly with Bashing."

Ghedrix asks, "And what ya gon' do about de ones who make a key fer a box, relocks it, and picks it again?"

Sayzor grins.

Ghedrix asks, "Perpentual exp?"

Sayzor says, "We've alrady thought of that."

Ghedrix says, "Dat's goot."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor nods to Ghedrix.

Having finished addressing the assembly Ghedrix sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Maneaak, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Maneaak says, 'I Have a Question Regarding Pickpocketing, For some time now it has been a Major concern of the Town Folk, As they dont Care for us Borrowing their Coins and Gems from time to time. Mayhaps there be a New system Devised that could allow us Borrowers to Borrow from the Vast array of Critters from the Lands? I personally think this would Make great use of Our Skills, and Make the town Folk get off our Backs'"

Sayzor chuckles.

Shantellina just went out.

Sayzor says, "Well, I remember taking the breastplates off of Hill Trolls. This was before they died, mind you."

Maneaak says, "Aye"

Sayzor says, "The Pickpockets system is one that I am going to be tackling after the Lockpicking system is finished."

Maneaak asks, "So would this Be a possibility?"

Sayzor says, "A very good one."

Sayzor smiles at Maneaak.

Maneaak says, "Okies "

Maneaak asks, "My Next question is, Since there is a Chart for the Lockpicks, Will there be a Comparison Chart for the Disarming Tools Offering a Vast Differences in their Ability?"

Sayzor says, "Not a chance. That is going to be for you all to figure out. Many of the Disarm Tools that I put in are going to be things you see laying around in the game right now."

Sayzor asks, "You thought that rusty doorknob was useless, too, didn't ya?"

Maneaak says, "Aye I did"

Sayzor grins.

Maneaak says, "Okies lastly"

Maneaak says, "Okie My Las Question is this, Ye told Matubaa that he must see Joranis I think ye said, About His Alum Tipped Precision Kelyn Lockpick to Have it Fixed? Where exactly is he to be found? Are ye sayin"

Sayzor nods.

Maneaak says, "The Pick will be to the new Standards"

Sayzor says, "Well Joranis sold em. He's responsible for them not workin right."

Sayzor says, "No, he'll just fix it so it works under the current mangled system. He was working under a system that SHOULD have worked, but was broken, when he designed those."

Sayzor grins.

Maneaak says, "Oh great"

Sayzor says, "In other words..."

Sayzor says, "If you see him, slap him around and demand he fix your lockpick."

Maneaak exclaims, "Thanks for ye time and Krogh ye bere Nae be slappin Fawn!"

Sayzor smiles at Maneaak.

Maneaak says, "Okies"

Having finished addressing the assembly Maneaak sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Kiriane, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor begins chuckling at Kiriane.

Kiriane says, "Well.."

Kiriane asks, "It was answered so why waste the turn?"

Shadosassin just went out.

Sayzor says, "Kiriane says, 'The question I had was answered, so I figure someone (one person) could whisper a question to me..'"

Sayzor chuckles.

Kiriane asks, "Can keys be given to other people?"

Sayzor says, "That's something I can't discuss at this time."

Sayzor smiles.

Kiriane asks, "When can we expect the lockpicking changes to be completely done?"

Sayzor says, "Right after I finish them and they get approved to be implemented."

Kiriane says, "I'm done."

Sayzor says, "Deadlines are something that are always subject to change..."

Sayzor says, "For example..."

Sayzor says, "I should have been here about 90 minutes earlier than I was tonight, to prepare."

Sayzor grins.

Having finished addressing the assembly Kiriane sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Kapytl, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Kapytl says, 'will there be a guild set up in icemule, as well as in the landing? If so, will they open at the same time?'"

Sayzor says, "That's something I don't know the answer to. We're working on the Guild Mechanics first, and then working on the details."

Kapytl says, "just one more quick question...chu"

Sayzor nods.

Kapytl says, "when can we expect compensation from you for all the times us pickers have been mained and killed by your nasty traps? ;)"

Sayzor says, "As soon as I get a raise."

Sayzor smirks.

Kapytl says, "thanks, thats it"

Having finished addressing the assembly Kapytl sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Jaelus, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Jaelus says, 'Hm, didn't you say that the ah, lockpick bonuses would not be higher than they are currently? But the Vaalin bonus is listed as Highest and Alum is listed as Excellent. This seems to imply that the bonus of the new alums will be less than they are now, is that so?'"

Jaelus says, "Ah yeah well I think this was pretty much answered too"

Sayzor says, "That's correct. The Alum lockpick will change slightly."

Jaelus says, "hee-hee"

Jaelus says, "aye"

Sayzor says, "The reduction in price reflects this."

Jaelus asks, "Ah hm when the picks get damaged and repaired will the bonus degrade as well as the quality?"

Jaelus says, "ah before it becomes unrepairable that is"

Sayzor says, "It is possible that that will happen, however it is not part of the system I am currently working on. There is a very good chance that it will be in the final design, but it is not in the plans at this time."

Jaelus says, "ok ah"

Jaelus says, "well that's it then I think"

Sayzor smiles.

Jaelus says, "heheh"

Having finished addressing the assembly Jaelus sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Kyncaid, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Kyncaid says, 'When the new picks gits introduced, they gonna be available from the backroom at the shop? Or we lookin' at another merchant, possibly?'"

Kyncaid asks, "Ya already answered that question, so lemme ask ya's another, if'n I may.... how soon should we start lookin' fer these here new trappies? Tamarra? Next week?"

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "I'd say sometime in the month of April. They SHOULD be ready next week...but that goes back to deadlines."

Sayzor grins.

Kyncaid exclaims, "Great!"

Sayzor says, "You'll know it when you see them..."

Kyncaid says, "Lookin' forward ta that"

Kyncaid says, "Only one other thing..."

Sayzor says, "And I am not going to wait for all of them to be finished to put them in. They may go in one at a time."

Kyncaid says, "Back to Teegan's question about old picks versus new ones, how about an exchange program... exchange yer old pick fer a new one o' equal value. Maybe somethin' similar ta the conversion chamber fer ice age metals. Somethin' ta chew on, anyways."

Lord Flandamier's group just arrived.

Sayzor says, "The problem is, each pick would have to be looked at by someone who knows the new system well enough to compare it to the old and match up the pick. The old picks are using a completely different "Mechanics" to tell the system what they are."

Karystal just went out.

Sayzor says, "It will involved alot of serious coding to make it work right...and I can't commit to that right now."

Sayzor grins.

Kyncaid says, "Ah, so even that wouldn't be reasonable... aye, must be a big job"

Mykye just went out.

Sayzor says, "I'm looking for the best way to make it mutally fair to both the system and to you."

Sayzor says, "An example..."

Kyncaid says, "I likes fair... fair is good <grin>"

The air stops shimmering around Lowlight.

Lowlight's spirits are no longer lifted.

Sayzor says, "It's kind of like taking a 386 and telling the system to make it a PII 333 that's fully loaded."

Sayzor says, "Not everything is in the same place."

Kyncaid says, "Maybehaps an enchanter's mark, or somethin' similar... a master locksmith's mark.. ta differentiate between new an' old picks"

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "I've got a few ideas that I'm kicking around, including ones you all have given me...directly or indirectly."

Sayzor grins.

Kyncaid says, "A'righties... I'm done. I thank ya fer yer time."

Sayzor nods.

Having finished addressing the assembly Kyncaid sits back down.

Sayzor says, "Lucos says, 'one thing that has always bugged me...when I pick a box, and say the lock is a -400..that's pretty easy for me, but it says that it's an absurdly difficult lock when in effect..for me it isn't...any plans in changing this lil play on words to reflect the skill of the picker?'"

Sayzor says, "Yep, I'll be changing the messaging that you get for that."

Sayzor asks, "is there anything else?"

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Sayzor says, "I'd like to take a 5 minute break, and then come back to answer some more questions."

Sayzor nods to Mustafo, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Musty will entertain you."

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor is englufed by shadows and is gone. You hear a faint snicker which fades slowly away.

Mustafo asks, "me?"

Mustafo exclaims, "ha!"

Maneaak rubs Mustafo gently.

Olthanor rubs Rayzor gently.

Olthanor rubs Mekiba gently.

Mustafo exclaims, "Ok, this is how i see it.....Firestorm!!!"

Delileah rubs Mustafo gently.

Dantrotic rubs Mustafo gently.

Mustafo says, "oh, and i cant sing and dance. some reason, Sayzor didnt give me the ability"

Mustafo says, "so im just standing here looking goofy. "

Having finished addressing the assembly Mustafo sits back down.

You hear the voice of Sayzor say, "Well there goes his chances of being a Guildmaster."

Sayzor slips out of the shadows with a snicker.

Sayzor says, "Lucos says, 'one thing that has always bugged me...when I pick a box, and say the lock is a -400..that's pretty easy for me, but it says that it's an absurdly difficult lock when in effect..for me it isn't...any plans in changing this lil play on words to reflect the skill of the picker?'"

Sayzor nods to Amerlise, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Amerlise says, 'I think this was answered, but just a quick clarification? Guild skill ranks are based on your total trainings, not trainings since you entered the guild, yes? So, at 72nd level, I could train 288 guild ranks, before I'd need to reach 73rd level to continue?'"

Sayzor says, "I have no idea."

Sayzor smiles at Amerlise.

Amerlise says, "Bah..what use are you? Okay I have another one, then.."

Sayzor grins.

Amerlise says, "I -think- this was cleared up, too, but I'm not bright, y'know."

Sayzor says, "I'm just a pretty face. I don't actually DO any of this stuff."

Sayzor smirks.

Amerlise says, "Let's assume, without going into specifics, that alums have a mod of oh, let's say, 2.5..."

Amerlise asks, "Are you saying that vaalin picks will henceforth have a mod of (theoretically) 2.5, and alums will be less than that?"

Sayzor says, "Yes."

Amerlise says, "Okiedoke. :)"

Sayzor smiles.

Amerlise says, "And I've been told via whisper.."

Amerlise says, "That that IS how the guild works, so now we both know. :)"

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "That's how the Warrior Guild works."

Sayzor whistles tunelessly to himself.

Having finished addressing the assembly Amerlise sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Olthanor, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Olthanor says, 'if a box on a undead creature is found, shouldn't it be cursed, a cleric would then have to uncurse it to open it?'"

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "There may be creatures that have things like that happen in the future."

Olthanor says, "ok"

Olthanor says, "i also have some other questions"

Sayzor says, "And don't take it out on him. I've been thinking that for some time now."

Sayzor grins.

Olthanor says, "the new lockpicks will make it really hard for new rogues that want to pick all there life to begin"

Olthanor says, "there lifes"

Olthanor says, "their more likely"

Sayzor nods to Olthanor.

Sayzor says, "It's always hard being good at something you are first starting."

Temujen just went out.

Olthanor says, "and...."

Sayzor says, "When I first started GM'ing, I couldn't have been a Locksmith. I'd had to have been a Rogue."

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Olthanor says, "ok"

Olthanor asks, "when the new lockpicks come out can old lockpicks be repaired?"

Sayzor says, "The old lockpicks will be subject to the new breakage and repair system, so they can be fixed under that system."

Olthanor says, "thanks for your time to do this forum"

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Olthanor sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Lynmun, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Lynmun says, 'sayzor if one takes his broken vaalin pick to Edwina, or maybe just to the guild and repairs it himself (he asks hopefully), is there or can there be a mark added to it so that it is apparent that it is a repaired pick? so as to head off the cheat that would take advantage of other players?'"

Lynmun says, "you see it happen all the time with just alums, even today"

Sayzor says, "That is also something that I am planning to build into the system. You'll know if a pick has been repaired."

Lynmun says, "I can just imagine whats gonna happen with vaalins"

Sayzor says, "You won't know anything more than the fact that it's been repaired without a closer examination, but you'll know."

Lynmun asks, "and one more thing, if I may?"

Sayzor nods.

Lynmun says, "not to step on your toes, I do appreciate all the time and effort you put into this"

Lynmun says, "but,"

Lynmun says, "after being a non-commital teef for years... meaning that I never tried to double or triple, at least on a regular basis"

Lynmun says, "my abilities afore the new lore changes were adequate to do at *least*"

Lynmun says, "my own boxies"

Lynmun says, "after the changes I *had* to learn spells, just to get back to where I was"

Sayzor nods.

Lynmun says, "where I'm going is I guess the impacting statement you made earlier"

Lynmun says, "this must have impacted at least 2 or three nore teefs like myself"

Sayzor nods to Lynmun.

Sayzor says, "It did."

Lynmun says, "done"

Lynmun says, "I'm done"

Lynmun says, "I cant keep up[ with the whispers"

Lynmun says, "my thanks Sayzor"

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "Understandable."

Sayzor nods.

Sassee rubs Lynmun gently.

Having finished addressing the assembly Lynmun sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Songnoir, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Songnoir says, '1) With the disarm kits, how about changing 403/404 so they effect the tools instead of the picker himself (increase the modifier of the tools). This would solve all the spells problems and eliminate the goofy stat based formula we now have. It would allow mages to be good at the spells but not give them instant box picking skills. 2) You are the rogue guru, what if anything do you have in the works for rogues? We are not all locksmiths.'"

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor nods.

Sayzor says, "Let me address these first."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Songnoir exclaims something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I don't want to make Disarm Tools required, which they would be if we changed the spells to simply affect the Tool or the Pick."

Sayzor says, "The spells base the bonus on your skill. It is not an enhancement of your skill, which is what I wanted to see them be."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor nods to Songnoir.

Sayzor says, "True. Something is required to disarm the box."

Sayzor says, "The spells are enhancement of your skills."

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Nestren.

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I am happy with where they are in that regard."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I am the Rogue Guru, but the biggest problem with Rogues as a profession when I took on that mantle was Locks, Traps and the skills associated with them."

Sayzor says, "They can use them. Both of those spells add to your chances with 407 and 408 based on your spell knowledge."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "Songnoir says in guild speak, "I've never felt it was right that the folks that created the spells can't use them in anyway now""

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I am also working on the Guild, with Giacomo and Kuromaku. After those two projects are finished, I will be working on the Pickpockets and Hiding systems."

Sayzor says, "Songnoir says in guild speak, "3) Will the rogues guild have any RPing reason for it's existance or will it simply be an excuse to hand out a bunch of skills? I personally can't think of purpose for a rogues guild that would apply to all rogues. A few smaller guilds would make far more sense then a one guild fits all.""

Sayzor says, "As with any large orginization, there are many factions in the Guild."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I do not forsee the Guild being a single entity. I forsee there being many factions within it, some not even liking each other much less working together. However, there will be something that ties you all together."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "So yes, there will be RP behind it."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "Songnoir says in guild speak, "I believe these disarm tools should have no weight, other professions are not bogged down with the tools of their trades (spellbooks, components, oils for armor etc.) why should we be? Also what exactly would the fix fix on the kelyn lockpicks? ""

Sayzor says, "Empaths carry herbs."

Waref's group just arrived.

Sayzor says, "Mages carry wands."

Sayzor says, "Clerics carry potions."

Songnoir exclaims something in guild speak.

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "'Songnoir exclaims in guild speak, "Those are not the same, and I have to carry all those too!""

Sayzor says, "You don't have to carry any of them, up to and including Disarm Tools."

Sayzor smiles.

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "There are currently no Kelyn lockpicks in the game except for merchant sold ones or alterted ones. All of those are based on other lockpicks or not on any standardized system at all."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "The new lockpick system will standardize the system, so when you see a Kelyn Lockpick, you will know exactly what it is."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "The problem was the value of it being set too high to be repairable."

Sayzor says, "Songnoir says in guild speak, "Yes I was asking about the precision one, you mentioned it needed a fix, I don't know what the problem was""

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor nods to Songnoir.

Sayzor says, "The repair cost was not intended to be 125k to repair it."

Sayzor smiles.

Sayzor says, "It was intended to be high...but not that high."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I felt the price of the pick was fair."

Sayzor smiles.

Sayzor says, "I said it was worth the repair cost...but not that it was intended."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "I also said that Joranis would be responsible for fixing any that were brought back to him free of charge."

Sayzor smiles.

Sayzor says, "Songnoir says in guild speak, "I never understood why you felt that way if it's modifier was no better then alum, simply not cost effective given the repair and initial costs""

Sayzor says, "The current system of lockpicks has three "Facets" to each pick."

Sayzor says, "The only one anyone ever talks about is Bonus."

Sayzor says, "The bonus of the two picks is equal."

Sayzor says, "In the other two facets, that pick far surpassed Alum."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor smiles.

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Sayzor says, "Which is why the offer to fix them for free was made. If you have one of these picks, talk to Joranis. He's in town about twice a month. He will take care of it for you. As for the 500 silver Alum Repair cost, that is a major bug...and one that is not easily fixed."

Songnoir says something in guild speak.

Wildfir just went out.

Having finished addressing the assembly Songnoir sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Seugor, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Seugor says, 'What is the order of untrainable stats and trainable skills that affect disarming and picking? I believe dex and perception should have a greater effect on traps than wisdom, since hands and perception senses are used to do the disarming? What is the system, and why so? '"

Seugor says, "I agree with Krogh that intuition/wisdom should have slightly less to do with outcomes than perception, dex and reflexes, but the equity issue to the high wisdom stat placers could be resolved in an either,and,or equation/algorythm. Perhaps? I bet you or Fawn can think of something if you play with the idea. And I like my heart to pound sometimes, too, just not all the time. I am not complaining. I like interesting changes and appreciate the effort it takes to finally implement them."

Sayzor says, "To remove Wisdom completely from the Disarm/Picking equation would mean that alot of people would be stuck with a useless stat in a place that serves no purpose at all any longer to them. This is something that cannot be compensated for with training in anything. It is a decision that you are stuck with, unless you reroll."

Sayzor says, "Alot of Rogue's have poor stats in Dex & Ref because of that. Granted, it was a training decision...but it would be a change that would do far more damage than it would good."

Seugor says, "Correct, which is why it could be an either or possibility"

Sayzor says, "That is not entirely impossible, but it would also be making a drastic change to the system and would require a rather in depth evalutation of the change. I'm open to an idea for it."

Seugor says, "Thanks for considering it and I can live with things the way they are."

Sayzor says, "Please, if you have ideas on how to accomplish it...bring them to the Boards or send them to me in Feedback."

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Seugor sits back down.

The opalescent aura fades from around Lowlight.

Sayzor says, "Vennomspitter says, 'host about talk'"

The dim aura fades from around Lowlight.

Sayzor says, "Ok, we'll pass on that one."

Dantrotic rubs Sayzor gently.

Sayzor nods to Sharlena, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Sharlena says, '' will phaze spell work the same as gaze?..'"

Sharlena says, "also,"

Sayzor says, "No, it will not. The Phase spells causes the material of the chest to shift allowing passage of objects through it. It does not give you the ability to spot traps."

Sayzor says, "If you went around feeling for a trap, you'd likely just set it off."

Sharlena says, "makes sense"

Sharlena says, " could Edwina possibly buy our old picks at a good price?..maybe 2/3 of what we paid? "

Sayzor nods to Sharlena.

Sharlena says, "we could then purchase the new lockpicks"

Sayzor says, "That's one of the ideas I'm tossing around. Having her take any pick brought to her and telling you that she has something better...and offering you a portion of the value of that pick as a trade in."

Sayzor says, "Which would mean that Alum Lockpicks that are broken now, would be basically worthless then...which isn't so bad."

Sayzor grins.

Sharlena asks, "any plans for Edwina opening up in Ice Mule?"

Sharlena asks, "or a sister maybe?"

Sayzor says, "Under the new system, yes. The same merchant the sells the picks will also do repairs on them."

Sayzor says, "It would take the same amount of time for me to finish the new lockpick system as it would for me to make an Ice Mule Edwina."

Sharlena says, "one more thing..any chance we could..pickpocket boxes somehow"

Sayzor grins.

Sharlena says, "something like grabbing a handful of coins"

Sayzor says, "I didn't do Edwina, and I'd start from the ground up to do her right."

