- Chancellor (Chair): Astru
- Light Keeper (Co-Chair): Kayse
- Keeper (Secretary): Kaldonis
- Chronicler (Co-Secretary): Riverman
- Hall Guardian (Treasurer) Fyrentennimar
- Vault Guardian (Co-Treasurer): (Empty)
- House Envoy: Raincail
- Curator: (Empty)
- Storyteller: (Empty)
See the Prospective Officers page.
Beacon Hall Archive House Full Roster†
This list includes anyone who was ever a member and has not resigned, in order of when they joined the house. For some sense of activity, see the results from shortly before HOUSE ROSTER was deactivated.
Present members in chronological order of joining (legacy first, row by row).
Railien | Moordock | Cumulus | Haxley | Maelkyth |
Godyva | Shakrean | Blueland | Akiromora | Lyvonia |
Atri | Alahnna | Soraya | Amadrethea | Fyrentennimar |
Tigressah | Melladie | Kajata | Mindra | Jezria |
Whistfylle | Malisai | Riverman | Bijou | Asarious |
Odysyus | Katrian | Orbsmasher | Brandelynne | Muthra |
Starchitin | Thurayya | Goldenranger | Dizi | Splutters |
Ianaar | Tholn | Fulsin | Kyleeannia | Arenth |
Thoryn | Wendey | Arkhaine | Laymia | Moider |
Drayger | Zaylen | Thundin | Ishnya | Velarina |
Ryvicke | Tabrina | Malrocky | Csilence | Khiya |
Jersea | Witajee | Quynar | Kentros | Relvar |
Kertaya | Romney | Skruf | Xainthrax | Lurrah |
Aoifekyna | Raincail | Kaldonis | Cessesii | Astru |
Cabolt | Maethros | Aiya | Urisk | Kirryk |
Teasurii | Rhiversong | Skipjack | Gairwindor | Ahrairah |
Ueru | Chira | Orssus | Aceso | Fyonn |
Dagonis | Lillinia | Zhiart | Gargamish | Loyail |
Martyle | Jacinto | Sarmoya | Mercucius | Etchiri |
Frebble | Waldorf † | Davingian | Filidhe | Sharth |
Gidion | Alumarel | Elliven | Lalasa | Sivath |
Tibs | Brellik † | Daedin † | Slimy † | Hedgeheather † |
Rogolo | Gnurr | Kayani | - | Seok |
Kayse | Varnadian † | Solmarar | - | Rirry |
†: Note of (alt) for characters without voting rights.
Currently the House has 117 members. Are you interested in Joining?