Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Neighborhoods - Wehnimer's Landing (Wilds)

Area: Neighborhoods  
Map: Wehnimer's Landing (Wilds)
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/5/2004
Orientation: Portrait
To download the map, RIGHT click here and select Save Target As... (MSIE) or Save Link As... (Netscape).

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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

On the neighborhood maps, each room that contains homes has two letters. The first letter is either R or U, denoting Rural or Urban. The second letter is L, M, or U, for Lower, Middle, or Upper class. The color of the room also indicates the class of home. Blue is upper class, green is middle class, and reddish brown is lower class. A solid border indicates a free standing home, while a dashed border indicates doors. The number of homes in each neighborhood is included on the maps.

All neighborhoods outside the town of Wehnimer's Landing, along the Coastal Cliffs, Outside the Gates, near the Graveyard, along the Mine Road, and in the Lysierian Hills. Neighborhoods here include Hummingbird Pond, Pond Burrow, Cavernfast, Lough Ne'halen, Noralgar Hollow, Ravenswood, Meadowlands, Melgorehn's Crossing, North Shore, Woodlands, and Coastal Cliffs.

8/5/2004 - Changed to thick lines and changed formatting to improve printability.
11/13/2003 - Reformatted for GS4.
12/23/2001 - The map is now in color.
4/6/2000 - The entrance to Hummingbird Pond changed from a path to a trail (thanks, Buco).
9/20/98 - Initial release of this map.

This page, all the maps, and other content are rehosted with permission and copyright © 1997-2007 by Tsoran deArgonoth, all rights reserved.

This website, all contents, opinions and images are completely unofficial and is not representative of and/or endorsed by Simutronics in any manner.