Favor†After long last, the River’s Rest Way to Favor has been made clear to me. There may be others who have known this all along, but it is revelation to me. In the off chance I’ve not been the only one in the dark (primarily over River’s Rest), enclosed are the following steps to gaining favor. Please note that our local one-armed bandit (cough)… erm, Lord Eonak accepts all gems (only) at face value only, and no more that I’ve noticed. As an afterthought, I decided to add the steps to Icemule and the Landing as well. If I’m wrong and the Gods strike you down for your insolence, my apologies… River's Rest (Thanks Moswell!)†Just outside the Sanctuary Entrance
Wehnimer's Landing†Temple
Icemule Trace†Temple
The common requirement for figuring the amount of tithes required is: 100 sp value per level + 100 sp value per favor already possessed + goodwill offering of 101 sp value (ie: adventurer with three trainings and two favors would offer sp value totaling 601 or more.) For River’s Rest†
For Landing†
For Icemule†
Again, may the Gods have mercy on your souls… Maelkyth Loarne, Empath Back to Archive |