Sharlena says, "we used to be able to scoop part of the coins of a box"

Sayzor says, "It's a possibility under the new PickPockets system when I start working on it."

Sayzor grins.

Sharlena says, "thats all..thanks for all your efforts"

Having finished addressing the assembly Sharlena sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Dantrotic, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Dantrotic says, 'Do any rogue guild skills involve interception someone's pockets. and posibly you could add EXP for when you do intercept someones silver? And how does one get into position to test new game mechanics? like the rogue's guild, or new lockpicks, new traps? '"

Dantrotic says, "heh, thats me"

Sayzor grins.

Dantrotic says, "on a side note I know it would be dangerous, but I would like to volinter to help you test out your pickpocket system"

Dantrotic says, "I know I would be risking my hands"

Dantrotic says, "but for the good of elanthia, I'll do it"

Sayzor says, "When I'm doing testing of new mechanics I usually pick out specific individuals to test them, based on their knowledge of existing mechanics."

Dantrotic says, "alri I always wondered that"

Dantrotic says, "about experince for stealing"

Sayzor says, "Even though you may think that I don't "Know" someone, I spend a good deal of time monitoring the Lockpicking and Disarming systems."

Dantrotic says, "er borrowing"

Dantrotic says, "<cough cough>"

Sayzor says, "People that catch my eye, I start watching...and then I'll eventually start talking to about testing."

Sayzor grins.

Dantrotic asks, "is that a posibility in the new pickpocket system?"

Sassee rubs Gespry gently.

Dantrotic says, "because if I got half a point of experince for every coin I took"

Gespry rubs Sassee gently.

Sayzor says, "I'll never put in Experience for stealing. For one, it would never fly with the boss."

Dantrotic says, "oh pooh"

Sayzor says, "As for the system itself, I'll start talking about changes for that in another Forum and on the Boards sometime down the road. Likely this summer."

Dantrotic says, "boards <sigh>"

Sayzor says, "Any of you that come to SimuCon, that's likely when the proposal will start getting talked about...so you can corner me then, if you buy me a beer."

Dantrotic says, "also..."

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor says, "As far as the Boards go..."

Sayzor says, "Believe me, I understand frustration with them. Notice my lack of attendence there of late."

Sayzor grumbles.

Dantrotic says, "is there a prize for anyone that actualy stays here for the entire forum? I mean its like 3 in the morning"

Sayzor says, "There is a solution for all of us near at hand."

Sayzor smiles.

Sayzor chuckles.

Dantrotic says, "God isn't even up at this hour"

Sayzor says, "I hope there is. I'm first in line for it."

Sayzor grins.

Dantrotic says, "alright"

Sayzor says, "I'll basically keep answering questions until I can't type anymore."

Sayzor chuckles.

Dantrotic says, "just remember my name when you need people to risk there hands to better elanthia"

Sayzor nods to Dantrotic.

Sayzor says, "I'll do that."

Dantrotic says, "alright thats all"

Dantrotic says, "thanks"

Having finished addressing the assembly Dantrotic sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Nitefallz says, 'Would any of the new traps that are coming out require multiple disarms, as in more than one step required to disarm them. Like the incinerator traps, step one would be to scrape the lining away, step two, empty the bladder, and so forth? Which could also include different difficulties for the various parts of the trap, which obviously could mean someone would be able to disarm part of the trap, but not be able to get the other part, requiring someone else to finish the job...'"

Nitefallz says, "doh"

Sayzor says, "None of them will require anything further than the basic Disarm that is in place now. However, additional steps may help."

Sayzor grins.

Nitefallz says, "After I thought about it, I was thinking more along the lines the scarabs we have now"

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz.

Nitefallz says, "in the way that some rogues can disarm the box only, but not the scarab, requiring someone else.."

Sayzor says, "That's the first thing that came to mind when I read your question."

Sayzor asks, "Rogue's can't disarm the scarab itself?"

Nitefallz says, "Its more realistic in the sense that a decent trap will take more then one step.."

Nitefallz says, "some rogues can't"

Nitefallz says, "not till later on in trainings"

Sayzor grins.

Nitefallz says, "ok, another thing, about the lockpicks.."

Sayzor says, "Multiple steps will not be required, for those that like things simplistic. However, they will most definetly be a possibility."

Sayzor grins.

Nitefallz asks, "If the old ones aren't going to be changed, then someone could stockpile a bunch of alum lockpicks today, and keep them for the future when the new ones get changed?"

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz.

Sayzor says, "Yep."

Nitefallz says, "Alrighty then, all I can think of right now, thanks"

Nitefallz says, "er wait"

Sayzor smiles.

Lord Aurien just arrived.

Sayzor nods.

Nitefallz says, "about those titanium lockpicks.."

Meeree just went out.

Sayzor says, "Aurien's here. The Forum is over."

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz.

Nitefallz says, "heh.."

Abbolt just went out.

Nitefallz says, "Actually, I dunno what I was gunna ask about them"

Sayzor grins.

Nitefallz says, "someone just mentioned them earlier.."

Synnera just went out.

Nitefallz says, "alrighty then, thankya"

Sayzor says, "Titanium is not a metal on the proposed list."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz.

Having finished addressing the assembly Nitefallz sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Blizzrd, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Blizzrd says, 'Why wouldn't everyone just trade in their alums for vaalins? Am I missing something besides cost? Also, why would I want to lock anything? Are gremlins poised to take over Elanthia?'"

Blizzrd says, "Have more questions after those"

Sayzor says, "An old Alum wouldn't be equivilent to a Vaalin. It would be changed over to a New Alum."

Sayzor says, "As far as the uses for locks...there will be some."

Sayzor grins.

Blizzrd asks, "Right. Earlier you said that everyone uses alums now, so wouldn't your changes just have everyone using vaalin?"

Gespry rubs Sassee gently.

Sayzor says, "Perhaps. Depends on how hard they are to come by."

Blizzrd says, "All right, here comes my frustrated rogue question"

Sayzor grins.

Blizzrd asks, "Why is there this push to make spells nessessary in professional picking? Kuromako shrugged off the idea that spells could replace training, but from what I have observed with the current system, a little self-cast locklore makes up for quite a bit of training. Is this going to change? Is it all my imagination?"

Sayzor says, "Lockpicking Enhancement is based on your skill."

Sayzor says, "If you don't have the skill, then you don't get much in the way of bonus from it."

Blizzrd says, "I have this doomsday image of a spidery sorcerer with all the spells being able to pick a box better than a magicless rogue"

Sayzor says, "A Waggler will never be able to pick better than a person that dedicates their life to Lockpicking."

Blizzrd says, "But what I am really talking about are rogues who train in spells vs. those that don't"

Sayzor says, "Under the old system, that was not true."

Blizzrd says, "You've implemented something that hinders rogues without spells, and gives a massive boost to those who do"

Sayzor says, "A boost that they pay 320 Development Points to get."

Blizzrd says, "It makes us worse pickers than we were, and them better"

Sayzor nods to Blizzrd.

Sayzor says, "You're right. It does."

Blizzrd says, "I guess I feel that magic shouldn't make that much of a difference"

Sayzor says, "They paid 320 DP's and didn't train in other skills that they could have in order to get it."

Blizzrd says, "I see my peers with less lockpick training than myself getting a lot tougher boxes because of a spell"

Sayzor says, "At higher levels, they can afford to get it as others skills taper off."

Blizzrd says, "And now you are adding more spells to the equation"

Blizzrd asks, "Will there be non-magic based spells that can help picking, ever?"

Blizzrd says, "Not spells, I mean skills"

Sayzor says, "It is possible."

Sayzor says, "However, keep in mind that they will have access to those as well."

Blizzrd says, "I know. I'm jealous"

Sayzor says, "In order to be the best at something, you take every possible advantage."

Sayzor says, "In order to be great, you don't have to have every advantage."

Blizzrd says, "I trained in what I thought were skills that would make me the best rogue I can be, only to find that I am substandard"

Delileah rubs Blizzrd gently.

Sayzor says, "That depends on your outlook on life. I never see myself as substandard, but more of an individual that chose my own path. Nobody is perfect, and nobody has to be perfect."

Sayzor says, "Looking at your training, I see nothing wrong with it in the least."

Sayzor says, "You are not the best picker around, but you are a damn good one."

Blizzrd says, "But suddenly rogues with lock lore are a damn bit better"

Sayzor nods to Blizzrd.

Sayzor says, "And they paid for that ability."

Sayzor smiles at Blizzrd.

Sayzor says, "In the past, they didn't have to pay for it."

Blizzrd asks, "All right, my next question. What problems do you perceive with the current pickpocketing system?"

Blizzrd says, "If you looked at my training you can see I'm pretty good at that too."

Blizzrd says, "And I don't see any problems with it"

Sayzor says, "That's the topic of another discussion. I see several problems with the current ones, but I would not want to discuss them here as I have not researched them fully. One of the main problems I see with it is that it is far too easy to pick the pockets of someone who is fully trained in the skill when you have hardly any training yourself at all."

Blizzrd asks, "Lastly, will transcripts of all these forums be made available somewhere?"

Sayzor says, "A 2nd level halfling that is double trained in Pick Pockets can steal from a 50th level Rogue who has double trained his entire life without being noticed. I see that as a flaw."

Sayzor says, "The transcript of this Forum will be made available. I am not part of the others, so I am not sure how the other Guru's are handling it."

Sayzor smiles.

Blizzrd says, "Ok. Thank you for listening to me rant and rave"

Sayzor nods to Blizzrd.

Having finished addressing the assembly Blizzrd sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Delileah, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Delileah says, 'changing to add dexterity wouldn't be so bad for most I think.. most of us trained a high dex and even if not.. it is one of the fastest rising stats'"

Sayzor nods to Delileah.

Delileah says, "The one thing that really bothers me most has been that so many people tell me, "I wouldn't need you at all if it weren't for this glyph, or mithril or whatever. " I am a locksmith.. but also a very good fighter, I never planned on getting magic but it seems I will have to, to be the best picker I can be, I like my redux and I hate to see every profession get a guild skill that allows them to open boxes. Shouldn't boxes be just as much "rogue" territory as enchanting is to wizards? Everyone seems to need us less to open them and we need everyone else more to do what we do naturally."

Delileah says, "I'm sorry for the bombardment"

Sayzor says, "From my own observations, I see a good majority of the picking being done by Rogues these days."

Delileah says, "I still hear that though"

Sayzor says, "You can't fault someone else for misconceptions."

Sayzor smiles.

Delileah says, "I understand that to get lore.. I pay for it"

Delileah says, "I'm willing to do so"

Delileah says, "it just seems that everyone is too capable of doing so themselves"

Kadlena just went out.

Sayzor says, "Lockpicking and Disarming are both skills that anyone can train in."

Sayzor says, "To me, it is unheard of that a Rogue can channel."

Sayzor says, "Yet I see them doing it every day."

Delileah says, "yet it is not as expensive as magic is to a rogue"

Sayzor says, "For one rank, maybe not."

Sayzor says, "To get good at it, it is far more expensive."

Delileah says, "and magic loses our redux.."

Sayzor says, "4 spells hardly impacts DFRedux by the time you qualify for it."

Delileah says, "I don't think rogues should even have magic come into play... well that may be true.. but I'm forced to do magic.. and the mages whine cause they are forced to learn disarm"

Sayzor nods to Delileah.

Sayzor says, "Each profession finds a thorn that they feel is thrust into their side."

Delileah says, "yeah.. but something is done when the mages complain"

Sayzor says, "I've done referrals and listened to a Sorcerer tell me about how useless he is, and then gone to the next and listened to a Mage tell me how a Sorcerer was far too powerful."

Sayzor says, "You couldn't tell that from talking to them."

Delileah says, "so ya make the rogues sweat disarming.. but the mages whine about an instant box opener with no skills"

Sayzor says, "That box was concieved back when the traps were first implemented."

Sayzor says, "It just took me awhile to get it into place."

Delileah says, "the sorcerers brag among themselves in the boards that they are the most powerful and always will be"

Sayzor asks, "Yet they tell us how useless they are. What is to prevent a Rogue from claiming the same?"

Delileah says, "I didn't claim to be useless"

Sayzor says, "I meant to claim they are the most powerful."

Sayzor smiles at Delileah.

Delileah says, "I just don't like being forced to train something that has nothing to do with my profession"

Sayzor says, "We do everything that we can to balance the classes. There are faults with each, but each also has strong points."

Sayzor says, "I have never forced anyone to do anything."

Sayzor smiles at Delileah.

Delileah says, "ok... one last thing"

Sayzor says, "You make that choice yourself."

Delileah asks, "Oh.. and I don't spose ya saw my post about bein able to buy a list? disposable or reusable.. it sure would help some of us alot.. Oh.. and does the modifier on lockpicks go down when repaired now?"

Sayzor says, "Yes, lockpicks degrade currently."

Sayzor asks, "Buy a list?"

Delileah says, "my idea was to be able to buy a list.. I imagine it would be expensive.. but worth it"

Delileah says, "to let people join the list.. "

Sayzor asks, "You mean a spell list?"

Sayzor says, "Ahhh...I see."

Delileah says, "and not whisper to me while I'm trying to pick"

Sayzor says, "No, that would not be possible."

Sayzor smiles.

Sayzor asks, "Is there anything else?"

Delileah says, "I ilike the with wisdom/dex whichever is higher idea... although I placed higher stats in reflex and dex than I did wisdom... I pick ok.. but I just hate having to train spells.."

Sayzor nods to Delileah.

Delileah says, "reflex and dex rise quickly with a rogue"

Delileah says, "I think it could be done."

Sayzor says, "We will look into those possibilites."

Sayzor smiles.

Having finished addressing the assembly Delileah sits back down.

Sayzor nods to Mustafo, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Mustafo says, 'question'"

Sayzor says, "The answer is no."

Mustafo says, "heh"

Mustafo says, "ok 2 things"

Sayzor says, "You were no good at entertaining them. You cannot be a Guildmaster."

Mustafo says, "less i misunderstood, and i know thats not possible"

Mustafo says, "bah"

Lady Lyllana just arrived.

Mustafo says, "hearing of the guild skill with the key where we could tell the exact hardness of a lock and make a key for it..."

Mustafo says, "thats not right"

Mustafo says, "we spend years learning the ranges of each critters locks, no need to know how hard its gona be befor we pick it"

Mustafo says, "and being able to do that, just bypasses years of research, so to speak"

Sayzor says, "In a sense."

Sayzor says, "That will all be part of your research on learning how to make the lock."

Mustafo says, "ok. second..."

Mustafo says, "ya left off the Mustafo Special on that new lockpick list."

Mustafo says, "thats it"

Sayzor says, "Oh, sorry. One moment."

Sayzor says, "it comes right before Brass and is Worthless in all catagories."

Mustafo exclaims, "thanks!"

Sayzor nods to Mustafo.

Having finished addressing the assembly Mustafo sits back down.

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor nods to Lowlight, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Lowlight says, 'sayz Will a log of this forum be available anywhere?'"

Sayzor says, "Yes, a log will be made available. I'll announce where when I figure that out."

Sayzor smiles.

Lowlight asks, "I am sorry if I am covering old ground here. I arrived late. But I wondered about the RT on traps. Will we be able to get those down with practice?"

Sayzor says, "Yes, there will be ways to reduce the RT for both picking and disarming coming up."

Sayzor smiles.

Lowlight says, "And another."

Sayzor closes the question box.

Lowlight asks, "Did I understand it to be that popping will not be the powerhouse over picking that it is now in the new system?"

Sayzor says, "I don't think that Unlock currently outdoes picking."

Lowlight says, "I regularly see poppers getting locks that pickers with very good skills can't even think about."

Sayzor says, "That is possible. Magic isn't very reliable, though."

Lowlight says, "It has been my experience that the poppers have the easy life if they can get passed the traps."

Sayzor says, "There is no way that they can match the skill of a professional with magic, though. On the smaller boxes from kobolds, maybe."

Lowlight says, "Ok"

Lowlight says, "I'll take yer word for it."

Lowlight says, "Not that way in the life I lead though"

Lowlight says, "Must be another part of the lands"

Sayzor says, "I'm going to slowly start taking off the silence from the room. If it starts to get too bad, I'll put it back up. As I read your question, I'll not silence you again."

Sayzor grins.

Lowlight says, "Thanks"

Sayzor says, "From all the tracking I do for Picking and Disarming..."

Sayzor says, "I see an overwhelming amount of Manually skill over Magical skill....which is exactly opposite of the way it use to be."

Sayzor says, "I don't want to remove magical skill, but I want Manual skill to be the best there is."

Sayzor says, "That is what I am seeing."

Sayzor says, "Magic is random, and as such the Mage is just as likely to spend 7 mana on the box as he is 70 mana on it."

Sayzor nods to Tamorson, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Tamorson says, 'any plans to change the lock on the GY gate to one that is pickable, and I would be willing to sell back all my picks for what i payed for them or close to it and buy new ones'"

Sayzor grins.

Tamorson says, "Sharlena mentioned the sell-back"

Sayzor says, "I'll need to do more research on the selling back of picks, but I kind of like the idea."

Sayzor says, "I have no plans to change the gate on the graveyard. Personally, after all these years, I find it hard to believe it's still on there."

Sayzor grins.

ask any chance of you disclosing the exact formulas for picking and disarming? or are they as simple as is stated in the guides?The question box is closed at the moment.

Tamorson asks, "also, will lockers be part of the giuld?"

Sayzor says, "Very unlikely."

Tamorson says, "i'm done"

Sayzor nods to Matubaa, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Matubaa says, 'Might the new lock picks be enchantable? They g'na break eventually, so it wouldn't be to powerful. Edgeing could be like crittin', that is, it makes them unable to be further enchanted... Also, I've, in real life, tried lockpicking. useing a steel lockpick, after 5 hours of toil, i gave up, and attempted to break my lockpick, it took a good 5 minutes of bending it back and forth to actually cause it to snap. (to be continued)'"

Matubaa says, "(continued) Now, you take a metal, like, vaalin, which is very very strong. Maybe lockpicks bend slightly, bend severly, snap. Snapping being it, becouse I dun think a lockpick could really be put back togeather after it broke in two. Also, if a pick breaks in a lock, could we require the use of a pick extractor to get it out, this is an actual tool I'd like seen added."

Sayzor says, "You don't actually have to break a lockpick in two to make it useless."

Matubaa says, "Hmmm... i was always able to bend them back"

Sayzor says, "It is very difficult to break something in half, but not too hard to break off a very important part that now makes it worthless."

Matubaa says, "Ahhhh"

Matubaa says, "i also never got my lockpick stuck, and I hadn't a clue what I was doing until a few days later I got a book on the subject"

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "Which gave me an interesting idea for a trap I'll give ya to <g>"

Sayzor says, "I've dabled a little with lockpicking myself. In alot of ways, the system we are working with doesn't resemble the real world system at all."

Sayzor says, "However, we have to do some kind of mechanics for it."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor nods to Rephan, who stands up to address the assembly.

Matubaa says, "Well, i notice the description of the fused lock trap, causeing the tumblers t' be melted t'geather"

Sayzor nods to Matubaa.

Matubaa asks, "Am i still talkin'? or is Rephan?"

Sayzor says, "Rephan says, 'I seem to remember somewhere either on the boards or someone saying it that a possible trap is one that will make a critter of a level related to the level critter that would have that box come out of it, if set off....is this true?" Also, you mentioned you will be working on hiding, can ya touch briefly atleast on whats wrong with it?'"

Sayzor says, "Yer still talkin."

Sayzor says, "I can multi-task."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "Okies <g>. ya missed the part about ETin' lockpicks"

Sayzor says, "No I didnt."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "oh..."

Sayzor says, "I didnt answer though."

Sayzor chuckles.

The dim aura fades from around Granita.

Matubaa says, "Also wanted to add, skelton keys range over a varity of sizes, but the more ya make 'em a multi-lock key, the weaker they become, and more likely to snap"

Sayzor says, "As far as that trap is concerned, I'm not working on anything like that nor would I. It wouldn't be something that I would see as a feasible trap."

