Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Wehnimer's Landing - Outside Wehnimer's Gates

Area: Wehnimer's Landing  
Map: Outside Wehnimer's Gates
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/27/2006
Orientation: Portrait
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

This map includes all the hunting areas immediately surrounding the town of Wehnimer's Landing. Included here are Melgorehn's Valley, the Kobold Village and Dirt Mines, Hobland, the Colossus, the Hanging Inn, Ocama Vale, Graendlor Pasture, Wehntoph Highlands, Ronan's Shrine, Kai's Shrine, and a Dark Shrine. Local critters include Coyotees, Spotted Gaks, Striped Gaks, Cave Gnolls, Cave Gnomes, Nasty Little Gremlins, Slimy Little Grubs, Hobgoblins, Mongrel Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Big Ugly Kobolds, Spotted Lynxes, Giant Marmots, Dark Orcs, Lesser Orcs, Greater Burrow Orcs, Lesser Burrow Orcs, Pumas, Giant Rats, Roltons, Hobgoblin Shamans, Kobold Shepherds, Mountain Snowcats, Rabid Squirrels, Forest Trolls, Hill Trolls, Thunder Trolls, Velnalins, Wind Witches, Ogre Warriors, and Wraiths. The Meadowlands, Melgorehn's Crossing, North Shore, and Woodlands neighborhoods are located here.

8/27/2006 - Changed one of the directions in the Kobold Dirt Mines.
8/9/2004 - Switched to thick lines and improved formatting for better printing. Added Halcyon Hills.
11/12/2003 - GS4 Critter changes.
2/22/2003 - Removed the link to River's Rest. Added a connection between two rooms in the Gnome Mine (thanks, Strathe).
7/28/2002 - Added the Cleric Guild and Lorminstra's shrine.
5/3/2002 - Added the Wizard Guild and Grey Wind Manor.
12/27/2001 - Corrected the age of Thunder Trolls (15).
5/7/2000 - Corrected the entrance to the AI - it's now "go thanot door". (Thanks Sabitor)
4/27/2000 - The 'new' AI is now on the map. Be sure to check out the mural! I also might a slight change in the fonts, so the critter names (which are smaller on this map than on the others) should be easier to read.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
1/16/2000 - Corrected the age of Spotted Lynxes (6) and Thunder Trolls (14).
1/11/2000 - Added House Willow Hall.
9/18/99 - Corrected the spelling of "Ocoma". Thanks, Vurkanaan.
9/16/99 - Added the Ocoma Vale, Graendlor Pasture, and Wehntoph Highlands area, along with a whole bunch of new critters there. This map was significantly redrawn in order to make room for the new area. As a result, the page layout of this map has been changed to 'portrait'. The bottom border was increased by 1/4" so as to print better on inkjet printers.
12/17/98 - Added the wine-cellar/great-hall area to the Abandoned Inn.
11/23/98 - Added the three rural private home doorway and exterior merchants.
9/25/98 - Added the lake in the Gnome Mine. Thanks, Artegal.
9/5/98 - Added the Meadowlands, Melgorehn's Crossing, North Shore, and Woodlands neighborhoods. Also added the firewood tent south of the west gate.
3/20/98 - Added the Shaman's Hut in the Kobold Village. Thanks, Lord Stronius.
2/27/98 - Added the beginning of another path into the Krag from Gremlins. Could this be the path that eventually leads to Solhaven? Thanks to Artegal for pointing this out to me.
2/26/98 - Added the path from Gremlins to the new Wehntoph map.
2/21/98 - Added the Big Ugly Kobolds in the Kobold Village. Thanks go to Aigh for letting me know about these new critters.
2/5/98 - Corrected the opening that leads from the Gnome Mine to the Ridge. Thanks to Ngaa for this correction.
1/18/98 - Added Lesser Orcs near the road before you get to the Hanging Inn and the Hill Trolls. They've always been there; I just forgot to put them on the map. Thanks to Krystyannia for pointing out that omission. Also added the (closed) path in that area.
1/6/98 - Added the Weapons and Armor Museum.
12/25/97 - Corrected the 'entrance' error in the Hob Village. Thanks go to Martaigne for pointing that one out to me.
11/22/97 - Added the new weapons merchant just north of North Gate.
9/24/97 - Changed name of connecting map area to the south to Upper Trollfang.
8/19/97 - Added the dinghy just outside town. Thanks to Ladrigo for pointing it out.
8/15/97 - Corrected the level of Gremlins (they are level 5).

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.