While I enjoy hearing from you, and helping out when I can, lately
I've been swamped with questions that can be answered much quicker by simply
looking at the information on this page. Before writing to me, I ask that
If you're asking a question about printing or downloading maps, especially
if your problem is that the maps won't fit on one page, or that the maps are
in 'art' or 'invalid' formats, read the
F.A.Q. (Frequently asked questions).
The solution to your problem is right there for you.
If you want to know how to get to some location in the game, or want
to know which map shows you how to get there, the
F.A.Q. tells you how to figure
out how to get that information.
While I'm extremely grateful for all the tips I get about new
additions and errors on the maps, many of the tips I get are from people
using 6 month old maps - and pointing out something 'new' that I changed on
the map 5 months ago. Before sending me a tip, please make sure you have
the most recent version of the map. You can compare the date on your map
to the date in this
table, which has the most recent date. Even
better, join the
updates mailing list, and get the latest maps
emailed directly to you as soon as they're created.
You should also check the Daily Elanthian to see whether the
changes you're reporting are already there. For various reasons, it sometimes takes
several days or even weeks before I can update a map. If the change is in the
Daily Elanthian but not on the maps yet, rest assured I'm aware
of it, and will get the maps updated as soon as I can.
If your problem isn't answered by the
F.A.Q., then feel free to write me at
[email protected]
and I'll be happy to see what I can do to help.