Sayzor nods to Matubaa.

Sayzor says, "As far as hiding goes..."

Sayzor says, "I see a problem with a person being able to hide in a suit of full plate mail and ambush effectively."

Sayzor says, "Or do much of anything, for that matter."

Sharkis just went out.

Sayzor says, "As a system, there is very little wrong with it."

Rephan says, "ahh"

Sayzor says, "But there are some things with it that need to be looked at, like the penalties for hiding in heavier armors."

Rephan says, "my concern as you might can tell from my training is that is an area i'm still kinda weak in and tryin to recoupe in"

Sayzor says, "I don't want to make it so that you have to remove your armor to pick a lock...or even your gauntlets. This is a game, after all...not something that needs to be tedious."

Sayzor says, "I don't want to see something as overbalancing as Full Plate and Ambush, though."

Sayzor nods to Rephan.

Sayzor says, "I have no plans to revamp Hiding, just go in and tweak things that I don't think are working properly."

Rephan says, "makes sense"

Sayzor says, "I'm going to let some people that have asked questions already stand up. Please keep the movement down so the screen isnt scrolling off into the distance."

Sayzor grins.

Sayzor says, "Eventually, we'll all be talking and the screen will be under control."

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor nods to Aurec, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor nods to Stremm, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor nods to Delileah, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor nods to Mustafo, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor nods to Rayzor, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor nods to Ishiyama, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Ylaenna says, 'sayzor Would it be possible to add a lockpick changing portal like the one that changes old world metals the new world metals? That way someone's favorite vaalin or golvern lockpick now would still be useful after your system goes in.'"

Sayzor says, "Gone over that mostly."

Sayzor nods to Blades, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor says, "Blades says, 'poisons, can we get a hint if they will be a guild skill? Also, will there be a variety of different poisons if it is a decided skill?'"

Blades says, "oh boy i get beat now"

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor says, "I can't talk about Guild Skills beyond what has been discussed already. Poisons were not part of that."

Blades says, "i got some more wonderful off topic questions for ya"

Sayzor says, "What I WILL say on the subject of Poisons..."

Sayzor says, "I am working on a system for Poisons as they pertain to traps. This will be the new version of the Poison Needle."

Sayzor says, "This will also be the groundwork for a Poison system."

Blades says, "good, make a Mustafo sleep poison, so he nevers wakes up"

Sayzor smirks.

Matubaa says, "i believe the poison needle is a DR trap, no? I dun remember one here."

Mustafo asks, "then who gona open your boxes for you?"

Sayzor says, "It's the cheapest trap there is. The oldest, as well as the original."

Matubaa asks, "Oh, the darts?"

Blades says, "i got another question for ya Sayzor its almost related to picking"

Matubaa says, "I remember those"

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor asks, "Would you have me go and reveal a well kept secret such as that?"

Blades says, "hmm"

Rephan asks, "yeah, you dont do it Blades?"

Blades says, "yes"

Delileah says, "it means yes.. it does"

Delileah says, "well.. it can't hurt"

Blades asks, "can i ask you a nice ambushing question as well?"

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Blades says, "actually an ambushing statement"

Blades says, "Rank based rank based rank based, thank you"

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz, who stands up to address the assembly.

Sayzor chuckles.

Rayzor asks, "On hiding in heavy armors...I'm all for reality, but if we have a tougher time it it...won't rangers casting guidance and that instant hide spell of thiers in heavy armor once more become the better at something we are best at?"

Sayzor says, "Hiding System Hiding System Hiding System...changes."

Blades says, "if i see a cleric leap out of hiding and cut anything offa somethin i'm gunna help the critter"

Sayzor says, "Depends on if they can actually cast a spell in it."

Sayzor smiles at Rayzor.

Sayzor says, "Typhur says, 'sayzor Would it be possible to add a lockpick changing portal like the one that changes old world metals the new world metals? That way someone's favorite vaalin or golvern lockpick now would still be useful after your system goes in.'"

Matubaa asks, "Will the difficult be in hideing, or hideing without being seen?"

Sayzor says, "Popular question."

Sayzor says, "Depends on what happens when I get to the Hiding system."

Ishiyama says, "I'd just like to mention that Barachado has made transcripts of all the forums so far available on his website for all those asking about it at "http://members.aol.com/barachado/index.html" and you'll probably find this one there later"

Sayzor says, "Ishiyama says, 'will there be any adjustments to the "fumble" system where no matter what the lock or your skill, the pick just breaks? (with no rt)'"

Sayzor says, "I will never have a lockpick flat out break. It may break beyond repair, but never on the first break."

Matubaa says, "Cause I can jump behind my couch with full plate on (well, if I'm strong enough to move in it), but without gettin' noticed, tha's another story"

Rayzor says, "well, I'd hate to see a spell outweigh all our hiding skill...in heavy armor or not."

Blades says, "you ever heard plate? that stuff makes more noise then a stuck rolton"

Ishiyama says, "yeah I keep breaking my fresh alums on a box, then pull out another one and it's like, wait, I could have gotten this"

Matubaa says, "Tha's me point <smile blades>"

Sayzor nods to Ishiyama.

Aurec says, "Perhaps for the older lockpicks, they can be phased out by not allowing them to be repaired if the original value is below a certain price (15-20k, maybe). Once they break, that's it."

Ishiyama says, "and I get no rt from it, so i'm taking it as a fumble"

Sayzor says, "The new system will be more realistic when it comes to breakage."

Sayzor nods to Aurec.

Sayzor says, "That's the current option I was going with coming into this."

Sayzor says, "Tarans says, 'why is it That some of the lands most notorious Teefs are appointed as Deputys i Say you look into this at once i think either the Constable ismaking his Decisions while at helgas or hes at some sort of Scheme and it needs to be put to a stop!'"

Delileah asks, "but the modifier will always go down after a repair.. right?"

Blades says, "hmm"

Sayzor smirks.

Sayzor says, "I had to have that one asked."

Sayzor grins.

Matubaa says, "it's that new 'bribe' guild skill"

Sayzor nods to Arkenhold, who stands up to address the assembly.

Matubaa says, "they been testin' it"

Sayzor says, "Arkenhold says, 'You've probably already gone over this but i missed the majority of this assembly, Will there actually be a Rogue's guild i have heard so many rumors about?'"

Sayzor says, "Yes, there will be a Guild."

Sayzor grins.

Arkenhold asks, "Ye know when?"

Sayzor says, "As soon as we are finished with it."

Sayzor grins.

Delileah says, "he's just upset that he cant trashmouth people with no reaction at all.. they aren't royal guards.. they are deputies"

Blades says, "everyone knows rogues make the best police"

Sayzor says, "Aurien says, 'question'"

Sayzor says, "Phobo says, 'any chance of you disclosing the exact formulas for picking and disarming? or are they as simple as is stated in the guides?'"

Sayzor opens the floor back up for general discussion.

You grin.

Blades coughs.

Grandolff asks, "Sayzor are you going to fix it so we can actualy realy learn something from picking, I don't know about you guys but my brother barley learns anything?"

Blades says, "i can move"

Ishiyama stretches.

Princss stretches.

Sayzor says, "Okay, keep the movement down."

Lyllana just nudged Blades.

Arkenhold says, "Ive got one thing more to say, about the hiding in armor thing...There should be alot more difficulties than hiding for wearing full plate mail, standing up without help would most likely be a problem"

Sayzor says, "I'll not disclose exact formulas."

Princss asks, "any chance that 104 and 105 will help ward against scarabs, or at least reduce the severity of 'em?"

Nitefallz shifts his weight.

Quinnce asks, "I know you said you're working on guild mechanics, but is there going to be a place at the guild for public picking by rogues? and if so, do you see the East Tower as drying up, so to speak?"

Bruxelles raises his hand.

Kaydenjadir says, "walking in full plate should be a problem"

Blades says, "everything should be a problem in full plate"

Bruxelles asks, "i have a question and a suggestion?"

Bruxelles smiles.

Rayzor says, "well, some of the plates out there are lighter than chainmail. Louder for sure though."

Nitefallz asks, "what about when nature calls?"

Blades asks, "ever see them rust stained armors?"

Blades peers quizzically at Nitefallz.

Kaydenjadir says, "trap door in plate"

Sayzor says, "Lockpicking Experience isn't something I see a problem with anymore. I see Rogue's getting fried on a regular basis these days."

Nitefallz snickers.

Kahtya asks, "aye, I've a question with experiance with the new system...I didn't learn much before, but now if I pick non stop, I don't even see my mind move..is dat typical or?"

Kahtya peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Kahtya asks, "really?"

Ishiyama nods to Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "Really."

(Kahtya wonders what went wrong with her)

Ishiyama says, "I get fried from picking, takes a bit and a nice steady stream of boxes but it happens"

Kahtya chuckles.

Grandolff says, "My brother can't learn anything from picking"

Arkenhold says, "I dont think my mind ever gets beyond fresh an clear when im picking"

Kahtya nods to Arkenhold.

Sayzor says, "Picking gives five times the amount of experience that it use to."

Grandolff says, "He is only 5 and picks Dark Orc, manticore and Hill troll boxs"

Kahtya says, "mine either...did 50 straight once...nothin"

Nitefallz asks, "without lore?"

Princss stands up.

Blades says, "oh and on the fact that spell slinger rogues are better pickers, i can almost laugh at that"

Matubaa says, "Say... Sayzor, if alum's was the best picks, what was them grandmaster's f'r, i thought they was 2.6 an' 2.7s"

Sayzor says, "He's still young."

Sayzor grins.

Grandolff says, "he can't get pasted fresh and clear tho"

Sayzor says, "Nope, no pick had a better bonus than an Alum."

Sayzor says, "Okay, settle down for a moment."

Brinnea's jaw drops.

Delileah says, "well? when I was five.. I was picking frosties wraiths and stone giants occasionally"

Sayzor asks, "Would you all like a recap of the information I gave out at the beginning of the Forum?"

Bruxelles nods.

Kaydenjadir says, "yep"

Bruxelles says, "please"

Arkenhold says, "Please"

Setzier says, "Woo recaption."

Erskian nods to Sayzor.

Grandolff says, "he can get the locks no problems he just can't always find the traps then"

Kahtya says, "decapitation"

Kahtya giggles.

Blades says, "sounds better then a decap"

Blades says, "don't do that"

Setzier says, "Heh."

Blades pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "Okay, I'm gonna have everone quiet while I do that."

Kahtya just tickled Blades.

Sayzor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.

Sayzor says, "Okay, I'm not going to make my comments as I did before...but here's the information."

(The goals for traps and locks, the new trap descriptions for glyph, dark crystal, and firestorm traps, and the spell and lockpick tables were repeated here)

Sayzor says, "I am still working on Disarm Tools, however at this time they are not one of the the systems that I am concentrating on. I still intend to go forth with a proposal for this idea, but I will not be discussing them in any great detail at this Forum unless someone has specific questions about them. Even then, I can only give you an idea of the system I am currently working with. That does not mean that anything i have to say about them will even be in the final proposal for the system.

Sayzor opens the floor back up for general discussion.

Blades coughs.

Setzier says, "Ep. I knew speed reading courses would help someday"

Setzier coughs.

Blades says, "i'm choking"

Delileah says, "I still don't agree that other professions are getting all these bonuses.. and you said that cursed boxes may be coming out that need to go to a cleric"

Mordlin says, "would a sorcerer who doubled in pickin and disarm for only 30 trainings be able to learn in his 90's from pickin? "

Maneaak nods to Setzier.

Rayzor says, "any chance something little can be changed with the scarabs? (not sure coding wise) A time delay of say 1 minute where no one but the disarmer can mess with or cast at them? I get annoyed at seeing so many people disarm and pick them up while I'm still in round time for the disarm. I consider half the scarabs mine and the other half theirs, but the way it is, I'm only lucky to get the scarabs that folks don't disarm before I do. Though they always tend to loose twice as many gems doing that to me. It's a pain to intentionally set them off so no one gets them."

Matubaa says, "At most, a sorcerer can single picking and disarm"

Sayzor says, "I had figured you would capture it and read it in scrollback."

Aurec says, "Sorcerer can't double."

Sayzor grins.

Mordlin says, "thats is nay true matubaa"

Setzier says, "You actually think I read that all? Course I captured it."

Blades asks, "i have a suggestion for ya, Sayzor, can i be the riftshark?"

Blades snickers.

Sayzor nods to Rayzor.

Sayzor says, "I'm working on that."

Matubaa says, "My trainer will only let me train once per level, lemme talk to yours, I'd love to double disarm"

Rayzor beams!

Leanness leans on Rayzor.

Sayzor says, "Okay, I'm going to leave you all for a few moments while I go get the tents that are scattered about...then I'll come back for a short Q&A with all of you."

Brinnea says, "erm..my sister's trainer lets her triple train in disarm and pickin"

Sayzor is englufed by shadows and is gone. You hear a faint snicker which fades slowly away.

Blades pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Delileah just gave Mordlin a smooch.

Blades says, "hmm"

Delileah bites Blades!

Blades says, "he needs to teach me that trick"

Kittoa leans on Kahtya.

Kaydenjadir asks, "Is it just me are rogues just way too cool?... or am I the only cool one?"

Kaydenjadir ducks his head.

Matubaa says, "brinn, y'r sister is a rogue"

Leanness nods to Rayzor.

Nitefallz chuckles.

Rayzor asks, "stealing tents?"

Kahtya just gave Kittoa a smooch.

Kahtya giggles.

Blades pokes Delileah in the ribs.

Delileah says, "I'm NOT a happy camper"

Kittoa gibbers incoherently.

Matubaa says, "Dun laugh, my brother once stole a horse drawn wagojn"

Kahtya rubs Delileah gently.

Blades says, "get away from me wit yer disease i dunno where you've been"

Brinnea says, "she's a dumb rogue too...she sleeps to much"

Blades mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Rayzor exclaims, "maybe it a guild skill...one day tents...the next a bakery...one day a bank!"

Delileah pokes Blades in the ribs.

Kahtya laughs!

Delileah says, "you do too"

Kahtya says, "start with the bank"

Kaydenjadir laughs!

Kahtya coughs.

Setzier asks, "Will presence and piercing gaze set of traps?"

Blades peers quizzically at Delileah.

Kittoa pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Brinnea leans on Setzier.

Bruxelles says, "hmmm"

Blades says, "hmm"

Matubaa says, "Setzier, ya dun cast presense at a trap"

Matubaa says, "or box"

Kahtya just tickled Kittoa.

Rephan asks, "so basically if I cant pick, I come back from a trip and one box might need a mage to pop, another needs a cleric to uncurse, and another i can pick myself?"

Kahtya says, "oh me too, hmmmmm"

Matubaa says, "peirce gaze I hear has a small chance"

Aurec says, "He said there was a slight possibility, Setzier."

Aurec nods to Matubaa.

Princss just hugged Aurec.

Blades says, "lockpicks are evil, just leave it at that"

Blades nods.

Princss just kissed Aurec on the cheek.

Matubaa says, "I suggest checkin' it with eyes, then a peirce gaze"

Aurec just hugged Princss.

Setzier says, "So presence will be just another bonus to your disarming skill."

Nitefallz nods to Blades.

Matubaa says, "No, findin' the trap"

Ishiyama nods to Setzier.

Rayzor says, "only to see the trap."

Nitefallz says, "just to see if there's a trap"

Blades leans on Lyllana.

Grandolff asks, "Question when will the spell changes take affect?"

Lyllana narrows her eyes.

Lyllana leans on Blades.

Ishiyama says, "all the spells seem to just be to help your skill, only penalty is the amunet i think"

Leanness takes a bite of her toasted oatcake.

Setzier glances at Brinnea.

Rayzor searches around for a moment.

Kahtya asks, "anyone else beginnin to think they should make friends with a nice rogue to disarm and become a sorc to pick boxes?"

Lyllana asks, "I still have my gems. What kind of thieves are you?"

Lyllana scowls.

Brinnea nods to Setzier.

Kaydenjadir asks, "will there be a log of this somewhere?"

Blades says, "hmm rangers become better disarmers, imagine that"

Kahtya nods to Blades.

Kahtya mutters selfcontrol.

Aurec says, "Maybe April, Grandolff. He wasn't very specific apart from 'soon'."

Nitefallz glances at Kittoa.

Grandolff says, "Yah rangers Have mass calm they would be good in the east tower"

Grandolff smiles.

Rayzor mutters theft-proof-roo.

Nitefallz says, "if I see you disarmin a box"

Kittoa stares at Nitefallz.

Bruxelles says, "i have a wee suggestion"

Ishiyama glances at Brinnea and begins to wail!

Grandolff says, "Thanks aurec"

Brinnea cowers away from Ishiyama!

Leanness takes a drink from her frothy dark ale.

Ishiyama just tried to pull Brinnea towards him!

Brinnea giggles.

Kaydenjadir asks, "I managed to swipe some unmentionable articles of clothing off someone once... wait... did I say that out loud?"

Grandolff asks, "well disarm enhance and lock lore, are only supposed to help you, but then how come you learn less?"

Kahtya laughs!

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Grandolff asks, "Are these other spell changes going to do the same thing?"

Aurec says, "I still want to know when Piercing Gaze will work on clothing..."

Lyllana says, "Less of your own skill, less need to improve."

Lyllana shrugs.

Ishiyama shrugs.

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Aurec.

Bruxelles begins chuckling at Aurec.

Maneaak rummages around in his pockets.

Ishiyama says, "they might, ask him when he comes back"

Rephan asks, "Sayzor,so basically if I cant pick, I come back from a trip and one box might need a mage to pop, another needs a cleric to uncurse, and another i get a rogue to pick?"

Aurec just touched a slightly tarnished brass halo.

Grandolff says, "Oh he left"

Grandolff smiles.

Kaydenjadir says, "No thats gonna be a new guild skill.. peepig gaze.."

Blades says, "i can't steal here, how horrible"

Nitefallz pokes Rephan in the ribs.

Nitefallz says, "he's not here"

Lyllana rubs Blades gently.

Brinnea says, "sheesh..I wish I could see who was in here"

Matubaa says, "Once disarmin' kits out, rogues will be able to open ALL boxs"

Ishiyama says, "I think the idea was that when you cast the lore spells, you're using less skill and relying on the magic, so you don't learn as much from it"

Blades asks, "whas disarmin got to do with locks?"

Blades peers quizzically at Matubaa.

Arkenhold says, "I hope so"

Lyllana smirks.

Nitefallz asks, "why waste time puttin acid on a lockless box?"

Grandolff says, "right ish"

Matubaa says, "lockless boxs"

Blades says, "i have a harder time pickin locks then i do pickin scabs"

Blades mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Brinnea leans on Setzier.

Matubaa says, "There's somethin' coverin' the lock"

Grandolff says, "But he was saying calm and all that will do basicly the same thing"

Maneaak says, "you said ALL boxes"

Matubaa says, "yes"

(Setzier leaps on the stage and quietly preforms a jig.)

Kahtya says, "e'en when i pick without lore I don learn...I think der's somethin wrong with my head..but I knew that"

Kahtya sighs.

Nitefallz says, "just pop it"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Brinnea applauds.

Kahtya pokes Nitefallz in the ribs.

Matubaa says, "Not all rogues got spells"

Brinnea exclaims, "very nice Setz!"

Rephan nods to Cavemann.

Nitefallz just tried to pull Cavemann towards him!

Matubaa says, "Espetially 407"

Blades says, "spells are your friend"

Maneaak beams happily at Cavemann!

Blades stares off into space.

Setzier nods to Blades.

Setzier nods to Blades.

Nitefallz nods.

Kahtya begins chuckling at Blades.

Ishiyama says, "yeah so if he thinks about it, he'll probably put modifiers on the new spells that affect picking, so shhh.."

Ishiyama touches one finger to his lips.

Setzier says, "Need more boxes that won't turn you into pieces when casting spells at it."

Sayzor snorts at Blades.

(Setzier nods sagely.)

Kaydenjadir says, "I'm 20 and I have a total of 4 mana... I would barely be able to cast lore"

Grandolff says, "Oh yah"

Grandolff snickers.

