Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Wehnimer's Landing - Graveyard

Area: Wehnimer's Landing  
Map: Graveyard
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/9/2004
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Complete brand new map of the Graveyard in Wehnimer's Landing, including all the new hunting areas (the Graveyard is about twice as large as it was before.) There's something for everyone here, especially if you like hunting the undead. Resident in the Graveyard are Cobras, Death Dirges, Greater Ghouls, Lesser Ghouls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Night Hounds, Night Mares, Shadow Mares, Ghoul Masters, Ancient Ghoul Masters, Elder Ghoul Masters, Spectral Miners, Water Moccasins, Lesser Mummies, Phantoms, Ghostly Pookas, Revenants, Skeletons, Greater Spiders, Albino Tomb Spiders, Giant Albino Tomb Spiders, Moaning Spirits, Shadow Steeds, Arch Wights, Tomb Wights, and Wraiths. The Ravenswood neighborhood is located here.

8/9/2004 - Used thick lines and improved formatting for better printing. Lesser Mummies can now be found in the area outside of Ghoul Masters and down in the Tunnels, in addition to their old areas. (Thanks, Opheleeah) Cobras can now also be found in the Bog.
11/12/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
12/28/2001 - Corrected a few typos.
12/27/2001 - Changed the age of ghoul masters to just 16. Since varying age critters are common now, I'm only listing the base age, not the range
5/13/2000 - Added the new expansion to the Bog, Wormwood Slough. Thanks go to Lord Jara, and the many others who let me know about this new area.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain.
1/16/2000 - Corrected the level of Shadow Steeds (40).
1/11/2000 - Changed the level of Phantoms from 1 to 2. I'm not sure if the map was just wrong before, or if they changed at some point, but, either way, thanks go to Raaje for pointing out the correction.
8/24/99 - Corrected a cosmetic error, but a serious one. The lowest room in the Bog, at the far left side of the map, was slightly to the right of where it should have been. As a result, it was inadvertantly adjacent to the 'go trail' line leading from the phantom/goblin area to the revenant/ghoul master area. This made it look as if going in a northerly direction would get you to the Bog, when in reality, the two are not connected. I also made the map 1/4 of an inch narrower. Why? When I first made the maps, I was basing the size upon the capabilities of a laser printer, which could print on paper using 1/4" margins. Many of the popular HP inkjet printers, however, need a 0.46" margin at the bottom of the page (right side, in landscape mode). Therefore, I've increased that margin so that the images can be printed without having the printer driver remove columns of pixels, which can in entire lines disappearing if the wrong pixels are deleted.
1/9/99 - Burial Grounds added (thanks, Claidh).
11/19/98 - You now need to climb the opening to get from the Narrow Tunnel into the Secluded Valley. Thanks go to Lady Starwind for letting me know about this change.
9/5/98 - Added the Ravenswood neighborhood. Night Hounds can now be found in the Secluded Valley, where the moaning spirits are.
8/14/98 - Changed the arch near the Tomb Spiders to be 'go arch' in both directions. Thanks go to Zeacharyan for pointing out this change.
5/31/98 - As reported to me by numerous people, Death Dirges can now also be found in Slither Creek.
5/21/98 - Determined the age of the Giant Albino Tomb Spider to be 30. As with all new critters, take this age with a grain of salt. See the note below for details. Thanks go to Roslyne for helping with the measurement, and to the person who pointed out last night that they're GIANT spiders, not GREATER spiders. Sorry, I forgot who mentioned that, but you know who you are! (Tsoran's getting senile, I think.)
5/17/98 - The path to the new area changed a bit; it's now go path in one direction and out in the other. Also added the Greater Albino Tomb Spider, and while I don't know its age yet, I'm guessing it's about the same as the Mammoth Arachnids.
5/15/98 - New Ghoul Master area added. Thanks go to Ankhan for being the first of many to tell me about this new place.
5/8/98 - The path leading out of steeds has been fixed, and is now consistently 'go trail'. Thanks to Emeraldwand for pointing this out, and of course to Aephir for fixing it.
1/27/98 - I thought it was a little odd that Elder Ghoul Masters were so young, and, indeed, it was. They are now repellable with Repell III, and are presumably older than Ghoul Masters, but still younger than Ancient Ghoul Masters. Both the Elder and Ancient varieties are both somewhere from 16-24 based on the Repel spell. I'm guessing they are 18 and 21, respectively, but that's only a hunch on my part.
1/25/98 - Ghoul Masters are a bit more interesting. They tend to roam outside the gully now. Also, there are two new types, Elder and Ancient Ghoul Masters. Strangely, Elder's seem to be younger than the regular Masters, since they are repelled with Repel II, meaning the oldest they can be is 15. The Ancient Ghoul Masters are repelled with Repel III, so are between 15 and 24. I'm guessing they are 21. If anyone knows how old they are, I would appreciate it if you could let me know. Thanks! (Thanks go to Tombor for letting me know about the changes in the gully)
11/10/97 - There's now a second variety of Ghoul Master, slightly more experienced than the original at level 18.
10/24/97 - Oddly enough, the southeast direction from the east room of the black stream seems to be gone.
10/16/97 - Seems Night Mares got a bit older when they were tweaked over the summer. They're now 43.
10/14/97 - Added extra direction in room west of the maze at entrance to graveyard. That is new, but doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Very strange.
10/12/97 - Removed an extra room in Tomb Wights (thanks again, Ladrigo)
9/9/97 - Corrected spelling of 'Gully' (thanks, Ladrigo)
8/2/97 - Changed map to reflect correct age of Night Mares (41)
7/25/97 - Changed map to reflect correct age of Shadow Steeds (39)

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