Tsoran's Map Shoppe
Wehnimer's Landing - Lysierian Hills

Area: Wehnimer's Landing  
Map: Lysierian Hills
Map Status: Final
Last Modified: 8/6/2004
Orientation: Landscape
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For important information regarding creature levels and locations, please read this note.

Lysierian Hills, Krovin village and mine, Monestary, Old Noralgar Road, and Anwyn Castle. Also here is Imaera's Shrine. Critters here include Black Bears, Great Boars, Carcerises, Fire Cats, Greenwing Hornets, Ki-Lins, Spotted Leapers, Krolvin Mercenaries, Spectral Monks, Nonominos, Pumas, Fire Rats, Moaning Spirits, Mountain Trolls, Striped Warcats, Krolvin Warfarers, Krolvin Warriors, and Arch Wights. The Cavernfast, Lough Ne'halen, and Noralgar Hollow neighborhoods are located here.

8/6/2004 - Used thick lines and changed formatting for better printing.
11/12/2003 - GS4 critter changes.
5/28/2001 - One of the directions in Anwyn Castle should be "Climb Stair", not "Climb Stairs". Thanks go to Ryndith for discovering that error.
5/27/2000 - Lord Talstrad, researching the old Kulthea Kronciles, came across a description of the sewers underneath the Monastery where the Misty Chamber is. I've added the sewers to the map. The sewers are actually part of a larger puzzle, and I'll leave it to the reader to figure out all the details.
4/16/2000 - URL's changed to reflect new tsoran.com domain. The map was made 1/4 inch narrower to print better on inkjet printers.
9/5/98 - Added the Cavernfast, Lough Ne'halen, and Noralgar Hollow neighborhoods.
8/9/98 - Added a newly discovered room behind a tapestry in Anwyn Castle. (Thanks, Artegal.)
5/28/98 - Clarified the arch in the Monestary. Thanks go to Tanzra for pointing out the ambiguity on the map.
1/20/98 - Thanks to Allyria for another two rooms in Anwyn.
1/18/98 - Thanks go to Allyria and Mirken for pointing out two rooms I missed in Anwyn Castle, as well as the locked door in the crypt.
12/31/97 - Determined the correct levels for the new critters: Spotted Leapers (4), Mountain Trolls (17), Nonominos (23), Carcerises (25), and Greenwing Hornets (18). Thanks go to Lord Andellas for pointing out a building in the castle I had missed.
12/23/97 - Added Adnwyn Castle and the surrounding area, and split the Broken Lands onto a separate map.
12/13/97 - Added the Chivalric Order of the Silver Gryphon (special thanks to Lord Gahlend).
10/20/97 - Added the Broken Lands, Dark Grotto, and Dark Shrine, essentially combining what would have been the 'Broken Lands' map with the Lysierian Hills map.

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