Brinnea cowers away from Sayzor!

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Blades says, "i didn't do it"

Blades snickers.

Matubaa says, "I think traps should be rare. I mean t' the point where some people don't even check. So when they do getcha,,,"

Blades says, "but spells are your friend"

Blades nods.

Blades stares off into space.

Sayzor says, "Okay, I'll hang out for a little answering some followup questions. Then I'm off to bed."

Grandolff says, "I think trap should be less rare"

Setzier says, "The firestorm trap sounds like a doozy."

Setzier smiles at Sayzor.

Rayzor asks, "is it by intent that if one picks a lock on a non-disarmed scarab trap...that no learning from the lock is gained?"

Brinnea says, "no sleep fer Sayzor"

Grandolff says, "I think everybox should have a trap"

Aurec asks, "Sleep? They expect you to sleep too?"

Sayzor nods to Rayzor.

Rayzor grins.

Kaydenjadir just hugged Kahtya.

Rephan asks, "Sayzor,so basically if I cant pick, I come back from a trip and one box might need a mage to pop, another needs a cleric to uncurse, and another i get a rogue to pick?"

Blades says, "hire more riftsharks"

Blades nods to Sayzor.

Kahtya leans on Kaydenjadir.

Kaydenjadir asks, "is writing code as poring as picking hob boxes?"

Nitefallz squints at Kittoa.

Grandolff says, "I think traps are the funnist part about picking"

Sayzor says, "Not necessarily, Rephan. That's not my intention at all."

Rephan nods.

Arkenhold says, "Most tedious, takin alot of time"

Blades pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "When I speak of creatures that have Cursed treasure..."

Kahtya smirks.

Sayzor says, "I don't expect you'll need a cleric each time you want to get something."

Kahtya gives Kaydenjadir a firm punch and backs away from him.

Rephan says, "I just dont wanna see it become more trouble than its all worth"

Kaydenjadir smirks.

Nitefallz asks, "its not gunna be safe to walk around the rift when ya wanna get away from everyone who's annoying ya?"

Sayzor says, "There will be ways for you to remove that curse. Some of those ways are in the game now, and don't require a cleric."

Nitefallz mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Sayzor shakes his head.

Sayzor says, "No, it isn't."

Sayzor grins.

Rephan nods.

Grandolff asks, "Well rephan you think if you had a 2mil coins box item in your box? you would spend the time to get it picked by 30 people?"

Kahtya asks, "i have a silly, surface question...plannin on changin the phrasing on disarms ever? No one kin hold a pick and disarm..so how are we disarmin usin a pick?"

Arkenhold asks, "I kin remove a curse but it requires me to destroy the item, is there gonna be anyway to save it without a cleric?"

Blades asks, "hmm ever think of giving guidance a bonus for disarming?"

Rephan asks, "if I know or think?"

Blades peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Rephan peers quizzically at Grandolff.

Ishiyama says, "you said there would be an announcement when the guild opens, is this gonna be one of those GM Announcement: 's or like,news or is it gonna be our first Guild News? I like the guild news"

Ishiyama grins.

Setzier nods to Delileah.

Grandolff says, "Arken there is already"

Sayzor says, "Kahtya, those traps went in with the concept that Disarm Tools were coming soon. They didn't happen as quickly as I liked."

Grandolff says, "pour a pure potion on it"

Kahtya nods to Sayzor.

Kahtya says, "pure curiosity there"

Kahtya chuckles.

Sayzor says, "Ishiyama, both...and others. Game Banners, Boards, News, Announcements."

Sayzor says, "Now..."

Ishiyama nods to Sayzor.

Arkenhold says, "Oh, well spendin money on that would prolly not be worth it most of the time"

Sayzor says, "It may not be that way when it FIRST opens."

Sayzor grins.

Nitefallz says, "when the tools do come out, would we actually need to have a needle and dagger for the sulpher traps? or will it stay the same"

Rephan asks, "what metal type is titanium going to fall under?"

Sayzor says, "I don't have specifics on Tools yet."

Nitefallz asks, "or for bombs, we gunna have to carry around some mud?"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Grandolff says, "Wait you saying we are going to need tools for traps"

Grandolff's face turns slightly pale.

Blades says, "be sure to walk around in the mud before opening boxes"

Blades nods to Nitefallz.

Blades says, "have some handy at all times"

Blades smirks.

Kaydenjadir says, "ooo tols.. thats a new twist"

Grandolff says, "I hope they add more coins to all the boxs so we can find the tools"

Sayzor says, "Titanium is going to fall around the Vultite-Rolaren level, but will not be a lockpick metal in the future."

Ishiyama says, "not need, they'll just help, I think..."

Stremm says, "nah, NIte. Pick up some dirt an' spit in it."

Sayzor says, "No, you will not NEED tools for traps."

Nitefallz says, "there shouldn't be dirt in doors.."

Sayzor says, "You will be able to use Tools to help you."

Grandolff says, "Ahh ok"

Sayzor says, "But they are optional."

Grandolff smiles.

Blades asks, "will you learn more for not using tools?"

Blades peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "Maybe."

Sayzor grins.

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Grandolff says, "I think is would be neat if when you are older you can make your tools"

Delileah asks, "will it help the higher trained rogues to get that ever elusive -260?"

Sayzor nods to Grandolff.

Grandolff says, "just like rangers can make objects"

Sayzor says, "So do I"

Nitefallz says, "well what about the implied tools in descriptions.."

Sayzor nods to Delileah.

Sayzor says, "That's what they are intended for."

Maneaak says, ""A Morphing Tool for Various Functions"

Maneaak drools.

Kahtya says, "I'd like to know about self control helping picking...is that just so rangers kin pick an' disarm better? It's not imbeddible and it's self cast to my knowledge so..."

Ishiyama asks, "Oo, so the tools will be like the non-caster's traplore eh?"

Delileah says, "that's good.. because the available rogues to do them now are almost non existant"

Kahtya asks, "how come it goes quiet when I talk?"

Kahtya blushes a nice shade of off-pink.

Delileah says, "two.. Rayzor and Mustafo"

Sayzor says, "Self Control is not imbeddible, and is Self Cast only, but items can cast it and a Ranger can cast it. In a way, it is a boost for rangers."

Kaydenjadir pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Rephan asks, "Okay, I have a question a bit off the topic of this forum. Is it my imagination or are rangers a better hunter than a rogue? (camaflauge, self-control) and other spells to help TD and AS over a rogue of like level?"

Druhar asks, "Is there a stat bonus that would apply like self control?"

Sayzor grins.

Blades says, "thats a choice Rephan, they lose redux"

Nitefallz glances at Kittoa.

Sayzor says, "I can't give details about how exactly Self Control will help."

Blades says, "but rogues can also learn spells"

Kittoa squints at Nitefallz.

Blades shrugs.

Rephan says, "but no TD"

Nitefallz says, "he'lll never hunt better then me"

Nitefallz leans on Kittoa.

Rephan peers quizzically at Blades.

Kittoa shrugs.

Arkenhold asks, "What is redux?"

Delileah says, "'and lose redux"

Maneaak says, "Them Pegasus Pins had dat Self control in it"

Delileah says, "and I saw what redux does"

Brinnea giggles.

Grandolff says, "Sure blades it takes like 60 Mental points for one spell"

Blades says, "everything is attainable, Delileah"

Kahtya nods to Delileah.

Blades says, "nope, 80"

Blades snickers.

Grandolff pokes Blades in the ribs.

Ishiyama says, "uhhh, ever casted an airwall at Blades? big td"

Stremm glances at Nitefallz.

Stremm glances at Kittoa.

Kahtya chuckles.

Sayzor gestures, but then stops, with a funny look on his face.

Nitefallz chuckles.

Sayzor chuckles.

Setzier cowers away from Sayzor!

Blades says, "oh gawd"

Blades says, "hide hide"

Kahtya laughs!

Sayzor gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Sayzor gestures at Blades.

  CS: +1524 - TD: +359 + CvA: +4 + d100: +83 - -5 == +1257

  Warding failed!

A dark shadow passes over Blades.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Brinnea blinks.

Delileah says, "I outlived a 102nd trained rogue in an implosion"

Nitefallz cackles!

Ishiyama cackles!

Sayzor whistles tunelessly to himself.

Setzier says, "ew"

Kittoa blinks.

Dara coughs.

Brinnea cowers away from Sayzor!

Kahtya blinks.

Druhar chuckles.

Kaydenjadir cackles!

Brinnea whimpers.

Aurec snickers.

Blades says, "well that'll last until next year"

Maneaak cowers away from Sayzor!

Maneaak exclaims, "RUN!"

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Blades says, "lemme cast"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Grandolff says, "Thats going to laste for awhile"

A dark shadow passes away from Blades.

Kahtya chuckles.

Rayzor chuckles.

(Setzier leans against the podium.)

Grandolff snickers.

Grandolff blushes a nice shade of off-pink.

Arkenhold says, "Hmm, you might wanna beef up yer CS there Sayzor its lookin alittle low"

Blades says, "i gave up my ability to pick and disarm well for spells i think i paid for it"

Kahtya asks, "kin ye cast a shot of wall of force on me like dat?"

Kahtya ducks her head.

Kahtya snickers.

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Sayzor says, "I did it all for you."

Sayzor just gave Blades a smooch.

Blades says, "but like i said everything is attainable in my eyes"

Maneaak says, "That made Blades Look Like a Lil worm on a Big Hook"

Delileah says, "I was layin down and stunned, with two sand devils tearin at me.. but I lived.. just low on HP and not a bleeder on me.. maybe a back.. but that's just 1 per"

Nitefallz cackles!

Maneaak just tickled Blades.

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Rayzor asks, "will fused locks ever get any harder...see'n some soul golem boxes and invasion critter boxes are harder? Or will they always remain as is?"

Brinnea smiles and starts to laugh as the podium falls over from Setzier's weight

Blades says, "don't make me call you a fruitloop"

Delileah says, "I wouldn't give up redux for anything"

Blades says, "we all know Mustafo is in the closet with Thalior"

Setzier glances at Brinnea.

Blades mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Setzier mutters under his breath.

Delileah just tickled Kahtya.

Sayzor says, "At this hour, I am a fruitloop."

Blades says, "oh wonderful"

Setzier nods to Sayzor.

Blades says, "lock up your children"

Brinnea drools.

Maneaak nods to Sayzor.

Kahtya cackles!

Brinnea says, "fruitloop"

Kadlena asks, "You're limiting it to this hour?"

Kaydenjadir blinks.

Kadlena raises an eyebrow in Sayzor's direction.

Setzier asks, "Do you come wid a side of milk?"

Setzier peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Sayzor glances at Kadlena.

Kadlena ducks her head.

Sayzor asks, "Did I forget to ban the empaths?"

Kadlena smiles sweetly at Sayzor.

Brinnea says, "gah...can't bite Sayzor"

Kadlena asks, "Shame isn't it?"

Brinnea raises her fist defiantly.

Grandolff mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Kahtya chuckles.

Grandolff says, "I am an empath"

Ishiyama just tickled Brinnea.

Grandolff says, "But my brother is a rogue"

Kahtya rubs Grandolff gently.

Blades says, "well i always thought rogues were the most diverse class and i hope they stay that way"

Nitefallz nods to Blades.

Rayzor nods to Blades.

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Delileah says, "nae.. I really respect the picking empaths"

Sayzor says, "I'd like that."

Ishiyama nods to Blades.

Kahtya says, "wish Sune were here, she's an empath, and she picks too"

Delileah says, "unlike I do the other mages"

Kahtya giggles.

Brinnea says, "I'm a path and I've picked a few boxes"

Brinnea whimpers.

Grandolff says, "Oh you mean the picking empaths"

Grandolff snickers.

Kaydenjadir says, "here here... also the siliest in my opinion"

Grandolff says, "I thought you ment like from this forum"

Delileah says, "they train in it.. and don't complain"

Grandolff whistles tunelessly to himself.

Sayzor says, "I did."

Sayzor chuckles.

Delileah says, "don't expect advantages"

Grandolff crosses his eyes.

(Setzier taps his chin in a state of thinking, then cackle loudly for no apparent reason.)

Delileah says, "but they get good"

Kadlena pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Blades asks, "you workin on ambush at all Sayzor?"

Blades peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Brinnea just tickled Setzier.

Grandolff says, "Call lighting works on chests too"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Delileah says, "Phillipa is better than I.. but alot older"

Rayzor says, "I still don't understand how we're compared to theives though...a few hundred coins or a missing gem...and we're hunted. Yet folks seek out and give millions of coins to some guy in a big hat to say mumbo jumbo at their swords."

Sayzor says, "I will be, as part of the hiding system changes."

Blades nods to Sayzor.

Grandolff asks, "Any changes to the call lighting spell?"

Blades just tried to pull Sayzor towards him!

Blades exclaims, "Rank based!"

Kahtya says, "erm, I have a question about Wooing..if anyone wants t'talk 'bout it."

Delileah says, "and I definately respect it and have no qualms against her picking"

Brinnea says, "Philli is da best sister in da world..she gave me chocalte cake when i got my lil title"

Kaydenjadir asks, "Do ye ever go out to hunt?"

Sayzor says, "Call Lightning will not be changed in regards to chests at all. The new Stun Cloud trap will be loosely based on Call Lightning."

Brinnea drools.

Blades says, "i've got some nice ideas for overtraining ambush if ya ever wanna hear it"

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Grandolff nods.

Kahtya laughs!

Ishiyama says, "yeah, how is it 200 ranks and 5 ranks steal ya the same amount? umm, not that I've done that or anything, just hearsay I've heard"

Blades says, "to make them clerics swords bounce offa critters"

Maneaak begins chuckling at Rayzor.

Delileah asks, "Brinnea.. let's keep this on rogues okies?"

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Sayzor chuckles.

Setzier says, "People need to keep their hands in their own pants. When I usually fine some snert with their pants in my pants searching for coins, I usually put them in a timeout like a civilized person. Course when it is more then once, I'm taking a limb"

Jonox stands up.

Sayzor says, "200 ranks gets you more silver, if a person has it."

Ishiyama nods to Sayzor.

Kahtya asks, "kin I quote that Sayzor?"

Kahtya smiles eagerly

Sayzor nods to Kahtya.

Ishiyama says, "but still, it takes forever to steal 5k...so I've heard"

Ishiyama clears his throat.

Blades asks, "in the current pickpocket system is their an age modifier?"

Blades peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "I've stolen over 500 silvers at a swipe before."

Sayzor smirks.

Blades says, "why do i not expect an answer"

Delileah says, "well .. I can't give a timeout.. but I do usually take off a hand"

Setzier says, "Well you're you."

Setzier glances at Sayzor.

Kadlena begins chuckling at Blades.

Kahtya begins chuckling at Blades.

Grandolff says, "good question Blades"

Delileah says, "which is only suited"

Sayzor says, "As a player, I've stolen over 250."

Arkenhold asks, "Well, arent the rest of us limited to 100 silvers?"

Blades says, "k"

Blades coughs.

Delileah says, "stealing from a fighting rogue"

Delileah scoffs.

Grandolff says, "Blades ask it agbain"

Grandolff says, "again"

Blades says, "like i said i didn't expect an answer"

Blades pokes Grandolff in the ribs.

Sayzor chuckles.

Grandolff smiles.

Ishiyama chuckles.

Blades says, "he heard me"

Blades grins.

Grandolff says, "Yah i'd like to know tho"

Grandolff smiles.

Sayzor says, "There are several factors involved with the amount of silver you get."

Maneaak says, "I doubt it is Blades, dont seem like it anyway"

Sayzor asks, "Want one of them?"

Sayzor grins.

Kadlena says, "I don't suppose you'd name them all..."

Kadlena glances at Sayzor.

Sayzor says, "No, but I'll tell you one of them."

Grandolff says, "please name them"

Blades says, "i seem to see it Maneaak"

Grandolff smiles at Sayzor.

Arkenhold says, "All of em ifn ye would"

Setzier asks, "Preception?"

Arkenhold smiles.

Sayzor chuckles.

Druhar asks, "Any chance rogues will be able to set or reset a trap Sayzor?"

Nitefallz leans on Kadlena.

Sayzor says, "There is a chance, yes."

Sayzor grins.

Rayzor says, "well, obviously they need as much as you can take else you can't take that much from them"

Blades says, "considerin i can steal from people with absolutely no thieving skill"

Grandolff says, "No tell us one you think that we would least expect"

Druhar smiles.

Grandolff says, "Don't tell us pick pocket training is a Factor"

Setzier begins chuckling at Grandolff.

Setzier says, "It is."

Sayzor snaps his fingers.

Grandolff smiles.

Grandolff smiles at Sayzor.

Setzier says, "Also the preception of the person you are stealing from."

Maneaak says, "Hard to say"

Kahtya says, "well I'll toss this out there... I think I'm a fairly well trained rogue for my age, but I still have to hand over boxes that I can't touch to my sorc husband, who oddly enough doesn't have nearly as much trainin in locks as me..and I've heard this isn't uncommon..woo still seems overpowered to me..um, if anyone wants to adress that."

Rayzor says, "Is it my imagination...or is there a trick to getting gems over coins? I seem to be able to get gems much more often than coins when I try."

Arkenhold asks, "Does their perception only let you see them or can it prevent you from doing it?"

Grandolff says, "I think Less Phsyical training should be a factor in pickpocket"

Druhar asks, "Sayzor will the guild skills add more RP to our disarming a trap, customers can get a bit bored watching the same thing over and over again?"

Blades nods to Rayzor.

Grandolff asks, "If you have big old muscles how could you get in a pocket?"

Blades says, "don't train in pick pocketing"

Blades says, "you'll always get gems"

Blades snickers.

Rayzor chuckles.

Kahtya pokes Blades in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "I'm always amused when a thief fumbles a trap."

Sayzor smirks.

Brinnea says, "hmm..what do ya consider no thieving skill..cause my sis has like..10 ranks in stealin and can't hardly steal from anyone"

Rayzor says, "well, too late for me that method...you should have told me sooner Blades."

Setzier says, "I kinda like the look on their face when they set off a scarab"

Setzier smiles darkly.

Blades says, "i fumble em on purpose but you made my bomb blowing up work useless"

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Ishiyama says, "oh, we are still able to steal from merchants right? cause we sure do get fined for trying .. from what I've heard"

Blades says, "i can't accidently kill everyone anymore"

Sayzor smirks.

Ishiyama clears his throat.

Setzier says, "Then they have to beg me for a unpoison or undisease"

Blades says, "tell em to learn it"

Blades nods to Setzier.

Arkenhold asks, "Will it ever be possible for us to steal from something besides other PCs?"

Blades snickers.

Setzier begins chuckling at Blades.

Maneaak says, "I say Sayzor Loads up his Pockets and we all have a Feast"

Nitefallz nods to Arkenhold.

Sayzor says, "It is now, Arkenhold."

Grandolff says, "Yah like criters"

Delileah asks, "We're really glad yer amused Sayzor.. but what are you doing to preserve what is sacred to us?"

Setzier says, "Some rogues dispise magic. I have no idea why. Magic is a person best friend."

Druhar says, "you can steal from the town constable"

Blades nods to Setzier.

Nitefallz says, "go rob the goofy wizard in mule, he's rich"

Blades says, "it is"

Kaydenjadir says, "I can't even fathom the amout of Mana to cast unpoison"

Vrais just went out.

Druhar says, "er so I have heard"

Blades says, "Bleys just likes to contradict me"

Arkenhold asks, "Well, without bein drug off to jail?"

Setzier says, "Course when you use magic against a incinterator, it makes it a empath's best friend."

Setzier glances at Sayzor.

Setzier mutters under his breath.

Kittoa pokes Nitefallz in the ribs.

Grandolff says, "but if the criter catches you, you are off guard and they have an attack advantage"

Blades says, "plus he likes to argue with me for some reason"

Brinnea nods to Setzier.

Brinnea drools.

(Ishiyama waits for Bleys to say "I do not!")

