Lord Tsoran deArgonoth's
GemStone IV Maps
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GemStone III Site of the Month
Proud winner of the March 1998 Simutronics GemStone III Site of the Month award!

The Map Shoppe merchandise has returned! Click here for details.
Temple Nelemar, the ruined underwater temple on Teras, has been mapped. Click here for the new map.
Old Daily Elanthian Issues now available (compilation of in-game NEWS) going back to 1998. Click on 'Reference' on the menu.
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GemStone IV

So, you're lost again, eh? Perhaps I can help....

A while ago, if you needed a map, all ya did was drop by Zepath's Den and chances were good he had what you wanted. No longer. Unfortunately, his maps haven't been updated in many years. In that time, the parts of Elanthia that we've explored has quintupled in size.

I set out to create a new set of comprehensive and up to date maps, which hopefully live up to the high standards set by Zepath and others. This is a monumental task, and it has taken quite some time. Drawing the maps doesn't take that long, but searching the lands, looking for not-so-obvious rooms and areas, is terribly time consuming. It took two months, with over 200 hours per month dedicated to mapping Elanthia, just to map Icemule and River's Rest. It took nine months to finish all of the maps in Wehnimer's Landing. And I still haven't finished completely searching most of the areas looking for well-hidden rooms or passages.

Even if I never made a mistake and never missed a hidden room or area, it would still be impossible for me to keep the maps accurate - new areas are constantly being added, and old areas sometimes change. I need your help to keep these maps as complete as possible. If you find any errors or omissions on the map, or know of something new that has changed or been recently added, please drop me an e-mail. The first person to let me know about anything new or wrong on a map will get their name mentioned on this page as a contributor (if they so desire).

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped me with the maps by pointing out something I had missed, or gotten wrong, or by providing the ages of critters that are too young for me verify. I'd also like to thank everyone else who has ever published a map of a part of Elanthia. You've all contributed greatly to improving the accuracy of the maps here. Thanks!


ICRA rated

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Very special thanks go to Relkur Sylvanthas for the help and friendship over the past years..

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.