Present: Kayse, Kaldonis, Khiya, Astru, Kirryk, Teasurii, Fyrentennimar (late)
Book event
- Totally successful, much fun was had by all
Lumnea (June) event:
- Lumnea 24th at 10:00 in the evening
- Burghal's rule, run by Teasurii
Koaratos (July) event:
- House tour and service night
- Also stories
Later event (date TBD):
Prize closet
- Suggestions:
- Fancy rose-marrow potions
- Fancy long bows (sighted, carved with goats)
- Bag for books with a dragon reading a tome on it next to a lighthouse
- Snuff box
- Pipe/tobacco (winterberry pipe tobacco?)
- Winterberry cigars
- Hookah shaped like a lighthouse
- Local hair flowers (e.g. flaming violets)
- Perfume holder
- Cologne
- Necklaces, charm bracelets
- Amulet holder