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Delileah asks, "to preserve our profession.. YOUR profession?"

Blades says, "when thieves became rogues, i looked at this profession very very different"

Sayzor says, "Delileah, as I said...I will never do anything that is not in the best interest of a Rogue."

Nitefallz asks, "What's your ideal rogue?"

Nitefallz glances at Sayzor.

Setzier says, "I've always thought blowing up boxes in town should be fineable. Alot of people set of bomb traps in the treehouse... Course... I did once."

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor says, "The one that I created."

Kaydenjadir exclaims, "ME!"

Brinnea rubs Setzier gently.

Nitefallz chuckles.

Setzier says, "Why you rubbing me. I didn't die."

Setzier smirks.

Brinnea snaps her fingers.

Setzier shifts his eyes to Brinnea.

Blades says, "can only wish"

Sayzor asks, "Tried it recently?"

Blades nods to Setzier.

Blades smirks.

Sayzor raises an eyebrow.

Sayzor smirks.

Aurec says, "I set someone on fire once. It was amusing."

Kadlena pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Setzier says, "I've not found a bomb trap recently."

Brinnea says, "ya know I wubs ya Setz"

Brinnea ducks her head.

Shoshonna just went out.

Setzier says, "ONly lockless boxes"

Grandolff stands up.

Grandolff waves.

Grandolff says, "Bye all"

Grandolff just went out.

Sayzor picks up a battered wooden coffer.

Blades squints at Sayzor.

Blades exclaims, "thief!"

Setzier stares off into space.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Sayzor offers Setzier a battered wooden coffer.

Setzier accepts Sayzor's wooden coffer.

Delileah says, "I'm sorry Sayzor.. but I just don't see it... I didn't base my stats on any guide.. I have stats that many rogues would... you can look at them Sayzor.. why don't ya? I admit. the high stat went into wisdom just for the picking bonus.. but was not my priority"

Setzier tries to eat his wooden coffer.

Blades waves to Setzier.

Ishiyama says, "uh oh"

Nitefallz coughs.

Blades says, "bye bye"

Rephan says, "well, thanks alot Sayzor...was a very nice and informative forum. Have a good night....and a good night to everyone else."

Setzier removes an alum lockpick from inside his myklian scale harness.

Setzier tightens his grip on his alum lockpick.

Rephan stands up.

Rephan waves to Sayzor.

Setzier asks, "Don't want me to do it here do you?"

Setzier glances at Sayzor.

Sayzor smiles at Rephan.

Sayzor says, "You can't do it here."

Sayzor just tickled Setzier.

Rephan just went out.

Setzier snaps his fingers.

Arkenhold ducks his head.

Blades says, "hmm"

Blades's viper suddenly uncoils from around his neck and crawls down his arm, straightening into a staff in his hand.

Kahtya says, "hrm, on the topic of that wisdom stat...rogues are known for our quickness and nimbleness...the same coordination that should go into traps.."

Blades stares off into space.

Setzier put an alum lockpick inside his myklian scale harness.

Nitefallz drools.

Setzier sniffs at his wooden coffer.

Delileah peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Kahtya says, "i'd love to see dat stat change made an option or somesuch."

Brinnea removes a heavy backpack from inside her hunters cloak.

Kahtya grins.

Blades says, "i have a feelin that box is gunna kill ya"

Brinnea removes a folding lockpick pouch from inside her heavy backpack.

Blades nods to Setzier.

Kahtya chuckles.

Setzier winks at Blades.

Kahtya cowers away from Setzier!

Setzier says, "Most likely."

Kahtya says, "and us if we're too close"

Kahtya mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Brinnea put a heavy backpack inside her hunters cloak.

Kaydenjadir asks, "This is off the subject but will there be a way to hit a creature just right to knock him unconscious?"

Brinnea attaches a folding lockpick pouch to her belt.

Sayzor says, "True, they are. However it also takes a person that is wise enough to learn from past experience to know what to look for."

Blades says, "knowledge of the traps though pretains to wisdom"

Nitefallz says, "warriors got more wisdom then me"

Nitefallz mutters under his breath.

Kadlena begins chuckling at Nitefallz.

Blades says, "knowledge of a good hiding place pretains to wisdom"

Blades shrugs.

Delileah asks, "is not my dex and reflex higher than wisdom?"

Setzier says, "I was having that same arguement with Amerlise in whispers."

Setzier nods to Blades.

Kaydenjadir asks, "then why can't ya train to be wiser?"

Blades says, "because wisdom isn't trained"

Sayzor says, "You can't force yourself to retain knowledge."

Blades says, "its learned"

Kadlena says, "Its not a skill. Its an attribute."

Kahtya says, "a lot of people's are from what I've heard"

Delileah says, "I placed a high stat there.. but dex and ref was before that"

Maneaak says, "I jes for once in my Life find a Box item, is that so much to ask, othern a Moldy Bone etc."

Maneaak snickers.

Nitefallz asks, "if someone learned spells, wouldn't their wisdom increase?"

Setzier says, "Its a growing up process."

Setzier says, "Just look as some of the legends. They do not have any wisdom at all."

Setzier coughs.

Aurec says, "Usually it's intelligence that does."

Blades pokes Setzier in the ribs.

Kaydenjadir says, "I thought Wisdon is something you get over the years... not born with..."

Sayzor nods to Kaydenjadir.

Delileah says, "I have 100 in dex and ref.. "

Sayzor says, "However, you can be born Wise."

Kahtya says, "it comes very slowly though"

Kahtya chuckles.

Rayzor says, "mostly the wisdom to not make the same mistake twice. I hate repeating things and then going, I can't belive I forgot that step."

Setzier nods to Sayzor.

Setzier says, "I was born wise, and look how I turned out."

Setzier smiles with an insane glint in his eye.

(Setzier cackles madly!)

Blades says, "a moron"

Blades nods to Setzier.

Setzier coughs.

Kaydenjadir asks, "but to what extent? and how can you raise your wisdom?"

Leanness chuckles.

Druhar chuckles.

Kadlena chuckles.

Setzier shifts his eyes to Blades.

Ishiyama says, "well gotta remember, you're not "born" when you walk out of the blind alley, you're like 21 years old, just no trainings"

Ishiyama shrugs.

Delileah says, "wisdom is slow to rise for us"

Setzier mutters under his breath.

Delileah asks, "why is that?"

Rayzor says, "like starting a car while it's running... you only do that once or twice."

Blades grins.

Delileah says, "if it's a ROGUE thing"

Kadlena nods to Rayzor.

Kadlena stands up.

Blades says, "depends on how intoxicated you are"

Blades furrows his brow.

Rayzor begins chuckling at Blades.

Setzier smirks.

Kahtya beams happily at Delileah!

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Blades.

Kadlena begins chuckling at Blades.

Aurec says, "Sayzor, if you could change the equation to take the highest of either wisdom or dex/ref, you might be able to slipstream a change in without affecting older characters."

Sayzor says, "Because you are a Dark Elf."

Kaydenjadir says, "wisdom should rise faster for us.. I mean look at all the strange people and experiences we have to learn from"

Kahtya nods to Aurec.

Kaydenjadir glances at Setzier.

Kahtya just tried to pull Aurec towards her!

Setzier stares off into space.

Setzier mutters under his breath.

Aurec grins.

Setzier says, "I'm not strange. Everyone else is strange."

(Setzier nods sagely.)

Arkenhold says, "You could say that about any profession in the game"

Ishiyama asks, "it's not you it's the rest of the world right Setzier?"

Blades says, "when i was born i placed aura,wisdom and discipline the highest"

Setzier nods to Ishiyama.

Setzier says, "Exactly."

Brinnea says, "I'm confused"

Brinnea sighs.

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Ishiyama nods to Setzier.

Delileah says, "I'm just tryin to tell you just the serious things bothering all of us"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Blades says, "and dexterity and reflexes quite low"

Nitefallz says, "I thought I was the only one to do that"

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Rayzor nods to Blades.

Setzier nods to Blades.

Setzier says, "Actually my lowest was Charisma."

Kahtya sighs.

Sayzor says, "As did most older Rogues."

Delileah says, "we're afraid of the other guilds.. if they have ways to open boxes.. ya'll are just slowly writing us off"

Blades says, "my low is con and charisma"

Blades says, "they're not to low anymore though"

Setzier nods to Blades.

Setzier smirks.

Rayzor says, "took me till I was 70 to even swing an aimed strike at 5 seconds. Putting low stats in dex, and ref."

Kaydenjadir says, "In the olden days, I put charisma as my highest when I first knew this land"

Kahtya pokes Blades in the ribs.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Arkenhold says, "Heh, i just did quickgeneration, didnt plan to be playing this character very long"

Arkenhold grins.

Brinnea removes a mug of root beer from inside her doeskin satchel.

Arkenhold takes a drink from his creamy cocoa.

(Setzier quietly pokes at the coffer in his hands.)

Delileah asks, "why is enchanting exclusive to wizards.. and picking isn't to rogues?"

Blades says, "i saw picking and disarming as boring when i was a "thief"...only because i hate being asked Blades pick this, disarm that"

Blades says, "thats why i learned spells"

Blades shrugs.

(Kaydenjadir sees Setzier's coffer go BOOM!)

Setzier stares off into space.

Setzier says, "No thats later."

Setzier pokes Kaydenjadir in the ribs.

Delileah asks, "if one profession has an exclusive.. why don't we?"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Nitefallz says, "its boring when people come up to you constantly asking you to pick"

Nitefallz glances at Kittoa.

Aurec says, "It's called ambush."

Arkenhold says, "Open it Setzier, cant be too bad"

Aurec winks.

Kaydenjadir says, "wait..that was a future vision"

Blades says, "jack of all trades"

Kittoa bites Nitefallz!

Kahtya asks, "ever hunted with a ranger or cleric that trained to ambush?"

Kahtya shrugs.

Ishiyama says, "watch it not be locked"

Blades says, "i prefer being able to dabble in everything"

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Blades says, "and someday mastering all"

Setzier says, "I'm tempted to just go out and pick it without disarming it."

Kittoa leans on Kahtya.

Blades says, "thats how i look at it"

Setzier shifts his eyes to Sayzor.

Kahtya bites Kittoa!

Delileah says, "I can fight.. decently... if really spelled.. I can do vruul.. if not spelled.. trees are my option"

Sayzor says, "Do it."

Nitefallz glances at Sayzor.

Sayzor nods to Setzier.

Sayzor chuckles.

Nitefallz says, "think he fell asleep"

Nitefallz says, "doh"

Setzier smirks.

Setzier shrugs.

Setzier stands up.

Setzier removes a mottled veil iron lockpick from inside his myklian scale harness.

Setzier says, "I be back"

Setzier tightens his grip on his veil iron lockpick.

Setzier says, "In pieces"

Setzier coughs.

Blades says, "no you won't"

Blades grins.

Setzier shuffles his feet.

Setzier just went out.

Kahtya says, "try comin back in"

Blades says, "boom"

Kahtya says, "too late"

Ishiyama says, "ka.."

Blades asks, "is it trapped?"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Blades peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Maneaak says, "Bah jes raise TPs for Rogues only"

Sayzor chuckles.

(Kahtya waits for the no doubt entertain new death message)

Maneaak cackles!

Kaydenjadir says, "ya should be able to hear the echo of an explosion in adjacent rooms"

Blades furrows his brow.

Nitefallz says, "I say lower the points for rogues back to 60"

Arkenhold chuckles.

Delileah says, "Sayzor.. I've heard a lot of things.. but I'm not willing to give up hope yet.. but I didn't find the forum reassuring"

Sayzor says, "He's trying to WOO it."

Sayzor chuckles.

Blades chuckles.

Sayzor says, "Oh, I forgot to put a lock on it."

Sayzor chuckles.

Sayzor laughs!

Kahtya groans.

Aurec snickers.

Ishiyama cackles!

Brinnea says, "erm"

Kaydenjadir laughs!

Brinnea whimpers.

Jonox grins.

Blades snickers.

Brinnea sighs.

Kahtya says, "i think i'll go be a sorc to open my boxes"

Kahtya nods.

Kahtya gazes heavenward.

Kahtya pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Blades leans on his staff.

Nitefallz glances at Kahtya.

Ishiyama just tried to pull Brinnea towards him!

Nitefallz says, "learn unlock"

Delileah says, "so we'll sweat just like the mages do now.. "

Kahtya mutters something about dangitgotquietagain.

Sayzor says, "There."

Sayzor chuckles.

Kittoa pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Aurec says, "Be a bard instead."

Aurec says, "Mediocrity in all situations."

Aurec fidgets.

Kadlena just hugged Erskian.

You ask, "so how much longer we goin tonight?"

Erskian just hugged Kadlena.

Kaydenjadir says, "my voice is flat... would scare anyone from bein a bard"

Erskian stands up.

Brinnea put a mug of root beer inside her spidersilk backpack.

Kahtya says, "yeah, it'll only take me um 14 more years Nite"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Kahtya shrugs.

Brinnea removes a fluffy black toy dolphin from inside her white silk bodice.

Blades says, "until you pass out"

Delileah says, "I'm all for the fun in the traps.. but I'm against the knee jerk reaction ... giving them lockless"

Blades snickers.

Erskian just went out.

Ishiyama says, "until Sayzor passes out"

Kahtya snickers.

Brinnea just gave a fluffy black toy dolphin a smooch.

Kahtya asks, "anyone have chocolate and coffee for him?"

Ishiyama just touched a tiny chocolate lockpick.

Blades furrows his brow.

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Kahtya beams happily at Ishiyama!

Maneaak says, "Sayzor ye Still multi-Tasking"

Maneaak cackles!

Kaydenjadir asks, "what metal does chocolate equal?"

Rayzor asks, "was there mention earlier of demonstrating a new trap? Or did I mis-understand something said?"

Ishiyama glances at Kahtya and begins to wail!

Blades says, "i'm just waiting for Setzeir to become a puddle"

Nitefallz seems to be waiting for something.

lookBlades asks, "wha ya tink we're waitin fer?"

[Global Assembly Room]

The room is so full you can see nothing around you! The only thing that you can make out is the stage with a podium on it. A lone light shines down upon the podium.

Obvious exits: out.

Blades peers quizzically at Rayzor.

Sayzor says, "He lived."

Sayzor chuckles.

Delileah says, "well.. I don't mind passing off a box above my abilities.."

Kittoa leans on Nitefallz.

Kahtya snaps her fingers.

Nitefallz says, "doh"

Blades says, "well what good is that"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Kahtya says, "how..dissapointin"

Kahtya giggles.

Rayzor says, "I'm always two minutes behind everyone."

Brinnea says, "I don't want him to become a puddle...Setz is nice"

(Aurec watches the bet payoffs change hands.)

Blades asks, "can i go kill him now anyways?"

Brinnea whimpers.

Blades peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Nitefallz pokes Blades in the ribs.

Kadlena begins chuckling at Blades.

Arkenhold asks, "Ye did trap it Sayzor?"

Kahtya snickers.

Blades says, "just for general purpose of course"

Ishiyama asks, "darn, he got to that smooth stone you put in there?"

Kahtya says, "gp"

Delileah says, "but passing off a box cause there is no way in hell I can try it is another story"

Kahtya nods.

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Ishiyama.

Ishiyama snaps his fingers.

Druhar says, "I just hope one of the tools we get is a crowbar for them lockless boxes"

Delileah says, "I'd like to try one.. I'm very well trained in my pick and disarm"

Sayzor chuckles.

Ishiyama looks over at Druhar and shakes his head.

Kahtya says, "we have those...der called glaes clubs"

Nitefallz says, "just pop it"

Delileah smiles at Kahtya.

Kahtya giggles.

Blades says, "nah lockless boxes are for humor, give em to a fiter and watch em smash it over their head"

Blades says, "then laugh at em"

grinYou grin.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Maneaak says, "Well while we got all ye Rogues here, Im Looking for Some Nice Brig if anyones got some Extra "

Delileah says, "I don't intend on passing any boxes back without an attempt"

(Kahtya holds up a small sign that says "Woo still too powerful")

Kahtya coughs.

Blades says, "curi leather is your friend and so are spells"

Blades nods to Maneaak.

Kaydenjadir says, "Will the gods ever send down anarmy of real people to invade town er something? that be something else"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Ishiyama looks over at Druhar and shakes his head.

Kahtya taps some fitted elven scale mail.

Kadlena just went out.

Kahtya pokes Blades in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "Heh"

Delileah says, "I like my brig.. and I don't want spells"

Maneaak smiles at Blades.

Sayzor says, "He lived again."

Sayzor snaps his fingers.

Blades says, "i asked Pentar to let me invade town earlier he called me a bloodthirsty barbarian"

Blades mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Sayzor.

Delileah says, "I don't plan on going beyond brig"

Druhar's face turns slightly pale.

Ishiyama shudders.

Kahtya squints at Blades.

Delileah says, "but I'm forced to at LEAST get lores"

Druhar says, "Goods imagine that, thousands of Blades attacking town"

Druhar shivers.

Blades asks, "thousands?"

Blades says, "bah"

Delileah says, "it's not stat wise that I disagree"

Blades says, "one"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Blades smirks.

Setzier appears in a flash of light, looking slightly disoriented.

Ishiyama says, "I'd rather have pink and purple polka-dotted roltons invade..."

Jonox just went out.

Nitefallz says, "I don't see why people complain about the self cast lore policy"

Brinnea says, "one is plenty"

Blades squints at Setzier.

Sayzor chuckles.

Kaydenjadir applauds.

Setzier says, "Wonderful change."

Setzier smiles at Sayzor.

Nitefallz says, "ya want the lore, you gotta work for it"

Ishiyama says, "hmmm, reminds me of a good night at Helga's..."

Nitefallz squints at Kahtya.

Setzier put a mottled veil iron lockpick inside his myklian scale harness.

Kahtya says, "that's cause you had em when they came out"

Delileah says, "I disagree because I don't think rogues should have magic at all"

Kahtya pokes Nitefallz in the ribs.

Blades asks, "do i get to finish him now?"

Blades removes a deadly sickle inset with a dark soulstone and the name "Soulstealer" inscribed in deathrunes along the length of its staff from inside his hideous black scabbard.

Kahtya nods to Delileah.

Nitefallz asks, "so?"

Setzier cowers away from Blades!

Aurec asks, "Sayzor, are there any plans to change how bard loresinging works with locks and traps?"

Druhar chuckles.

You say, "except for those who cannot cast it Nite"

Brinnea exclaims, "bah! don't hurt Setz!"

Brinnea removes an ancient black vultite waraxe with a braided soft leather haft from inside her rolaren axe sheath.

Kahtya says, "I think there should be an option...like redux for picking skills vs. magic"

Delileah says, "I have one spell"

Nitefallz says, "well if they want it"

Nitefallz says, "learn it"

Blades says, "its a choice, Delileah, not manditory"

Brinnea tightens her grip on her vultite waraxe.

Sayzor asks, "Not on my end. That would be up to the Bard Guru. Is there a problem with it?"

Ishiyama removes a steel-tipped vruul-hide whip from inside his spidersilk cloak.

Ishiyama tightens his grip on his vruul-hide whip and glances over at Brinnea.

Delileah says, "and I am KINDA ashamed of it"

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Ishiyama just nudged Brinnea.

Setzier says, "Now I don't have to listen to the people in the treehouse whining about being blown up."

Delileah says, "but I got it for love"

You say, "some do not have the option of learning it"

Brinnea put an ancient black vultite waraxe with a braided soft leather haft inside her rolaren axe sheath.

Kahtya says, "I know have 2...and wouldn't if not for the change"

Kahtya shrugs.

Kahtya says, "er I now know 2"

Kahtya gibbers incoherently.

Delileah says, "so I could be close to the one I love"

Nitefallz says, "but you'd stell be using lore"

Ishiyama put a steel-tipped vruul-hide whip inside his spidersilk cloak.

Ishiyama removes a sprig of mistletoe from inside his spidersilk cloak.

Aurec says, "It could provide some better information. It's rather vague, if anything."

