Beacon Hall Archive Meeting Minutes
Restday, day 15 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5124
14:00 elven time standard
(Sunday 15 September 2024, 2:00 PM EDT)


  • Astru
  • Kaldonis
  • Fyrentennimar


  • Kayse still needs to get her hours in.


Goatfest all weekend

  • Raffle winners: Oscogger (Fyrentennimar), Trallihn (Raincail, TBD), Zhick (Kaldonis), Aquata (Astru)
  • Zhick won the Ensorcell raffle. Was AFK and when returned was completely unready and took almost 15 minutes to be done. Got one T1.
  • Blyx got the three T1s on two brawling weapons and a robe for being the only one to show for the Marsh Keep tour (Kaldonis, Astru, Fyrentennimar also present).
  • Dodge the Void: Faelynth won by not being transported away on death - badge + 1m. Felarynth, Witfog, Oflite, Astru were all crit killed. Blyx managed to play and not die, but as she missed the beginning is not counted
  • Gem of Fate ....
  • Still in progress!

Building Requests

We can work on these independently

Icemule Annex

  • Once again confirm situation. Just cat is missing?

Solhaven Annex

Private containers

  • 3 in total: WL, IMT members only areas, hidden in the main branch.


  • Last main house expansion was the gazebo
  • Make a BHA room?

Details on Khiya memorial

  • Astru just now responded to Xynwen email as no one gave feedback

Secretarial CHE-PRE title

  • Scroll Keeper would be better than Keeper

Quarterly wiki

  • Done

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Compiled by Kaldonis

Last-modified: 2024-09-15 (Sun) 18:43:13