Ishiyama tightens his grip on his sprig of mistletoe and glances over at Brinnea.

Blades says, "i mean i've thought of making a wizard with only base amount of magic and massive amount of combat skills"

Nitefallz says, "so you're sayin you can't pick without lore"

Nitefallz pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Blades says, "talk bout a hellish creature"

Delileah says, "and I swore that would be my only"

Aurec says, "Considering that you're actually talking with the box, it should be a bit helpful."

Delileah says, "and now they forcing me to get moer"

Kahtya says, "yes Nite, that is what I'm sayin...after 6 years I'm ALMOST back where i was before the change"

Setzier says, "I still thing there should be a implosion trap that vaporizes the disarmer and their group instantly upon a failure to disarm it."

Kahtya shrugs.

Setzier winks at Sayzor.

Brinnea gawks at Setzier.

Nitefallz says, "you shouldn't need lore to begin with"

Kaydenjadir says, "ye should sell training points... 1 mil fer 1 mor eper level"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Delileah asks, "why not just call gemstone Magicworld?"

Setzier asks, "Isn't it already called that?"

Setzier peers quizzically at Delileah.

Kahtya nods to Delileah.

Kahtya nods to Delileah.

Kahtya nods to Delileah.

Kahtya cowers.

Ishiyama put a sprig of mistletoe inside his spidersilk cloak.

Arkenhold says, "And very worth it Kayden"

Druhar begins chuckling at Delileah.

Nitefallz glances at Kahtya.

Kaydenjadir smiles.

Kaydenjadir says, "yep"

Nitefallz asks, "so you want to pick with someone elses magic but not have to learn it yourself?"

Kahtya mutters oopsorryinadver.

Kahtya mutters inadvertant.

Blades says, "life is a path of choices, Delileah"

Kaydenjadir says, "hey ferget fluff, training points all the way"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Setzier nods to Blades.

Sayzor says, "Delileah, nobody is FORCING you to do anything. You are making the choice to be a picker, live with it. If you do not want to be the best picker that you can be, you are already there with your training path."

Blades says, "no need to critize anyone elses path just because of your choices"

Delileah says, "I don't want to have to use magic at ALL"

Sayzor says, "They are your choices. You made them, and you must live with them."

Kahtya says, "no Nite, I'd like to see the extra trains in lock/disarm come CLOSE to the magic bonus"

Blades says, "then don't"

Sayzor says, "Then don't get spelled up before a hunt."

Delileah says, "I have trained EXTENSIVELY"

Sayzor says, "Don't use magic weapons or armor."

Blades asks, "you have redux don't you?"

Sayzor says, "Don't let a healer heal you."

Nitefallz glances at Kahtya.

Sayzor says, "Depart when you die."

Nitefallz says, "the bonus to what"

Setzier says, "No deeds either."

Kahtya says, "the range I can pick"

Blades says, "redux was a great equalize vs. the spell slinging rogue"

Nitefallz says, "you don't like magic"

Sayzor says, "You make those choices, nobody makes them for you."

Delileah says, "well.. you have made it that for me to do that.. I get no experience"

Nitefallz says, "but you try to include it with your skill"

Blades says, "but that equalizer will go away in time"

Delileah says, "I'm not a money hunter"

Setzier says, "Magic is in Elanthia, in form, mana, items. It is not possible to survive without sometype of magic."

Blades asks, "will ya answer this one Sayzor, is redux capped?"

Delileah says, "I'm a favor hunter"

Kahtya says, "nite, drop it, yer jus arguing for the sake at this point"

Kittoa nods to Kahtya.

Nitefallz rolls his eyes.

Sayzor says, "I dunno Blades."

Delileah says, "I want to earn favor so I can help in the Baron invasion"

Blades nods.

Kittoa leans on Nitefallz.

Setzier says, "Voln's symbols are magic too."

Sayzor says, "Favor is magic, though."

Setzier leans on Delileah.

Nitefallz says, "they won't be used.."

Ishiyama says, "you don't have to learn to cast magic to open boxes, I went through 32 trainings of picking without my own lore"

Ishiyama shrugs.

Leanness says, "i want to earn favor so i can help the baron invade"

Nitefallz says, "er hey how come this is a PC tent"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Delileah says, "favor is something I earned"

Leanness smirks.

Kahtya says, "it's good to be human"

Kahtya whistles tunelessly to herself.

Tuerna just went out.

Delileah says, "and it is not a spell cast"

Sayzor chuckles.

Aurec just tickled Kahtya.

Nitefallz says, "its the favor of the gods"

Setzier says, "Favor is the murdering of innocent undead to please a mortal who enslaves other mortals."

Delileah says, "it is the gods smiling at me for past deeds"

Setzier says, "My opinion of course."

Setzier smiles.

Brinnea nods to Setzier.

Sayzor says, "I can rationalize that the sky is yellow and the sun is blue. That doesn't make it a fact."

Nitefallz says, "the gods use magic"

Setzier nods to Nitefallz.

Kahtya grumbles.

Kahtya says, "the gods are by their nature magic"

Kahtya shrugs.

Nitefallz raises an eyebrow.

Setzier nods to Kahtya.

Nitefallz says, "so.."

Maneaak peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Kahtya says, "however that's the point..they're gods, we are not"

Setzier says, "Undead is magic."

Kahtya coughs.

Delileah says, "favor is not a spell unless it calls for a warding"

Setzier just nudged Delileah.

Maneaak says, "Ye must be color blind den"

Arkenhold says, "I dont think you can call gods magical, just all powerful"

Kaydenjadir says, "Maybe earn deeds from special acts durring a day... i dunno.. killed the most in an invasion or something"

Setzier asks, "Do you not draw symbols in the sky?"

Nitefallz says, "lots of spells don't require warding"

Maneaak snickers.

Setzier peers quizzically at Delileah.

Setzier says, "That is magic"

Druhar asks, "Sayzor any thoughts to one of the guilds skills being a spell list that helps rogues?"

Sayzor says, "The Lore spells do not rquire a warind, therefore they are not magic."

Rayzor says, "'magical is a relative term as well...someone opening a box with a twig could seem magical to a child."

Delileah says, "having the gods take you to the monastery is not YOUR magic"

Blades says, "i just wanna be able to pour some nice sleep poison on my sword"

Blades snickers.

Nitefallz asks, "so then why not learn them?"

Delileah says, "it is THEIRS"

Kahtya leans on Blades.

Setzier says, "But non-the-less... it is magic"

Delileah says, "and they take it away as well as they give it"

Brinnea babbles something unintelligible.

Delileah says, "it's not magic for them"

Setzier pokes Brinnea in the ribs.

Nitefallz says, "yes it is"

Brinnea giggles.

Kaydenjadir asks, "Sayzor... how boring is it to write code?"

Nitefallz says, "they learned to weild mana after the end of the drake rule"

Sayzor chuckles.

Khanlim smiles.

Sayzor says, "Depends on the code."

Kaydenjadir says, "oh.."

(Kahtya looks for the sign she missed that read "history forum")

Druhar nods to Ishiyama.

Kahtya whistles tunelessly to herself.

Delileah says, "well.. IF it was.. I doubt the gods will be within range of that crystal"

Blades asks, "want a history forum?"

Setzier says, "Actually I would see coding fun. You can create new things. Makes me just wanna go out and apply for a GMship."

Setzier glances at Sayzor.

Blades snickers.

Sayzor asks, "Delileah, did you ever rub a Lore imbeddible before the change?"

Kahtya shakes her head.

Kahtya says, "not yet"

Kahtya says, "tomorrow...or later today"

Kahtya grins.

Khanlim says, "nice talk"

Delileah says, "course I did"

Nitefallz says, "coding is fun"

Khanlim bows to Sayzor.

Nitefallz says, "when it works"

Brinnea asks, "erm...what is coding?"

Sayzor says, "So, you used something that you did not pay for and now you want to be able to use it again without ever having to pay for it."

Setzier says, "You are coding"

Nitefallz says, "magic"

Setzier smiles at Brinnea.

Nitefallz winks at Brinnea.

Brinnea says, "oh"

Setzier says, "This room is coding."

Sayzor says, "To me, that is completely unfair."

Blades says, "coding all the things that blow people into puddles is fun"

Kahtya says, "godly stuffs"

Kahtya cackles!

Sayzor says, "If you want a skill. Pay for it."

Kaydenjadir says, "it's the gods word for MAGIC"

Blades smirks.

Delileah says, "no.. I paid for it"

Kaydenjadir flails his arms about.

Sayzor says, "You paid silver...which is replacable."

Blades says, "course i'd enjoy it"

Kahtya says, "so is mana"

Delileah asks, "so what is your point?"

Sayzor says, "Pay for it with your TIME and your EFFORT to learn it...and then reap the rewards."

Nitefallz glances at Blades.

Sayzor says, "If you don't want to do that, settle for something less and continue to use the imbeddible."

Nitefallz asks, "terate ever teach you his obliteration trick?"

Delileah asks, "Sayzor?"

Delileah says, "I'm 35."

Delileah says, "I have 14 mana and 5 spirit"

Delileah says, "I really don't see the point"

Kaydenjadir says, "Hey I'm 20 and just got my 4th mana"

Sayzor says, "Then live with that fact."

Setzier says, "Learn magic and you get mana."

Brinnea beams happily at Kaydenjadir!

Brinnea giggles.

Kaydenjadir giggles.

Blades peers quizzically at Setzier.

Delileah says, "I'm not begrudging mana users"

Blades asks, "since when?"

Arkenhold asks, "You do?"

Setzier asks, "Since I said?"

Setzier coughs.

Blades says, "shudup"

Delileah says, "I just said why I hunt what I hunt"

Setzier stares off into space.

Maneaak says, "I got 68 Mana, but uhh Tis jes Sittin there like a lump"

Kaydenjadir says, "I resort to scrolls"

Maneaak says, "Every now and again I use 2 or 3"

Blades says, "the way i trained was to be as self sufficent as possible in my time period"

Maneaak grins.

Delileah says, "because I'm trying to stockpile favor for the invasion"

Nitefallz asks, "share or spells for rogues?"

Kahtya says, "I just want to know why increadingly...to be good at picking, it's leanin toward a magic usin rogue..you simply CAN NOT equal that with the pure physical trainin"

Kahtya says, "er increasingly"

Delileah says, "I'll never train share"

Ishiyama says, "share is a waste"

Delileah says, "I don't have enough"

Ishiyama says, "I would know"

Ishiyama mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Blades says, "my mother told me not to share"

Nitefallz nods to Ishiyama.

Blades smirks.

Rayzor nods to Blades.

Maneaak says, "And from the looks of it Blades, ye have Trained verra well indeed"

Delileah says, "I do have enough to get lore"

Maneaak nods to Blades.

Setzier asks, "Sayzor, I don't think I heard you. When are the changes in the spells you mentioned going to take effect? When you finish them?"

Nitefallz says, "listen to her"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Ishiyama says, "worst 25 mental points i've used"

Kahtya sighs.

Nitefallz says, "I spent 50 phsyical"

Nitefallz's face turns slightly pale.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Ishiyama looks over at Druhar and shakes his head.

Kahtya snickers.

Sayzor says, "Probably sometime in April. I'm shotting before then, but plans change."

Setzier nods.

Kahtya says, "wanna share...be an empath"

Kahtya whistles tunelessly to herself.

Delileah says, "sure.. at year 35.. I need some spells to do vruul.."

Setzier says, "I've some enlightment on a GM's schedule... and its not pleasing."

Setzier shudders.

Kaydenjadir says, "wanna share pain? incinerate yerself"

Sayzor says, "So Vruul must need to be fixed."

Arkenhold says, "Its not april yet"

Blades says, "you're still a good bit younger then them, Delileah"

Arkenhold slaps himself on the forehead.

Delileah says, "no"

Delileah says, "not really"

Ishiyama says, "eh? not if you triple train..."

Delileah says, "I use EVERYTHING when I go there "

Blades asks, "how old are vruul? 45?"

Delileah nods.

Brinnea says, "for what? mana share? ifn yer a rogue and got alot of mana dats good..learn share..cause us empaths that heal ya after ya blow up use over 500 mana to heal ourselves up"

Brinnea babbles something unintelligible.

Delileah says, "it's within 10"

Setzier asks, "Any plans on lowering the treasure on Sheruvians to get rid of the old people who cannot learn from them and just want to money hunt?"

Setzier peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Delileah says, "and they are hard for me"

Kahtya says, "dat's only if ya do the scars yourself"

Kahtya just tickled Brinnea.

Delileah says, "I don't see they need to be tweaked at all"

Ishiyama just gave Brinnea a smooch.

Kahtya cowers away from Brinnea!

Brinnea giggles.

Nitefallz says, "don't hunt aboive your trainings"

Brinnea nods.

Ishiyama says, "I can send ya 1 mana"

Delileah says, "I hide "

Sayzor says, "Well you need magic to hunt there."

Ishiyama giggles.

Sayzor says, "So by your logic, they need to be fixed."

Delileah says, "but I don't come out unscathed"

Arkenhold asks, "What do you need magic to hunt?"

Blades says, "critters come in many varietys"

Delileah says, "no.. vruul are fine"

Sayzor says, "But that's the same logic you are using."

Blades says, "raax or whatever the heck they are now are very very square based"

Delileah says, "I hunt them only to gain favor for the baron"

Nitefallz says, "you want the best of both worlds it seems without havin to pay for it"

Maneaak says, "Im 31 and I kin hunt TKs, jes the Dern Harbs there i dont like"

Maneaak grumbles.

Kahtya says, "Sayzor, why is your philosophy that it should be necessary for rogues to pick well if they can reap other magical rewards, like massies, without knowin it demself"

Sayzor nods to Nitefallz.

Kaydenjadir says, "No one should hunt and comeout unscathed... a scratch at minimum unless yer having a good day"

Blades says, "TKs are square based too"

Setzier says, "You mean myklians."

Brinnea pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Setzier just nudged Blades.

Ishiyama asks, "umm, Sayzor, you told us to mail you any suggestions, but uhh, did you ever specify which part of Feedback we send it to so it reaches you specifically?"

Ishiyama coughs.

Blades nods to Setzier.

Blades says, "whatever"

Ishiyama says, "e-mail address"

Ishiyama clears his throat.

Setzier smirks.

Ishiyama whistles tunelessly to himself.

Delileah says, "I really don't think you are listening to me Sayzor"

Sayzor says, "Kahtya, I want Massies to be changed."

Maneaak says, "Aye"

Sayzor says, "I'd prefer to see all spells Self Cast only."

Nitefallz just tried to pull Sayzor towards him!

Maneaak nods to Blades.

Blades nods to Sayzor.

Blades nods to Sayzor.

Blades nods to Sayzor.

Blades nods to Sayzor.

Setzier cowers away from Sayzor!

Maneaak says, "jes gotta be a lil careful is all"

Setzier says, "That will damage warriors."

Rayzor nods to Sayzor.

Setzier says, "Then I have to listen to them whine"

Setzier sniffs.

Nitefallz says, "well wait"

Druhar just went out.

Kahtya says, "that's fine, just make the critters ability match their levels then"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Kahtya shrugs.

Nitefallz asks, "ditch those 3 mass spells?"

Delileah says, "I think you'd like for everyone to be self sufficient.."

Sayzor says, "No, don't ditch them."

Blades says, "mass spells can stay, but i always though if someone left the group mass spell went bye bye"

Aurec says, "Just make the mass spells group dependent like bard song renewal."

Setzier says, "And a whining warrior, is not a thing I wanna mess wid."

Sayzor says, "If you want the benefit of a Mass Spell...be joined to the caster to get it."

Rayzor nods to Blades.

Delileah says, "and no one would have to interact with anyone else.."

Brinnea just tickled Setzier.

Sayzor says, "If you are in Vruul, and the Caster is in town. You are not joined, so do not get it."

Kahtya asks, "sooo...we should all hunt in 5 member parties?"

Kahtya chuckles.

Nitefallz asks, "but other spelsl be only self cast, like alkars?"

Setzier nods to Sayzor.

Nitefallz coughs.

Nitefallz says, "spells"

Setzier says, "Like bard spells"

Sayzor nods to Setzier.

Blades says, "wall of force has become a disgusting crutch sometimes"

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Kahtya laughs!

Blades says, "not that thats going to stop me from learning it of course"

Setzier says, "But truely, if all spells become self cast only except for mass spells... The warriors will whine about it."

Nitefallz asks, "how so?"

Setzier shudders.

Blades smirks.

Delileah says, "So.. I go out and solo trees.. and make EVERYONE mad"

Kaydenjadir says, "I used wall of force only once... it is a bit over kill for me.. I se as little spels as I can get away with"

Kahtya says, "i don think that comes in till yer older..I've had it once in my whole life cast on me"

Maneaak begins chuckling at Blades.

Rayzor says, "if anything just halve the ammounts of anything not self cast including imbeddibles and scrolls and that wouldn't be a bad start."

Nitefallz says, "I thought you had it.."

Nitefallz says, "hmm vixxie lied"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Blades peers quizzically at Nitefallz.

Dara asks, "why don't you do pookas?"

Kahtya asks, "eh?"

Delileah says, "I do"

Kahtya peers quizzically at Nitefallz.

Nitefallz chuckles.

Nitefallz says, "nevermind"

Delileah says, "they are just so populated that it's rare I get favor"

Blades says, "basically, my hunting was warfs, then to figures, then i hunted darkstone for to long"

Kahtya says, "cause yet again, der rich for their age..which he said will be addressed"

Maneaak says, "The best thing to hunt in ye 30s is Sheru Monks though, I kint git enough dat place"

Delileah says, "and I've done miners"

Setzier shifts his eyes to Maneaak.

Setzier mutters to_himself.

Delileah says, "I'm not caring about money"

Maneaak just tickled Setzier.

Blades says, "its not healthy to call yourself a moron"

Blades pokes Setzier in the ribs.

Setzier shifts his eyes to Blades.

Delileah says, "my trip to miners.. I joined"

Blades squints at Dara.

Delileah says, "and I didn't take a single thing from the hunt"

Blades says, "where'd you come from Lundy Dundy"

Ishiyama says, "hmmm, I'm gonna go..open boxes"

Ishiyama grins.

(Blades guards his shins.)

Ishiyama stands up.

Dara bites Blades!

Maneaak says, "How could ye stand huntin them Figs Blades"

Ishiyama waves to Brinnea.

Setzier says, "If you think of hunting Sheruvian members, then ya should remove that tattoo on yer finger"

Setzier pokes Maneaak in the ribs.

Blades says, "whew"

Kaydenjadir asks, "Whats good to hunt after you out grow Frosties?"

Sayzor says, "That's funny. You gain favor by just witnessing the kill."

Brinnea waves to Ishiyama.

Brinnea just gave Ishiyama a smooch.

Setzier nods to Sayzor.

Ishiyama just hugged Brinnea.

Blades says, "figures were a bit different back then, Maneaak"

Kahtya says, "warfies Kay"

Ishiyama asks, "is it just me or are there only like 10 people in this room now?"

Ishiyama shrugs.

Blades says, "they didn't show up all spelled up"

Kaydenjadir says, "really? finally someone decided to give me an answer"

Kahtya pokes Blades in the ribs.

Ishiyama says, "nine now"

Ishiyama waves.

Ishiyama just went out.

Blades nods to Kahtya.

Maneaak says, "I Jes hate they Spell"

Maneaak says, "errm Dispell"

Sayzor says, "21, actually."

Sayzor grins.

Rayzor chuckles.

Arkenhold says, "You gain Favor by watching undead die? that should probably be changed"

Blades says, "fire elementals are a nicely designed critter, need more crit padding though"

Setzier asks, "Are you going to appear during the Tresure system forum?"

Kahtya laughs!

Delileah says, "Sayzor.. if you want to really see what it's like for a GOOD rogue you are more than welcome to use me.."

Setzier peers quizzically at Sayzor.

Blades says, "its live or die there"

Sayzor asks, "Delileah, what exactly is a "good" rogue?"

Stremm says, "gonnamake it 20"

Stremm waves.

Delileah says, "I'm trained in everything but magic"

Stremm stands up.

Stremm just went out.

Rayzor says, "hmm perhaps I messed up and need reroll. I thought I was good too."

Rayzor begins pouting.

Blades pokes Rayzor in the ribs.

Delileah asks, "you can look at my skills.. why don't you?"

Setzier begins chuckling at Rayzor.

Kahtya pokes Rayzor in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "I could actually pick that statement apart...but your training choices are your own to make."

Rayzor says, "if the first 5 times don't do it...a 6th might."

Kahtya says, "multiple of 3...3rd times the charm..seems valid"

Kahtya cowers away from Rayzor!

Delileah says, "the only thing I lack is the magic you so desire"

Kaydenjadir says, "I live with my stats... may not always like them but I live on"

Rayzor says, "if I did that Leanness would just pick on me.. Maybe I'll stay put."

Sayzor says, "You are not fully trained in Ambushing."

Leanness grins.

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Blades says, "be nice"

Leanness whistles tunelessly to herself.

Rayzor leans on Leanness.

Sayzor says, "You are undertrained in stalking & hiding."

Blades asks, "what did i say?"

Leanness leans on Rayzor.

Blades furrows his brow.

Brinnea says, "bah! someone jes needs to sit down and explain all this info about stats, redux, codin, blah blah"

Brinnea whimpers.

Delileah says, "I've got 55 ranks"

Kahtya rubs Brinnea gently.

Setzier says, "But you have to understand, Delileah. Elanthia is a realm of magic. Everywhere you turn, you see magic. It is hard to survive without some sort of magic."

Sayzor says, "You aren't fully trained in brawling, which you should be for any weapon style to be used effectvely."

Delileah says, "and I'm doin more"

Sayzor says, "You are not trained for AsG12 yet."

Kahtya blinks.

Kaydenjadir asks, "Can you give me some extra Training points to become a proper rogue?"

(Kaydenjadir hopes for a miracle)

Kahtya asks, "brawling?"

Kahtya sighs.

Sayzor says, "You have very little climbing and swimming."

Delileah says, "oh... so then now I understand the warrior plight"

Delileah says, "I know"

Setzier says, "I got three ranks of disarming and lockpicking. I can pick some boxes"

Arkenhold says, "Heh, im not fully trained in anything i don think"

Setzier stares off into space.

Arkenhold chuckles.

Nitefallz asks, "warrior plight?"

Nitefallz snorts.

Leanness whines.

Leanness removes a frosted blueberry cookie from inside her veniom-worked satchel.

Sayzor says, "I have played full blown magical Rogues, like Blades...Semi-Magical Rogues...and Purists."

Delileah says, "I'm not willing to lose who I am for what ya'll want me to be"

Leanness takes a bite of her blueberry cookie.

Sayzor says, "I've trained them up in the levels, and I know the advantages and the disadvantages for each."

Blades says, "you make me sound like a disease"

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Dara asks, "real players not just testing?"

Blades mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Setzier says, "That is fine, Delileah, but understand magic is in Elanthia."

Sayzor says, "I don't want you to be anything."

Sayzor chuckles.

Kaydenjadir asks, "Ooo what do you think is most fun?"

Kahtya asks, "aren't you?"

Sayzor nods to Dara.

Kahtya peers quizzically at Blades.

Kahtya snickers.

Blades says, "usually"

Sayzor says, "Real players."

Nitefallz sniffs at Kahtya.

Blades nods to Kahtya.

Delileah says, "why should magic envelope a rogue.. it doesn't a warrior"

Kahtya blinks.

Setzier says, "I know some warriors who know magic"

Blades says, "choices, Delileah"

Kahtya says, "it does till they get redux"

Brinnea nods to Setzier.

Nitefallz says, "I know magical casting warriors"

Kahtya chuckles.

Brinnea says, "me too"

Leanness says, "Just appreciate the diversity"

Leanness mutters under her breath.

Setzier exclaims, "Heck Dalimar sends me 100 mana everytime he sees me!"

Setzier shudders.

Nitefallz says, "redux only works IF you get hit"

Leanness takes a bite of her blueberry cookie.

Nitefallz smirks.

Blades says, "you could be just of a jerky hided tin can wearin thick skulled giant too as a rogue"

Delileah says, "I do too"

Blades says, "just drop your rogue skills"

Delileah says, "but I don't think it's normal"

Blades says, "normal is different for everyone"

Delileah says, "I have a spell"

Setzier asks, "It goes back to the argument I have with Romulus and the sorcerers. Why should I train in spell aiming( a wizard skill) just to use my sorcerer skills?"

Sayzor says, "Who are you to define what "normal" is? I won't even take on that mantle."

Kaydenjadir asks, "Hey Sayzor, ye writing code?"

Delileah says, "but yer still taking things away"

Rayzor says, "I consider it normal to do any and everything possible as a rogue...to be a rogue. The day I start having to enchant armor...then I'll consider myself not a rogue."

Sayzor asks, "What did I take away?"

Kaydenjadir says, "if not, get at it, we want more stuff to complain about"

Maneaak asks, "Does any ye Double in CM ?"

Sayzor just tickled Kaydenjadir.

Kaydenjadir ducks his head.

Kahtya says, "sometimes"

Nitefallz shakes his head.

Delileah says, "everyone opens their boxes"

Kahtya says, "my pickin abilities Sayzor"

Nitefallz says, "I couldn't get my spells"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Sayzor says, "I didnt touch your skill."

Delileah says, "even warriors"

(Setzier quietly pulls out a thick, dust covered tome and flips through the pages to the word, 'normal'. He quietly shows it to Sayzor, pointing at the picture of Setzier.)

Kahtya says, "it took my 6 years to get back to where I was at 17"

(Setzier nods sagely.)

Blades says, "rogues are survivalists in a sense, street survivalists"

Sayzor says, "By using something you paid nothing at all for."

Nitefallz says, "what ever works"

Nitefallz nods to Blades.

Kahtya shrugs.

Leanness stands up.

Blades says, "thats the definition i would give"

Kahtya says, "now I'm payin in not gettin redux a bit longer and listenin to Nite smirk in my ear"

Setzier says, "I open some boxes. Incinerators open me."

Kahtya smiles wryly

Setzier coughs.

Delileah says, "I'm concerned about the other guilds after us"

Brinnea giggles.

Setzier peers quizzically at Delileah.

Nitefallz says, "rogue is a word for someone who strays from mainstream"

Blades says, "i'm going to join the empath guild"

Blades nods.

Blades snickers.

Delileah asks, "are they gonna give them opportunities also to open their boxes?"

Setzier cowers away from Blades!

Kahtya begins chuckling at Blades.

Brinnea beams happily at Blades!

Kahtya asks, "what, if they offer anti-healin?"

Setzier says, "Actually, some think you are going to join the sorcerer guild, Blades"

Dara says, "if they had enough staff they could do more than one guild at a time"

Kahtya pokes Blades in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "That will be determined when we start work on those guilds."

Brinnea says, "I was gonna join the warrior guild...but they didn't want me"

Brinnea begins pouting.

Setzier says, "No, Delileah. Romulus went over this. Opening boxes is primarely a rogue skill."

Blades asks, "are they still planning to do secondary guilds, Sayzor?"

Kaydenjadir asks, "Look how long it takes to make our guild... do you think they have the manpower to spare for other guilds?"

Blades says, "when all the main profession guilds are open that is"

Sayzor says, "I cannot discuss that."

Blades pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Delileah says, "well the more guilds that open their own boxes.. the more you are ridding a profession"

Maneaak says, "I always Inisioned for us to Through little Smoke Bombs, and Bright Bursts of light to Render our opponents some what Dazed and Confused"

Setzier says, "Just like the Ranger Guru won't let them have box opening skills."

Sayzor asks, "How so?"

Kahtya asks, "then why make it necessary to get lore AND woo if yer gonna be competative...if it costs such an exorbitant amount?"

Brinnea asks, "erm..secondary guilds?"

Sayzor says, "You are the only profession that can Triple Locks and Traps."

Delileah asks, "howso??"

Blades says, "bakers guilds"

Sayzor says, "You have the cheapest skill costs, overall, of any other class."

Blades snickers.

Setzier asks, "Merchant guilds?"

Setzier peers quizzically at Blades.

Delileah says, "well everyone is training disarm now"

Blades says, "sure sounds good to me"

Sayzor says, "Nobody else can Triple Train it."

Setzier nods to Blades.

Blades says, "i always like the idea of an assassins guild"

Delileah says, "and if the guild skill is given "

Blades says, "but i'm biased there"

Kahtya says, "aye, but I have to give boxes too high for me to my sorc husband...that shouldn't be possible...for him to woo a box better than I kin pick"

Setzier says, "Thats the rogue guild."

Setzier pokes Blades in the ribs.

Blades peers quizzically at Setzier.

Blades asks, "since when?"

Setzier asks, "Since I said?"

Setzier coughs.

Delileah says, "well.. we should just rot away and die"

Sayzor says, "Why not, Magic is...as I said...random."

Maneaak says, "We are also the Most likely to Survive Profession"

Blades stands up.

Brinnea says, "since Setz said"

Blades hauls off and slaps Setzier up'side his head!

Blades sits down.

Brinnea nods.

Setzier splutters.

Sayzor asks, "Would you like me to make you a casket or would you prefer incineration?"

Sayzor raises an eyebrow in Delileah's direction.

Brinnea mutters something about caskets.

Rayzor says, "knowing when to hide and sneak away is always a great survivalist's trick."

Setzier says, "Woo I'll take a brown lacquered casket."

Arkenhold sighs.

Setzier just tried to pull Sayzor towards him!

Leanness grins.

Delileah says, "that don't matter Sayzor to someone that has 300 mana"

Setzier says, "My pet fly died"

Setzier removes a large dead fly from inside his sacrificial satchel.

Setzier sniffs at his large dead fly.

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Setzier.

Blades says, "nah good survivalist tactic is to stick anything that looks at you funny"

Setzier pokes his finger at a large dead fly.

Sayzor chuckles.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Setzier put a large dead fly inside his sacrificial satchel.

Blades asks, "were you abused as a child?"

Blades peers quizzically at Setzier.

Setzier smiles with an insane glint in his eye.

(Setzier cackles madly!)

Kahtya yawns.

Setzier says, "No."

Kahtya lies down.

Sayzor asks, "Then why are they constantly complaining about lack of mana and the ability of opening boxes being stripped from them?"

Setzier stares off into space.

Blades asks, "or related to Thalior in anyways?"

Setzier begins chuckling at Blades.

Setzier shudders.

Delileah says, "so yer just leavin me with kob boxies or maybe up to wraith"

Kaydenjadir says, "on the farm, he saw roltons get taken away in space ships"

Kaydenjadir glances at Setzier.

Setzier glances at Kaydenjadir.

Setzier says, "No, but I saw a person come down on a airship and turn Tsalin into a common frog."

Setzier smirks.

Arkenhold asks, "I dont think either of you will ever convince one annother so why try?"

Nitefallz says, "if you've tripled since you been in the lands you should be able to get some pretty high locks"

Dara says, "my sorc took a big hit when the lore changes went in - went from being able to 140 traps down to 90 or 100 maybe"

Blades says, "i always said roltons should fly"

Kaydenjadir smirks.

Setzier nods to Dara.

Sayzor nods to Dara.

Setzier says, "I used to beable to open up to 140 boxes. Now I can't even open kobolds"

Setzier begins pouting.

Setzier says, "And that was manually"

Blades says, "hell i took a nice hit when the changes came in"

Delileah says, "I can get up to like -520 without lore.. top end"

Brinnea lies down.

Rayzor asks, "who didn't?"

Kahtya blinks.

Rayzor nods to Blades.

Maneaak says, "Morph and Mini are neat spells"

Nitefallz says, "I can get -460 with lore"

Delileah says, "I tripled for a long time"

Nitefallz says, "stop whining"

Delileah says, "but I'm playing catch up with others"

Kahtya says, "Nite, stop bein so damn superior because you had it when the change came in"

Setzier says, "Course, soon I'll be meditating and throwing rotting fruit down on you all."

Arkenhold says, "Hmm, i can only get like -310, maybe -320 with lore"

Setzier cackles!

Arkenhold sighs.

Nitefallz says, "I'm not"

Setzier says, "erm levitating"

Nitefallz says, "my skill sucks"

Setzier splutters.

Blades says, "lets look at this one, Delileah, i can pick hmm -360 without lore and 560 with lore, and i'm 73 years older then you"

Blades asks, "see a bit of a difference?"

Kahtya asks, "and yet you kin woo boxes open that are how high?"

Kahtya peers quizzically at Blades.

Delileah says, "you trained magic"

Delileah says, "alot of it"

Blades asks, "ever see a mithril box?"

Blades peers quizzically at Kahtya.

Kahtya grins.

Delileah says, "you depended on magic to open boxes"

Kahtya says, "aye, see a warrior with a club too"

(Brinnea gets a blankie outa her backpack and lays her head on Setziers knee and drifts off to sleep)

Blades says, "i did when it was a common thing to do, Delileah"

Setzier says, "Each profession has their own unique abilities... some aquire abilities of other professions. That is life. People teach and trade ablilties and knownledge with other people. We cannot have seperate abilities and expect to live together in a realm."

Kaydenjadir says, "hurry up and make a code for complaining, so everone can hear ya no matter where they are and tell ya ta shut up"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Kaydenjadir ducks his head.

Delileah asks, "it's hard to catch up ain't it?"

Nitefallz asks, "if you retrained from the beginning, would you take the same path?"

Nitefallz glances at Blades.

Blades says, "hard? i don't try to catch up"

Setzier blinks at Brinnea.

Blades nods to Nitefallz.

Setzier kicks Brinnea!

Setzier says, "Wake up."

Rayzor says, "I only depend on magic (lockwise) for soul golem boxes...disarming I need help since I skimped knowingly bad. And I'm not tripple trained in picking, not even doubled in disarm."

Blades says, "i wanted to be the best hunter, not the best locksmith"

Setzier nods to Blades.

Brinnea rubs her eyes.

Brinnea whimpers.

Delileah says, "i just don't feel it right that all the other guilds just train in disarm"

Kaydenjadir says, "they should invent a whole new type of magic... doesn't require Mana but some other energy source..."

Rayzor says, "any box I can't get...is a box I'd bring to the merchant locksmiths before I'd bring it to a mage myself."

Setzier says, "It is all a choice of path. Some sorcerers mixed knownledge of wizards and trained in spell aiming. I did not because I do not see a pure sorcerer dabbling in wizardary."

Leanness takes a bite of her blueberry cookie.

Brinnea sits up.

Nitefallz asks, "what about sorcerer's who train in ambushing?"

Kahtya asks, "actually, if ye wanna make rogues so magic friendly...why not add a magic circle for us and bring the price down to 50 or 60?"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Nitefallz says, "they can make some rogues look bad"

Kaydenjadir says, "now thats an idea"

(Setzier quietly tries to squint through the fog that slowly seeps in.)

Delileah says, "I don't need lore often... so.."

Aurec says, "Then be a bard."

(Brinnea pulls her blanket up around her and leans against Sayzor and goes back to sleep)

Setzier says, "Woo, evening fog filling the tent."

Sayzor says, "Wait, I'll just scrap all of my work and make a room that has a big button that you can push to have everything."

Sayzor smirks.

Blades begins chuckling at Sayzor.

Kahtya says, "but the lores in that circle, maybe some hidin type stuff...leave wooing in spirit, but higher up the list"

Delileah says, "I could take a loss of 30 HP to get a lore"

Nitefallz pokes Sayzor in the ribs.

Setzier says, "I only know of one sorcerer who trains in ambushing. And to me it is worthless because I'm a packrat"

Kaydenjadir applauds.

Kahtya shrugs.

Kaydenjadir says, "finally"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Setzier says, "Sayzor, do something about this fog."

(Setzier tries to scatter the fog away from him.)

Setzier squints.

Setzier asks, "Anyone there?"

Setzier squints.

Arkenhold stands up.

Kahtya asks, "how many of us are left anyhow..10?"

Dara says, "no we are just figments of your imagination"

Arkenhold says, "I dont remember sitting down"

Blades says, "if ambush becomes rank based, it'll be the only minute in a life time anyone will see me actually be giddy"

Sayzor says, "20."

Blades smirks.

Kaydenjadir says, "oh gosh, it's 2 am"

Delileah says, "Sayzor why don't ya just stand up for us.. but that's just what a lot of people think and never say"

Kaydenjadir says, "I need to sleep"

Setzier flails his arms about.

(Setzier waves his hands around trying to blow the fog out the tent.)

Nitefallz says, "2? its 5"

Nitefallz moans.

Sayzor says, "Delileah, you don't want me to stand up for the Rogue's. You want me to make the system perfect for your training pattern."

Sayzor says, "I am sorry, but I am not going to do that."

Kahtya says, "i bet she'd settle for viable for her training pattern"

Arkenhold says, "Hmm, ye all not slept yet? heh, I jus woke up a couple hours ago"

Arkenhold chuckles.

Kahtya says, "not that it's the best or ideal...but a possibility to follow"

Sayzor says, "Her training pattern was her choice."

Blades says, "she is viable"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Kaydenjadir ducks his head.

Sayzor says, "She is viable, but she is not ideal."

Setzier frowns.

Sayzor says, "If you want to be the best at one thing, then you are not the best at others."

Blades says, "perfection is near impossible"

Nitefallz nods to Sayzor.

Leanness takes a bite of her blueberry cookie.

Rayzor says, "heck I always thought huntin in groups was to cut the chances of ya dying instantly by the amount in the party. And hiding only improved it."

Sayzor says, "If you make choices to cut corners in places, expect to fall behind in those places."

Blades says, "and it always will be unless you have 500 trainings"

(Setzier reaches out and trys to feel around the room as he says, "Hello? Where everyone go?")

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Maneaak says, "I like the way things are, If they were any different Id probably nae be here, Its the Challenge that Enjoy alot"

Rayzor says, "some of the funnest times I've ever had was hunting warfs with no spells and risking life and limb every attack."

Setzier says, "Alright, stop screaming you evil spirit."

Setzier glances at something inside a vruul-skin sacrificial satchel.

Sayzor nods to Rayzor.

Sayzor says, "Mine too."

Nitefallz asks, "who wants to have things easy?"

Blades says, "theres only two skills i won't not drop i rank in, thats one handed edged and ambush, all the rest i've slacked off a tiny bit"

Nitefallz says, "er"

Nitefallz says, "nevermind"

Kahtya pokes Kaydenjadir in the ribs.

Delileah says, "that's not true "

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Delileah glances at Sayzor.

Kittoa gibbers incoherently.

Kahtya pushes on Kittoa without much success.

Blades furrows his brow.

Setzier says, "Ahh.. fog gone."

Setzier wipes the sweat from his brow.

Kahtya says, "yer still here"

Setzier removes a large glass orb from inside his sacrificial satchel.

Kittoa stands up.

Kahtya bites Kittoa!

Setzier squints at a large glass orb.

Kittoa nods to Kahtya.

Delileah says, "my training pattern is ok"

Kahtya gives Kittoa a firm punch and backs away from him.

Blades shows Setzier his crystal ball.

Kittoa just went out.

Sayzor says, "For you, it is."

Delileah says, "I am who I want to be"

Setzier shows Blades his glass orb.

Blades says, "how boring"

Blades pokes Setzier in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "That is my point."

Setzier says, "My orb has a evil spirit that screams in my head."

Setzier smiles at Blades.

Sayzor says, "Now live with that choice, and accept it."

Setzier scowls at the orb in his hand.

Delileah says, "but I hate to see a mage younger being the same"

Blades says, "no thats called a missing bolt"

Blades nods to Setzier.

Setzier splutters.

Kahtya asks, "Sayzor, why have I come to the undeniable opinion you DON"T like purely physical rogues?"

Setzier says, "Speak orb... show Blades."

Setzier shows Blades his glass orb.

Kaydenjadir says, "psst... Sayzor... can you like add a few trasining points to me? I got a dollar bill with yer name on it"

Sayzor asks, "Because that is your opinion?"

Setzier reaches out tentatively to touch the glass orb.

(Kaydenjadir realizes he said that too loud)

Kahtya shrugs.

Setzier taps his foot impatiently.

Setzier stares at the orb in his hand.

Delileah says, "Ok.. now I'm just inclined to believe what I've heard"

Sayzor says, "I don't like one over the other either way."

Rayzor says, "odd...I was lying prone with no shield the other day when Kux cast his hardest lightning at me and he said...that's not right. Some mages think we've got it too easy."

Setzier knocks on a large glass orb.

Setzier asks, "Hello?"

Setzier knocks on a large glass orb.

Sayzor says, "I like it when a person pays for what they use. Not when they get something for free."

Sayzor says, "If you want to do something, learn how to doit."

Delileah says, "I got nothing"

Delileah says, "for free"

Setzier says, "Oh sure, make me look like I'm insane now don't you."

Setzier stares at the orb in his hand.

Setzier stares fascinated as he turns a large glass orb around and around.

Kaydenjadir says, "I'll pay a dollar"

Blades says, "the only spells i think are silly are boil earth and spikethorn"

Delileah says, "I paid for everything"

Kaydenjadir ducks his head.

Blades says, "and call lightning"

Sayzor says, "You paid for nothing. Silver is irrelevent."

Blades says, "theres literally no protection"

Kahtya says, "ya know, it prolly wouldn't bother me if I hadn't been alive before the change...I guess I'll just try to pretend I ne'er knew how it was and accept it"

Kahtya shrugs.

Delileah says, "I didn't mean silver"

Delileah says, "silver means nothing"

Sayzor asks, "Then how did you pay to use an Imbed?"

Sayzor raises an eyebrow in Delileah's direction.

Setzier says, "Possessions and items can be replaced. Your beginning training skills when you were younger cannot."

Setzier glances at Sayzor.

Kaydenjadir asks, "can I have your silver then?"

Setzier says, "Oof"

Setzier glances at Delileah.

Delileah asks, "an imbed?"

Maneaak says, "Well i dont Understand Meteor Storm, How kin that Benefit a Mage"

Setzier says, "It don't."

Setzier smiles at Maneaak.

Kahtya pokes Maneaak in the ribs.

Sayzor says, "An imbedded spell such as Lockpick Enhancement."

Setzier gazes in awe at the orb in his hand.

Delileah asks, "maybe cause me fiance Zeilden imbedded lore for me?"

Blades says, "if they want to commit suicide it helps"

Sayzor asks, "How did you pay for it?"

Sayzor raises an eyebrow in Delileah's direction.

Nitefallz smirks.

Sayzor says, "It cost you nothing to use."

Setzier pokes his finger at a large glass orb.

Kahtya mutters something about dangerousquestions.

Kahtya coughs.

Leanness chuckles.

Delileah says, "with me and Zeilden.. we just give each other.. ther is no tally"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Delileah says, "we love each other"

Kaydenjadir mutters harem.

Sayzor says, "So, as I said..."

Sayzor asks, "How did you pay for it?"

Setzier nods to Blades.

Setzier smirks.

Kaydenjadir blinks.

Kaydenjadir blinks.

infoSayzor says, "It cost you nothing to use."

Kaydenjadir smirks.

Setzier asks, "Isn't Zeilden a rogue?"

Setzier glances at Delileah.

Sayzor says, "You were using an ability that others spent years learning how to use."

Delileah says, "yes.. he is"

Arkenhold says, "You've got to use your own time to get the silver"

Sayzor says, "For free."

Setzier says, "See, and he uses magic to make you your imbed."

Setzier just nudged Delileah.

Sayzor says, "So, in essence, you leached off of someone who paid to use the spell for your own benefit."

Blades says, "its not magic...well maybe it was"

Delileah says, "he had magic before"

Kahtya says, "and I'm sure she picked for him free...he used her years of trainin too"

Delileah says, "he didn't get it for me"

Kaydenjadir mutters something about sleep.

Sayzor says, "That is not the point."

Sayzor chuckles.

(Setzier 's mouth moves alittle as the orb exclaims, "I'm the evil spirit of the orb! Bow before me!")

Delileah asks, "leached Sayzor?"

Kahtya sighs.

Delileah says, "I really want to slap you right now"

Nitefallz glances at Kahtya.

Rayzor chuckles.

Brinnea rubs her eyes.

Brinnea yawns.

Nitefallz says, "he's a rogue why he need her to pick"

Delileah says, "He gave it to me because he loves me"

(Blades 's mouth moves alittle as he bashes Setzier in the head with his crystal ball.)

Delileah says, "I didn't ask him for it"

Setzier cowers away from Blades!

Kahtya says, "whichever"

Kahtya shrugs.

Blades says, "theres yer future"

Blades nods to Setzier.

Blades says, "a headache"

(Brinnea puts her blanket in her backpack)

Blades smirks.

Setzier says, "Oh dear Arkati the fog is back"

Setzier flails his arms about.

Setzier squints.

Arkenhold says, "Bet the crystal ball didnt see that one coming"

Sayzor says, "Delileah, I don't care who gave it to you or for what reasons. I am talking about pure mechanics here."

Sayzor says, "Your personal life is your own business."

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Arkenhold.

Delileah says, "and if you think as a love relationship that when I give him something... he's leeching from me.. I WILL slap you"

Ylaenna just went out.

Kaydenjadir says, "I wonder how hard code would be if they changed GS to a graphical interface"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Nitefallz squints at Kaydenjadir.

Kahtya grins.

Delileah says, "you are too cold Sayzor"

Rayzor says, "this is a game Delileah...you might be taking this just a bit to seriously."

Kaydenjadir gasps.

Sayzor says, "You, as a person...a Rogue...were using a spell. a mechanics, that you did not pay, Development points, for to use."

Delileah asks, "game?"

Delileah says, "I don't see a board in front of me"

Sayzor says, "You had an ability that you had not trained for given to you freely, without cost, which you took advantage of."

Setzier says, "Sayzor is merely stating that you are leeching from Zeilden's magic abilities to help yourself when you did not learn those magic abilities when you were younger."

Nitefallz rolls his eyes.

Sayzor says, "Now, you must train in that ability if you wish to use it."

Delileah says, "what he just said had nothing to do with OOC"

Brinnea stares off into space.

Setzier nods to Brinnea.

Sayzor rubs his eyes.

Setzier stares off into space.

Kaydenjadir smirks.

Delileah says, "no.. that's not true"

(Blades slices Setzier's face with his gauntlets.)

(Brinnea gets her blanket back out and offers it to Sayzor)

Sayzor says, "Why am I still awake."

Sayzor chuckles.

Blades says, "see hes not bleeding"

Setzier bends slightly and slaps Blades up'side his head!

Delileah says, "alot of times he lores me in the CY.. and I get mad"

Setzier mutters under his breath.

Rayzor asks, "a glutton for punishment?"

Delileah says, "I coulda done it myself"

Sayzor nods to Rayzor.

Setzier asks, "How could you have done it yourself when you don't have the spell?"

Setzier peers quizzically at Delileah.

Blades shows Sayzor a tattoo of crimson barbed wire running down his cheek and coiled around his neck.

Blades smirks.

Sayzor nods to Blades.

Brinnea says, "it's an emerald green blankie"

Brinnea smacks her lips.

Sayzor says, "That's what I feel like right now."

Sayzor chuckles.

Delileah says, "but he's gonns condemn me for taking the imbeddibles my future husband gives me"

Nitefallz asks, "what happens if you never had a husband?"

Setzier stares off into space.

Setzier nods to Nitefallz.

Delileah says, "and I did not ask nor pay for them"

Leanness grins.

Delileah says, "and rarely use them"

Setzier says, "Then you don't deserve them."

Setzier nods to Delileah.

Kahtya says, "oh please, like it's hard to find a friend to imbed"

Sayzor says, "Delileah, as I stated...your personal life has nothing at all to do with a purely mechanics discussion which I was participating in. I am sorry that I failed to understand that you wished to combine the two, however that is nowhere near what I was discussing."

Sayzor smiles.

Dara asks, "do you have trouble opening chests now?"

Aurec says, "Suppose you just find an amulet or whatever lying on the ground. You can use it without ever doing anything in terms of skills or training."

Blades says, "unless it was an amulet i imbed with eblast"

Blades stares off into space.

Delileah asks, "Sayzor? have you EVER been wrong?"

Nitefallz pokes Blades in the ribs.

Sayzor chuckles.

Aurec pokes Blades in the ribs.

(Setzier 's mouth moves alittle as a large glass orb says, "He's Sayzor, he's never wrong!")

Blades stands up.

(Aurec whispers to Blades, "Mana Focus is better.")

Blades hauls off and slaps Setzier up'side his head!

Setzier splutters.

Setzier hauls off and slaps Blades up'side his head!

Nitefallz pokes Aurec in the ribs.

Blades looks over at Aurec and shakes his head.

Delileah says, "I beg to disagree"

Kahtya pokes Kaydenjadir in the ribs.

Blades says, "they don't always get hurt with mana focus"

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Aurec asks, "Hey, what's wrong with making nodes?"

(Setzier 's mouth moves alittle as a large glass orb says, "No touching Setzier or I'll disinagrate you!")

Setzier stares at the orb in his hand.

Blades asks, "they don't always die?"

Blades hauls off and slaps Setzier up'side his head!

Brinnea just touched Setzier.

Setzier splutters.

Setzier hauls off and slaps Blades up'side his head!

Nitefallz sniffs at Setzier.

Sayzor says, "Am I going crazy, or are we talking about the same subject but from two drastically different angles."

Sayzor chuckles.

Setzier nods to Sayzor.

Kahtya says, "different agnles"

Brinnea nods to Sayzor.

Kaydenjadir nods.

Kaydenjadir nods.

Kahtya says, "angles too"

Kaydenjadir nods.

Kaydenjadir nods.

Arkenhold says, "Both"

(Setzier 's mouth moves alittle as a large glass orb says, "See... Sayzor is correct again!")

Nitefallz says, "what was the subject anyway"

Blades says, "angles are bent not curved"

Blades nods.

Kahtya begins chuckling at Blades.

Aurec asks, "Or is it Angels?"

Setzier tries to eat his glass orb.

Setzier put a large glass orb inside his sacrificial satchel.

Setzier says, "Okay I'm done."

Kahtya says, "kinda like most of my lockpicks will be soon"

Setzier sits down.

Kahtya giggles.

Setzier stares off into space.

Aurec just touched a slightly tarnished brass halo.

Sayzor says, "Well I thought it was the mechanics of the changes to the Lore spells, and the reason for those changes. I didn't realize that I had made the changes as a personal attack."

Sayzor chuckles.

Blades's viper staff suddenly crawls up his arm and curls around his neck.

Blades removes some flame etched venium bracers with several titanium spikes protruding from them from his arms.

Blades snickers.

Kahtya squints at Blades.

Setzier says, "People take things personal anow a days."

Brinnea gasps.

Setzier nods to Sayzor.

Rayzor says, "you made me break a pick the other day Sayzor."

Brinnea cowers away from Blades!

Kahtya says, "that's gotta hurt yer pet"

Blades attaches some flame etched venium bracers with several titanium spikes protruding from them to his arms.

Maneaak rubs Rayzor gently.

Aurec asks, "Who can I blame for my halo being tarnished?"

Blades says, "me"

Blades says, "everyone else does"

Rayzor says, "I can't belive that smooth pick didn't open it right off. Took me two picks."

Setzier says, "Bleh, I can't open my cloak."

Aurec pokes Blades in the ribs.

Kaydenjadir asks, "'hey blades, wanna see something scarier?"

Blades asks, "whats that?"

Setzier says, "He's already seen Helga."

Setzier glances at Kaydenjadir.

(Kaydenjadir removes his pink bandana)

Blades says, "you remind me of a very young Briars"

Blades nods to Kaydenjadir.

Setzier begins chuckling at Blades.

Nitefallz smirks.

Kaydenjadir smirks.

Setzier rolls around on the ground laughing hysterically!

Rayzor says, "maybe boxes without locks would solve everyones problems. Just push all our lockpicking skill into pickpocketing and call it even."

Aurec chuckles.

Delileah says, "so.. rogues pay in two ways for spells... well three.. they neglect things in their program, they give up redux and they pick less as what expected"

Setzier sits up.

Leanness chuckles.

Aurec exclaims, "I know. I know! Locks without boxes!"

Nitefallz groans.

Setzier says, "Redux was ment for warriors."

Nitefallz begins chuckling at Aurec.

Kahtya sighs.

Sayzor says, "Okay, I'm going to go get some sleep before fantasy clashes with reality again."

Kaydenjadir asks, "I wonder... if there was an absence of boxes all together... who would still survive?"

Blades says, "redux is not out of reach for anyone"

Rayzor rubs Sayzor gently.

Nitefallz glances at Blades.

Setzier nods to Blades.

Nitefallz asks, "you got some?"

Delileah says, "I have redux"

Setzier says, "Its out of reach for sorcerers"

Leanness says, "Hm, Rayzor has all three"

Blades says, "maybe i shouldn't say that"

Kahtya says, "it's a nice plus for us though since spells are so expensive to get..we kin nay spell ourselves up too well"

Setzier looked like he was about ready to punch the orb.

Blades says, "hes semi-magical"

Blades pokes Rayzor in the ribs.

Setzier stands up.

Brinnea exclaims, "g'night Sayzor...sweet dreams!"

Dara says, "well there are worse things than missing a few boxes"

Setzier starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.

Brinnea just gave Sayzor a smooch.

Dara stands up.

Rayzor says, "I think I know way to many spells myself."

Sayzor nods to Dara.

Aurec says, "Thank you, Sayzor."

Brinnea struggles to stand, but fails.

Nitefallz just tried to pull Brinnea towards him!

Setzier says, "Careful, Brinnea, last time you smooched him you lost something."

Delileah says, "I don't think rogues should be magical"

Nitefallz stands up.

Brinnea stands up.

Nitefallz flails his arms about.

Sayzor says, "Good night everyone. It has been a pleasure, and hopefully I will be back on the Boards again soon."

Delileah says, "but I'm willing to deal with it"

Rayzor waves to Sayzor.

Nitefallz waves to Sayzor.

Blades just tried to pull Sayzor towards him!

Blades says, "rank based"

Blades stares off into space.

Kahtya says, "good read the last catagory"

Kahtya giggles.

Aurec waves to Sayzor.

Leanness bows to Sayzor.

Kahtya just tickled Sayzor.

Blades waves to Sayzor.

Dara waves to Sayzor.

Setzier exclaims, "If you ever need a volunteer er victim, look me up!"

Setzier turns towards Sayzor and renders a sharp hand salute.

Maneaak says, "I pick boxes bout as good as a Pit bull on a pre-schooler"

Sayzor smiles.

Kahtya says, "g'night Sayzor"

Brinnea says, "yeah...I got the kiss of death from Sayzor"

Maneaak mutters pssh.

Arkenhold bows to Sayzor.

Brinnea whimpers.

Sayzor chuckles.

(Kaydenjadir thinks they should create a new town called south park, where there are a bunch of loudmouth kids running around.)

Arkenhold says, "Thanks for the info"

Brinnea gazes fondly at Sayzor.

Sayzor is englufed by shadows and is gone. You hear a faint snicker which fades slowly away.

Nitefallz glances at Kaydenjadir.

Kahtya says, "wait..we did that Kay"

Nitefallz says, "icemule"

Nitefallz ducks his head.

Brinnea says, "he's still a cutie though"

Kahtya grins.

Kahtya says, "i like it here"

Leanness gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Kahtya says, "i think I'll stay"

Delileah says, "that's kinda typical"

Kahtya cackles!

Rayzor says, "this is a good hideout....no one will know we're here."

Nitefallz says, "I'd hate to find out I'm talking to my self here"

Leanness nods to Rayzor.

Kaydenjadir says, "ack, to late... reality mixing with fantasy..."

Delileah says, "every deep question I had. he chose to ignore"

Kahtya says, "welll, that only lasted up...8 hours"

Leanness chuckles.

Nitefallz says, "well spent 8 hours"

Kahtya says, "aye Del, mine too, mostly cause they were the same"

Kahtya shrugs.

Kaydenjadir chuckles.

Aurec says, "Amusing too."

Maneaak says, "Aye i had no idea it was gonna be an all nighter"

Delileah just hugged Kahtya.

Kahtya rubs her eyes.

Delileah says, "he's a jerk.. and in charge"

Aurec says, "Good night, folks."

Kaydenjadir says, "Sayzor will probably have nightmares of us "

Kaydenjadir cackles!

Nitefallz chuckles.

Delileah sighs.

Kahtya throws her head back and howls!

Leanness shakes her head.

Nitefallz waves to Aurec.

Rayzor says, "Delileah no ones out to attack you in any way. I once believed in never having spells myself, but the lure of the lores bent my ways long ago."

Kahtya says, "good I hope I haunt him in his nightmares"

Nitefallz asks, "How many spells ya know, Rayzor?"

Rayzor says, "we couldn't even tripple in disarm or lock picking then."

Delileah says, "he couldn't answer my quesions Rayzor"

Kahtya says, "i will learn through 404 and that's it"

Rayzor says, "I know 27 right now."

Nitefallz drools.

Kahtya says, "and I'll never ever stop thinkin woo is too strong for what it is"

Kahtya grumbles.

Kaydenjadir says, "How much junk does he keep in this tent... even with everyone gone I stall can't see a one of you"

Kahtya says, "he never addressed that"

Nitefallz says, "untill you learn it"

Kahtya mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Nitefallz winks at Kahtya.

Rayzor says, "I knew 10-11 when I was around 70...and rushed in at the end."

Delileah says, "I'm forced to get lore.. so I will"

Kahtya says, "i will not Nite"

Maneaak says, "Well I was nere dat good a picker wif lore, Now Im forced wif out it, so nows i gotta quit doublin in CM and Git me 2 more spells"

Maneaak sighs.

Delileah says, "but it will take about 16 training"

Nitefallz rolls his eyes.

Rayzor says, "if you're a pure trippler...you can probably do as well as any with lore."

Rayzor says, "most folks with lore only double and use lore as a crutch."

Kahtya says, "aye, I dropped my picking to 1 or 2 to get the spells, 1 every 3 years"

Delileah says, "I'm NOT a tripler"

Kahtya says, "no you can't Rayzor"

Kahtya says, "i only did it for 14 years yes...but as soon as the changes with lores..pllfft"

Delileah says, "I tripled for a while and now I'm catching up CM ambush anbd brawl"

Maneaak says, "I got 149 in Lockpick at 31"

Nitefallz says, "I alternate tripling between disarm and picking, and spare a spell every 2 years, share every 5"

Kahtya says, "i have that at 23 Maneaak..and I still am not as good a picker as someone with lore, with less trainin"

Leanness yawns.

Maneaak says, "So thas 49 Ranks"

Rayzor says, "no ones perfect out there...no matter how good they seem."

Kaydenjadir says, "I tripled in me first 15 years... but you know what? I fergot to train in shield fer a year or two... was too caught up in picking"

Kaydenjadir sighs.

Rayzor says, "everyone is always guessing whats right or wrong. I'm totally at a loss myself."

Leanness grins.

Nitefallz says, "I think I'm a horrible picker"

Kahtya says, "well, part of my problem is I don't have the points or the wisdom"

Nitefallz chuckles.

Kahtya says, "but oh well"

Kahtya gibbers incoherently.

Leanness clasps Rayzor's hand tenderly.

Kaydenjadir just hugged Kahtya.

Rayzor waves.

Nitefallz pulls Kahtya to her feet.

Kaydenjadir says, "join the club"

Rayzor exclaims, "nite folks!"

Nitefallz says, "night"

Leanness waves.

Kahtya says, "i'd like that dex option to come in..it'd be nice to have the 100 do some use"

Kahtya chuckles.

Kahtya says, "night"

Nitefallz pokes Kahtya in the ribs.

Rayzor stands up.

Rayzor just went out.

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